Alita admiration thread

Fuck the haters edition

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Let's have some fun.
Burn down the Jerom's ass with our best comments

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I applaud your will.

You make threads like your movie is still in theaters.

Passionate, but mistaken.

Either your spirit or the mods will break you.

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Michelle looked pretty weird desu. Alita was supa cute though

Keean johnson is extremely handsome


Movie touched a lot.

Not only hearts of thousand people.
But some nice ideas of the nearest future
1. How will the humanity build relationship with the colonies on Mars / Moon etc.

Look to the US right now, left vs right. Could you imagine peace in the future?

2. Cyborgs. We ARE CYBORGS now. The smartphone is a part of our life, our body. Our social / internet profile is a part of our personality.

The more, the better. You can see cyborg-type hands. In the nearest future expect a lot more coming.

How to live in a society, where people are only 10-20-30% human body? (Recall great movie Biccential man , that raises same questions)

And a lot more. I would discuss it with people here. But not sure that anyone here can respond. Only troll and shit how they hate Alita. Unfortunately, intellectuals left Yea Forums for the better places.


How long before our cellphones are integrated into our head ya think?


to continue, a couple of points.

First, one famous sci-fi writer noted that for sci-fi to be believable, the story has to have the characters you could associate yourself with, not the technical / science authenticity .

Alita had both. It had both characters that behaved like humans, and a lot of people got moved with the story. Especially thanks to Roza Salazars performance.

But it also had a lot of great tech ideas. Yes, it was not as accurate as my favorite movie Gattaca (that was named by NASA one of the most scientifically accurate movies of the last 30 times).
But moving your conscience to another body, fixing your body with technogies, nanotech, automous AI etc...

I'm not very good at predictions, but I thinking it already is. Bluetooth and Airpods, in the next few years - mass VR / Oculus Rift for many people, of new kinda rebranded Google Glass

So what, Yea Forums was complaining that in Alita threads we only discussed how cute Alita was. But when the real discussion started, all the trolls are gone because they can't have a true serious discussion?


Fuck the haters

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Side profile looks a little off, but otherwise looks good.

Yeah it's a little off
I thought her profile was super cute in the movie

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I liked this movie but I can't believe these are still a thing. What type of autism attaches to a movie like this?

This movie sucked. Not only am I glad it bombed but I'm also glad the general has been nuked

What type of autism attaches to anything

It didn't bomb it broke even plus $50M

oh no no no

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I'm actually not sure what this is supposed to prove other than that whoever makes these screenshots has a legitimate mental illness

Hello, Jerome!

You're metronome (C) Gattaca

we miss you screncapper
come back any time

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>this post is off-topic

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Spoiler test

This window will close in 3 seconds...

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Spoiler test

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

[ spoiler ]spoiler[ /spoiler ]
with no spaces


So, if you read manga, you will find a lot of of interesting details. Hint: SALEM is a part of a word JERU-SALEM.

In a manga, there are a lot of interesting plot twists. And movie only starts storytelling, because ideally it would be a trilogy, like Hobbit or smth else of the same caliber.

like a month

So, let's have some serious movie discussion.

Mods (or someone pretending to be them) was complaining that in general we can't talk movies, let's check how you trolls can.

I will start a few subjects
1. Eternal life and problems it causes, how it's being portayed in different sci-fi-ish movies
2. Robots vs humans - where's the boundary separating one from other

1. Often the character capable of living forever has to deal with a bunch of problems
- death of beloved ones (recall Highlander)
- the footprints in the history (Terminator, any modern sci-fi movie with a time-travelling story)
- constantly learning

How do scenarist handle these issues, what's the best approach ?

>robots vs humans
In the manga Alita comes to the conclusion that her memories and feelings define her as a person even if there's nothing left of her that is organic


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stick to your tranny discord you trash

fuck you asshole

Never. Love will keep us going.

>absolutely seething

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hey tranny, i think you got the wrong door, discord's two blocks down.

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a) death of beloved ones
usually they describe memory loss as a main excuse

b) the footprints in the history
a bunch of methods are being used , sometimes in a very unusual way, to address history footprints connected issue in a movie script.

d) constantly learning new items
it's basically one of the best ideas how to introduce the character. Show the world through a character's eyes - and you will sell the movie.

In Alita we see how scriptwriters used all these methods combined to handle the issues with the eternal life.
Though idea of living forever is now new at all, there is always something magic and attracting to it.

We see Alita losing memory due to some tragical events. Totally convincable.

Then we discover and see the world through her eyes. Also we see her growing from day to day.

And what's most important - we see her habits, new ones develop and old ones emerge from the past. They say, a person could be really seen through the way one handles a conflict.

And all main Alita character development points are conflicts. Her inner conflicts, conflicts with a new world, with enemies, with friends.

It's the best approach to introduce the character, Rodriguez is doing it very good.

That's why people love Alita. Because the character introduction and development has been done in the right way.

2. Robots vs humans - where's the boundary separating one from other

It's a very interesting question.
And I would like to start from describing how this issue is adressed in one of my favorite movies, based on Isaac Asimov's novel - 'Bicentennial man'

In the original manga and Last Order, wasn't Alita and her people actually literal space Nazis from Mars? They were not good guys.

I love Bicentennial man, it raises a lot of the same questions that Alita does

When is rip / bluray coming out?

Alita was a war criminal in her past life, yes

Bluray is July 27th I believe
There's already a camrip but an actual rip should be out pretty soon, no way to know exactly when

One moment

In 'Bicentennial man' (highly recommended, if you haven't watched it yet, but you're into sci-fi) the robot has a brain with some random malfunction.

That malfunction turns the robot into a genius inventor and actually a sharp mind, capable of developing high level of emotional connection to people he initially served. He shows a lot of empathy, even more than some of the humans he is interacting with.

He falls in love with his former owner's daughter. Later in the movie, desperate and sore after her death, he comes up with human organ's cyborg replacements.

Eventually turning himselft into a human (except for brain) and becoming a world phenomena for the humanity itself, he raises the question of accepting that he is a human.

He gaves up on this eternal life. And only after he is dead, the world comission finally officially states that he WAS A MAN. A human.

Very sad, interesting, dramatic movie.

But the question of eternal life was moved from technical side to moral one. You are a human and not a robot not when you think so, or have some tech/organic details.

But when people around you admin that you are a human.

She was a soldier , a warrior

In Alita movie, the authors approached this robot vs human question in a different way.

First, they show us a world where it's normal that people and cyborgs coexist. It's something that all those who inhabit that world see as something ordinal.

Second, they heavily rely on science, engineering and technologies as a main driving forces that allow cyborgs to exist and operate. No magic, no wonders - Alita literally gets it explained in the beggining.

It's an easy way of addressing the human vs robot problem

But it's only the first layer. That's why I consider the movie is so brilliant, and let me describe in the next post why.

True but she was also responsible for the deaths of like 450,000 people

I haven't seen Alita yet but for some reason that picture reminds me of this

She has been following orders

Bring me WEB DL already reeeee

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By introducing the world where cyborgs are a part of ordinary life, authors were able to move to the next level.

Could a cyborg replace a father his daughter that had been killed?

Could a cyborg love a human?

Literally, these questions rise up to the famous 'does the android dream of electric sheep?' question.

Alita answers all these questions, but in unusual way.

Because the very interesting part of the equation is the following. Alita is a manga adaptation. And, as Batman by Nolan said: It's what you do that defines you. For more please listen this guy

Because of the style, manga is not about what people say, but about the details, how they behave , what they do.

I.e. she is not saying like in some movies based on comics, what's on her mind and how it evolves, in the relationship with Ido. But her eyes tell you a story of a thousand words. Her first impulsive actions describes how she grows. How Ido becomes to understand his own feeling to Alita, how he finally let's it go on his daugher's death etc.

So movie is really anime-ish action storytelling, which is done so brilliant and precise that those who can understand it, admires the work done by Rodriguez and Cameron.

It's like musical pitch - you can develop one, or have it as gift. If you have it - you see when a singer/musician hits wrong or correct notes. If you haven't - it doesn't make sense to you.

To love Alita, you need Anime pitch. Either giften by nature (God), or developed through watching anime. The better pitch you have, the more you will love the movie. Agree on that with this guy

So I think, that's all. I can write a lot about this movie, but if nobody wants TO TALK ABOUT THE MOVIE (HELLO, MODS AND TROLLS), what's the point of doing it?

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Soon July 9th

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Is there anything he can't do?

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He doesn't know how to seek help apparently, or change up the format of his posts so they look a little less like spam

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So uh... About that sequel, /alitabros/... It's not looking so good is it?

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Sequel is basically guaranteed, where have you been

So are they gonna make a sequel to this soon or what? Rosa salazar isn't getting any younger. She's starting to look chunkier too.