Why does Yea Forums hate Alita?

Why does Yea Forums hate Alita?

I've read so many hateful comments. It seems there are a lot of flaws in this movie. Could you please name a few?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I personally liked Alita.
Have been patiently waiting for its 4K release so I can watch it with friends who missed out.
The issue is the /esg/ level of autism that comes from a lot of the fans, on here.

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The romance was pretty cheesy, but the action and protag made up for it. They just hate the fanbase for whatever reason. Idk why, they kept to themselves.

Lame rehashed story, poor pacing, mostly bad acting, cringey, clunky dialogue, setup for sequels that won't happen. If you only care about action and visuals you'll like this

nth for rightful queen

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This. Movie was fine but the /general/ pissed everyone off, sooner or later.

Too many characters weren't developed.
Good actors were for a couple of episodes without using their potential

Otherwise, by far the best manga adaptation ever

>the /general/ pissed everyone off, sooner or later.
why is got allowed again then?

Fuck the haters

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Personally I'd like to gouge Alita's eyes out with a cork screw and get a couple of friends to play a game of hacky sack with them. After we lose interest in our game Alita would still be bumbling around from the blindness, I'd rip apart her robotic legs and beat her on the head with each of them in an alternating fashion. Then when she's had enough I'd curbstomp her head in like a Jack-O-Lantern.

Log off and have sex.

I hate it because of those retarded eyes they gave her, I haven't even seen it and I never will solely because of those eyes


I don't know if I should bother to explain how stupid of a comment this is or if I should just laugh at you

>I will never see it solely because of her eyes
real mature user, your loss

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>lame rehashed story
The manga started in the late '80s and many movies like Elysium have used elements from it
>clunky dialogue
Dialogue is based off an anime that was made in the '90s and translated from Japanese so I don't know what you were expecting

I don't care about Alitard's lore. I won't ever watch this shit.

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How long until I can download it?

Are you the Cara poster from Yea Forums?

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

>I won't ever watch this shit
are you still RPing as a moron or are you serious

Digital release is early July, bluray is late July, it has already come out in hotels and stuff though so possibly any day now

The usurper /alita/
The usurper /got/
The usurper janitor

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>obnoxiously spam something for weeks and weeks
>wonder why people eventually get fed up

Not even gonna watch your live-action doll movie. Fuck off waifufaggots.

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There was ONE thread.
How on earth could you call it spamming?

Also, it wasn't us Alitans who spammed other threads. It's trolls interfered into our comfy /ALITA/ thread discussion.

So don't fucking lie, please

>IP count didn't go up

>people like something a lot so I refuse to watch it because I don't want to accidentally enjoy it
weird way to live but whatever

/thread. cancerous faggots

You're just supporting my argument with that post, unless you're not being sarcastic. In which case you're still proving me right but not intentionally

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who hurt you

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>us alitans
jesus christ kys already

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I'm not sure what you mean

What I don't understand is why people got THIS obsessed with a 6/10 movie.

well, the characterization is disgusting and its not like hes missing out on a good movie.

how am i gonna hate it if the torrent hasn't been released yet?

What makes you say the characterization is disgusting?
I haven't heard that one yet

Why does anyone get obsessed with anything?
Something about it speaks to them and catches their interest and that's all it takes

they changed a lot of it and it was still clunky, so that doesn't really work

Alita was allowed too, for a (way too) long time.

yea... you've heard thousands of people complain about how ugly the character designs are. I don't understand why you'd pretend otherwise.

so, waifu

No that's genuinely a new one to me, also you haven't actually explained your reasoning yet so for all I know you're just parroting other people.
Did you actually see the movie?

if you mean a bunch of autistic incels who never had sex started obsessing over a 2.5D waifu who they'll never have, sure. its the same as Yea Forums waifufaggots latching onto any seasonal popular girl and latching on it like fucking retards and then forgetting about it next season

I'm sure that's true for some people but there's a lot to like about the movie aside from that

>ugly character designs

Yeah try again.

I look at it, its is unappealing. Countless others feel the same. Whats more to explain?

>there's a lot to like about the movie aside from that
there really isn't. But if you waifu the goblina, you think everything about the movie is great.

I'm convinced half these people haven't even seen the movie

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>only "discussion" that goes on in these threads is about fucking Alita, rest is shitposting
>dude you're purposely being contrarian you KNOW this shit is good if we're spamming it lmao

Yeah, nah faggot. I'm not falling for these waifufaggotry/shill threads. Fuck off.


That's because you're delusional.

I gave you my opinion and you have your own but you can't invalidate mine just because you don't agree with me

>wow, that looks really ugly
... why would they?

I'm telling you why you have that opinion, and why it is invalid. The movie is an absolute mess of amateurish acting, writing, directing, and editing, that preserves nothing that was notable about the source material.

but if you waifu, you can't see any of that.

A better question is why people got THIS obsessed over others obsessing over a movie.

I just assumed most people were capable of doing some thinking and forming their own opinions but apparently not.
I don't expect you to watch the movie but I think it's more than a little silly to judge the quality of it without actually seeing it for yourself.

Pretty much. I'd say it's a sour grapes situation, but then again nothing is stopping them from watching the cam rip. There's some deeper mental issue going on with said people. Which is not surprising, this is Yea Forums after all. You have to be fucked up in one way or another to even come here every day.

>do something every hour of every day for, for reasons no one can discern, for months
>someone questions this

I haven't said anything about a waifu, you're just using that as an excuse to deny my opinions.
You can say the writing or directing is bad or whatever but I'd be surprised if you can actually explain why you came to that conclusion.

>he says, while posting the millionth post found in every single Alita thread complaining about other people being obsessive

I looked at it, I formed my own opinion that it was visually unappealing. Countless others have done the same thing, backed up by how it flopped. Then, no matter what you people have said, people have not changed their minds on this.

How is this not thinking for oneself?

You can ignore it like a normal person or you can continue to obsess over it, that's entirely up to you

Because your opinions aren't backed up by the movie itself, thus the only explanation for them is waifu.

Hate? I don't think people actually care about it. Except for weebs desperate wanting validation.

Ok so why do you think it's unappealing?

It didn't flop by the way, I'm sick of explaining this to people

normal people question what is inexplicable.

If that's how you want to try and explain it to yourself then that's fine by me

>I don't think people actually care about it
90% audience score on rotten tomatoes

Why would I want to watch a movie that looks so generic and boring?

Exactly why it's so humorous for you to complain about obsession while being obsessive yourself.
>see Alita thread
>spam Sneed
>spam trolling
>spam bait

Questioning it is one thing but you're ignoring all of the explanations for some reason
Obsessing over it is NOT normal

Because it's a really excellent movie despite what your first impression may be

it did flop, and nothing you can come up with changes that. it made most of it's money internationally and bombed hard domestically. Just because some fox exec threw out a ballpark figure doesn't mean anything.

and the characterization is unappealing because all the pieces don't fit together in a way that constitutes an attractive human face. Uncanny valley. But you've dismissed this many times already. As you've dismissed every single solitary criticism of the movie.

>everyone who posts anything i don't like is the same person!
well that was quick

>it did flop
source please
Dark Phoenix is a flop, Alita made double what the low estimates were

>you're ignoring all of the explanations
>t. man ignoring all criticism.

as someone who's watched the movie, I can attest to the fact it is painfully generic and quite boring.

Only retards and fags hate Alita.

>it flopped slightly less than expected so it didn't flop

the source is the well documented budget, box office gross, domestic yields, and international yields.

>inb4 "muh hollywood outsiders claimed this much and then you have to pull convolated math, meanwhile ignoring Fox themselves stated it only needed to make 350 million to break even". Oh and my personal favorite, "it needs 500 million to break even...I mean 1 billion...oh no wait, make that 4 quintillion..."

I'm sorry you feel that way but it's kind of shitty to discourage people from watching it just because you didn't like it

Have sex

most people didn't like it, considering it flopped.


Kill yourself

350m is clearly a ballpark figure based in a much higher domestic gross.

>most people didn't like it
90% audience score on rotten tomatoes
>it flopped
source please, the other user seems to be having some trouble with that

Literal retard

>all the information is right there
>but some faggot didn't directly state it so I can't put it together

End your life.

30k would only be a representative sampling of about 500k people. if only 500k people bought tickets, then it flopped.

So you can't source anything either, super

What kind of math is this
Clearly more than 500k people bought tickets because it made $400M

Learn math

all the information required to determine that the movie flopped is on boxofficemojo. but you will reject this unless some blogger says that it flopped?

what exact type of mental deficiency do you have?

Have sex

Ok so pull the page up and prove it

Its math, period. something that's clearly quite beyond your capacity, considering you think the movie didn't flop. The point being, the RT meter is most definitely not a representative sampling of either the general population or even the people who saw the movie.

>pull up the page that I have open right now and refresh daily/hourly and show me exactly what I look at every few minutes

... ?

If it's just math then actually show me the math

Friend, we both know you've seen the math hundreds of times.

It's not my job to find sources for you
I haven't looked at boxofficemojo since like Februrary

I said show me the math
If you can't do that then it's clear your statements are based on nothing

I'm not asking you to find a source for me. I'm asserting that you know damned good and well the exact box office numbers alita pulled. But whenever someone points out that it clearly flopped, suddenly you don't even know basic math anymore.

>still can't provide a source
ok friend have a nice day

my statements are based in the facts studios only get around 50% of the domestic gross and around 35% of international gross. numbers that actually reduce over time.

But you ignore this and continue to believe studios get 100% of the gross. Because you have zero understanding of accounting or basic math.

I don't need to provide a source for what is either readily apparent or easily verifiable. You're basically demanding a source for the number of fingers on the human hand.

So you're just randomly guessing?
I'm fully aware what percentages studios make but if Fox said it needed to gross $350M then that's what I'm going with, anything else is speculation especially if it's coming from a rival studio

>readily apparent or easily verifiable
Ok then show me a source already, if it's that easy then I assume you're capable of doing it

That fox exec threw out a ballpark figure. ballpark figures tend to be wrong.

got IS allowed

>i'll just pretend I've never looked at boxofficemojo, that's what I'll do

what's your endgame here?

It was an official amount you literal retard, given in an official statement.
But let's keep ignoring facts that prove you wrong because you're desperate to keep your irrational hatred for a movie afloat.

I liked Alita but post like I hate it because I hate Alitafags. Obnoxious faggots.

If you're going to claim it flopped, then show me a source. It's extremely simple.
I don't have to prove anything because I'm not the one making the assertion, all I have to do is wait for you to come up with something to back up your statement but apparently that's not going to happen.

>it was an official amount
Yea, sorry, but that's not possible. Too many variables at play. For instance if it made zero dollars in the US and all of it's money internationally, the break even number would be much higher.

So the number he threw out was a ballpark figure expecting a common domestic/international split. The break even point would be lower if the domestic percentage of the gross was higher.

see all the information to determine the movie flopped is right there, on the site you have open in one of your tabs.

>it's not possible
Oh, but it is. And no amount of twisting or ignoring facts is going to change that.

If you're going to deny the number that a Fox exec came up with on the notion that it's a ballpark figure then why should I listen to any figures you're throwing out?
You're not even doing math

I never heard of it outside of this board but I hate it simply because of the fucking spammers that need a thread up constantly to circlejerk and talk about literally nothing. Also the whatever it is cyborg or robot or whatever looks fucking retarded. Anime is garbage for incel manbabies and this movie seems like it was made purely to pander to them. People like that deserve bullying and scorn, not pandering.

I don't have anything like that open.
You keep talking in circles and acting like you have any ground to stand on but you clearly don't.
Show me a source

Why so angry?
I don't understand why some genuine fans talking about a movie in one thread is such a threat to you

There's no twisting, denying, or ignoring going on here. Since there is no way to predict the final domestic/international split, there is no way to predict the exact break even point until the chips all fall. 350m is for the average domestic/international split, which is around 35/65. alita landed at 21.2/78.8, so the actual break even point is much higher than 350m.

so why are you pretending you've never heard of boxofficemojo and don't know, by heart, the exact domestic/international gross of alita?

It was based on domestic ticket sales.
So again, stop trying to pull shit out of your ass because you have some sort of ego complex where you think you know more then a studio executive does.

because you aren't talking about the movie. you're just circlejerking over a waifu

How about you read the post you replied to because there's a fair few reasons right in there.

>It was based on domestic ticket sales.
so you're saying the fox executive stated they needed to make 350m from the US alone to break even?

Even if that were true, why does that bother you so much?
Just ignore it like an adult

Or i'm telling you I understand the rational behind that figure and explaining why it no longer applies.

>film used x amount of dollars so needs x amount of dollars to break even
Why is this such a hard concept for you.

I don't care about Alita. I wouldn't be here if I cared about television and film. I'm only here for dubs, sneed, and baneposting.

adults question the inexplicable

why do you get so hostile over being questioned? why do you think you're entitled to a hugbox?

I read the post and now I'm asking why any of those things are worth getting this angry about

I do, retard. The OP asked a question and I answered. If you're the type of moron that infests these cancerous threads, it's no wonder everyone hates you and your shitty movie.

>only here for dubs, sneed, and baneposting
grow up

Its only that simple if you have zero understanding of gross vs net, volume vs yield, etc.

>adults question the inexplicable
Adults listen when people state their opinions
I don't feel like I'm being hostile, actually I'm a little disappointed

You don't. You don't work at Fox. You weren't involved in it's producton or marketing at all. But guess who was? Studio executives. Who gave the 350 million figure. So why don't you take your ego and knock it down a few pegs because you are not as smart as you think you are. This much is obvious with your attitude.

Ok then show us some math, if we don't understand it then feel free to enlighten us

You still didn't say why it bothers you this much, if you're ignoring it then why are you so upset about it?

>this angry
How angry do you think I am? I made one reply to a question and would have gone back to ignoring the shit I don't like or care about if you never replied.

>the only people who understand accounting work at fox

negro what.
I have. You just ignore it and keep trumpeting the 350m figure, no matter how many different ways its explained that figure can't be accurate to the final gross.

So is encouraging people to watch a movie they probably won't like just because you do.

I genuinely don't.
Show me a source

hes trolling because, otherwise, these threads die.

>each film doesn't spend their budget the same way
>no one is going to be intimately aware of how Alita's movie budget was allocated and spent except the people involved in making it
>this confuses user

I have provided the source several times. the alita page on boxofficemojo

The final gross was $404M actually.
If that's incorrect then show some math, you just quoted some random percentages and acted like that was enough to justify your claim but you're going to have to do better than that.

Mostly because I don't like knowing I share a board with waifu circlejerkers and possibly have to unknowingly talk to them. Same way I feel about the resetera trannies invading this site.

Pull the page up then
It's not my job to provide sources for you


>Hurr Durr, I don't know how to ignore one thread. Look at me I'm so stupid.
Thanks for sleeping that out for us.

Ok then go whine about the people waifuing Emilia Clarke or Alexandra Daddario, you're acting like we're some kind of anomaly

at one point you retards were making upwards of 15 threads a day.

>be a dozen autistic people
>claim equal status as literally thousands of reddit normies

how about you're both insufferable but yelling at a thousand redditors doesn't do anything. but you, we know its just the same dozen people endlessly spamming these threads.

No source for the percentages, no multiplication based on them, and saying that there's no way to predict the domestic/international split would invalidate the legitimacy of your half-assed napkin math

>at one point, yeah several months ago. Before we started making generals. Which is why we started making them in the first place, to have a single unified thread. Also
>what is filtering

What makes you think that there's only a few of us but a thousand of them, and why bother us if you've just admitted that they're a bigger problem

friend, I'm sitting here trying to explain to you how the movie flopped, and how the 350m number was not an accurate break even point.

Do you think I'm going to pull up the page, see the total gross (that I've referenced numerous times) and think "whoa, oh man, it actually made slightly more than 350m so it must've broken even and not flopped!"

We never had more than one thread up at a time, after the federal were started.

uh, dude, look directly above the worldwide gross. those percentages came directly from the page you're clearly looking at.

... you were spamming 15 general threads to the bump limit each day

why do you bother lying?

>I hate it simply because of the fucking spammers
>the cyborg or robot or whatever looks fucking retarded
>anime is garbage for incel manbabies
>people like that deserve bullying and scorn
>not angry
Do you actually know how to speak English or is your memory just extremely short

>incredibly popular tv show
>flopped waifubait

also poster counters.

just because those words upset you does not mean they were written in anger.

>those numbers are CLEARLY incorrect because I KNOW they are not!
Fucking hell how many times must it be repeated to you?
There was only ever one general at a time, except when you trolling fags would create a fake one (that would promptly get deleted by mods thankfully) to try and sow discourse.

>trying to explain how the movie flopped
You're doing an awful job of that. You can't claim you know better than the producer of the movie without being able to back up your assertion with anything, if the data is right there then prove it.
I'm not looking at anything.
Provide a source please.

Because the fanbase here are insufferable faggots.

Friend, I'm saying the actual break even point would need to be higher than 350m because close to 80% of the gross came from the international market. No one sane would anticipate that, because the draw of the international market is to exchange yield for volume at a roughly equal rate. 80% international would just be sacrificing yield. The happy medium is around 35/65.
I realize its hard to explain really simple math to people who don't want to hear it. But it doesn't matter how hostile/angry you get, the facts remain.

Ok but what makes that a valid reason to hate the actual movie

the movie is pretty mediocre and unremarkable. so the fact you're constantly sucking its dick is pretty insufferable.

350 million was taking into account all that shit, you moron. What part of "350 million to break even" needs to be fucking repeating for the millionth time? It is exactly as specified. You don't need to pull any retarded logic or math out of your ass to try and cook numbers to your favor.

Finally a fucking source thank god
>worldwide gross $404M
Now explain why those numbers make it a flop. You still haven't done all the math or given a source for the percentages you're making up so you still can't prove anything.

Why do you care if people like a movie you don't like?
People like all kinds of movies, that's no reason to obsess over it, just ignore it

>350 million was taking into account all that
how could a ballpark figure take into account unknown variables like the fact the movie wouldn't break 100m domestic?
I've explained that multiple times. Feel free to go up the reply chain.


people wouldn't think about the movie at all if you weren't making the same shitty threads every day

Learn to use a filter you dumb faggot.

There is no way it could have not been a ballpark figure, as they had no idea of knowing the exact domestic or international grosses.

>there's no way to predict the exact break even point
except if you're the producer of the movie maybe
>$350M is for the average domestic/international split
source please
>actual break even point is higher than $350M
source please

>come to Yea Forums
>demand others step aside and allow you to have a hugbox


Why is one single thread such a threat to you

So producers can see the future and you're ignoring the fact the movie only made 21.2% of its gross domestically?

>spam thousands of threads to bump limit
>dude its just one single thread

why be disingenuous?

>come to Yea Forums
>get mad when someone posts something you don't like and proceed to sperg out like an absolute cunt
>think this whole board is yours when it's shared collectively by a community

Learn to use a filter? Also drink less soi. And make your own chan clone if what people post upsets you that much.

What makes you think you know better than the actual producer of the movie?
The cost/profit was amortized in with the Avatar series anyway so it's a moot point

>literally only one alita thread
do you go into every Chernobyl thread as well? theres like 5 right now

>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced

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Just 560 threads actually, and there was only one up at a time so I don't see why it matters.
Game of Thrones had more than 70 at once after the last episode, why aren't you bitching about that

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We, you and I, know better now because that ballpark figure was thrown out about the same time the movie premiered. There was no way he was going to know the final box office numbers months before the movie would complete it's theatrical run.

He's probably is a regular in them. Wouldn't surprise me in the least bit.

Movie fucking sucked you dumb niggers fuck off

that's just counting the generals. not the pre-generals and not these moronic threads, and not the dupe-generals.


you're asking why I'm not commenting on something that isn't happening right now?

What are you going to do huh? Gonna Cry? Gonna Piss Your Pants Maybe? Maybe shit and cum?

The difference was that the Alita "generals" contained no discussion about the movie (for the overwhelming majority of the time).
It was just waifu, blanket posting virgin bullshit.
The ironic effect was actually to drive people to dislike the movie even when they hadn't seen it, due to the association with these losers.

>34 posters
>200 replies
Ahahhaa holy fucking shit, the Alita haters are so fucking butthurt it's insane. A very small minority of people who get so wound up over a movie. Ahahah fuck me.

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>the generals contained almost no discussion
Oh so you were in there the whole time?

>laughs at alita critics
>has this picture and many others like it, stored on xers hard drive

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may be because you're not capable of arguing about the movie?
all you can do is shit and troll

prove me wrong

I'm pretty entertained by it and I'm not even trolling them at all

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why would I argue about a movie I haven't, nor ever will, watch?

you people made shitty memes of actually setting your newfag scripts to filter entire reply chains and any discussion in the thread, and encouraged others to do the same.

What's your point?
It's unusual to have a picture of the main character of the movie we've been discussing?

>why would I argue about a movie I haven't, nor ever will, watch?
You tell me friend, I don't know why you're here either

the point is you are in no position to laugh at anybody, you dense cunt couldn't you figure that out?

Please stay this mad when the BR releases its too funny.

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I'm not sure what you're referring to

Why does having a picture mean we don't have the right to laugh at the critics?
I don't understand your logic.

Then stay out of these threads. That should be the answer, right?

Ohhh it's going to be glorious
I only hope that all the new fans don't get shit on like we have been and their threads don't get taken down

You unironically need to crawl back to whatever fucking shithole of a cancerous blight site you crawled out from under.

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>poorly acted all round
>main character suffers badly from uncanny valley
>animation is great on it's own but fails to mesh with environment and other human actors
>le freeze frame kicking in the air cliche (a la matrix)
>her cringe speech in that very scene (the bar)
>high tech robo suit unlooted for CENTURIES because, lol no one goes there because it's underwater
it's a 5/10 being generous

I thought you trannies all preferred that pronoun?

>you're movie flopped
I mean it didn't.
>the general is cancer
Which ones aren't?
>15 alita threads a day
Half of that was due to troll spamming so
>get outta my board
Now who looks like a tard. The fuck happened to this place?

>you trannies
Do you have any proof of that or are you just being a cock for no reason

all the bluray is going to do is make people even more confused as to why a dozen or so autists made constant threads

Was this Jim Cameron's biggest flop to date?
Maybe he shouldn't have hand balled it to another director.

>poorly acted all round
I disagree. Rosa and Waltz did good.
>main character suffers badly from uncanny valley
>animation is great on it's own but fails to mesh with environment and other human actors
At some parts, sure.
>le freeze frame kicking in the air cliche (a la matrix)
Didnt happen
>her cringe speech in that very scene (the bar)
Kinda like its what they were going for
Valid criticism
>high tech robo suit unlooted for CENTURIES because, lol no one goes there because it's underwater
You forgot to mention that it was incased in a locked force field.

>poorly acted all around
odd thing to say given that there are two two-time Oscar winners and another Oscar winner
>cringe scene in the bar
it's meant to be cringe, everyone in the bar laughs at her
what about him
>high tech suit unlooted for centuries
it was behind a locked door and a force field, which is unlocked with a keypad that only appears in response to her cyber core and uses Martian language and a code that Alita unconsciously remembers

Source please. It was Rodriguez's highest grossing movie to date

And why is that? Why would people buy a movie that they don't like?

Still only 34 posters, wow it really is he same 3-4 sad motherfuckers that really get this offended over a movie on a online image board.

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... jesus you guys really aren't from around here

Ok so you what you meant to say is, when it comes out on streaming and there's a good torrent. I don't see why more fans of the movie is a bad thing

You brought up the Bluray. Most rips will come from the digital on the 9th.

I've been here since 2010 and will buy everything if I can, only pirating if it's something really old or obscure. Shut the fuck not everyone's a salty poorfag like you.

its also his highest budget movie. and the source is the box office numbers.

>get accused of not being native to Yea Forums
>get extremely triggered


That doesn't make it a flop

Lol it's /virgin/ general trying to slip a thread past me while I'm sleeping. Have Sneed you fags.

Yeah, gee, why would I get pissed off when newfags and cancerfags are acting like obnoxious cunts. Really gets the old gears grinding.

I'm not getting triggered, all I did is correct your statement so it matches what you intended to say

>/virgin/ general trying to slip a thread past me
I don't need your permission to post.


Alitards are the bronies of current year

On flopping or not


50% from the US box office
25% from China
40% from the rest of the world
in makes $150 mln

The rest will be covered by TV / DVD etc

So not a flop, a bit underperformed. Will probably get some profit when all is said and done.

Compare to GITS!!!

(170 million budget)

friend, disney doesn't pre-release to streaming services, so the bluray is going to be out about the same time as web-dls start popping up.

but hey, you'd have to have been around her for longer than a few months to have seen that. hell, the camrip was probably the first thing you ever pirated.

making less money than was spent on it is what made it a flop.

if you are interested on box office math - go here
forums . boxofficetheory . com

or reddit boxxofice

the only number you can argue is 30% (not 40%) from the rest of the world, but for Fox it should be close to 40%

Fox said the digital release will be around July 9 and the bluray will be July 27.
People have already watched it in hotel rooms

fuckn looks dumb
they tried to skip uncanny valley but ended up in something worse

>from home video/streaming

literally never happens.

this movie did not recoup the investment made in it

If it made less money than what was spent on it then it had $230M in marketing which is ridiculous and you have no source to back that up

Excuse me, I prefer the term torrent. Pirate implies that I am a butt pirate, which I am not. I hate dicks, even my own. Torrent is just like the torrent of emotions that I feel when alita gives me kissu xd.

>lmfao just go to reddit bro
>they know what they are talking about bro
That'll be a cringe and soi pilled from me.

>People have already watched it in hotel rooms
feel free to back that up

... so you're claiming studios receive 100% of the box office gross? do you even know what the term "gross" means?

I was curious about the movie weeks ago and went into one of those generals.
I thought I'd taken a wrong turn into Yea Forums but that's actually insulting to those poor weebs.
These generals would make /mlp/ blush.

the 30% number is from including china. china's yield is lower than the rest of the international markets.

>These generals would make /mlp/ blush
We both know thats not true

>did not recoup the investment
source please

>what is hyperbole
they were fucking embarrassing mate

the box office numbers

Adam Savage just said that on Tested in their newest podcast, I don't have a timestamp
Give me a source to back up your statement

why the fuck isnt it online yet? i havent seen it still

>give me a source to back up the definition of the term "gross."

... why are you doing this.

- budget $170M
- unknown amount of marketing
- gross $404M
- producer said break-even was $350M
Where are you getting the idea that it didn't make back its investment?

>he listens to podcasts and doesn't understand what "gross" means.

jesus shit how old are you. do yourself a favor and don't lie.

I'm asking for a source to back up your claim that it didn't make back its investment, follow the fucking conversation

read the thread, we've gone over this all already. someone from your camp broke it down at .

they fucked up royally by not rushing it out to DVD.
any residual interest is well and truly dead.

>not a flop
>not even counting bluray sales
okay then end of story

Originally it was going to be released June 7, but after the merger it was temporarily cancelled (or not) before getting moved to the end of June. Disney intentionally or not is sabotaging interest.

so you're just ignoring how, even with the most liberal of estimates, it still made 20m less than it's budget.

so basically ignoring anything that doesn't suit what you already believe.

why bother posting on Yea Forums if you're going to ignore all contradicting evidence?

I basically said that it's underperformed, but makes back it's investment when it's all said and done.

I can also say that for EACH movie there is marketing 100-200 mln. Which is covered by some other sources of the profit. details here

So you can be sure Alita made it's money back (unless Fox thrown a lot of money to marketing , like 300 mln instead of 100 - I wouldn't rule it out, thinking that they fucking bough SUPERBOWL COMMERCIAL (wtf?? what ofr) )

But yeah, it was not a SUPER SUCCESS.

Fuck you, I liked it.

negro, it flopped. home video is an incredibly low yield market. 20m profit from home video is basically unheard of.

>it made $20M less than its budget
$170M production cost plus unknown marketing budget, gross was $404M, your math is bad

Meant to say end of July.

>it flopped
again, source please

why are you continuing to claim studios get 100% of the box office GROSS?

>source: his flabby diabetic ass

source: the box office gross vs the budget

but hey, keep denying facts

I never claimed that. Jon Landau said that if it grossed $350M then it broke even, anything else is speculation

hahaha oh if you only knew what I look like
you sad little person

how is a claim made the week the movie premiered not speculation? Landau did not have the final box office numbers when he made that claim, and wasn't going to have the numbers for months. we have the final box office numbers. We can do the math and discover the movie didn't even make back it's production budget, not even counting the marketing budget (which obviously didn't exceed 50m, but still significant).

>gross vs budget
Do you want me to quote the numbers again?
- gross was $404M
- production costs were $170M and there's no source for marketing costs but I assume you're claiming it was $230M, which is high

Are you sure about that?

Have you read the link I've sent you above, nigga?

>he still hasn't looked up the definition of gross
seriously, why?

Again, why do you think you know any better than the producer of the movie? You don't.
All of your figures are estimates based on almost nothing and if you're going to discount his figure on the basis that it's speculation then you have no business making up numbers of your own.

Attached: how-movies-make-money-Average-costs-for-Hollywood-blockbuster.png (768x298, 23K)

>says the source is box office gross vs budget
>ignores the quote of box office gross vs budget
what is your strategy, exactly, other than deflection

Are you the tranny?

What makes you think Alita is "an average Hollywood blockbuster"

So drop these claims that ko ko ko home sales or other income sources isn't significant, okay?

Right now we don't now, but movie most likely made a moderate profit.

On paper it will be red (Hollywood accounting) and for Fox/Disney merger probably too (Cameron / Landau are very smart financially).

The only way to know whether it got profit or not would be if they decide to share this information. Ok?

So your arguments are basically invalid

Attached: how-movies-make-money-Average-income-for-Hollywood-blockbuster.png (768x314, 31K)

we, you and I, know better now because we have the final box office numbers. landau doesn't have magic powers. he couldn't see the future. He speculated. His speculation has been shown to be incorrect.

Am I dealing with some sort of sally-anne level cognitive dysfunction? Do you believe because you now know the final box office numbers, Landau must have too the week the movie premiered? Where does sally look first?

Attached: Sally-Anne_test[1].jpg (450x642, 49K)

* aren't
* don't know
a lot of typos, sorry

>his speculation has been shown to be incorrect
source please

Ugly disgusting bug eyed freak

source: the final box office numbers.

ya know, that thing we have access to, but landau did not the day he made that claim, and would not for months.


How is this movie STILL not released yet?

None of us are trannies, I don't know where you're getting that from.
I would bet $1000 that I'm more attractive than you as judged by any group of people of your choosing but I don't need to prove what I already know

>why aren't you taking my claim that studios get 100% of the box office gross seriously?
... whats your endgame here?

>not realising the eyes were a deliberate stylistic choice to show that A) only her brain was human the rest was full cyborg and B) convey the fact that she's infact martian and not from earth

Attached: 1560368476594.png (1440x1557, 738K)

The box office numbers were $54M above his estimate, so what are you talking about

it was a stylistic choice that was incredibly bad, backfired horrendously, and was only made because the gunnm OVA was the only anime cameron had ever seen and thought the eyes were a character trait.

I never claimed anything of the sort.
You said the source was the gross vs. the budget, I quoted those numbers. Do you want me to explain the difference between gross and net or can you figure that out on your own

Doesn't matter retard, read my posts.

See He had no way of knowing the international/domestic split, so he estimated based on the average international/domestic split, and the movie came in with much lower domestic performance than anticipated. So it flopped. Even if you assume zero marketing, it flopped.

You said, and I quote: "source: the final box office numbers"
Which was $54M above his estimate of $350M, for a gross of $404M. Why do I keep having to repeat this?

>makes moronic claim
>tries to assert intellectual high ground.

For the eighth or ninth time, someone from your camp broke down the numbers at and proved the movie lost at least 20m as well as the entire marketing budget, whatever that was.

>post quoted as a source says it wasn't a flop
>still claims it was a flop with no alternative figures to back it up

Gross is not Net, again I don't know why I have to explain this to you. Your movie was a disaster for the studio.

I'll take that bet

Attached: 1558898359052.jpg (1242x662, 602K)

the math in his post proves the movie flopped pretty bad. he realized this, then tried to claim it didn't flop. I don't need alternative figures, because no matter how you try to argue it, the movie flopped.

... yea, I'm saying it flopped.

you poor fucker
I really wish we could actually make this bet, it's easy money

>someone from your camp
What camp is that exactly?

He writes:

If we only had two pieces of information – the global box office gross (as reported on Box Office Mojo) and the production budget (as reported on Wikipedia) – how accurately could we guess how many $100m+ movies made money?

Well, you’d be right 83% of the time.

so based by the rule of thumb, it is profitable, ok?

I guess... that's your argument.

its pretty clear what camp is from if you read it.

Which creaturea de fetal alcohol syndrome are you?

most $100m+ budget movies make more than $100m domestically. so alita is clearly in the 17%.

Yeah but what camps are we? I've lost track.

Reminder: not flopped


>i'm a very attractive (male)
>conceals face

Attached: 10103655276.jpg (466x482, 15K)

responded to you in the new thread