Wait, so did he think if he killed the kid his wife would magically reappear? This movie was dumb.
Wait, so did he think if he killed the kid his wife would magically reappear? This movie was dumb
Well it makes sense in Looper's time travel rules
This movie quickly falls apart upon scrutiny.
They also established that time travel only works in one direction. Once you go back in the past, then there's no turning back.
So he doesn't accomplish anything by killing the kid. The fact that this isn't even addressed at all shows how stupid this movie is and how much of a hack Rian Johnson was even before TLJ.
God, how the fuck did this piece of shit ever become critically acclaimed?
all time travel does
And yet Back to the Future will always be remembered as a classic while this piece of shit won't.
Just because your movie's premise is predicated on a flimsy and scientifically self-defeating concept like time travel, that's not an excuse to make a bad movie.
it never was, it was always seen as middle of the road sci-fi/time travel
right but back to the future aren't seen as serious films but fun adventure films for kids, lower standard for accurate sci-fi, the man powers his time traveling car with banana peels and trash
The whole telekinesis thing made the movie extra stupid.
That's the problem with time travel in general. You don't even have to think it very hard in order to find huge holes in it.
prisoner of azkaban makes sense because they don't change anything in the past it's a closed loop
Back to the Future plays the time travel in a bit different kind of a tone. It doesn't try to be serious sci-fi movie about a man who goes back to the past to fulfill his oedipal fantasies. It is a movie about a teen, who is whisked to an adventure in time.
Even the title of the movie is annoying. Fuck Rian Manbaby.
Fucking Avengers Endgame made more sense than this movie.
I still have a problem with that film on a rewatch last year. I can't remember atm but if you look closely the time travel doesn't make sense there
no it makes sense, buckbeak never dies, you see the same thing happen from two different perspectives of harry one who was time traveling at the end and the other who wasn't and was saved by his time traveling self. look up the novikov self consistency principle
It was very consistent with its own time travel rules.
Not only that, but didn't he kill another completely innocent child?
Endgame wouldn't have had issues if Captain America didn't come back. Fucking boomers ruin everything.
>Sci-fi movie features sci-fi trope
What's the issue?
How did he even intend to get back to his time to be with her? His plan was wildly flawed.
endgame is literally stupid unexplained retarded shit
Yes, and that's why it's a better movie.
BttF knew what it wanted to be. Just a silly and fun adventure movie for families.
Looper is clearly trying to be philosophical and edgy, and yet it comes across as infantile and it doesn't even seem to have confidence in its own intentions. For every scene that tries to be provocative and artsy, there's a cliche scene like the part where Gordon Levitt's character starts a pointless romance with the stronk female character and Bruce Willis being a generic action badass fighting himself out of impossible circumstances.
What would you do to your older or younger self Yea Forums?
>you can't make a time travel story make se-
Kill him and collect my bricks. Then become a junkie
Looper is way better you just don't understand that it's a movie about family and actual human psyche and themes instead of time travel, although the time travel plays a role and is basically an ending that is very similar to la jette which 12 monkeys was a soft remake of
Timecrimes is pretty tight.
Looper 8/10
TLJ 0.5/10
Yeah that part at the end where Bruce started shooting everything felt so out of place.
suck his cock and have passionate sex
Did he intend to be able to go back? He would save his wife by killing the rainmaker. (Which he did accomplish by killing himself, preventing the kid from becoming the rainmaker)
He could have just remarried his wife in the new timeline he made. There's a lot of leeway.
Rian Johnson is a hack that's obsessed with imitating Film Noir aesthetics and conventions even when the script doesn't call for it at all, and at the same time he can't write a solid, straightforward story, and has to "subvert" it because he keeps writing himself into corners. All of his movies are like this.
I give both 8/10 desu. But that's me. Both different films.
>you just don't understand
Reddit is that way---->
That's rough man. You think it's better than the prequels, don't you?
>You can't kill anyone in the future, because of surveilance, or something?
>Rainmaker's thugs all have firearms and immediately shoot Bruce Willis' wife because the plot can't move forward
Endgame should have done multiverse instead of time travel
I've seen this movie three times and I can still barely comprehend bruce willis's characters motivation. I get this his wife is dead but is killing the boy going to accomplish exactly? him growing up into tetsuo from akira or something?
Every other complaint with this movie is shrimp fries compared to this. They should have been instantly arrested, like what I thought would happen with how supposedly hard it is to get away with crime in the future
I know that III and VIII are the most kino
What did Rian mean by this?
I'm going to France
He wanted to film in France but China had way better tax breaks so he just changed the script to go there he mentions this in the commentary
The entire point of the movie is that Joe's loop closing was horribly botched.
You're REALLLY grasping at straws there, Rian.
>The glaring plotholes are there on purpose!
Ok Rian
Holy fuck are you serious?
Absolutely based
>The entire point of the movie is that Joe's loop closing was horribly botched.
So do it in a way that makes sense with the movie. Like, hey Rian, how about they send his wife through the time travel machine first, and Joe knows what happened and would naturally get pissed off?
>being this brainlet
He's right it's an alternate timeline and Bruce Willis still wanted his younger self to hook up with his alternate timeline future wife and have the same timeline without her dying. Younger self didn't care
Botched assassinations are a common crime movie cliche. How's it a plot hole? It probably had consequences for the mob in the future but we don't see them cause the movie ain't about that.
yeah him and Joseph both love France but China was to good a deal to pass on also some chick helped him write the movie
>Hey, my younger self. I'm your future self. This is gonna come out of left field but hear me out: I'm gonna kill this kid that will grow up one day to kill your future wife. After I kill this kid, I want you to start dating this lady who is supposed to be your future wife and just forget that I threw a silver bar at your face and told you your entire life story in advance. This totally won't backfire or go haywire due to the millions of variables and timeline alterations I just made ever since I teleported myself to the past and caused endless mayhem ever since. Also, can you pretty please adhere to this life story I just told you. Just stick to the timeline okay and ignore everything else. Pretty please.
You're an idiot, Rian.
>put shitton of makeup to make JGL look like Bruce Willis
>put no makeup on Bruce Willis
>they don't even look alike
Why was this movie so highly rated when it came out?
You're right, they should have put makeup on Bruce Willis to make him look more like Bruce Willis
I liked the movie. I have one of those framed Mondo posters with the silver leaf. ;_;
You can tell Rian insisted on using those stupid fucking cowboy guns because he thought they looked cool.
Because it's a good movie you retard.
Emily Blunt
People were that desperate for R-rated science fiction like we used to get in the 70's
I know I was tricked for a little while about the actual movies quality
It's really not - it's like Blade Runner were a shitty action movie.
Older self's wife died and went back in time, what do you expect him to do
Meanwhile star wars gets a pass for space samurai and laser swords because George Lucas thought it looked cool
the characters thought they looked cool with it
What does blade runner have to do with looper?????
>what do you expect him to do
Not send myself back in time like any rational human being?
He had to be aware that there's no turning back and that fucking up his younger self's life trajectory by telling him all of this shit in advance isn't actually going to get either of them together with their wife again.
>oh but it's the experience and knowledge of getting his younger self together with his wife that counts
Fuck. You.
They're two different characters with two different personalities and aspirations. Just because JGL somehow ends up marrying the same exact woman that Bruce Wilis did, that's not going to lead to some psychic link or shared experience where both of them get to be happy.
I thought rainmaker was using his powers to commit the crimes or affect the sytems that stop crime, thats why he was closing the loops since he didn't need them and also wanted to kill the looper that killed his mom
People wanted it to be our modern day Blade Runner (I think even a few critics said that at the time) - thank god we got 2049, with all its faults
The hitmen use cowboy BFR revolvers for no reason, and the lower class hitmen use blunderbusses for no reason even though we see an 870 shotgun right away and other normal firearms like P90's used by everyone else. The movie is such a thematic mess on every level, it's like three different movies smashed together.
>They're two different characters with two different personalities and aspirations.
He's the same selfish asshole, just one of them fell in love.
You're a fucking idiot, assuming of course that this post is at all sincere. He knew he couldn't get his wife back, he was exacting revenge.
Exactly! That part threw me off so much, especially at the end when bruce is going postal. Like what era weaponry is this gang using exactly? Because they were using those stupid cowboy guns in the futures future too, but then they also had stun lasers? Also wtf was up with that random star wars bike?
>He knew he couldn't get his wife back, he was exacting revenge.
Except he literally says in the movie that he wants to prevent her from dying.
At what point did the movie establish that?
>He knew he couldn't get his wife back,
Nice conjecture there, Rian.
Eat a dick and learn to write.
By killing the rainmaker he would prevent her from dying.
Again, how does Bruce Willis expect JGL to magically gravitate to his future wife and naturally form a relationship with the same exact woman he fell in love with like it's no big deal, in light of all the shit that happened in the movie?
Can you not even concede this one point and at the very least acknowledge that the character' plan is kinda fucking stupid?
NO. It. Wouldn't. Asshole.
His wife in HIS OWN timeline is dead. That ship fucking sailed.
Who gives a shit if the wife in his younger self's timeline gets to live a bit longer? Bruce Willlis cannot empathize or experience that ever again because he antagonized his younger self and thus threw the timeline off its trajectory and jeopardized his younger self's likelihood of ever meeting the woman that he's supposed to end up with.
The movie establishes how much Bruce Willis and JGL hate each other. Don't pretend that Bruce Willis cares about his younger self's feelings and experiences.
Why did the gang bother leaving messages in young paul dano to lure the future one to them if they intended on killing young paul anyway? the movie clearly establishes if you kill your younger self you vanish at the end so what was the point?
They establish Joe's love for his wife is a love-at-first-sight thing, as seen in the flashback. They're the same person and are guaranteed to be attracted to the same person --- because they are the same person.
The moment those knife marks and injuries started appearing, the reasonable thing to do is to kys.
Another stupid scene in this dumb movie
>hurr durrr he was panicking of course people act unreasonably when they're panicking
Eat a dick, redditors.
technically his wife is alive. this dude really thought she was gonna fall in love with him as an extra old dude
>so what was the point?
The point is that Rian wanted to do a "whoaaaaaa dude my mind is blown" story, but he himself is a 110 IQ midwit, so the whole movie feels like two or three different scripts mashed together, with abrupt tonal and aesthetic shifts, plotholes and botched character motivations.
>Rian was allowed to make a star wars movie based on this films success
Bruce Willis looks the same today as he did 20 years ago, to be fair
>hey there sweetcakes this is gonna sound really weird but im your future husband and i want to marry you now because i saved your life by shooting this kid who would have totally turned you into bolognese sauce with his psychic powers but its okay i shot him in the face and he wont be a problem anymore please marry me even though I'm like 69 years old
What a conversation that would be.
To establish how the time travel rules work in this universe?
>It's love at first sight
And we're supposed to infer that based on a rapidly edited montage sequence?
Sounds like you're making a conjecture.
The boy is insanely handsome.
that kid was a goblin
what bothers me about HP time travel as a fan is that apparently nobody, not even villains, really tried fucking with the timeline hardcore. I get that it's probably still closed loops but nobody really going apeshit is kinda odd. I heard the new play has some time travel hijinks but I ain't reading that shit
It's perfectly fine. It's just Dragon Ball rules. Every time you travel back, you hit the same timeline/universe, but it has no direct effect on your own timeline/universe.
Cap goes back, puts back the stones and Mjolnir, lives out his life with Peggy, then travels back to the "prime" timeline.
The ministry basically regulated all the time turners and kept them to a limit of 5-6 hours so nobody could fuck with the timeline hardcore as some witch did in the past and got herself deaded and probably others
Rewatch the scene.
You've got to be pretty fucking infatuated to continue to pursue someone despite being flipped off
Beyond dumb. Even Jeff Daniels couldn't save it.
movie was dumb shit
i still wandering about that weird cloud though