Why was the Professor trying to create the perfect little girls?

Why was the Professor trying to create the perfect little girls?

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If I knew the ingredients to make the perfect little girls I would do the same.

What drives men to be pedophiles? Childhood trauma? Chemical imbalance in the womb? Not getting laid in highschool? Or are they just plain evil?


There is already a recipe, it's called no tv + homeschooling


Roasties such as yourself.

>Women don't exclusively have sex with me, so I'm going to rape some kids

>Not getting laid in highschool

>it's called no tv + homeschooling
>How to create even more retarded women than they are now.

You just know

Definitely a roastie.


Get the fuck out of Yea Forums if you cant take a joke bitch

this shit is not reddit

what are you implying here user?

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>anime makes you transgender
>movies make you autistic
>TV makes you a pedophile
>cartoons makes you have bad taste


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Because he could

He was deep into loli.

A mix of these things, plus power. Predators are usually pathetic men with no status in the real world so they seek out the weak to pray on. In this case innocent children.


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wtf? I saw a vid just like this from 2013 and TEDX removed it because of hate... so now they've tried it again??? Fuck these kikes.

This, except if you do it to boy instead they just become a lazy shitposter.


That just makes you retarded

They've pushed us a bit further down the slippery slope, so they're testing the waters again to see if the goyim are ready for the next phase yet. If not, they'll pack it up again and wait a few more years for another try.

no rest for the wicked

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>>anime makes you transgender
>>movies make you autistic
>>TV makes you a pedophile
>>cartoons makes you have bad taste


Have sex, incel.

only if you care TOO much about music

Attached: CzL9S5eVQAAxEbd.jpg (480x503, 32K)


If it's anything but listening to top 50 while doing other stuff, then you are auts


The filename is missing “128kbps”

Sedusa kept having miscarriages due to her very restrictive corset that Professor demands she keeps on 24/7 and I don't blame him.

Being on Yea Forums all day.

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