is Hollywood black listing real?
who do you think has been blacklisted and why?
is Hollywood black listing real?
who do you think has been blacklisted and why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nikki Blonsky
Stephen Baldwin for his upright Christian values. We must restore him.
Mel Gibson for naming the Jew (his work has since been self-financed)
Harvey Weinstein for MeToo
Michael Richards for naming the 'Groid
Michael J Anderson for exposing Lynch
Twitter banned James Woods for being too savage and influential
James Woods
wait, based woods was fucking banned from tweeter? WTF? what did he do that was so wrong think?
Terry Crews. He went to court with a faggot jew who couldn't keep his hands to himself.
Twitter banned him for "potentially influencing an election".
But he's American, he should be influencing US elections.
just like if he made a TV commercial?
(old MTV commercials)
Do we need to?
Nobody cares what Michael J Anderson says. He was just pissed cause he didn't get cast for season 3.
>Michael J Anderson for exposing Lynch
exposing him with what
Stay tuned.
Said he raped his daughter and made her write laura palmer's diaries.
Stay mad if you want
Yes it is. The most famous case of hollywood blacklisting happened at the height of the cold war where anyone who was even assumed of being a communist sympathizer was black listed. Dalton Trumbo being the most famous case.
This. Even Einstein was blacklisted, but not by Hollywood but by the FBI and american government.
Idk nigga I just stay at home and shitpost on the internet how would I know
>good when it happens to muh sony
>bad when it happens to muh xbone
Fucking kys scum
You can't even write a school paper without worrying about pissing off the teacher and you're asking about (hollywood)? lel
Shia Labeouf was soft-blacklisted after he decided he was too cool for school and started talking shit about Spielberg and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. He's been only in hipster bait VOD shit ever since.
truth lol
was this real? did men actually do this?
reminder that even back in the le good ole 50s libtoids were blacklisting right-wing actors. see: ward bond.
Perry Caravello