TFW no ENFJ goddess to love me and make everything right in my life

>TFW no ENFJ goddess to love me and make everything right in my life

Attached: Margaery.jpg (500x750, 64K)

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What are those initials?

Meyers-Briggs: It's just astrology for people who hate astrology.

This, introverts and extroverts and such don't exist. Everyone is a radical ambivert devoid of any personality differences.

a gf wont sort ur shit out, u have to do it urself

wtf when did reviewbrah start HRT

More like ELF.

holy fuck why the fuck did you say that. Cannot unsee

To Highgarden

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Is that really her?
Fucking kek.

Attached: wayoftheroad.jpg (1024x782, 82K)

God she's so gorgeous here, imagine if she was talking to you really nicely and she just snorted up a big oyster of snot and gobbed it on your face and told you to eat it like a good boy in the most charming way.

Attached: natale dormer sexy boob crease 2b6c751e876f40d50de82653e50a45ab.jpg (619x484, 28K)

Imagine if you walked up to her and asked for an autograph and while she was signing it you whipped out your dick and started jerking it

imagine if while you were doing that she gripped it really REALLY hard and told you softly but firmly to look into her eyes, not at your dick and she kept telling you that and reminding you she is your owner.

Attached: Natalie Dormer 0j2q2q7dd1uz.jpg (792x1316, 311K)

Imagine if you found her freshly dead body and were free to do whatever you wanted with her before she starts to fall apart then taxidermied her to keep as a trophy.

You should write a 7 part novel series about Natalie. Or a short online story.

Imagine if she was re-animated and literally tore your cock off like a stick of celery and ate it right in front of you, but you could feel the sensation somehow.

i'm IFHP.


Dont ruin my wholesome fantasies with your fag shit

taking it too seriously is stupid and many do but it's not fucking astrology

Picture is taken as shes landing, that makes anybody look old, look it up.

Shes a qt and I still would even if she looked like that tho desu

INTP reporting in

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ENTJ here to put you in your place.

Yeah, everything gets dragged down as you land. Also, what's this expectation for a woman to look good every single second of the day, even in the early morning before a shower and while running. I can bet she looked amazing an hour after this photo was taken

You're a weird kid, Norman

>tfw im a virgo
>tfw im an intp

ok im a loser i get it

Literally nothing wrong in principle witch necrophilia. People hate it because it's against whatever religious bullshit they believe in.

This is kino

Based and dare I say, redpilled.

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she got a real purty mouth.

means she sucks a mean dick

I'd like to to have a life size replica of her and I could just jerk off to her cute face and then on it.

I too want that gf

I disagree. Astrology seeks to give you information about yourself based on an arbitrary timeframe in which you were born.
Myers-Briggs is more like a classification system. It's a test where you answer a question like "do you like being around people?" and when you answer no, it tells you you're an introvert. It doesn't give you any new information, it just gives you a 4-dimensional type that roughly sums up your personality.

the whole "test" hinges on you actually replying accurately and not just picking the answer you want though so its far from perfect or even accurate

As does every personality test including the Big Five. The test serves well as a way to clue you in on your type, and is completely independent from the concept of each trait themselves. Most of the time when people get a different type its by one letter.

It’s frustrating being stuck inside your own head all the time, isn’t it.
I genuinely envy people who can act spontaneously