It's another young white male blames society for not being able to get laid episode

>it's another young white male blames society for not being able to get laid episode

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dumb frogposter

dumb frogposter

frog posterdumb

Have sex incel

Frum Drogposter

>people copy my reply
>don't sage

I'd post a disappointed frog, but it'd ruin my sage

Stupid amphibianposter

If anything aim for the ugly rich girls it definitely helps

>dude men have collective responsbility in this society to protect and make sure women feel comfortable and safe
>you're lonely? get over it sweaty, we all have problems

have sex

nah I just haven't ever asked a girl out

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>Oh, I know, how about I blame all of my problems on women, People Of Color, trans folks, immigrants, and the Jews, meanwhile I play video games all day and don’t shower? Sounds brilliant!

>it's another young white male blames society for not being able to get laid episode and comes to a japanese shitposting forum to cope about it with his anonymous internet friends

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Chad doesn't need to

have sex

>it's another twitter leftist blames young white males for everything episode

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>trans folk

>it's another white male suicide epidemic but apparently they're privileged episode

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The twist is that most posters are actually spics larping as whites

literally all women are whores

I've fucked 12 girls so far this year and I still hate them

>young men are voting against their best interests because someone scolded them for acting edgy

For you

>voting for the people that spend 90% of their day talking about how much they hate white people is in their best interests
dilate tranny