Why hasn't this ever been adapted?

Why hasn't this ever been adapted?

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Because the katana wielding "literally me" cyberpunk protagonist wasn't a tired and old cliche in 1984 but it is now.

nobody has a katana
the guy in it is a weakling netrunner

>gits, matrix, deus ex, upcoming witcherpunk2077, lots of other cyberpunk and postpunk stories, cyber goth scene
Yeah, no adaptations whatsoever.

just split The Matrix and Tron

That's Snow Crash you retard.

>reading is for old people but im going to have and let everyone know my opinions on books anyway!

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snow crash would make a better film

Vurt would make a better movie tbqh

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It will. Kino Reeves will bring back cyberpunk.

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>It will.
will what?

It is a moronic story.

A drug addict gets artificial replacement liver and kidneys, and now can't get high. His whole objective is to take a big job, get real organs, and get high.

how is that moronic
its about dependency and the frailty of human nature

It is impossible to name a more overrated book than this

>le americans need le happy ending and le character arc and le closure

no u

Shit, I’m retarded, I mixed this up with snow crash, which is the most overrated book of all time.
Gibson is solid.

> dude wants to take over everybody's brains by reprogramming them with an ancient Sumerian code
> excuse me, can you dumb it down to where the audience will understand it?
> no

that's not moronic you fucking moron.

I admittedly have yet to read any of the sequels, but my only real problem with neuromancer, as I can remember, is poor characterization. I always saw cyberpunk growing out of the neo-noir of the past, and although characterization is always important in fiction, it’s particularly important in this genre.
So, the gormless main character, his girlfriend never explained except as a cheap ploy, a whole bunch of assassins and shifting alliances, sympathically pathetic villains, all undermined by this. Wintermute was the most interesting character.
>inb4 some meta comments about computers
Nah, it’s poor writing

I feel like Gibson's Bridge trilogy is severely underrated and would make for a better movie/tv series.

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Don’t forget the rollerblading pizza delivery.

because cyberpunk isnt big enough yet
once cyberpunk 2077 and other shit games create more hype they will start filming it.
its all about money mate.

the girlfriend is a minor character

Because both Johny Mnemonic and New Rose Hotel were massive flops.

This book was literally boomercore and completely dull
I can barely remember what happens

>is the material to blame or are the shitty adaptations to blame?
>the material clearly

Minor characters don’t reappear the end of the book in a climatic scene.
She’s written as a minor character due to poor writing.

I always envisioned it as a satirical adult swim cartoon

You might be onto something. CP2077 is going to be pretty big, so who knows, it might make the coked up studio executives to notice cyberpunk books for as long as it takes for them to tell them aides to make one sentence summaries of some of them.

>a minor character that appears briefly is only a minor character because she is poorly written

a minor character can have more than 1 scene

I thought molly was his girlfreind, she's more of a deuteragonist than a minor character

Molly is not his girlfriend they have a strictly professional relationship, its like Murphy and Lewis in Robocop

Hollywood would probably fuck it up and make them develop a relationship because of the demands of the 3 act structure and muh character arc

Talking about the one that gets whacked at the beginning of the book, but keeps showing up in the portags thoughts, and in the matrix at the end.
Her importance far outweighs the attention delivered to her.

>he's dwelling on her
>this is bad writing

Ready Player 1 is Snow Crash lite, so there goes that

Koran, Torah, Bibble

Allegedly Hollywood has already spent hundreds of millions of $ to attempt to adapt this, but every time it was cancelled in pre-pro.

I don’t know much about SF, please rec me some stuff, bonus points if they’ve got good prose and are absolutely bonkers.

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it was written by an American you obsessed retard.

>they have a strictly professional relationship

They fuck, thats not a professional relationship.

Hyperion Cantos
Book of The New Sun

The Matrix stole enough of Neuromancer (though it is probably closer to Ubik) that you wont see a direct adaptation in any big way.

Snow crash is more likely, though they will have to cut out the vast majority of the 'religion as a virus' if they want to retain an audience.

How bonkers do you want to get?

"Diaspora" starts off kind of familar: humanity has split into post-humans, transhumans and robots. The post-humans are the protagonists of the story.

The scope is... broader than you think.

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Yes, because the author never gives a reason for it, just like every other character in the book. They’re living in a brilliantly imagined universes, but they’re all cutouts.

Ecclesiastes and Revelation are both kino. Can’t comment on Koran, but he fucked the cunny, so based. Try again.

anything by stanislaw lem

generally the harder the sci fi the worse the prose

yeah, I agree with you
everything considered, I think I like the bridge more than sprawl, it's somewhat more rooted in reality, and the cyberspace is kowloon walled city
I'd like to see richard morgan's market forces as a show or movie though, showing things from the corpo side, also a very underrated book

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Catcher in the rye

Get the Isaac Asimov short story collection. It’s two massive volumes, which I believe they were going to make more of, but obviously didn’t. There’s still an enormous amount of content there, and i admittedly haven’t reread them in years, but at least as a teenager I found them absolutely brilliant, and the main reason I started taking sci-fi as seriously as I took fantasy, in terms of enjoyable reading material.

Actually a fantastic book by a masterful writer that is dismissed both positively and negatively as teen angst.
One of the biggest pleb filters in literature. Off the top of my head, I think only of Moby Dick being a better filter.

I would definitely recommend The Stars My Destination and The Demolished Man
I have heard that de Palma and Stone have tried to adapt it in the past but I don't know how far they have got

>good prose and are absolutely bonkers
Anything by Harlan Ellison
Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space
Hyperion by Dan Simmons (the first two books only)
Samuel Delanys early work like Babel-17, Nova, and The Einstein Intersection

*sips* now THAT Was a writer

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>the writer doesn't explain the characters hook-ups and obsessions
you just cant read, you probably love Nolan films that spell everything out

>good prose
>Isaac Asimov
u wot m8

>t. Genre lit fan
Nah, fuck off, it’s poor writing.

Roadside picnick

>good prose and are absolutely bonkers
Gather, Darkness by Fritz Leiber
Stations of the Tide by Michael Swanwick

Based. Asimov is also my childhood favourite and got me into reading, although usually his prose and chracters are kinda weak. Just vessels for interesting ideas I guess

What? He’s the only big name in historical sci-fi that could write.
Dick had zero clue what a plot was, Clarke needed someone to tell him his ideas were retarded. Bradbury is good, but he’s more fantasy than sci-fi. Herbert and Heinlein only had a few good books in them. Can’t comment on Bester, since I’ve only read Stars by him.

Pride and Prejudice

Not true. His objective was just to survive "one last wobble through the burnout belt" if I remember the phrase correctly.
He managed to obtain a drug (beta-phenethylamine IIRC) which bypassed the drug protection built into his system but got the job done anyway.
Let us know when you're reading at a sixth grade level.
Egan is almost unreadably dense, Permutation City is one of the few books that I found so exhausting that I didn't want to finish.

greg "the mad lad" egan

I just read this not too long ago. I liked it but I found it strange that the authors decided not to set it in Russia. Everyone seemed Russian to me with the way they spoke, their names, and things like that. I wonder if this is how Russians feel when they read some westerner writing about Russians.

>"classic" SF is ~5 authors

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Never found anyone that actually mentions this, and it’s a perfectly fine book, amusing at points and with very nice flow throughout, particularly considering nothing ever happens and it’s literally nothing but fanfiction of upper class life.

Why the FUCK hasn't this shit been adapted.
We're all tired of capeshit, time for some antihero kino (I hear Deadpool has done well).

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I think it was due to censorship. It was written in the Soviet era

Just a few that came to mind. I missed quite a few, but those are all big names.
>but my obscure author
Yes, I agree. I’ve read stories that only a few hundred people will read that completely blow out any New York Times bestseller. Unfortunately, they aren’t relevant to a discussion about visibility.

it's actually set in canada, so basically the same thing

>speaker of Esperanto
That did not age well

I'd add Robert Sheckley, Harry Harrison, Jack Vance (Sci-fantasy, but then so is Star Wars), Theodore Sturgeon and Robert Silverberg. Oh and George Alec Effinger, if only for the Marid Audran trilogy.

Oh, that makes sense. I think I remember now reading in the foreword that the authors had trouble with the Soviet censors.

Now we are beginning

how does it feel to be so dense?

Esperanto estas amo, esperanto estas vivo.
Anyway, that's a pretty minor concern in the overall scheme of things. The series started out really well but descended into cartoonish stupidity at the end. I'd like to see it done as a somewhat gritty take while still being a little tongue in cheek. James Purefoy as Jim DiGriz, Angelina Jolie as Angelina, Max von Sydow or Jurgen Prochnow as Bishop.

I'll check your dubs if you check mine back. Who else would you add?

To that list I would add Fritz Leiber, Poul Anderson, Frederik Pohl, Alfred Bester, Harlan Ellison, Roger Zelazny, Samuel R. Delany, Ursula K. LeGuin, Joe Haldeman, Gene Wolfe

Pizza in general is pure 90s cringe.

Alright let's do Cryptonomicon instead.

Simak, Vonnegut, Aldiss, Niven, Pohl, Orson Scott Card, Spinrad, Jose Farmer. Anyone saying Mieville will get stomped by the Vance Protection Society (ie me).

Lieber was mostly fantasy (good fantasy but still) and Gene Wolfe is pure fucking garbage.
Can't believe I don't have any Zelazny on my bookshelf.

Plots are crutch for writers with inadequate prose.
The Stars My Destination would make a good film but you'd have to take out the at-will teleportation stuff.

I should have added James Blish
Cards fairly recent

Oh and Fred Saberhagen.

Lieber did some SF like Gather, Darkness and Eggheads and The Wanderer, they're good and bonkers as someone asked
>and Gene Wolfe is pure fucking garbage
what are you, a protestant?

yeah. maybe they could get the people who did Xavier:Renegade Angel to make it. that'd be fuckin' hiliarious.

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The Wanderer had a sexy catgirl in 1964

the Cyberiad would make a cute CGI animated series.

M8 the classic age of sci fi IMHO is anything pre-1990 when we still read 'books' instead of shitposting on the internet.
Ender's Game is a fucking classic, deal with it.
Also Alan Dean Foster and David Brin and Ben Bova. And Bruce Sterling.
I have spent way too much time reading SF.

Is there any SF (I guess it would be more space/biological fantasy) or fantasy that isn’t rooted in medieval or modern human culture? Something that feel completely foreign.

cities in motherfucking flight! now we're talking.

Danny Devito to play Mayor Amalfi.

dichronauts :^)

Hey I'm happy that enough people like him that he never needed to rummage through garbage cans to eat, but seriously bro, seriously. I read There Are Doors as a 16 year old back when it was published and that was enough Wolfe for me.
Also, Joe Haldeman. I liked the Forever War.

Flowers for Algernon has a ton of potential to be kino.

Or it could be completely boring. Probably no middle ground.

Jules Verne and HG Wells are such influences that they deserve to be mentioned

I read this for the first time as an edgy teenager in 2001 and absolutely loved it. All of my equally-edgy teenage friends then suggested Snow Crash, which I found really kinda terrible. An absolute slog in the middle, especially. Was I missing something?


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it's shit

Let's toss in Huxley and Orwell too.
I have a soft spot for Wells because I also play tabletop wargames.

Not really. All his books are a slog. You don't read Neal Stephenson for enjoyment, but rather the illusion that you're learning something.

daily reminder

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>literal commie roast

I liked the sex scene, thought it was hot but I didn’t jerk off

there have been several attemps to film this in they all fell through

afaik the last one was with Joseph Kahn at the helm, some dude who made a couple of music videos and a shitty TFATF rip off Torque. so, yeah

i feel like Neuromances moment has kinda past, its a book you really gotta read and understand in the context of its time. if made to today a lot of the stuff would feel pretty contrived. either youd have to heavily adapt it to our times or youd have to go for some kind of weird retro-futuristic vibe, kinda like an alternate future 80s/90s style. all in all its too much effort considering thats not really a brand name either. I mean, litfrags and scifi nerds know Neuromancer but no normies, really

Have human sex.

Burgerpunk is where's it's at now

wasn't there an attempt in the early 1990s that was going to have Robert Fripp doing the score?

What would be contrived or need to be retro?

I'm scared that's covert /pol/ propaganda

well, Burgerpunk is basically Idiocracy in the current year, so pretty much

Because if they fuck it up people will never let them forget it - failure to do anything with the seminal cyberpunk novel will be an albatross around their necks forever. They might as well post here on Yea Forums instead.

>Because if they fuck it up people will never let them forget it
That hasn't stopped them with dozens of other properties

>good prose and are absolutely bonkers
Dune is the obvious choice if you haven't read it already. I'm fond of Ray Bradbury's short stories too.

This. I was really disappointed when I read what people told me was the progenitor of cyberpunk. I was expecting something like Deus Ex or System Shock or a Protomen song. An anti-hero in a dystopian society fueled by greed and overconsumption, ruled by huge multinationals who treat people like parts in a cog, and he rebels against this technocratic elite. Instead what I got was a druggie who's biggest problem is when he can't get high. And almost everyone else is a psychopath.

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>dystopian society fueled by greed
formerly altruism

Normies can’t understand what a homage is so I doubt it would be successful

>Normies can’t understand what a homage is
that's because we don't speak the french pal, speak burger

While it mite be cool, I would honestly rather see a mini-series adaptation of this at this point.

So long as it had a proper budget for the CGI, costumes, etc. like The Man In the High Castle in order to make the world-building come alive for the viewer, it could be fucking great.

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Writers of genre fiction typically don't have very much insight into humans, so they have nothing to say via about people and their characters are flat. That's why they couldn't make it as real writers.

Fuck off Ayn. Your books makes every book in this thread seem like the best shit ever written.

Sweeping HBO series following the generations down the line when? Either one season for each generation, or make the generation jump in the middle of one season and show the original cast being old etc.

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Where's my adaptation ?

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only that Gibson is a widely respected writer both in scifi and in lit circles and both with his scifi as with his contemporary novels

His contemporary novels are just airport fiction about the cia and google. At best they're an upmarket Michael Crichton.


the whole setting, with leet haxx0rs and their cyberdecks and street samurai waifus and cyberspace as this psychedelic place, it caputred the zeitgeist back then but it feels awkward today. in video games it may work but translated to the screen it becomes much harder.
take a look at that Johnny Mnemonic movie for instance, its kinda low budget but actually a pretty accurate translation of Gibson to the screen and it feels super cheesy today. or maybe even back then.

the best book to make a movie out of is probably Pattern Recogniction. It has many of the themes (alienation & loneliness in the modern society, cultural resistance particularly through art, political resistance particularly through technology, people from very different places in the world and society working together, anti-corporatism, globalism, and so on and so forth) but the plot and tech is so low key it could be easily transported to today (its about 10 years old now i think)

>and in lit circles

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try prove me wrong dude with anything other than memes, there is a huge number of lit essays and books about Gibson and his work, that is just a simple fact

there's even more essays about "fat studies"

whatever dude, I'm sure you know what you are talking about

I wish you tourists would take one lesson to heart: if someone can literally echo your post back at you and it becomes just as good of an argument, it’s not worth posting.

>current year + 4
>still no Kulture Kino™

It wouldn't work now because everyone knows that computers and hacking don't work that way. Neuromancer is just fundamentally nonsense from our point of view. It would be like trying to make a movie about adventures on Mars, and the air is breathable and there are princesses and loyal space dogs or something and weird aliens.

The pure viewer rage the ending would generate would be amazing to witness.

Culture is a globohomo nightmare on a galactic scale.

>He doesn't know
Amazon, 2021.

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Worst one to adapt.

Supposedly there's a Culture series in the works somewhere. Apparently their budget isn't the size of a space station disguised as small moon though so we have no hope for it.

Reminder of other upcoming tv/film sci-fi failures:
>The Witcher (Netlfix)
>Locke and Key (Netflix)
>Wheel of Time (Sony)
>Y: The Last Man (FX)
>The Boys (has Karl the Urbane as Butcher so he might rescue it)
>The Black Company
>Culture series
>Foundation (Apple)
>Halo (Showtime)
>LOTR Sellamillion-based prequel (Amazon)
>Dark Tower (Amazon)
>The Watch (Discworld) (BBC Amarica)

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>It would be like trying to make a movie about adventures on Mars, and the air is breathable and there are princesses and loyal space dogs or something and weird aliens.
But John Carter was actually filmed so maybe there is hope for Neuromancer

Fuck meant for

>The Watch (Discworld)
Unless they start with Men At Arms I'm not bothering. They're probably going to make it all about the shitty post-rincewind zombie discworld half of the books.

The Wheel of Time adaption is gonna be fucking abysmal and they're going to drag it out forever.

>Men At Arms
Fuck I mean Guards! Guards!

>>The Black Company

thats in the works?

>>LOTR Sellamillion-based prequel (Amazon)
looking forward to watching this just for the shitstorm, desu

It’s already pozzed feminist garbage before being thrown to the Hollywood Jews to subvert.

I just hope they focus on massive destruction caused by channeling.
Like when rand was locked in the box and held captive by the aehl.

>>>LOTR Sellamillion-based prequel (Amazon)
>looking forward to watching this just for the shitstorm, desu

it will probably kill Christopher Tolkien

well, he survived the hobbit, he may survive this if he deletes his internet

Yup. Supposedly Eliza Dushku wants to be both producer and star in it (presumably as The Lady). She's too old. David Goyer's name is also lurking about the project too.

Like he is going to watch a second of it.

This. It's dead on arrival.

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>The Boys
I hope they don't cut its balls off.

It's a shame Ghormenghast will most likely fail. The BBC series was pretty decent, but suffered from a lack of budget. Hollywood will probably butcher the unique style of Pyke's book and make it a run in the mill fantasy.

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the story itself isnt that great

Wee Hughie isn't even British.

Just checked, it look like it's dead in the water.

Who said he was???

Did you read it thinking he was a septic?

Because johnny mnomic killed any further Gibson adaptations

2nd trailer made it look a little more like what we're expectorating.


At least Karl Urban looks like 'e's 'aving fun.

>doesn't know the difference between Neuromancer and Snowcrash
>hasn't read either

You didn't realise he was a brit, despite his dialogue, his intro being set in Scotland and him looking like Simon fucking Pegg?

Daily reminder that that awesome "Chronicles of Conan" project was cancelled so that this SJW drivel could be created.

>Terror proceeds to fuck the turd instead of the dog

It’s like when harry fought Voldemort but it was actually Hillary vs drumpf

>A-Train is a nigger
>The Deep (who was a nigger in the books) has been deleted
>Jack from Jupiter either deleted or the guy that looks like The Lamplighter is him.
>No Frenchy
>No Female
>Produced by the same weed smoking fuckwits that took a huge sloppy shit on everything good about Preacher
>Wee Hughie not played by Simon Pegg
Why the fuck can't Jews translate one form of media to another without fucking ruining both?
This look like a complete slap in the face for actual The Boys fans.

What the fuck are you idiots smoking? Show me where I said anything about Wee Hughie's nationality.

Oh I see. You just got confused by my answer. The original post said "I hope they don't cut its balls off" and I answered with "Wee Hughie isn't even British" to point out that they don't give a shit about the source material right out of the gate. Your "Who said he was???" response made it sound like you thought he wasn't British to begin with, because it never crossed my mind that you'd misunderstood my point.

>Wheel of Time
>they're going to drag it out forever
So a faithful adaption of the author's intent then.

Ah, so you meant "Wee Hughie isn't even British in the TV adaptation." Got it.

Ubik. I just got done reading it yesterday and it blew me away.
>that fucking ending

>>that fucking ending

PKD invented the twisty mind-fuck ending before it became a meme, imagine reading that shit in the 60s

But actually have a decent ending to it, unlike the book.

yeah, I could imagine. I'm going to give the ol' college try with The Man in the High Castle next.

i recommend his short stories, they arent all great but there is plenty of great stuff in there

Name two mainstream movies with a katana wielding cyberpunk protagonist.

I have never seen anyone mention this book ever. It was surprisingly cool. Strange but good.

Tell me The Last Question wasn't the greatest sci fi short story you ever read?

It's already made into a film called Charly

Kino adaptation fucking when???

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I really hope they never do. They'd only fuck it up. I'm fine with this only being a book.

Read the Three Stigmata