Bigger Luke, commonly abbreviated to BL, or more uncommonly BgL...
>Bigger Luke, commonly abbreviated to BL, or more uncommonly BgL, is the slightly larger manifestation of Luke Skywalker that is said to appear in certain scenes of the original Star Wars Trilogy, contrasting to Regular Luke.

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He’s not that big.

Good thing bigger is a relative descriptor, tardo.

For you.

Bigger Sneed

What is BL's endgame?

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Post the webm

Bigger Luke is at least fun. The shit you posted is just advanced female autism.

Oh no, no. No nononononono.


I thought shipping or whatever this is called was almost always of interest to women.


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I didn't even know there was a wiki for this show. It was so shirt lived but i still have the opening tune memorized

Is bigger Luke considered canon?

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why one is jake?

His name is Jake Skywalker

>mfw its real
god damn

He’s not that bigger

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And Bigger Luke isn't a perfect manifestation of male autism?

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iCarly is srs bsns

They were good clones.

How do EU writers sleep at night knowing they're responsible for bringing retarded shit like this into the universe

my sides

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>star wars
>anything but retarded

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How can they be so autistic and yet so stupid? He's a little bit more behind Han in the left, isn't standing upright, his leg is bent as well, the ground on either set might be uneven, etc.

I used to date a girl who was into writing fanfics and would show me what she wrote, thank fucking Christ she was into straight fanfics and not that gay shit so many chicks are into.

>The Hamill Hypothesis is the theory that Bigger Luke can be best explained by the existence of a slightly larger Mark Hamill look-alike who was used in many scenes of the original Star Wars Trilogy. The proposed reason for this is still, to this day, up to speculation.

>they straight up acknowledge there's no reason they would've gone through this
>yet believe it anyway
I love autism

It's not really that there's a bigger Luke, there's actually a bigger Mark Hamill.

By thinking "at least it's not the sequels"

The Hamill hypothesis literally explains everything.



What about a smaller Ford

He's consistent between shots. It is Hamill who fluctuates.

Here is more data for your consideration.

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Is it me or does Luke Prime on the left look like Tyrion making this retarded face? Perhaps Peter Dinklage is actually Smaller Mark? Or perhaps Mark Prime is actually Bigger Peter?

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What about a fluctuating setting?

meant to quote too


this nigga

Yes, Lucas confirmed it in 1996. Its a hidden hint on Lukes force power which is so great that the he literally warps the universe around him so he appears to be shorter/taller at different times depending on many psychological and other factors

That show was awful

so you'd say Bigger Luke is a big guy, but only for Luke