Do you like to watch television?

do you like to watch television?

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Who invented the anal sex meme?

Unironically, what does sex feel like?


sex is vile

presently? no
formerly? yes

it feels like Sneed


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why don't you just lower your standards and find out?

Why do you post like a non-white?

God damnit I just want to fuck this Jewish BBW from my class. I saw her with her tits pushed up, her sexy curly Jew hair, ghetto earrings, and long nails

Pretty good, better when it’s with someone you care about

I don’t leave my bedroom most days and haven’t spoken to another person in months. I have never had a conversation with a female. Not trolling btw

>curly Jew hair
I'm a Jew myself and I get very strange uncanny valley vibes from Jewish girls. They make me uncomfortable and I mostly don't like spending too much time around them but I have to say I do like the hair. It's nice.

cute feet

It burns/chafes

That doesn't answer my question.

feels good man

It feels like being a real person

Also, wet, warm and tight.

go to therapy user, there is hope for you

>better when it’s with someone you care about
False. Intimacy and monogamy are memes and unnatural

You can only reply of you get over my 5000. Have sex incels.

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Therapy does absolutely fucking nothing, I spent YEARS in therapy and the most positive outcome any of it ever produced was a pleasant conversation.
Get a gym membership, that really changed my life. Still a kissless virgin though, but I finally feel good about myself nonetheless

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"Those who would give up essential Stacies, to purchase a little temporary sex, deserve neither Stacey nor Sex"
- Benjamin Franklin

I already jerked off to anal sex today, thx