If I get your wife to poison you with Tears of Lys, would you die?

If I get your wife to poison you with Tears of Lys, would you die?

Attached: smallcouncil.png (346x524, 389K)

It would be extremely painful..

You're a big guy

for you

What’s the next rung on your master ladder?

Maester Pycelle, I'm Chaos.

Attached: littlefinger4u.jpg (640x640, 144K)

>not "Chaosche"
missed opportunity


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Is Aidan gillen the only guy in the world who does this

So did all the horrible shit in GoT happen because Littlefinger was an incel that wanted revenge against Stark chads?

Attached: kingrobert.jpg (1200x1200, 208K)


he owned a brothel. he was a voluntary celibate

More like the chad incel. He threw an entire kingdom into chaos all because he couldn't get one woman. He manipulated another and then killed her when couldn't use her anymore. Very iffy if you ask me

What the fuck was his endgame?
What's he up to in the books rn?

>control the vale the sweet robin
>kill off harry the heir
>marry sandra thus getting the north
>swoop in with Westeros' only untouched army after everyone elses forces are spent

You forgot
>flay Edmure Tully alive


not exactly. if not for LF, arryn would've still discovered cersei+jaime incest and that the kids are theirs, and in all likelihood still would've gotten murdered for it. LF just played along to let thing spiral but they were still very much sliding to shit

the big question is if he didn't trick ned with the goldcloaks, would he have escaped back north and been able to rally the forces of winterfell? if so things go totally different, he'd have them all rally to stannis and force renly down, would've held robb to the frey wedding if that was even necessary, and woulda kept the greyjoys in check
with all that together you've got the north, the vale, riverrun, and stannis' portion of the Baratheon/east forces all rallied, and a decent chance of being able to ally with dorne. renly would be forced down if he even tried to declare himself so openly, which'd leave the lannisters totally fucked and targshits ripe for death

If he hadn't tricked Ned then he wouldn't have needed to. The Lannisters only had the throne because they had King's Landing, without it Stannis would be King unopposed with the support of the Hand.

Cersei wasn't have been smart enough to know shit was going down. Jon would have her arrested and the Tryells in the capital before Cersei even knew what was going on.

Why would the Tyrells be needed?

The Lannisters provided money and troops that were loyal to the king. Jon would have Robert marry Margaery to fill that hole now that the Lannisters are out of the picture. Renly was already pushing for it.

>"Renly" was pushing for it

>chad incel
Who is the incel chad?

Beelzebub has a devil put aside