We made it up ;)

We made it up ;)

Attached: 465567889.jpg (259x194, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


the moon



does six million sound like an exaggeration?

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Hitler being a straight man

Attached: adolf himher.jpg (773x701, 144K)

I mean he did off himself. Pretty common among trannies

Is that how many years it'll take you to lose your virginity?

You tell me

Attached: FT_15.02.04_JewsEurope200px.png (200x621, 11K)



Incels are VERY real and a fifth column that must be dealt with for the betterment of society

Attached: master race virgins.png (1411x1194, 1.1M)

>Adolf Himher

Attached: 23523666.jpg (800x450, 40K)

Oooh, how cryptic!!

Wooden doors? A total fabrication

yes it does

Wooden doors on gas chambers sound too crazy to be true??

That's because it is, our writers made it up.

Attached: 2362778.jpg (735x933, 299K)

We made that up toi

some trannys got triggered I see

Attached: asdvavgh.jpg (404x684, 86K)

Did someone miss their dilation? It makes ya cranky...

Attached: asdgwwhh.jpg (750x1048, 185K)


Total fabrication

>kills self

>Believing soviet lies



Attached: 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.png (1070x601, 507K)

Cope tranny

We have evidence man. Why do you think he was on so many drugs? Proto-AIDS

Attached: adshhj.jpg (684x794, 135K)

This was a barrel bottom show but there was something really comfy about it.


Incel genocide when?

seething kike lmfao
the essence of your existence - holocaust, is a lie
imagine your entire existence being based around a big hoax

Attached: scared incel.png (612x848, 440K)

Your Vagina isn’t real snowflake


>blah blah blah holocaust
why do trannys always shout this when they get exposed?

Attached: 23t.jpg (634x382, 69K)

Obsessed tranny

holocaust? wtf are you babbling about? We're talking about nazi trannys here man. Nobody has mentioned it ITT

somebody has jews living in their head rent free lmao

>not this time, the kikes made this one up

dilate your nose, dumb hebe

so you’re saying homosexuality is a gateway to naziism so we should outlaw faggotry to protect Jews?

nazis were pro sex and basically you're mad online

Oh they're real, and posting in this very thread right now....

why are you trannys so obsessed with jews?

Attached: 236ah.jpg (780x585, 75K)

>Jews are dying 'cause of trannies.
>Holds up

>n-no u
zoomer "banter"

Attached: 1560224288439.jpg (2544x4000, 906K)

Hitler was history’s first incel

why does pointing out the truth of nazi trannys make one jewish? Can someone not handle the truth?

I’m an anarchist.

Jews were anti-tranny and trying to stop the tranny menace

If Hitler had won we’d all be in skirts

bro he was married

I’m not passing judgement. Just telling the truth m. Most nazis were tranny and Hitler was openly gay

not so fast, cracker.

Attached: gandalf-lord-of-the-rings-e1534255368438.jpg (410x230, 29K)

Right before he an heroed

>shows complete disinterest with women his whole life, so odd that his mother, teacher, and even unit commander in WW1 all note it
>forced into a show-marriage after decades of badgering
>Kills self hours afterwards

This I don't get why people kvetch so hard it was just a part of who they were

totally irrelevant

>always click spoiler tags out of anticipation of seeing something cool
Please Delete This


yes he was an autist chad. What all men should aspire to be.

>believing (((their))) lies
propaganda to smear the truth. Hitler dreamed of a rainbow nation

Attached: 346a.png (1352x1071, 745K)

Yikes tranny, find better propaganda

I'm glad by the time my brain realized that wasn't a red blouse I had already clicked away and purged this image from my memory

Fake and gay


Why does he/she/whatever have so much missing skin?


Attached: autistichitler.webm (500x375, 2.12M)

Nazi doctors were the best at sex change ops due to sheer demand. Others not so much

>comes close to taking over Europe
>not chad

He's as chad as Napolean.

more jewish lies. He was mainly a harmless tranny who just spread gay propaganda. But the homophobic soviets tore it all down and rewrote history

Attached: asdhgh.jpg (727x604, 253K)

Nobody on female hormones is a chad

wow i guess i've been owned. I'm a corncob now.

Even this piece of shit graph has it under 6 gorillion.

Estimates range from 5-6 million. I know this board loves to meme 6 million but it's simply one estimate of many.

my estimate is 0


Nazis dindu nuffin right?

Russia and Poland both amended the numbers from 4 million to 1 or 2.

Less hatin' nazis, more hatin' trannies. The only things Hitler did wrong were being a gay tranny and having one nutsack. Also a bit of a drug problem.

No the 4 million number was a baseless number created by the Soviets that was never accepted by western academia.

I have no idea how this became a meme, but I love it. I absolutely love the show and it's my go-to show when going to bed.

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>He was a jew, he was gay, they were trannies
Does any sane person see through this shit?

Yes, the vast majority of sane people see an insane man who ran a country into insanity

Imagine trying to publish that article today.

I think it's more of a transparently hypocritical tactic. If you're against trannies and gays, then you're nazi. But nazis were trannies and gaysz which is disgusting. Therefore, the person posting those pictures is both a nazi AND a tranny. Logic 101 Shabading Shabadoon.

Hitler brought Germany from their knees to the heights of which they will never see again

He brought them to depths never before seen. Was a few years of occupation of Western Europe worth the total destruction of Germany as people knew it?

6 is still logistically impossible. Crunch the numbers. I’ve done it. You can look up the blueprints of the camps yourself. The sq footage. The stairs (gas chamber in basement, crematorium up stairs) filling the rooms shoulder to shoulder and killing as many people as humanly possible 24/7 around the clock + factoring in time it takes to fill room, time it takes gas to kill, time it takes gas to disperse so you can re-enter, time it takes to carry corpses up stairs, time it takes for a body to burn, plus number of bodies that can fit in an oven plus number of ovens. Etc and so on. Look up when the alleged death camps were open. Do the math. Logistically impossible. I’ll buy a million but 6 million no fucking way.

That was already underway, and immediately resumed after his defeat. You might have an argument if we weren't capable of assessing the absolute state of things.

No one claims 6 million Jews were gassed and cremated. Look up the Einsatzgruppen

They were winning. They controlled the entirety of Europe. The destruction of their creation wasn't them, it was outside forces.

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>That was already underway
No not to the extent where Germany's worst enemies occupied the country entirely. Not to the extent that half the country fell under Bolshevism. If Hitler had a sensible foreign policy he would've gone down as one of the greatest leaders in German history but it's due to the inherent nationalist and expansionist elements of NatSoc that war was inevitable and resulted in the destruction of Germany.

Such a cuck some people don't even know how to write his name.

I mean he kind if was. An Iron Cross earning war veteran who dictatorial s
power in an entire nation after buying his way out of prison through the popularity of his own autobiography is pretty Chad. Still has a dedicated cult to this day

Stalin was a bank robber before he became dictator too.

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They invaded Russia and declared war on America their destruction was entirely their doing. Absolving the Nazis of all blame is just dumb.

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>Germany's worst enemies occupied the country
it's called the Weimar Republic

Stalin out-Chaded Hitler

Einzatsgruppen and gassings are not what killed most jews. Most died from starvation and disease.

>A democratic Germany is just as bad as a Soviet occupied Germany
Do you even listen to yourself?

I use the Corsican spelling, because I'm more intelligent then you.

>Most died from starvation and disease.

Hindsight is 20/20. Many great people underestimated the meatgrinder that is Russia

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Jews really are schizophrenic. I never even talked about this ITT

It was a war between total Chad's, true. Hitler lost it in the last few years of the war and should've been assassinated by that prussian faction in the SS.

But instead A FUCKING OAK TABLE got in the way.

Attached: 300px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1972-025-10,_Hitler-Attentat,_20._Juli_1944.jpg (300x201, 19K)

Sure I can see his rationale for invading Russia but declaring war on America was just dumb and his generals advised him against it

They were allied with Japan. How can you not declare war?

To be fair tho Hitler wasn't even the biggest Chad in Germany. That goes to Ernst Junger

Attached: 3-29-18-7.jpg (352x530, 94K)

At least soviets weren't outwardly gay pedophiles.

The Hunger Plan didn't just target slavs

>They were allied with Japan
The pact they had with Japan was strictly defensive in nature they had no obligation to declare war on America as Japan attacked first.

Stauffenberg was in the Wehrmacht fool...

Video games ceased production in 1994.

The greatest Yea Forums chad to ever live desu.

I just don’t buy 6 million. I’m not a denier in any other sense other than the 6 million figure.

America was giving supplies to the U.K. and Europe.

>disavows Nazis
>write a bunch of faggy books

yeah, I'm thinking he's cringe

Oh yeah

The numbers range 6 million isn't the final figure:
>According to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, "[a]ll the serious research" confirms that between five and six million Jews died.[v] Early postwar calculations were 4.2 to 4.5 million from Gerald Reitlinger;[400] 5.1 million from Raul Hilberg; and 5.95 million from Jacob Lestschinsky.[401] In 1986 Lucy S. Dawidowicz used the pre-war census figures to estimate 5.934 million.[402] Yehuda Bauer and Robert Rozett in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1990) estimated 5.59–5.86 million.[403] In 1996 Wolfgang Benz suggested 5.29 to just over 6 million, [404] and Martin Gilbert arrived at a minimum of 5.75 million.[405] The figures include over one million children.[406]

Also 5-6 million Jews disappeared from Europe following WW2 if not killed in the Holocaust where did they go?

>disavows Nazis
>write a bunch of based books

yeah, I'm thinking he's based

Yes goy it's actually 20 million

Same guy twice. He's a special needs person.

Germany antagonized all of America's closest European allies material support was simply the diplomatic repercussions of this. If Germany didn't have such a shit tier foreign policy they would've fared better

>Earns Pour le Merite after spending 4 years at war, going from a literally who private to a major
>Is too right wing for Nazis , is loosely connected with Hitler's assassination attempt
>Becomes one of the greatest German authors of the 20th century
Nah he was one of the most Chad men to ever exist

Can you show me a single Historian who supports those figures? As I understand the official estimate for Jews dead in particular is 5-6 million.

>If they didn't attack the supply ships going to the countries they were at war with they would do better?
Personally I wish they never attacked the U.K. They didn't want to but they had to

>ooh look at me I'm doing drugs with Carl Jung
>this next book is about a bureaucrat, but in le future!

he's a reactionary retard. Unironically, Goebbels' shitty book is better than any of Junger's bibliography

Your own people don't even believe it.

UK attacked the krauts to protect Poolish subhumans. Noblesse oblige

Again Germany did what they felt they had to do but they antagonized America in doing so resulting in the material support. The aggressive foreign policy of Nazi Germany and they inherent militarism of their ideology made war with the western allies inevitable. The concept of Lebensraum alone would've led to war. After Hitler continued to break his word the land grab in Poland was the last straw and resulted in the Allies going to war against Germany. America was closely allied with democratic France and Britain at the time it's simply a consequence of these close ties that America ended up providing material support. Had Germany pursued a more sensible foreign policy this wouldn't have happened however it is my belief their ideology which such tensions inevitable.

>yes goyim there were 80 gorillion people in this room an hour ago
>oh there's only 3 million right now? musta been shoahed

The article is about how many total people died as a result of Nazi policies, not just Jews who died in the Holocaust. The Germans and Soviets together had severe economic policies of seizing goods from civillians while enacting a Scorched Earth campaign. They together probably killed about 50 million as a result of that front in the war. The test of ostfront is I think 70 million

Why were so many nazi's trannys?

Attached: gay nazis6.jpg (850x567, 63K)

You're linking me the word of a rabbi based on zero evidence and taking that over the word of hundreds of western scholars? Who do you think you're going to convince exactly? Have you even bothered to look at the tons of evidence available for the Holocaust?

Kek, juvenile pleb


Attached: gay nazis7.jpg (640x427, 35K)

who are you quoting? what the fuck are you even talking about?

Why was Hitler hopped up on so much drugs?

Attached: hitler druggy.png (1679x649, 82K)

(((western scholars))). See how easy it is to dismiss evidence? People of your own faith know it's bullshit and have admitted to it. You are so full of shit. The only reason your country exists is because of this lie.

You sound like a buttmad nazi tranny that needs to cope with the fact it will never be a woman

Imagine calling this creature a chad

Attached: 2222.png (1243x533, 108K)

>(((western scholars)))
Hell of an argument you make there dude

>See how easy it is to dismiss evidence?
Like you're doing right now? You don't care about the truth you're just looking to fuel your own confirmation bias. Do you even know what the Einsatzgruppen were? How about Sonderkommando? For someone looking to debunk the most well documented genocide in history you seem to not give a shit about the actual evidence for it.

nah. Weimar Republic was overrun by nazi trannys

Attached: gay nazis8.png (1100x577, 456K)

Half of those are vitamins and aren't really that unusual for that time period.

Look fag, this isn't the first time some """"""historians""""""" overestimated a pre-cataclysm population to get inflated death counts. They did this with the native americans too.

HI guys, just thought I'd share my story with dealing with being so redpilled.

I've been coming on /pol/ since about 2014 and probably spend upwards of 5 hours a day posting here. I'm a proud believer of National Socialism, a regular contributor to /sg/, and I've laughed and cried with all you guys.

However dealing with the JQ in particular has basically ruined my life. I see jews everywhere I go now, and I always notice them behind everything that is wrong in my life. I dream about jews fucking shit up and probably spend about 75% of my day thinking about them. Today I saw a utility car that had an ad "got dents" and thought it say "goy dents". I followed the car in anger for about 15 minutes before I realized what it actually said. This kind of shit just happens all the time to me. I basically got kicked out of my college for calling my professor a kike when he tried to talk about the holohoax and have become a social pariah as a result. I have absolutely no friends besides you guys, and women all jokingly call me "fat hitler" around my old social circles. What's worse my mom works for a kike, and I demanded she quit her job than have us live off of jew money. She kicked me out of the house and now I'm forced to live with my grandma. I have no job as I refuse to be a zogcog so am 100% dependent on her now. I have no health insurance and refuse to go to walk-ins because the doctors are always kikes.

My grandma wants me to go to a therapist to work past my jew "obsession" but I won't because that shit is a kike racket. On April 20th we got into a huge fight because I wanted a party to celebrate Hitler's birthday and she thought it was a waste of money. She mad me take down my pictures of Hitler, Bashar al-Assad, and Saddam. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to live with her. My mom says she should let me be homeless...

Sometimes I wish I never got so redpilled..How do you guys with the redpill not ruining your life like this?.

Attached: 4DuGJRe.png (509x411, 17K)

>the most well documented genocide in history
That's kind of like saying the least smelling turd my dude

Proofs and links

What evidence do you have that the Holocaust in particular was a collaboration among WW2 historians across the globe in order to create a deliberate over estimate of Jewish deaths during the genocide?

Hitler's place was on his knees, pleasing other men

Attached: gaydolf3.png (630x521, 58K)

You're trying pretty hard aren't you?

Attached: 1476399712235.gif (248x203, 154K)

Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

But you won't read it so why bother?

lmao imagine being so assblasted by the term discord tranny you spam every thread with an ebin no u campaign

That dumb tranny btfo Germany with his retarded decisions

>can't beat UK
>invade USSR
>losing against USSR
>declare war on US
lmao what a faggot (a literal faggot, btw)

Nobody believes your Canadian propaganda outside your immediate circles.

>posts upon posts of tireless autism
can't we just agree hitler was based, but he didn't jews and commies with the harshness they did and do deserve, and we live in a cursed timeline?

>Holocaust in particular was a collaboration among WW2 historians across the globe in order to create a deliberate over estimate of Jewish deaths during the genocide?
I mean you do realize that this was a topic of viscious debate for decades, right? There are still entire corners of the world that debt the Holocaust.

>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation or evidence to ever existing decides to fake "the holocaust" as part of a plot to take over the world and enslave the Master Race
>Plant the seeds for decades (centuries?) in advance long before WW1 even happened (/pol/ often uses the old "six million" references as evidence of a conspiracy)
>None of this is ever discovered or found out
>Somehow orchestrate in the middle of WW2 the mass disappearance of 11 million people including 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews
>covertly relocate these people secretly to ??? (Israel I guess?)
>build all these complex facilities and phony camps that were actually resorts with theaters and swimming pools and etc
>falsify thousands of documents, photographs, etc
>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
>pay off millions of witnesses of dozens of nationalities, none of whom EVER break the silence that they were in fact in on a gargantuan conspiracy
>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
>All the nazi's are in on it too as not one of them denied the holocaust took place at their trials, just their individual responsibility.
>The leaders of every country in the world is in on that, including both sides of the Cold War
>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
>No paper trail of this MASSIVE unprecedented operation that has spanned now many years exists.
>Somehow THIS is more believable than the nazi's killing the people they said they always wanted to kill

How did the Jews manage this when Nixon couldn't even keep Watergate a secret?

Do you creatures ever get bored complaining about Jews

I just cant get over the Prima logo. It is tv channel in Czechia. I grow up watching this show on that channel. Just... why of all pictures user used this one?

nazi trannys are a historical truth, sorry if it triggers you

Oh yes, half of these documents being recreations from the , what was their name again, oh yeah the *Soviet Union*

>None of this is ever discovered or found out
Your problem is you have numerous fallacies in your greentext and you are trying to construct one giant strawman.

The estimates of the Jewish deaths during the Holocaust ranges from 5-6 million among Western Historians in my experience do you have any evidence this was an overestimate? What debates are being had in regards to the death toll? It seems the general estimate is agreed upon

when they don't have a disproportionate amount of power that they use to drive my race and civilization into the ground I'll stop

sorry if historical photographs are so upsetting for you fairy

Attached: gay nazis9.jpg (1781x1336, 182K)

Id believe the Soviet’s over a bunch of trannys like Hitler and friends

Nice strawman my dude

They just bribed some Poles. Why do you think all camps are in Poland? Poles are real cheap.

>Oh yes, half of these documents being recreations
Half? Like what? Any examples?

>None of this is ever discovered or found out

Attached: 1557182166996.jpg (3464x3996, 2.99M)

wtf man? I'm just talking about how they did it. The Jews airdropped into Poland built fake camps on top of these luxury resorts and shit and nobody ever saw them. This is literally what you believe, so what's the problem?

You’re not even white none of the goblinos and Arabs that circlejerk on pol are

Lol, or course the spammer is a fan of the Soviet Union. Makes sense. You do have a lot in common with it

This shit doesn't make any sense no matter how you put it

Attached: 1560304908109.jpg (680x498, 112K)

here's what you get if you search 5 million jews/3 million jews

I guess those are magic conspiracies too

Attached: neckbeardtriggermuhsixmillion2.png (1387x1012, 485K)

>linking his own posts
Cringe, tranny

I take it your pic is based on the World Almanac numbers right? You realize those used pre-war estimates right?

>Some deniers, such as the IHR, refer to World Almanac statistics which claim that there was no decline in the global number of Jews during the war. However, the Almanac data for Jews until 1948 were old estimates. The fresh estimate for 1948 shows a decline of 4.4 million. Updated estimates for 1949 show a total decline of 5.3 million.[74]

I hate pol and don't post there though

Attached: neckbeardtriggeralmanac.png (742x2101, 1.39M)

I never really praised the Soviet’s I just think they’re more reliable than a bunch of trannys

Sorry if you’re a fan of trannys

Based muslims making kikes seethe.

It's not the jews fault women are repulsed by you

Attached: literally pol.png (729x288, 150K)

>tfw I don't believe the hall of cost but I want to believe the jews got at least some of what they deserve
pls convince me it was real bros

Sure thing hombre.

Oh you used your numbers use (((our))) numbers goy. Oh you can't investigate the gravesites. Oh you can't talk about it, that's illegal. You people are terrible. And history proves it.

>couldn't even keep Watergate a secret
Nixon is a part of this. It's a project to desensitize the people to public fraud. It went on and on. And they are successful. Today nobody assumes that politicians are not corrupt. Yet, everybody thinks it's okay and still vote for them.


genetic abominations, the lot of them

Attached: Pol in real world.jpg (1374x1031, 125K)

I believe you will never be a woman

So if hitler was a gay and the nazis were transvestites doesnt this just further prove that gays and trannies are mentally unstable?

Attached: 4266D50D-FBA5-4041-8506-FBC1BD2C180B.jpg (900x900, 40K)

until moot created pol, everyone loved jews and commies

Why are kikes so racist?

history proves that jews are the master race according to pol

Attached: dil.jpg (439x659, 79K)

Not a rebuttal tranny don’t cry so much your fake vagina bursts apart again

Moot was/is a gay kike. Good riddance.

>Among western historians
David Irving and different parts of the Historikerstreit have denied a 6 million estimate and the etc means in which Jews were killed. The most hardcore of Holocaust denier doesn't really deny that Jews were targeted or murdered, it's just that they were not mistreated to the extent other historians say. Irving for instance denied mass gassings and claimed only 3 million Jews died in the Holocaust. A lot of people say the matter in a British court as to whether ot not his claims are true but that's not really how historical debates are decided.

It's why a lot of very anti-Semitic places hold on to Holocaust denial so strongly

I guess. I'm not passing any judgement just stating facts

Attached: gaynazi10.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

All the jews just went to America and turned it into a jewish country

Go cry somewhere else tranny

No you did, explicitly. Again it doesn't surprise me that a tranny spammer likes the Soviet Union so much.

>it's racist to point out why you creatures repulse women

>Oh you used your numbers
It's not my numbers it's the numbers of the World Almanac dude they themselves said they used pre-war estimates

>Oh you can't investigate the gravesites
But you can.

>Oh you can't talk about it, that's illegal.
The Holocaust is not unique in that regard:

>Denial of the Armenian Genocide is officially outlawed in Switzerland, Greece,[7][8] Cyprus,[9] and Slovakia.

>Denial of the Rwandan genocide is a crime in Rwanda.[1]

In the Czech Republic, Holocaust denial and DENIAL OF COMMUNIST-perpetrated atrocities is illegal. § 261a The person who publicly denies, puts in doubt, approves or tries to justify Nazi or communist genocide or other crimes of Nazis or communists will be punished by prison of 6 months to 3 years.[24]

On June 8, 2010, the newly elected Fidesz-dominated parliament changed the formulation of the law to "punish those, who deny the genocides committed by national socialist or COMMUNIST systems, or deny other facts of deeds against humanity".[41] The word "Holocaust" is no longer in the law.

In Poland, Holocaust denial and the denial of COMMUNIST crimes is punishable by law.

On 28 November 2006, the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) passed a law defining the HOLODOMOR as a deliberate act of genocide and made public denial illegal.[130][131]


>You people are terrible
You have shit tier arguments. Hit the weights, take a shower, get a clue

I hate nazis but
>speed up footage..

>None of this is ever discovered or found out
There were numerous people who knew the truth, both then and now. Look what happens to people who try to talk about it today. In Germany they are literally arrested and imprisoned for questioning the holocaust. Not denying, QUESTIONING. Everywhere else they are deplatformed, careers destroyed, sometimes families broken up. Look how easily celebrities are torn apart the second they go off reservation. The truth isn't that it's some amazingly well-kept secret that only needs being shown under the light of day to reveal to the world. The truth is people are much happier believing the lie and clutching their manufactured cultural identity to their breast than risk everything standing against the tide.

>"Point Deer, Make Horse"
>Zhao Gao was a man who was hungry for power and decided to control the entire government. The man brought a deer to a meeting. He showed that deer in front of the emperor and the officials, and said it was a great horse. The emperor, and many officials, thought it was a deer, and some said so too. But seeing that Qin Er Shi also regarded it as a horse, the emperor doubted his own eyes and agreed it was a horse. Others feared Zhao Gao and agreed to its being a horse, while some remained silent. Zhao Gao murdered the officials who remained silent or called it a deer.
Type I propaganda is all around you. The Big Lie is not about changing peoples' views of reality, it's about revealing who will agree with you out of fear when they know that those who disagree will be destroyed.

Facts like kike “rabbis” biting off infant foreskins?

Lol newfag doesn't remember /new/

So literally just goalposting every time they lose an argument

No wonder nobody cares what these trannys lovers have to say

>You can become a woman if you were born as a man? Lol we made that up, but write the check out to "Dr . Steinberg" thanks now I'll install your new "vagina" haha

Attached: doctor-holding-pizza-bearded-jewish-47563617.jpg (1300x957, 103K)

The fatty has about 2 years before those legs become a lot less delicious.

What did you say about me, candy ass?

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I trust Soviet’s over trannys. Sue me, tranny

christ tranny calm down it's not the jews fault nobody believes your outlandish conspiracy theories about jews being 300 IQ supervillains who built fake railroads in the middle of the Eastern Front without anyone noticing

>different parts of the Historikerstreit have denied a 6 million
Such as?

>Irving for instance denied mass gassings
He actually reverted his stance on that

>everyone is wrong but me

boy, sure are a lot of millions of jews getting persecuted in separate events all around the globe. how many total jews is that rounded up, exiled, or killed now? 172 trillion?

>JIDF trying to poz Yea Forums again
thankfully it never works

Attached: 1537756455484.png (505x341, 65K)

nah, nobody of relevance has ever denied it either then or now. Just fat trannys on the internet

Why are you trannys so obsessed with Jews

lmao why does every pol tranny larp as a chad

Attached: jew hunter.jpg (1928x2325, 1.24M)

false post
no one ever disagrees about zionist jews being intelligent, devious, scheming scoundrels.
on top of that their greatest strength lies in pilpul/argumentive fallacies and persuasion.
most israeli-born are hunchbacked inbred 60-IQ goblins
but the parasitic host nation underminers are made of more calculating stuff

being smart != being morally right

Time stamp with unique message or fake

lol every time

Attached: race realism.png (582x552, 58K)

I just have on question for deniers/revisionists. What do you think is more likely? That the Allies forged thousands of documents, planted death camps, deported millions of people supposedly killed by the Nazis, and forced thousands of witness testimonies all in the chaos of post WW2 Europe in collaboration with the Soviets in an effort to make the Germans look bad? Or an anti semetic regime escalated into full scale genocide?

Attached: Bret.jpg (642x722, 123K)


You were saying?
>Different parts
Idk i think most of them claimed there was less than 6 million iirc. The official estimate is still 5-6 million


Attached: literally2.png (1280x956, 207K)

>this guy constantly using the word "tranny" towards people/ideas on the right
absolute 100% transparency that you had your ass blown the fuck out over being called a trannie on /pol/ and now you can't live it down so you just attach it to every post hoping/praying you'll trigger someone as badly as you got it.

It’s not the Jews fault you’re a tranny

And sorry I don’t know as much about trannies as you, tranny

>LARP as a Chad
Yeah that's not me, but I am a Chad. Successful career, was varsity in soccer for 4 years in hs, /fit/... I don't know why types consider anyone with views outside your range to be some kind of lovecraftian monstrosity

It's not, it was clearly a shitpost topkek

Attached: Identitare-Bewgung-Identitiarian-Austria.png (640x480, 183K)

cringe. Back to your waifu pillow neckbeard

Attached: pol in real world2.jpg (792x960, 85K)

apparently some lefty group has been shitting up this board for a few weeks now

Someone is butthurt Jews rule the world while you’re just a mad tranny

Why wouldn’t a jew trust communists? Communism was invented by a jew.


Attached: master race jabba.jpg (796x1025, 66K)

Someone is mad about the basic fact of nazi trannys

Sorry it triggers you buttercup

Why do you always strawman?
>I'm collaboration with the Soviets
The Soviets were Allies you dip, and yes it's a well known fact that they're unreliable sources. Fucks sake

t. mad tranny

Why wouldn’t a tranny trust a tranny?

Not everyone approves of your lifestyle

post height and jaw

>i-i'm not triggered, sweaty sweetie buttercup tranny tranny, y-you're triggered, tranny tranny tranny, wah
so obvious
you insult this board by thinking people haven't seen this transparent gibberish play out a hundred times before, lol
back to discord with you!

>blah blah blah damage control for why you're dumber than jews

Attached: race realism.jpg (610x960, 48K)

You can't investigate the truth. That is why you are so afraid.

As anti-dialogical as ever

>The Soviets were Allies you dip, and yes it's a well known fact that they're unreliable sources
So the western allies teamed up with the Soviets to fake the Holocaust and then were at each others throats during the cold war for the next 40 years I got that right?

>Jews only rule the world because they’re smarter than whites

I agree man

>being so butthurt over jews being smarter that you want to get beheaded and see western civilization crumble
lol chill out tranny

>No argument

Attached: tenor (3).gif (218x218, 2.7M)

Only if you got first , which I know you won't. Also

Actually I'm japanese and my IQ is higher than jews, but that's an irrelevant argument regardless.

So far there is a lot of evidence that most nazis are trannys and you’re really defensive about it. Suspicious

a weeb LARPer too


Attached: polweebs.png (677x351, 15K)

You know. I know. That's hilarious

Attached: 1540593547302.jpg (640x720, 152K)

>n-no u

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)

fapping to lolicon does not make you as japanese

Are you a black tranny? Stop crying snowflake

>anime reaction pic
why are nerdy weebs so attracted to NatSoc?

Attached: jabroni.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Why are kikes so racist?

Stop crying about a made up “genocide” first kike.

No, the Soviets recreated damaged documents into their favor to glorify themselves in the war, "The Great Patriotic War" as they called it. It was as simple as that, millions of jews still died in the Holocaust were literally just disagreeing with how many died and how they died yet you get so assravaged over nothing.

All evidence points to trannies being 99% far leftists
source: literally go outside, or look at the news, or social media
Did you know that the jewish act of "post a lie and act like it's true and hope no one calls you on it" doesn't work on anonymous iowan corn husking boards?

they want to feel less beta

pic related is how they are IRL

Attached: pol bullying.jpg (1200x2966, 1.47M)

Do you know where you are?

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Why else would you obsess over "jaws" unless you're a beta who doesn't understand how to actually attract a woman.

>the Soviets recreated damaged documents into their favor to glorify themselves in the war
Like what?

>it....it’s propaganda!
Lmao cope tranny

holy shit this tranny is having a meltdown

Attached: sdgwgw.jpg (265x191, 5K)

Toplel, typical of nu/pol/ magatard fags. Old /pol/ was filled with people who bullied, hell most of the people on Yea Forums fucking loved trolling and bullying people.


idk man after reading this thread it seems most nazi's are trannys. You haven't posted much counter-proof

Larper beta boys like you have weak genetics and poor bone structure.

>unless you're a beta who doesn't understand how to actually attract a woman.
That shit doesn't even make sense retard

Attached: 1529887341552.jpg (1024x614, 88K)

Imagine blaming the Jews for the fact Hitler was a tranny

No, most evidence points to most nazis being gay. I mean there are leftist gays sure, maybe even more than nazi gays. However while most gays arent nazis, most nazis are gays

For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.

Some food for thought:

rationalwiki.org/wiki/Jean-François_Gariépy (Has sex with the disabled)
archive.is/3GH45 (Mike Cernovich discusses having sex with a man)

Attached: gay nazi.jpg (2048x1476, 743K)

That’s too bad for you
Trannies aren’t going away :^)

Most of their captured documents that the Nazis tried to hastily destroy. Which is also why all the death camps were conveniently located in areas only captured by the Soviets.

Yeah , I don't trust the Soviets on there words and would be willing to believe they doctored or exaggerated themselves.

It's funny when JIDF comes here and acts like they have the moral highground.
This thread is about to be nuked, which Israelis have btw

Agreed pol is trans and proud

>That shit doesn't even make sense retard
Lol, yeah because you're an /r9k/ tier incel. Like I said before.

>Most of their captured documents that the Nazis tried to hastily destroy
There were thousands of documents as Germans were malicious in record keeping. What specifically did the Soviets fake? Any particular reports or Einsatzgruppen records for example?

>would be willing to believe they doctored or exaggerated themselves.
But what evidence do you have to suggest that they did so?

>y-you're an incel
zoomer "banter"

Attached: unknown (2).png (398x376, 193K)

based. Cry some more buttercup

Cry more about your precious niggers being btfo tranny

Based. Go move to Somalia faggot

Get fucked kikes. You act just like the Nazis that fucked you. GET FUCKED

Your wooden door is between rooms a and b, neither one is the gas chamber (c)

Attached: krema I.png (784x795, 632K)

>malicious in record keeping
*Meticulous , and if they were meticulous enough to have lots of documents they were probably meticulous enough to know how to get rid of sensitive intel before being captured.

>But what evidence do you have to suggest that they did so?
A long history of internal authoritarian measures done by Stalin? I mean, there are a lot of reasons not to trust Soviet sources considering the political landscape of it. Under Stalin especially.

Why are western nerds so obsessed with Jews?

Seriously, I live in Hong Kong and came to the US. During school and among people with jobs and etc. I never heard about Jews or had people going on about them constantly. In China Jews are just viewed as richer/smarter white people

Then I get into warhammer 40,000 because I'm a weirdo with lots of money, and all of the fat shutins at the gaming stores are constantly yelling "oy vey!" and are obsessed with Hitler and blame Jews for everything. It's so bad that simply bringing up money has them all rubbing their hands and arching their backs because I guess that's something Jews do? Recently they've started wearing kakistani flags on their shirts and drink milk because it "triggers libtards". It's fucking repulsive and cringey and I am embarrassed and worried someone will find out I hang around with these people sometimes

It's like 2 different worlds. Go to work and nobody cares about Jews and are clean shaven, go to gaming store or the like and all of these fat man-children congregate and start raging about how the jews stole their girlfriends.

lmao fuck off nigger-tranny

Attached: download.jpg (238x212, 12K)

>pol tranny can’t handle the Bantz or resist his love of the BBC

Yeah, height and jaw? You're not much of a man yet are you?

>all the death camps were conveniently located in areas only captured by the Soviets.

The Western Allies liberated several camps with homicidal gas chambers. That only the Soviets liberated dedicated extermination camps is not a coherent argument. The evidence for their exterminatory function was found by all Allies.

Here is a not necessarily complete list of camps liberated by the Western Allies which contained dedicated homicidal gas chambers or where some homicidal gassings took place in makeshift gas chambers:
Mauthausen and its subcamp Gusen (B. Perz, F. Freund, "Tötungen durch Giftgas im Konzentrationslager Mauthausen" in G. Morsch, B. Perz (Hrsg.), Neue Studien zu nationalsozialistischen Massentötungen durch Giftgas. Historische Bedeutung, technische Entwicklung, revisionistische Leugnung, 2012 (2. Aufl.), S. 244ff.; F. Freund, "Tötungen durch Giftgas in Mauthausen und Gusen" in B. Bailer, W. Benz, W. Neugebauer (Hrsg.), Wahrheit und "Auschwitzlüge". Zur Bekämpfung "revisionistischer" Propaganda, 1995, S. 119ff.):

Neuengamme (R. Möller, "Die beiden "Zyklon B"-Mordaktionen im Konzentrationslager Neuengamme 1942" in Morsch, Perz, op. cit., S. 288ff.);

Natzweiler (F. Schmaltz, "Die Gaskammern im Konzentrationslager Natzweiler" in Morsch, Perz, op. cit., S. 304ff.; J.-C. Pressac, The Struthof Album. Study of the Gassing at Natzweiler-Struthof of 86 Jews Whose Bodies Were to Constitute a Collection of Skeletons, 1985);

most probably also Dachau, although whether anyone was gassed in the built gas chamber is not clear (B. Distel, "Die Gaskammer in der "Baracke X" des Konzentrationslager Dachau und die "Dachau-Lüge" in Morsch, Perz, op. cit., S. 337ff.).

Attached: JIDF.jpg (640x640, 102K)

It’s called perpetual virginity

Topkek, how many more pastas do you have? Shouldn't you be spending your time doing something more important?

You kikes are just as bad as your boogeyman. You wonder why you got kicked out of over 100 countries? You arrogance will be your downfall

It is true that camps like Auschwitz or Treblinka were liberated by the Soviets. The explanation is very simple: the Nazis concentrated these mass-killing factories away from the so-called "Old Reich", in the East (relatively speaking), one of the main concerns being secrecy vis-à-vis the average Germans. This obviously did not prevent the information from leaking out eventually (you can't keep operations on such huge masses of people really secret - which is how we know with certainty that the alleged deportation of the Jews "to the Russian East" never happened and they were murdered in the extermination camps instead), but the location of the camps made sense. Which is why such camps - or the places where they used to be (for camps like Treblinka and Belzec had been fully destroyed some time before the Soviet army overran the territories) were found en masse by the Soviets and not the Western Allies. There is nothing surprising about this if you take just a few seconds to think things through.

>they were probably meticulous enough to know how to get rid of sensitive intel before being captured.
The Soviet invasion wasn't met with any sense of preparation by the Nazis just look at how last minute the evacuation of East Prussia was for example the face they didn't have a protocol to destroy the tens of thousands of pieces of documents shouldn't be surprising.

>there are a lot of reasons not to trust Soviet sources considering the political landscape of it. Under Stalin especially.
You keep making these broad generalizations and assumptions yet provide zero actual evidence that the Soviets did indeed fake documents. Can you point to just one single example? Any at all?


Attached: master race pol ama.png (672x897, 934K)

>n-no u

Attached: yaseethe.jpg (488x271, 44K)

It was convenient for the the nazis that most of the Jews in Europe were in Soviet controlled countries....what would you expect the nazis to do? Open camps close to the population centers of Jews or ship them all the way across the continent?


scary! you gonna crossdress the ZOG to death, tranny?

Attached: gaynazis11.jpg (2500x2456, 376K)

Crucify yourself. You are no longer the chosen.

> the kike was actually butthurt enough to report me
help me goy the goy is being “anti-semetic”!

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made me kek

reminds me of this

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You reject Christ as your Lord and instead accept Satan. You are truly the synagogue of satan

Rent free

the fact jews rule the world and you're a bitter tranny would suggest otherwise

Right, but they weren't death camps and they were makeshift gas chambers made during the final few legs of the war who had nowhere near the body count that the death camps the Soviets captured had.

So to call them extermination or death camps is a bit far. They were forced labor camps where a lot of deaths occured , sure, but they're fundamentally not death camps.

And god hates fags so you’re in a whole heap of trouble


>waaaah the mean janny is bullying me again
cry more tranny

Cry more kike

JIDFs poster are a lot funnier ITT than /pol/ shills.


Your arrogance will be your downfall.

Why are kikes so homophobic?

>getting this butthurt over nanny btfoing you

>The Soviet invasion wasn't met with any sense of preparation by the Nazis
No it was
>Just look at Eastearn Prussia where the *Soviets reported* to have captured tens of thousands of documents
You're missing the the theme of this aren't you?

>Just give me an example

Surely this is not the first time you've seen this link?

Well, he's emulating /pol/

you're literally the one crying that the "kikes" are being transphobic towards you

>that most of the Jews in Europe were in Soviet controlled countries....
... No? Who told you that nonsense?

Death Camps peak killings coincided with the invasion of Russia. The Einsatzgruppen shot 1.3 million people from June 41 to June 42.

I’m still here though?

Your faith in your fake bagina

Your faith in your fake vagina will be yours

Attached: Cjazu-9WsAAHLay.jpg (1200x510, 63K)

I don’t like trannies, I’m just pointing out Jewish hypocrisy and chutzpah

I mean, if they were only opening death camps in areas where only the Soviet Union captured said camps, why not just make all the other camps in the west comply with the general policy of those in the east to begin with? Let alone that one common explanation is that Jews were just shipped to east for executions

>3 seconds apart

Attached: 1546134218562.gif (300x219, 787K)

Well discorded, trannys.

Attached: jews enemies.png (1264x531, 878K)

Cuz he blocked you for 13 minutes and you rushed back to cry about the transphobia

calculations done by the SS (see pic)

Attached: 866c86de-fe2e-4fe4-93b6-4a5321b65afa_r646x951.jpg (646x951, 110K)


>they weren't death camps
The term "death camps" is ambiguous and is sometimes used to designate "ordinary" concentration camps like Buchenwald or Belsen, which were not extermination camps, but which exhibited such atrocious conditions at some point that it was arguably a proper term to use. When you see piles of human bodies in the camps, even if they died of the so-called "natural causes" (the Nazis being still responsible for these deaths since they put these people there in the first place), surely calling those places of death "death camps" is a natural thing? It can, however, be misleading since some people will assume that extermination camps are meant.

>made during the final few legs of the war
That's not even accurate, why spew shit you havent researched? Then again, you are a denier.

>had nowhere near the body count that the death camps the Soviets captured had.
You're missing the point, the Allies found similar facilities to the ones the Soviets discovered making the fact that the Soviets found the other camps irrelevant i.e. there's nothing sinister about it, the numbers aren't the thing to consider here, it is the intent.

You kikes are truly the worst people I have ever had the displeasure of talking to and then you wonder why every race on the entire planet hates you

>Europe getting Islamized

>No it was
No it wasn't
>The order to evacuate East Prussia came so late that Soviet tanks were able to cut off hundreds of thousands of refugees when they reached the Baltic Sea. Virtually encircled, the masses only had one route open to them: Through the relative safety of the as yet unoccupied region around Danzig (today's Gdansk) -- and across the frozen Vistula Lagoon. Thousands set out onto the brittle ice, and the makeshift route Wehrmacht soldiers marked with trees and branches became a treacherous and often deadly path. Night and day, artillery shells rained down and fighter bombers fired on the fleeing refugees, huge craters opened up in the ice, carts sank in the icy water, the bodies of the shot and frozen lay all around.

>you're missing the the theme of this aren't you?
We have the documentation though the evidence such as Einsatzgruppen records are available for anyone to view we don't have to take the Soviets merely at their word.

Did you even look at your own link? That's allegations of a Gas Chamber report being inaccurate years after the war not proof that any Soviet documentation was doctored. Jesus Christ.

Seethe more, kike.

The decision to annihilate the jews in Europe was made in February of 1942, 8 months after the invasion of Russia. The camps west of Poland were mainly transient camps (for shipping out east) or work camps. The idea of death camps wasn't implemented until 1942.

I don't know if this answers your question

Sorry about all the transphobia friendo. Maybe they'll accept you better on redit

holy shit it's mad

Attached: download.jpg (259x195, 9K)

Did they not accept you on reddit, heeb? What a shame.

you know he intentionally tried to blow up German infrastructure, right? Sure he did some good for them short term, but he accomplished that through an unsustainable economic strategy that relied on constant war and territorial expansion, and when that inevitably fell through, rather than resign and surrender with dignity, he ordered the German army to sabotage everything they could. It's only because they disobeyed that order that Germany as a viable state survived.

you're the one crying about all the transphobia, I think they'd accept you better there. Why are you so angry at me trying to help you?

>hehe maybe if i call him a tranny everyone will like me
You dumb nigger. You are retarded. Anyone stupid enough to fall for your propaganda deserves what they get. You are the scum under my boot as I crush your skull under the pavement white men built.

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You’re just mad he btfo you

wow don't explode on me shirley your inside out penis-vagina might explode

>I mean you do realize that this was a topic of viscious debate for decades, right?
over the number, not whether it happened
>There are still entire corners of the world that debt the Holocaust.
yeah, mostly areas that are highly antisemitic. Middle East, South Asia, Africa. Highly Muslim areas, because again, Muslims and Jews do not get along.
Which, coincidentally, are also places you types usually hate for being backwards and uneducated and low IQ.
I feel like you ought to choose one here: either side with the rest of the enlightened West and agree that the Holocaust, at least on some level, happened (i.e, the Nazis hated the Jews, wanted them exterminated, and carried out a genocide/ethnic cleansing of them) or side with the Muslims that the Holocaust was a hoax because the Jews suck and accept those groups as your based jew-hating allies, instead of being low-IQ uneducated hicks stuck believing backwards religious dogma from 1,000 years ago.

I'm about to make this post disappear

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They could be any one of us...

why would you lie to me OP

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le monke face

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No he doesn’t

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watch this:

i don't feel so good anono

Janny should get a bonus

From the rumors I hear he does it for free

as my ban has just expired let me just say this

Attached: 1560118582992.png (1164x701, 445K)

We must never let anons forget what was done to all 6 million of us

So what about the story of a cursed man that somehow burnt all of his countless chances to get a gf in high school and college so he ended up as a 24 year old virgin? Was that a real deal or was it merely a crafty story made by our writers?
If you think that the story was too far fetched to be true, you are wrong, that story really happened.


Remember the 6 gorillian. Don't forget. This Janny shouldn't be a janny anymore.

First they came for the animefags, and I did not speak out—because I was not a animefags.

Then they came for the ponyfags, and I did not speak out— because I was not a ponyfags.

Then they came for the /pol/acks, and I did not speak out—because I was not a /pol/acks.

Then they came for Holocaust Debaters—and there was no one left to speak for me.

The holocaust never happened.

Remember to give feedback at Yea Forums.org/feedback
You have a say in how you want your board to be moderated.

Yeah they don't read that.

the acting and writing was so bad in this show lol
>'you don't like the way I did up your hair?? .. well I'm gonna put a witches curse (because of course!) on you reeee!'

>A janny going rogue and deleting over 300 posts? That's actually true.


See for yourself archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/116559059/#q116559059

try 6 million buddy

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Don't you ever forget. Here is NASA's new space project

Attached: Yeah.jpg (320x286, 36K)

>he's still deleting posts

what exactly is going on here?

Attached: 8501985091805918.png (275x308, 102K)


Janny gone rogue.

Jannies should have their pay docked until they do their jobs correctly.

Why did they get away with stealing from Twilight Zone?

Well it's a black dude sooooo

The holocaust was an exaggeration

>janny leaves
>sperging jidf leaves at the same time

Attached: 1556836996155.png (198x205, 32K)


A reminder that a janny just a coue weeks ago for probably 3 months or more defended /alita/ and deleted any posts they didn't like instantly against the rules

This could very well be the same one. And those /alita/ fags hate racism and NatSoc and the board basically.

Attached: Screenshot_20190604-130655_Chrome.jpg (810x1529, 585K)

I thought the whole alita meme was just pushback against reddity capeshit and especially captain marvel

Attached: 1558394420964.jpg (1156x1056, 411K)

go off king

No, they're about somehow even worse. They hate even racial slang and hate the boards memes. They have no humor and are even more reddity. Fuck alita and fuck capeshit too.

Attached: 4xy3130_d.jpg (640x782, 98K)

>Mathematics? Goys don't understand that

They in fact do, this it not the first time we've had a rogue janitor removed, not by a long shot. It's happened numerous times over the past couple years. Lurk more.

name 2 other times

Attached: 1558395597802.jpg (1500x4008, 2.48M)

This is an archive of all the posts, hundreds, janny deleted, for anyone coming in new to the thread and be issued me and I'm assuming everyone else he could 15 minute temporary blocks for "off topic" posting since when I got blocked, suddenly all posting ceased here.

Well I hope they do. The mods just sit in an IRC and begrudgingly do their job. They really don't give a fuck

Check the archives, newfag.

*and he blocked me for off topic posting for 15 mins
Tf is going on with my keyboard

Attached: 1525394663434.png (726x746, 464K)

How do I check the archives for previous instances of rogue jannies removed?

This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life.

Lurk more discord faggot, not our job to spoonfeed you how to Yea Forums properly.


Attached: 1551682348156.png (1702x1432, 422K)

Damn, the left really can't meme.

Then a mod should have seen this thread. Maybe that's why the deletions stopped. That being said the thread in its current state is completely off topic so they'd either delete it or send it to /qa/ if they saw what's going on now.

Attached: 1538144480422.png (1467x1459, 220K)

Ah yes, conviently ignore the many many other points given before, dumb JIDF. Usually you guys engage more and attempt to make opposition seem crazy, like the JIDF page specifically says for you to do.

Attached: 1551686900520.png (1464x1543, 428K)

Hply fuck this might be an actual JIDF targeted thread. A reminder that this is real. Check it. It's real.

Attached: 1559011205768.jpg (1272x1023, 354K)

They unironically watch any threads that are big and anti-kike.

Attached: 1395251015727.png (1160x1017, 282K)

>framing this as a left vs. right issue

Find me one properly accredited conservative scholar (BA's in art history or electrial engineering obviously don't count) who says the holocaust didn't happen. Just ONE historian.

They really need to re-focus on twitter. Lefties are actually going full anti-Israel these days and they actually have the influence to hurt them.

It seems you think dabbing is funny.
Maybe you think this ironically, maybe unironically. But it doesn't matter. Please kys

Attached: 1474904908702.png (1500x612, 543K)

>say that the jidf poster left at the same time janny did
>jidf poster starts posting right after again

>this is after janny went on a deleting spree when I asked if janny was in on this thread

Now for some primary documents.

Attached: 1552500754959.jpg (550x800, 104K)

Good point user. Hope our local big-nose sees

The Holocaust

Attached: 1560277645764.jpg (450x615, 145K)

Attached: GC1Hibu_d(2).jpg (640x428, 41K)

Checked and redpilled

Attached: zDqprwI_d.jpg (640x995, 82K)

Attached: Zd8nkxS_d.jpg (640x230, 16K)

Any opinion on the fact that basically the entire threads own points against it being real was deleted? Any opinion on me calling you an inbred, snake, rat, kike?

Attached: KOgoEdp_d.jpg (591x367, 55K)

Yo. Pro-holocaust user. What are your unironic thoughts on the left becoming staunchly and openly anti-jew. Genuinely asking.

>Any opinion on the fact that basically the entire threads own points against it being real was deleted?

All easily refuted. Wooden doors, ballpoint pens, whatever. It's trivial. And to repeat my point from earlier: find me one properly accredited conservative scholar (BA's in art history or electrial engineering obviously don't count) who says the holocaust didn't happen. Just ONE historian.

please shut the fuck up and go back to /r/thedonald

Attached: i8b9bc2_d.jpg (640x907, 94K)

This is an archive of all the posts, hundreds, janny deleted, for anyone coming in new to the thread. Janny issued me and I'm assuming everyone else he could 15 minute temporary blocks for "off topic" posting since when I got blocked, suddenly all posting ceased here.

Attached: freemasonryJewsMeme644.jpg (639x513, 315K)

Attached: qArSEQJ_d.jpg (640x176, 22K)

What nigga, I literally just criticized Trump on /int/ right now lmao

and donalders are the biggest supporters for you lot, the rest of reddit is against you

Attached: 1552501384048.jpg (333x400, 30K)

Funny how there's literal holocaust classes kids have to take yet give barely any mention to all the worse tragedies. And how even with it supposedly being such a fact that it's illegal many European countries to even deny it. Odd. And how you didn't respond to my question, the opinion that they were all fucking deleted. Speech selectively restricted.

Attached: gtWBBvA_d.jpg (449x606, 39K)

Well, as long as I've got my freedom of speech, I'm gonna post too, big nose

Attached: 1558823782840 (1).jpg (680x498, 112K)

refuted, see

>appeal to credentials
reddit is down the hall and two the left



Do you see an MD ewhen you're sick or not? Blatant hypocrisy!

>find me one propaganda shill or victim that disagrees with the propaganda

Maybe make some of them shorter and to the point or seperate them,like normal non-long winded people do, then I'll read it all. It's how you stick out as someone with an agenda on here too. If you were a regular user posting info, you'd be able to have stuff in regular terms because you'd know how long this shit is and lacking being straight to the point. It's how we know you're not a regular poster ;-)
>Kicked out of almost every country imaginable from all of history
>Most hated race on earth besides literal niggers

Attached: 1499306315469.jpg (1374x1031, 125K)

just LMAO at this manlet hick

If everything is so ironclad why is it a crime to ask questions for confirmation about it?
If everything is so ironclad why does posting about it with my real name attached cause me to lose my job, my social standing, and possibly my children if the State deems so?
Why is it I can say and ask whatever I want about the armenian genocide, the holodomor, pol pot etc etc, but not this one particular mass killing? Why is this the only one with laws erected to protect it?

>just LMAO
>manlet hick
Bro, I thought you guys were smart. Anyway, what kind of vidya games do Jews play over there where you are? Do they do shooters as much or what?

Yea, we made it up there on the moon

Why was a law recently passed in the United States to make it illegal to say anything negative about Israel in any form?
Why do so many US government officials have dual citizenship with Israel?
Why does the United States give so much money to Israel?
Why is it perfectly fine, acceptable, good even for Israel to be surrounded by a border wall, but absolutely unacceptable for the United States to do the same?

Not propoganda, historiography. Scholarship based on evidence, on objectivity, on disciplined methodologies of research. I just need the name of one historian, and as I said, don't try to sneak in any deniers who actually went to college in totally unrelated fields. Give me a published scholar, someone whose research can withstand scrutiny. There are conservative journals, if holocaust revisionism can withstand peer review then why not put it up to it? Do Jews have a monopoly on facts?

I'm white, and I'm not even gonna say that I'm not mentally retarded like you, but I'm at least not stupid enough to become a neo-nazi holocaust denier.

Grow up.

were'nt you japanese a couple hours ago


>can you remember the tallest man you've ever seen?

Attached: 1521269580484.jpg (258x360, 55K)

state of this thread

Because it's ironclad. And the same thing should happen to people who spread blatant disinformation about vaccines.

oh wait
my b

dude responding to you said he was a nip

>It has to be a schplar or big name, it can't be something incredibly obvious pointed out by anyone
You know simplicity wins over floodings of pages and pages and pages of shit that lack getting to the point, right? It's like how you kikes do long winded semantics in debates or when confronted, makes people hate you more. It's why ay tone memes work so well. Straight to the point.

you know that multiple people post in these threads, right?

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post...

Attached: 1559795787899.png (478x577, 16K)

user you and i both you are the janny

>Because it's ironclad.

Attached: 1546883231632.png (671x603, 741K)

>It's why ay tone memes work so well. Straight to the point.
Yeah, the same way as a bullet to head wins a debate.
You are a defender of barbarism, anti-intellectualism, and idiocracy.

Hmm, for someone so grounded in facts, now I'm a neo-nazi? Could it be that people's far far away from any ideas of Hitler's vision or reich hate you just the same? Even Hispanics when they find out what you are?

>something incredibly obvious

Oh please, everything deniers "point out" can be easily brushed aside. As easily as the "wooden doors" meme.

methinks the lady doth protest too much :^)

You know you're just making our opinion of you worse by saying this, right? Even if I was in your position I could snake my way through and make up all kinds of bullshit and semantics to draw them out. Whoever you are, you're not very good at this.

y u heff to be mad?
it's just Yea Forums, people will say the holocaust isn't real even if they believe it newfaggot

what am I?

Never happened.

>Straight to the point infographics and memes are barbarism
Such incredible leaps and strides in what you say and your claims. I have no doubt you are JIDF. You cannot be anymore blatant. Jeez man.

If it isn't then name an expert who says so. And again, someone with a BA in art history or Ph.D in electrical engineering is not an expert on the subject of historiography.

JUST. ONE. HISTORIAN. And don't pull up anyone accredited by a diploma mill, I want real universities. And don't tell me real colleges are all controlled by the Jews either, or deniers wouldn't be graduating with their art history and engineering degrees! Anything but history it seems. Almost as if thosed disciplined in the methods of historical research know better... Why would that be? Do Jews control the past?


>the only person you reply to is the one who's just laughing at you
>conveniently ignoring all the others posts substantively blowing you the fuck out
Golly, that makes me think!

It's false.

Attached: 1493562532124.jpg (1200x1739, 497K)

A Jew most likely. Unless JIDF has whites too. No other is so forceful and long winded in the way you defend this. It's not even the side you take alone, it's how you type, present info, respond, you can't even use our memes at all.

If by "straight to the point" you mean desperately lacking in citations then sure. And memes? There are literally libraries of evidence documenting the holocaust. And discrediting it? "Memes". How laughable. You will never be taken more seriously than people who say the earth is 6,000 years old.

>substantively blowing you the fuck out

Link me to one.

Who do you see when you're sick? A doctor? If so then your argument is completely hollow and you know it.

Considering bow blatantly all of these is posted by one person in the same thread everything was deleted and how you try to use our memes and can't and repeatedly fail over and over, it makes me know you are from somewhere else and pushing an agenda. I barely thought of jews much the last month lol. Just memes. Now I remember you. And I hate you even more.

>that false equivalent
Yeouch, you really are bad at this.

thoughts on ilhan omar and rashida tlaib?

Ikr? I wonder how much he even gets paid, lol

Seek help. The JIDF isn't real.

>JIDF kikes control jannies
Who could've guessed.

Attached: 1541801636616.jpg (477x768, 60K)

My doctor doesn't put me on a watch list and try to have me arrested if I question the efficacy of celecoxib for rheumatoid arthritis. My doctor doesn't ask why I want to know, and who else I've been talking to, when I ask questions about side effects. Congress hasn't passed any laws against criticizing dentists.

How is that a false equivalence? Doctors study medicine, historians study historiography.

I like to pee

and I have a big willy

Hiistorians don't do that either. You realize most people in government are lawyers right? History degrees don't get someone made mayor.


>oy vey you have to believe the propaganda from the mouthpieces because they're not the ones making the actual arrests!
You're incredibly terrible at this.

once I peed so hard that my willy hurt

Attached: me when I penis.png (1280x1182, 1.02M)

did u know that almost all animals, regardless of size, take on average around 21 seconds to fully empty their bladders?

Attached: 1557496587424.png (473x516, 75K)

I do it fast

you're making a fool of yourself. Learn to form an argument.

sometimes I sprinkle when I tinkle and the pee gets all over the seat

but why?

>says the JIDF trying to claim the holohoax happened because propaganda shills say so
mhmm nice tautology sweatie! i dont think your handlers gonna award you many shekels for this one!


Experts. We've been over this. If you've believed literally anything you've learned from a history book you have no reason not to believe the holocaust happened. The same experts are spelling out the past for you. So is all other history invalid for the same reason or not?

Holo what now? I just want to pee for god's sake.

ahahaha holy shit this moron is still trying

my pissing sounds like

Attached: pee pee place.jpg (1232x816, 97K)

>propaganda shills

Experts, like doctors. I'm still waiting on you to name one expert who supports your point. Someone who is certifiably an expert. You'd want to be sure your doctor has a real MD right?

And as there are conservative doctors there are conservative historians. Does even one support your claim that the holocaust was fabricated? Just a single one?

You argue so poorly I am now less inclined to believe the holocaust occurred than I did before.

Answer the question.

Answer the question.

Do you ever just get thirsty for some pee?
hehe but like I'm only pretending.

Attached: MY PEE.jpg (1100x734, 46K)

>t-they're experts! you have to believe them because they regurgitate the same nonsense the propagandists fed them!
imagine the mental breakdown this jidf's having

this reminds me a little of chernobyl

>a-answer the question! reee why won't you play my shill game!!
ahaha this is literally the worst they've ever sent

glug glug glug, that hit the spot.

Attached: me drinking pe.jpg (704x396, 33K)

Have you ever read a history book about any place and time period that wasn't about the holocaust? The American revolution, the fall of rome, the building of the pyramids? Did you have any reason to doubt that it wasn't true? That those things happened? Then why doubt the same experts when they write about the holocaust?

Oh no! I have to pee again!

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! :D

Attached: Man who must pee.jpg (957x1300, 87K)

why is he holding toilet paper?

to clean his willy from the pee

AHHHHHHH! Ppissing feels so good!!

Attached: pee pee face.jpg (900x900, 46K)


do people actually do that outside of America?


Electric floors?
Rollercoasters of death?
Pedal powered brain bashing machines?
Lethal masturbating machines?

If I told you I'd been to the moon I'd be lying. Would my lie cause you to doubt the validity of the moon landings?

but how do you get pee pee on your willy in the first place? Do you like piss upwards and let your cock and balls cool in the pissy drizzle fountain you've created? It's fucking liquid. You shoot it out of your dick and then mission accomplished. Why would you ever need to wipe?

what the fuck is this thread

because there is pee on my willy

why would there be pee on your willy

because I peed

but you don't normally get pee on your willy from peeing. Could you draw a diagram?

Here's the thing, Schlomo.
Regardless of whether or not the mainstream account is literally 100% true or not. Whether it's fake or just exaggeration. It's hung around the neck of Europeans like a fucking millstone and I have nothing to gain by swallowing it, and much to gain by making a mockery of it and refusing to take it seriously.

this is what happe4ns

Attached: Diagram.png (1152x648, 23K)

Holocaust deniers can't answer why their "experts" aren't historians and why historians don't deny the holocaust. They can't determine how historians can be believed with anything in regards to the past in general but not the holocaust in particular. They can't account for why conservative scholars don't support their arguments, or how memes are more valid than literal libraries of evidence, or why, if they're so right, they can't have a serious and open dialogue on this topic, as though it were a settled matter not legitimately open for discussion.

Mind broken, they turn to pissplay.

>much to gain by making a mockery of it and refusing to take it seriously

Such as?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if they actually did it for free?

Attached: 1495581544102.jpg (569x802, 210K)

That's some incredible pressure friend. See a doctor or don't hold it in for 6 hours.

When the Holocaust loses its status as the foundation myth of modern European civilization the stick with which European people are beaten to prevent them from organising in their own self interests will be severely weakened.

Tell me, what do I have to gain by taking the Holocaust seriously.

>muh experts
oh lord
imagine being this much of a good goy

>Tell me, what do I have to gain by taking the Holocaust seriously.

It demonstrates stable reasoning. I doubt you could prove to me on paper that the earth revolves around the sun, or treat yourself with the right drugs when sick. You trust the experts who can. The same experts who describe your past, your vaunted European history and civilization. I doubt you've ever wondered if the Roman Empire really existed. You take the experts at their word because they've dedicated lifetimes to studying the past. These same experts tell you that the holocaust occured, but you can't believe them. Why?

Words cannot describe the satisfaction I feel knowing that you genuinely believe that me posting about piss is somehow taking a side in an argument about the holocaust.

>anyone who questions our (((experts))) isn't stable
>please submit yourself to the nearest reprogramming clinic
>we'll make sure to cleanse you of that nasty habit of questioning authority
>after all, you should know better than to ask questions about something when we've made it illegal.

Ok but how does believing the Holocaust narrative benefit Europeans?
It's used to shoot down every attempt at Europeans to organise in their own self interest.
So why should I acknowledge it?

> Never forget the one and only shoah
Jesus, millions died. But Holocaust now stands for Jews and their shoah only. Great deflection. And then they deny Armenian one because muh precious one of a kind shoah

>experts are the only ones entitled to think for you, goyim
Yeesh, imagine thinking you were convincing anyone with this claptrap.

>replying to a perfectly rational post with nothing but buzzword memes
What an embarrassing display. I bet you think you won the argument too.

>Ok but how does believing the Holocaust narrative benefit Europeans?

Because it's history. Would you be better off believing the earth is 6,000 years old, or the geologists who tell you otherwise? I doubt either mindset would affect your day to day life much.

>It's used to shoot down every attempt at Europeans to organise in their own self interest.

It's a concrete example of nationalism getting out of hand. How is that not relevant?

Attached: claptrap.png (755x925, 597K)


Does acknowledging the hocaust in any way detract from other genocides? The holocaust stands apart for being the most mechanized but it isn't the only one.

>nationalism is bad goyim
lol and there it is

>nationalism getting out of hand,Masses rejected our constant propaganda, undemocratic internationalism

Why aren't experts to be believed? Or are historians the only experts we can't trust, unlike physicians or geologists. Can historians be believed in regards to any point of human history aside from the holocaust, or ui all history a lie? If not, why are these experts correct everywhere else but here?

I have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. I piss where I'm needed,

Attached: Piss.png (1383x821, 33K)

Fuck, there you go again. This is some Pavlovian shit.

Did I say that?

>It's a concrete example of nationalism getting out of hand. How is that not relevant

>Shoots Palestinian children for throwing rocks at Israelis who stole their land
>OY VEY goyim European nationalism is getting out of hand! Remember the 6 Trillion.

>t-the experts, goyim!! You have to believe them, b-because you go to a doctor right!!
You're really sputtering out of control now, user.

Why are you surprised? It's your only argument. What a joke.

How does acknowledging the holocaust justify Israeli oppression of palestine? Did I argue that?

Experts told me fat was the devil. How'd that turn out? Experts told us believing in oneself and all self-help would lead us to success. Experts told us to trust GMO. Experts tell whatever their masters instruct them to, dumbass

If a doctor's expertise is valid, why not a historians?

I browse Yea Forums even while wageslaving and have long thought about applying to be a janny but i can't believe they STILL require irc use

>I didn't say nationalism was bad goyim! Now go to prison for questioning the hoax I use as my entire basis for undermining nationalism and preventing Europeans from exercising any self determination

>forced to abandon his NPC replies to justify his lack of critical thought
This thread, man.

Is Palestinian Nationalism movement getting out of hand, user? Or it's ok and European/Asian nationalists must shut up and take all the scum of humanity and work themselves to death feeding them and getting killed by them?

>It's your only argument.

Actual proof of the holocaust has been posted ITT. Physical documents, letters, and telegrams from the Nazis detailing the existence of their extermination program.

>NPC replies
>says a LITERAL propaganda spamming shill
you realize we can still see all the trash you spammed that got deleted, shill

You've still not told me how it benefits Europeans to acknowledge the Holocaust as a thing to be seriously considered.

Attached: jew.jpg (864x1080, 201K)

Stable reasoning and imprisonment for doubting the holocaust don't go hand in hand, user. Why do they punish doubting minds? Stable reasoning is to accept whatever we say and don't say another word?

And now he's accusing me of samefagging like that won't solidy your position as the local schizo. Fucking amazing display so far, lad. /pol/ did it's best number on you.

If they're so sure of its validity, why do they prison anybody who does 'badthink'? Afraid of something getting out?

Were those actually experts or was it literal fake news? Did you read this stuff in peer-reviewed journals, or was ut disseminated by people who are not experts? People whose lack of expertise could have clouded and twisted their presentation of the material?

Did you hear these things from the experts themselves? What was the overall consensus between them?


>no no I'm not the propaganda spamming JIDF shill, I'm a DIFFERENT JIDF shill!

They aren't entirely to be believed because they try to work history into narratives. That's somewhat unavoidable, people love their stories, but history has no narrative. There is not right side or wrong side to it. There is only what happened. And too often, historians pad what they know with what they believe.
I do think the holocaust likely happened to at least some extent, but given the way the 'evidence' has been at times falsified and at others made to seem stronger than it really is, there is room to doubt.
When I was a boy, fanciful tale of horror were woven into it--about lampshades made out to people in particular--that no genuine evidence every existed of. If the authorities lied about some of it, then they likely lied about more of it than people want to admit. And there's no denying that the Jewish people have milked it for all its worth, often making it the totality of their identity.


Fuck you, it was overall consensus among the expert in the 60s that fat is bad for you. It's the evil. It has been debunked and the link to sugar-based food industries to those 'experts' has been established.

Would you want to be someone who was taught and believed, in this day and age, that the earth is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs are extinct because Noah didn't put them on his ark?

lol he just gave you solid examples of "experts" being wrong and there are hundreds of other examples of so-called experts being agenda driven it just plain wrong. But none of those examples are acceptable, because I insist experts are always right therefore you're wrong about experts ever being wrong!
What a joke

You may not. But there's no denying that many of your ilk do indeed do this. Israeli's often do exploit their past to justify atrocities that they commit.
You believe yourselves to be a chosen people. That's a cancer in your collective spirit that will inevitably corrupt the host. You cannot believe that you are special without also believing that others are inferior. You name your nation what you do, but you make no real attempt to struggle with God. And there is no denying a strong strain of Jewish supremacy in the orthodox members of your religion--a belief that gentiles are cattle, that you have the right to lie and exploit them.
The strongest pathogen of anti-semitism is exposure to an orthodox Jew.

>When I was a boy, fanciful tale of horror were woven into it--about lampshades made out to people in particular--that no genuine evidence every existed of. If the authorities lied about some of it, then they likely lied about more of it than people want to admit.

Again, see What are the EXPERTS saying?

Even doctors can be bought and paid for. Just look at the way the tobacco industry operated for years.

Dude, I'm not Jewish. I'm an American of European ancestry posting from Colorado. I have nothing to gain by lying to you. No one's paying me to post on Yea Forums at 4am.

>once again falling back on incredible false equivalence
>you HAVE to believe experts THIS time because on some other COMPLETELY UNRELATED TOPIC a totally different group of experts who are much further away from positions to make policy in world government are right!
You're just fucking around trying to generate noise now, no one in their right mind is ever going to mistake this for a sensible argument.

Which is why CONSENSUS is so important. What does the community of experts say? That's the purpose of peer review.

Experts lie. They claim that immigration is good for the economy, omitting that it's bad for common people. They told us free trade would help people when it gutted the middle class.
Experts are often bought off by the elite, which has led to dwindling faith in them. Scientists have inventions to prove their truth. What do your experts have? They've lied about so much already.
And you've quoted, I pointed out to a lie they already told, which they passed off for years until things like DNA tests cropped up.
What makes the atrocities you suffered any worse than those of any other people? There is evidence, but not for anything of the extent you claim happened.
Capitalizing words proves nothing but your own histrionics.

I'm an Indian and by god, i see the skills of Deception, manipulation and lies of Yehudis in this threat. God, Europeans, you fucked up by taking in sand people. So many idiots in my country who think Jews are blameless, harmless vicitms hated for their success only.
>An actual Shoah when

>CONSENSUS is important!
Oh so that's why you go to jail if you disagree. All praise the golden idol of consensus.

So you say. You seem too invested in this in my eyes. And everyone knows that, just as every other religion holds, Judaism permits its faithful to lie in service of their faith. Liars for Jesus, Liars for Moses; there is no difference in my eyes.

Is my example not valid? Would you be okay with believing something that is objectively false?

Jews claim they are Americans of European ancestry too when it suits them. Don't they? And doesn't matter who is paying. Treachery can't help itself.

Your experts all share common ideology, which isn't found among scientists. Your experts purge anyone who disagrees with them. There is 'consensus' that there are a billion genders, that video-game playing is a disorder but wanting to cut your dick off is not.
I spit in the face of your consensus. Consensus in the social studies is not to be trusted.

If the holocaust (whole burned offering) happened, why are there still jews?

>wait let me pick a DIFFERENT example to make a false equivalence out of! I'll find one eventually if I just keep comparing things you're required to believe to the holohoax!

all of this

Everybody who isn't a moron has figured out the holocaust was more myth than fact. "The consensus" is a joke, we know the evidence suggests fewer than 100,000 people total were killed and it was towards the end of the war when Germany was broken. Anybody still peddling the holocaust myth is a Jewish agent, because without the holocaust the Germans aren't the great Satan they're made out to be.

My American mutt heritage is a mix of English/Irish/German/Slavic ancestry. My family is Roman Catholic going back as far as the family trees can be traced. Would you be able to believe me if we had thus discussion in person? Just consider that I'm telling you the truth about myself.

Do you believe global warming is real?

>why are there still jews?
The original Jews are no longer extant and mixed in with ethnic Europeans.
Modern day Jews have the closest resemblance to Iranians.

Why did they kill those 100000 people though?

Prove it. What do your experts say and what are their qualifications if they are truly experts?

If jews aren't real, then there's no antisemitism.

And if they did, why not more?

>There is 'consensus' that there are a billion genders, that video-game playing is a disorder but wanting to cut your dick off is not.
There's studies on these subjects, but to claim a billion genders is the current scientific consensus is nothing but bad faith cuckery from a frightened boomer.

Fuck that

>shit, I'm losing, better trot out another false equivalence!

Ah, we have a boomer here. The root of poison of American society. Peddler of wisdom such as
>Experts are always right
>Our greatest ally
>Illegal immigration is bad.

Wait, "global warming"? Excuse me, that is NOT what the Consensus has decided it should be called this year.

Remember Ozone layer depletion? How it got memory-holed.

Are you better off believing the truth because it's true or not? If you are, and you wouldn't want to be a young earth creationist, why not trust the experts here too? You could even learn from them, to challenge what you know.

Dying of typhus and starvation because the allies obliterated german infrastructure is a pretty rough state to be in, man. But hey, I'm not an Expert. I might even be wrong! Sure would be interesting if we could explore some of these issues though. Without going to prison, I mean. What if we could bring up some of these alternative theories in universities and sociological circles and start comparing which evidence seems to fit the facts most? I think it would be a great idea if a lot more people started putting their heads together and getting to the bottom of this!

>Without going to prison, I mean.

There's are no laws against holocaust denial in the US. What do the experts say there?

The only response you could come up with to dozens of people poking holes in your fallacious arguments is some generic sophistry about truth and doubling down on the false equivalence.
This is without a doubt the worst showing I've ever seen.

Why did they imprison innocent civilians in the first place though? I know you're not an expert, but what do your sources say?

>dozens of people poking holes in your fallacious arguments


>can't argue any of the facts, only cherry picks the rhetoric to respond to
More evidence you don't have a leg to stand on.

Well, apparently these people have a long history of either undermining host nations or otherwise just being foul, offensive, usurious people, going back thousands of years, and were expelled perhaps hundreds of times across a variety of incredible disparate cultures and periods! And that they were instrumental in the, if you can believe this, the complete moral and social decay of German society. Something about this "Weimar republic" I think! Now that sounds pretty outlandish, but why is it every single social movement in the modern era, such as these massive pushes for homosexuality, transgenderism, and unlimited migration but only into white European descended nations has proud Jewish persons behind it openly bragging about their accomplishments?

>can't argue any of the facts

You sure about that?

Attached: 1491068476372.jpg (2056x2736, 3.56M)

The US recently passed a law outlawing any criticism of Israel. Don't fucking look me in the eye and tell me any of your fucking shit doesn't stink you filthy fucking dreidelsmith.

>The US recently passed a law outlawing any criticism of Israel.

No it didn't.

>oy vey you only go to prison in Germany and some other parts of Europe, but not in America yet, so it's ok! The experts don't have anything to hide!

Oh, you've made a mistake. There weren't any innocents.

A woman genuinely loves an ordinary-looking man? Does this story sound plausible? If you said yes, you're wrong. It never happened.

That sounds awful! And they only imprisoned a small number of them? Why?
I would want them at least all gone, and if that didn't work I'd look into more radical solutions. Why didn't they get rid of the deadly infection root end stem? Were they incapable or just a bunch of weaklings? Don't seem like the sort of people to look up to at all, to be honest.

If you're so confident in your shill image, why are you terrified to let people question it in open platforms and have it stand up to scrutiny and unbiased investigation?


What, conceivably, could Mr. and Mrs. Jewberg from down the street and their young children have done to be guilty of anything? Random, everyday Jewish people. Not rich or powerful people, just ordinary folks who happen to be Jewish. Why lock them up in camps where, as you say, 100,000 would die?

>I would want them at least all gone, and if that didn't work I'd look into more radical solutions.
Wow, so you're saying you're worse than nazis? That's terrible, user! I hope you get the psychiatric treatment you need!

What show is this, pls? I want to see it

Innocent civilians were imprisoned in America and Britain too.
Britain and America were not starving to death at the end of the war.

Also why do the same anti semetic narratives appear all throughout history and across multiple civilizations?

Pure coincidence?

>scrutiny and unbiased investigation?

Where? Let's see what you have that can stand up to peer review. I can post that if you don't want me engaging you on your level. I can literally share libraries of information from experts!

The holocaust couldn't have happened if people who don't like each other wouldn't be forced to share a living space.

Attached: hans hermann hoppe.jpg (574x542, 40K)

>Innocent civilians were imprisoned in America and Britain too.

Does that make it right?

>Let's see what you have
But user, I'm not the one on trial here. Why is it you're so eager to fight back with propaganda and misinformation in this anonymous forum, but loathe to have any sort of open public discourse with the people who have much more information on this topic? Seems rather petty if you ask me. Surely YOUR experts can stand up against anyone with serious research on an oppositional viewpoint, can't they?

I was completely neutral on the subject but I read the thread and now I'm convinced it didn't happen. If that's the best they can send to defend this thing that supposedly all "experts" agree on, then it doesn't look like it has any weight to it at all.

>I'm not the one on trial here

And I suppose I am? This matter is settled.

>propaganda and misinformation

You mean facts. Verifiable facts.

>loathe to have any sort of open public discourse with the people who have much more information on this topic

Where are they? Give me the name of one expert who denies the holocaust. Abd again, someine with a BA in art history or even a doctorate in electrical engineering is still not a historian.

>Surely YOUR experts can stand up against anyone with serious research on an oppositional viewpoint, can't they?

They do, which is exactly why you aren't being treated seriously outside the internet.

Then read.

Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

Nobody is trying to guilt me in to not defending my racial interests by asking me to remember the unjust internment of Mr and Mrs Nippon.

Also taking precautions against a 5th column during a war is sensible. That's why everyone did it.

Stop making relatable post.

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