Now that the series is over and the last predator finished his sentence

Now that the series is over and the last predator finished his sentence,

was it entrapment?

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No but it was targeting borderline mental retards

i have a single word for you: role playing chat room

And here's why that's a good thing

Hey NBC, two words:
Role playing chat room dude

Most of them are lonely mentally ill virgins. They should be mandated to have help. Most of the non pajeets ones just seem like they are lonely for ANY female contact. Depressing tv show all around.

to me more than anything it showed that pedophilia is not a choice and many of the people who they "captured" seemed quite mentally ill. As a society we have to come up with a better way to deal with this problem, though I do not know what it would be.

Mandated loli gfs

you are missing the fact that these people were trying to fuck children.

Most of them were legit bad. Some of them however were just stupid like Jeff Stacy.

You do realize there was never a child in the first place right?

is it really over for good? what sentence did tex get?

it was, its also tax evasion for hansen

TCAP yes, but Chris is trying to make a season of Hansen vs Predator, but he is broke as fuck

The type of men that Chris Hansen caught were never meant to have any success at getting kiddy pussy. Hehe.
They would get ignored if they tried to talk to young girls being so old and ugly.

>basement dwelling retards that would never dare go out in public and attempt to kidnap someone
>trying to fuck children
literally only because it was entrapment

If someone hired a hitman to murder your entire family and everyone else in your life you held dear, but then it turns out the hitman was an FBI plant, would you be okay if they let the would-be hitman client just walk away?

God, you fucking lolbergs seem to thrive off of societies where predation and sociopathy are tolerated and even encouraged.

Your analogy is shit. You're stupid.

Nope, it's perfectly valid.
You're too much of an intellectual coward to address it and it shows how shaky and weak the foundations of your own beliefs are.

You live in a society, and that means giving up certain rights for the benefit of your neighbors. Fuck off with your lolberg kumbayah non-aggression principle fantasies.

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>trying to fuck children
They didn't go in a place where actual chidlren hangout and tried to contact them, they went into a chat room and the only person who responded to their advances was a cute teen, not even a child.

It's essentially a prank show with the twist that you can feel morally superior to the person getting pranked.

god its good to see pedos seething. dont try and fuck children and you wont have any issues

I have legally sucked on the cute firm perky boobs of a 14 year old when I was 25, americucks will never know this feel.

This actually makes a lot of sense. In a normal prank show you get schadenfreude from seeing people get frightened or confused. This is like turning up that schadenfreude to the next level

its still illegal to have sexual discussions with minors in many of these states, as well as whatever law they arrest them for when they show up to a house with the intent of fucking the minor in the house
those are things sane adults dont do

Yes. Ahmed.
Go suck on Mommy Merkel's sagging, wrinkly tits some more. One day you will be a full fledged EU lapdog and citizen.


you are proud of living in a third world shit hole where you can rape children? weird flex

Even in the countries where this is legal you'd still be considered a loser for doing this, unless we're talking third world in which case what are you doing man

He's some eurocuck or a dark-skinned transplant that somehow memed themselves into thinking that raping kids is based and a totally rad way to stick it to those "prudish" amerilards.

okay, so entrapment, given she was a plant

Is that how you cope for being cucked out of prime pussy by the old hags in your country? Sad.

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Most of the pedos they caught later admitted during the police interrogation that they did this before and fucked actual children.

This.. the sad thing is, is that if the decoys said they were 18 they would have done the same shit..

Feminists are based then.
What does that say about you that your only chances of sex are predation on girls whose brains aren't yet fully developed?

Absolutely based show, this show always had me dying in laughter watching those pathetic fucks get locked up. Chris is a legend

>waaaah waaaaah da womyn and da jooos took away my right to fuck children

Thank god we live in a world run by jews then?
Go throw more money at Sargon and Jordan Peterson, you hopeless incel.

It was entertainment. Maybe the real predators were the friends we made along the way

reminder that actual pedos have zero interest in girls over 10

>female brains

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Okay so if a child happens to be in a RP chat room, tells a guy she's not RPing and she's really 10 years old, the guy says he wants to fuck her and goes to the house with beer and condoms. How is the RP excuse still gonna work?

A lot of them aren't virgins though. A few are but definitely not the majority

>your only chances of sex are predation on girls whose brains aren't yet fully developed?
You say that as if going for younger females is some kind of settling down, they are more attractive.

reminder that same age relationships are an invention of the past 30 years or so and that since the dawn of time pubescent girls found mates and bonded with older men



anyone that believes the age of consent should be over 11 is a roastie enabler

>But the Creep Catchers say their efforts have not led to any arrests in Utah.

>one woman is the whole organization

Literally what does this prove, friend?

>But Jo isn’t apologizing for her work, which she says has a personal meaning.

>“I lost my virginity to a creep who was 25 when I was 13 years old. I want to prevent other children from feeling that way,” Jo said.

see. it's always roasties with a personal vendetta. whether retribution or simply jealousy because men find younger girls more attractive.

She fucked older men when she was younger, but now that she's old and she doesn't get the same attention she's mad.

seems like wank for edgelords
poetic how sex, in certain situations, triggers their human psyche so much so they'd go full edge, the contrary to pleasure

And the moralcucks and soiboys that support them.

Your analogy is shit because it's seated in the same mistake everyone always makes. Assuming the house had anything to do with the crime. The house is legally irrelevant. Its simply the location in which the contestants are arrested. The crime the contestants are being arrested for is online solicitation.

So the proper form of your analogy, for it to actually apply here, would be for me to go on the internet and advertise that I am a hitman who will kill your family, and invite people to hire me to kill your family, then arrest them when they come to pay me to kill your family.

does this help normies sleep at night?

don't they know the real predators are out there right now facefucking their five year old daughter?

all it does is make predators sly to tricks to sting them

kill yourself pedo fag

"predators" are largely a myth created by society. the majority of sexual abuse is either familial or some other close relation. there aren't people prowling the streets looking for kids to molest. these people they catch are hardly predators. they're lured in by probably the most attention they've received in 30 years

Truly we were born in the wrong time and place

This kind of meme predator that targets strangers is very rare and of course only someone extremely dumb would fall for these tricks as demonstrated by the show.

Hang em all

good song

And I heard as it were the noise of thunder One of the four cunnys saying come and see and I saw And behold a white Hansen

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>be American
>go to meet online girlfriend
>arrive at house and instead of girl there it is the media and police working together to entrap you
>get arrested, humiliated on national television and put in jail
>no girl existed no crime committed
>fellow countrymen cheer this on


Man to man thing here, we all have our fetishes

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Not trying to prove anything, guy.

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The ultimate Chad

>be pedophile
>get caught
>complain about it

lot of people who really like this show seem like they're going through a performance of pedophile hate
give the impression they're making up for a lack of real feeling...

I think entrapment is the last form eugenics not taboo in todays society, it will breed a knew form of super genious pedos.

>let children take hrt
>let them strip in front of grown men in "pride parades"

They should also be locked up, I agree. Pity that these (((people))) are of a protected class for some reason

140iq hebe reporting

Thousands, maybe millions of screaming fangirls who are in their teens, who willingly fuck older men don't count I take it? Change fangirls for gold digger or the cases of meeting some 20 something guy and wanting to get in his pants. Obviously applies for the inverse with older female and younger male, but such /ss/ seems rarer. I just never see the issue if it's consentual, teens be horny and some of them are going to have a fetish/interest in people older than themselves.

For me, its the Schadenfreude of seeing a retard ruin his life before my eyes.


>wah wah it was entrapment
>wah wah no it wans't
the point is just to laugh at these retards, who gives a shit.

why is the video audio so shit in it?

>Online Enemies
What a weird choice of phrasing.