You know Otis, I've never had a cavity in my life. Not one fucking one. I've heard the pain is excruciating. Like...

>You know Otis, I've never had a cavity in my life. Not one fucking one. I've heard the pain is excruciating. Like.... blue balls, in your teeth.
>Chew on that one commie jew motherfucker

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>tfw too lazy and stupid to Vince post with the rest of Yea Forums

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You know, they say Vinceposting is a bit like riding a bicycle. Trouble is Caspere put the horse before the cart and I haven't got the time to reinvent the wheel.

it’s a dog eat dog world Ray, and I’m the fuckin chinaman

True Detective S2 belongs to one of my favorite categories of films/television shows. It's a very flawed masterpiece.

just watched it for the first time this week. Honestly it's not as bad as they say, and it's still enjoyable

Do you appreciate what I'm saying though? They shot for the moon and misfired in a few places, but the misfires ultimately aren't enough to detract from the otherwise great parts of the production. Films, tv shows, games, whatever like this are some of my favorites.

Caspere knew this

all that stuff is just a veneer though. The actual core, as in the plot, writing, and most of the performances are fucked. The good production quality feels especially superficial because it's just borrowed from the first series
I still enjoyed it but I don't think it was good

>all that stuff is just a veneer though
What stuff? I didn't mention anything. By "production" I meant the entire project.

ah right, thought meant stuff like the opening, music score, scene locations and stuff, which are all pretty good
but generally I think the project is failed because it doesn't come together. I don't think Vince Vaughn or anyone had a good idea of what his character is supposed to be exactly. Gaycop goes nowhere and mcadams similarly meanders through it. Ray is easily the best performance

Cool. One of my biggest gripes is that gaycop and mcadams' characters should've both been cut, or at least one of them. They devoted too much time to too many main characters.

>This predicament that we're in now, Raymond, is a complete unmitigated shitstorm. And you best believe it's plaguing the whole town. Chessani, Osip, Blake, Vinci PD, even the fuckin' hooers at the wealth banquets are running for cover. Umbrellas armed and all. Well let me tell you this Ray, I'm gonna face this shitstorm head on. No umbrella equipped, I don't cover myself. Never even wore a fuckin' condom.

If only Ray and Frank got fleshed out. Had the potential to beat s1

I agree, a typical episode would jump from frank's mob deals to mcadam's arguing with her sister to gaycop being gay to Ray scaring his fat fussy son
really killed any flow to the story. But that being said, the first season literally skips across three different time periods, but it works because it's structured well. Had they contained some of season 2's storylines a bit, maybe by keeping gaycop as a minor character initially and then having him explode onto the scene as a main guy later, maybe in the shootout scene, it could have worked.
But again I see literally no point to the gaycop arc, the whole thing was fucking tedious


Maybe if Ray had the balls to counter some of Frank's worst lines it could have worked
they say some of the worst lines are the best lines

The road to hell is paved with good intention my friend. But the bricklayer is using paper maiche and I keep falling through the cracks

I've always been told, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But I don't care for the stuff Ray. That's why I planted Avocado trees

like.... blue balls. in your testicles


Ray, a little word to the wise. A fool may give a wise man counsel, so where does that leave us?

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