The Thin Red Line

>Who is you
>Why this happen
>What make this
>Why we is fight
>We is two sides of same face
>We is love but also hate
>Who doin this
>Why this happen

Literally the worst war movie of all time. It goes without saying that something like Come and See wipes its ass with The Thin Red Line, but even unironic shlockery like Lone Survivor has more to fucking SAY than this Intro To Philosophy drivel.

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The battle scenes were pretty good.

I liked it. I’m sorry you don’t feel the same way but you’re allowed your opinion.

what battle scenes?

Best part of the movie is when Woody Harrelson blows his own ass off with a grenade.

It's a Terrence Malick movie. Long-winded monologues about philosophy and life and shit, man being spoken over slowly panning shots of sunlight through tree branches is basically all he knows how to do.

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It's definitely the worst Vietnam flick. It doesn't even have a sweet 60s/70s soundtrack.

is he autistic in amedical way?

2/10, made me reply

Wait what. Wasn't this about Marines on Guadalcanal?

Remember when the guys ass got blown of . . . hot dam! they did not even show it.

AHAHAHA yeah most people even in the usa do not know what the war in the pacific was.

Jungle + gooks = Vietnam

Would of been great if they
added some jim morrson into this movie just to fuck with people.

They're not even insightful monologues, though. It's literally "who are we? why are we here?" tier bullshit.

Ride the snake!!!!!! to the LAKE!

>it's another "deep" war film
The Updike of movies.

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read the book, plebs

This is the first and last Malick film I ever watched, absolute drivel.

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>Hwah does nature contayund with herself?

they're good old boys caught up in the big war not philosophers

This movie is so good
>Sir I must inform you that I refuse to obey your order

I cry everytime

>t. Benvolio from Romeo + Juliet (1996)

Do actors flock to Malick like flies to shit because they unironically think his stuff is deep (TM)? Is this what passes for profound to Hollywood's finest?

Worst war movie I've ever seen.

then that makes it a good rendition of the thin red line

Why Yea Forums is so edgy?


This. Rest of the movie was utter bullshit.

You don't have to take them seriously user, just enjoy the pretty pictures dum dum

Plebs are seething because they can't understand the brilliance of our lord and saviour Terrence Malick. Malick has been filtering this tasteless swine for years now. God bless you Terry.

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>would of

Teriyaki Malick does it again. Absolutely based and Heidegger-pilled.

come and see is overrated desu not even the best Soviet war film
thin red line is brilliant

Like all Malick films, just ignore the plot and dialogue. It's a beautiful visual experience.