Graphite Edition
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
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He’s delusional, get him out of here
What an...interesting writing career
I desire a slightly smaller breasted version of this image
How does a moon tractor beam explode?
Wasted potential
Now that's a meme I've not seen in a long, long time...
There is so much repressed beautiful art and gifted artists out there that are not given the spotlight of the day because they do not fit into the cultural narratives being ((pushed)) currently
It's not that humanity has gotten talentless, it's just that the ((people)) at the helm of society want to enforce a malignant agenda where gifted artists that elevate humanity have no place
The chernobyl writer managed to slip through the cracks though
It’s been well received, so hopefully they’ll let him outside his box some more moving forward.
>Thing? More like (((thing)))
Mazin is Jewish, dumbass.
I have 20 different testimonies that say otherwise
>spend 20 years writing profitable but artless bullshit
>HBO trusts you with 10's of millions of dollars and full creative control
Gotta pay your dues user
They’re just bleached rocks, there are no lunar rocks. That’s impossible
God I fucking hate this site
No one's getting shot Legasov.
Reminder that the 2-4 megaton explosion was fucking bullshit and literally impossible unless the entire reactor core fell into the water tanks at the exact same time.
Me, the woman, and Boris are going to tell everyone
What a stupid idiot.
>Finishes Kinobyl and immediately dives back into writing derivative Hollywood schlock
What's his endgame
I've been reading the Legasov Tapes and I found some nice excerpts that I'll post. Bear in mind the translations are from google translator. There's a lot of good information there but some of the technical jargon used by Legasov sometimes makes it difficult to follow.
Are you stupid?
it starts with an M, ends with a Y, and ryhmes with cunny
All that stuff was already in the works. One’s already in post-production. When new projects are announced, we’ll see what direction he’s going to go after the acclaim for Chernobyl.
They all be found on this website:
>was about to ask if you could just post the tapes so I could listen to them
>remember that the tapes are in russian
depends what temperature it was outside i think
>Sometimes they think that a significant part of firefighters received high doses of radiation because they stood at certain points as observers if new fires did not arise and some people blamed them for this, believing that this decision was illiterate, wrong. This is not so, because in the engine room there was a lot of oil and hydrogen in the generators and there were many sources that could cause not only fire but also explosive processes that could lead to the destruction of, say, the third Chernobyl NPP unit. Therefore, the actions of firefighters in these specific conditions were not just heroic but also literate, correct and effective in the sense that they provided the first accurate measures to localize the possible spread of the incident.
I think the core explosion scene is one of the best shot compositions.
What the fuck is happening here
>Here, in these conditions, on the one hand, repeated radiation measurements, on the other hand, in conditions where medicine was limited by established procedures, instructions, according to which evacuation could be started if there was a danger for the civilian population to receive 25 biological x-rays per person for a certain period of time being in this zone and such evacuation would become mandatory only if the threat of 75 biological x-rays per person to during the stay in the affected area. And in the range from 25 to 75 roentgens the right to make a decision belonged to local authorities. It was in these conditions that there were discussions, but here I must say that physicists, especially Viktor Alekseevich SIDORENKO, sensing that the dynamics would not change for the better, insisted on making the evacuation decision, but also, that means the doctors here, perhaps, they gave way to physicists and somewhere at 10 or 11 o'clock in the evening of April 26, Boris Evdokimovich, having listened to our discussion, made a decision about mandatory evacuation.
No, are you? There would have been an explosion, but the idea that it would have exceeded even 0.1 kilotons is absurd.
>A few words about the conditions under which the Government Commission worked, a few personal impressions of that period of time. First of all, I want to say that the choice of Boris Yevdokimovich Shcherbina as Chairman of the Government Commission was probably successful.
>Because it possesses such a quality as the obligatory appeal to the point of view of specialists, very quickly grasps these points of view and is immediately capable of making a decision. He is not peculiar to slowness, timidity, in making certain decisions. It was just noticeable in an emergency. I will give just one example of this, when, through complex reasoning about lead, for example, by what we say when Alexandrov spoke to me, he did not understand for a long time why and why lead was needed. I explained to him that it’s not possible to introduce an iron shot first, for the reasons I have already said, but to wait for the appearance from the station, this means going to stabilize the temperature at a very high level in advance, but we wanted to stabilize it all the same significantly lower level. According to my first estimates and estimates, a batch of 200 tons was ordered, but I told Boris Yevdokimovich that 200 tons did not solve any problems.
>In fact, it would have been scary to call the figure of 2000 tons for placement in the womb of the destroyed reactor. He listened to me (it seemed to me that this figure was very large and difficult for the state to deliver such an amount in a day or two) and, as I later learned, he immediately ordered 6,000 tons of lead, because he believed that we could calculate we are mistaken and believed that it is better to have an excess and not to experience a shortage in the material than not to complete the work as it was necessary to complete it.
You have read up on this right? You know that that was a prediction at the time, and not an actual fact This number changed over time to be more accurate. It even changed in the show by episode 5.
>Support in the form of consultations, in the form of some kind of expert checks, the immediate arrival to the place of any specialists called there. When we came to some sensible scientific decisions, the leadership of the Government Commission had the opportunity, instantly with the help of the Focus Group or some of its members, to get for some fantastic short time, literally days, and sometimes hours, all the necessary materials we needed to carry out the relevant work. So I remember that I worked when Ukraine was part of the Task Force, located on the site in Chernobyl , Chairman of the State Planning Committee of Ukraine, Vitaly Andreevich.
>It was an amazingly calm person. Vigorous. Which caught literally from a half-word. He always listened to our scientific conversations, what we were discussing, what we needed and would react instantly. We needed liquid nitrogen to cool the unit and when we came to the conclusion that we were dealing with a cyst, he smiled and said that the required number of trains had been ordered. The same is true for all those materials, say, magnesium, carbon-containing oxime, it’s all from the metallurgical plants of Ukraine or somewhere else got and brought all this huge amount of materials. It is difficult to overestimate the work of the supply group, which, on behalf of Vitaly Andreyevich SOLOV, the chairman of the State Planning Committee of Ukraine, was engaged in the chairman of the State Tax Committee of Ukraine , who was sitting in Kiev , showed miracles there to ensure all the work that was carried out on Chernobyl with all the necessary material, although the amount needed certainly fantastic big.
Sauce of whole tape?
>And here I must say that five projects of them failed. I brought on these failed projects about 25 million rubles. damage to the state. These projects failed not because they were initially wrong. They were attractive, interesting, but it turned out that the roofing felts did not have the necessary materials or the materials scientists did not want or failed to make them, there was no organization that would undertake the development of a nontrivial compressor, a nontrivial, say, heat exchanger, again with reference to the absence of the necessary material or experience. As a result, initially attractive projects, with their design study, turned out to be very expensive, cumbersome and not accepted for execution.
>Here from 10 projects 5 were failed. Two of these ten projects, I am afraid, expect the same fate and, approximately, for the same reasons. But the three projects turned out to be very successful where we found good partners and where we laid out as best we could, using the highest echelons of power, using the authority of Anatoly Petrovich , the Central Committee of the party. And in the end, one of only 17 of the three works that took place, on which we spent 17 million rubles. began to bring annual revenue of 114 million rubles.
Nigga do you wanna listen to this in russian?
>As for the RBMK reactors , the whole experience was our domestic one, but of course, if we take the accumulated statistics, the RBMK reactor operation statistics were the smallest when compared with the WWER apparatus. That, of course, was just as disturbing. As a chemist, I was worried about the enormous potential of chemical energy in these devices. There is a lot of graphite, a lot of zirconium, water, and under some abnormal situations (in ordinary situations, graphite is in contact with an inert environment, this is ensured by appropriate technical solutions) the temperature at which a vapor-zirconium reaction can start, accompanied by hydrogen evolution, principle and routine maintenance, technical conditions, was unacceptable. But, all the same, potentially, the stock of chemical energy in this type of apparatus was maximum, relative to, say, any others with which one could compare it.
>This, too, was a matter of concern. I was embarrassed, for example, when I looked at this device: an unusual and in my opinion insufficient construction of a protection system that would act in extreme situations, because the protection of the device in case of some elements of its abnormal behavior, say, there is a positive coefficient reactivity in this device, if it began to develop, make itself felt, then the operators and only the operator could enter the emergency protection rods, or they could automatically enter, with the filing (on command) of one of the sensors (there are several of them protection systems have been), or manually with a special button AZ-5, reset alarms rods. Mechanical rods, which could somehow (mechanics well, it could work well, could work poorly), and some other protection systems that would be independent of the operator, which would work solely on the state of the zone of the device, were not in this device.
based Boris
"2-4 megatons" was a calculation first come up with by a single Ukrainian physicist years after the fact. What the Soviets were worried about at the time was a third explosion of any size that would increase the amount of radioactive material being spewed out by the plant.
>These questions were somehow discussed with the supervisor. And questions of a specific technical policy, questions of improving this apparatus, in general, somehow, the designer did not readily accept the point of view of the Institute, not considering it to be a sufficiently developed partner so that he would be useful to the designer in his work. In this sense, I would like to express a point of view, one in which I am absolutely convinced, but which is not shared, unfortunately, by my colleagues and causes friction between us, sometimes even dramatic. The fact is that in the West, as far as I know, and in the logic of things, and in aviation, in our Soviet Union, there is no (in developed industries) concept of a Scientific Director and Designer.
>I myself understand this, scientific leadership problem. For example, the scientific leadership of the problem of aviation, although this is probably not, but I could imagine it. This is an organization that would master the development strategy of aviation: how many small planes; how many big ones; what to prefer: comfort when loading and unloading passengers or speed of moving the device from point to point; whether to give preference to some hypersonic airplanes or airplanes flying with sound speeds; what is more important, from the point of view of safety, ensuring comfortable reliable operation of ground services or the activities of personnel on board the aircraft; share in aviation of various types of aircraft ... Such a scientific leadership of aviation would seem to me acceptable. But when it comes to aircraft design, the aircraft, then he must have one owner. He and the designer, he and the designer, he and the scientific director of this aircraft. All power and all responsibility. They should be in one hand. It seemed to me an absolutely obvious fact.
>All of this reflected a kind of general serious technological deposit and lack of discipline in all, the most responsible, areas of our activity. And now, when the situation has really developed such, as here at Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy the story is such “There is no guilty in the world”. When you look at the chain of events: why did one do this, the other did so, etc., etc. it is impossible to name the sole culprit of the initiator of any unpleasant events that led to the crime. Because it is the circuit that closes.
>Operators made mistakes , because they needed to complete the experiment, they considered it a matter of honor. All this led them and guided their actions. The plan for the experiment was drawn up very poorly, not very detailed and not authorized by those experts who had to be authorized. Here I have somewhere in the safe kept a record of telephone conversations of operators on the eve of the accident. Frost on the skin tears up when you read such records. One operator calls another and asks: "Valera, it’s written here in the program what needs to be done, and then much of what is written is crossed out, how can I be?" The second interlocutor on the wire: "And you act on strikethrough."
>Do you understand? Here is the level of simply preparing documents on such a serious object as a nuclear power plant, when someone crossed out something, the operator could interpret the crossed out as correct or incorrect and could perform arbitrary actions.
why is he so perfect?
Yes that part was ridiculous, only a full on nuclear weapon could produce that much energy.
>Moreover, before launching these units, the whole complex of measures developed by specialists, which additionally increased the safety of this type of stations, was carried out and tested. And on the 1st block partially, and on the 2nd block in full. This was the main task of that period of time. In parallel with the preparation for the launch of the 1st and 2nd blocks, with the implementation of launch operations, work was underway on the construction of the sarcophagus . The initial term of its construction was somewhere the end of September, but a number of naturally occurring obstacles prevented the work from being completed on time. But, I repeat, because all the time there were some unforeseen circumstances: they were too wide gaps that could not hold the concrete, the concrete did not harden and it was impossible to install supports on which the corresponding structures would then be placed; then there were problems with the selection of such materials (by the way, the same Kiev specialists were engaged in them, in the end they were used the same), which would close the gaps in the elements of the pipe roll; it was necessary to make a draft of the forced ventilation system of the sarcophagus , so that in the case when there was not enough natural ventilation, it would be possible to remove heat by switching on the forced one. All these questions were gradually solved during the design and refined during the construction of the 4th block sarcophagus . Its construction is a whole saga. I repeat that the project teams worked right on the spot.
>This organization, the director of which was YURCHENKO Yuri Fedorovich. He himself spent a lot of time on the court. Under his leadership, the technique was created, tested and used. Well, actually what technique? Ordinary. Ordinary bulldozers and scrapers, but reinforced with lead sheets, so that people can protect themselves inside this technique. And on such devices, the main works of a deactivating nature (in the most difficult places) were carried out. Military units were mainly engaged in the decontamination of large areas within the station and inside the buildings of this station. They worked very conscientiously, with high speed and high efficiency.
>Of course, in time everything changed: our presentation and ways of working. I remember well the episode when General Kuntsevich and I arrived in the city of Pripyat . It seemed that it would be practically impossible to deactivate this city, because wherever you can’t go anywhere, the radiation levels are quite high, say 700-800 milli-raytens per hour, we have discovered instruments of such magnitude with dose rate. But we did one operation: we broke off pieces of the facing of one of the buildings and took them from Pripyat to Chernobyl .
>And it turned out that there this lining gave 800 X-rays per hour, and here no more than 10 millirentgen per hour. It was clear that the sources of pollution were not widespread, there were local sources of pollution in the city of Pripyat , which created such a general background, creating a picture of the impossibility of cleaning this city.
And that's pretty much it for now. It covers Legasov's Cassete Tapes #1, #2 and #3. I still haven't read the last two. It's a bit heavy because the translation is not the best and some of language is hard to decipher but it contains a lot of interesting tidbits which were definitely used in the TV series smartly.
Knock yourself out.
Just finished episode 5.
There's so much about this show that I love, but I wish they hadn't put so much emphasis on the "truth at any cost" theme when the show itself isn't 100% accurate to what happened. Obviously this is inevitable with any historical drama, but in this case it felt like the show was undermining itself in a pretty significant way. I feel like people are going to look up the actual events online, feel betrayed, dismiss the show entirely, and thereby miss out on its secondary themes and what it got right. That's the reaction my mom had when she watched it, and it kind of bothered me.
Post characters who did everything right.
thanks man
Now where is that user who posts delicious miner ass?
Legasov says the same in his tapes. Funnily he makes this remark about one of his fellow scientists.
>Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov apparently, having seen enough of the films “Chinese Syndrome”, came with the fear that I reported the same to Ryzhkov and Ligachev that, in principle, we are concerned about the uncertainty of the geometric position of the reactor residues.
Just binged it yesterday and holy shit you fucks weren't memeing for once. Legit telekino.
Anyone got a webm of the scene where they clean the roof?
I mean I didn't. I looked up a lot of stuff after seeing it, but I think it's certainly very important to not take Hollywood as fact. I think anyone with a good set of brain cells to rub together can learn to separate the two and still enjoy it and actual history.
At the same time I believe the theme of these poor people that went into the jaws of death to do their jobs and many not returning shouldn't be over stated.
understated* not overstated. My bad.
I've been watching this with my nearly unflappable dad. When it cut to this dude's face he audibly recoiled.
Have you not seen this channel? There's a lot some movies actually get right.
Post Akimfu or his ghost is coming to push your A3-5 button
what does RMBK stand for desu
reactor meltdown, bring kalashnikov
Really Massively Bootied Kore-chan
Peaктop Бoльшoй Moщнocти Кaнaльный
Really Mad Boris Killed
seems interesting. hope they'll do a video on this show.
Also there's quite a Chernobyl gets right too. A lot of small things. Apparently down to some license plates in specific scenes. I think the things they get right outweigh that which they've changed for the sake of drama.
Reaktor Bolshoy Moshchnosti Kanalnyy
HBO did a good job casting actors who really looked like their real life counter parts
So Chernobyl blew up on Reddit. Based guys.
this one is my favorite.
>Reads the Wikipedia page for an event and then claims to know what he's talking about
No, it blew up in Pripyat. Read a book.
Akimov is a weakling and a retard.
dunno about accuracy, but the science behind it is false to enhance the drama.
Pretty sure a lot of the info in those videos aren't on the basic wikipedia page.
There's also a ton of people in the comments calling him out on bullshit for several reasons as to why. We already went over this. They thought that was what was going to happen.
I remember watching an interview/documentary with the dude with the scar on his head relaying to the camera what he remembered hearing.
He had remembered being told it would have been 2-3 megatons. This documentary is the 1 hour 48 minute documentary, but I don't remember the name of it.
It's true they likely made it a bit larger for drama's sake, but it's not baseless.
Also this documentary was posted in a thread a few days back. I might be able to find it.
>You wouldn't slap a binder out of the hands of a guy with glasses would you?
The nuclear scientists at the time should have known a nuclear explosion wouldn't be possible, though they may have lied to the politicians to get action done more swiftly.
>a fucking royco edit
My god, how long has it been?
Found it. It's not not and hour and 40 minutes though. It's 47.
There's also tons of other videos on it.
I want this but with Gordon Ramsey's voice.
The last video of his I watched was on Saving Private Ryan and it was absolutely atrocious, to the point that I'm pretty certain he didn't even so much as read the Wikipedia page.
>that little "what?" legasov makes
Right. I'm not calling it accurate. I'm saying that that's what they told people.
i miss him so fucking much bros, he deserved better
>legasov asks dyatlov "where were you" after he interrupts him his lie about not being there
>officer/bailiff? tells legasov that he's not a prosecutor and that he's only providing evidence for the case
>officer just repeats legasov's question
I know that's exactly what would have happened anyway, but it got a laugh out of me for some reason.
Wow this guy seems to know everything. Debunking any and all sciences. Why hasn't he won the nobel prize? Surely he knows better than Elon Musk
What was wrong with it?
Off the top of my head he only really covered one inaccuracy out of dozens, said that Operation Sea Lion was a good idea, got a bunch of stuff in his description of the context surrounding Operation Overlord wrong, and spent the rest of the time jerking off the film.
le 3.6 roentgen face
I know you're speaking in jest but I want to mention that thunderf00t is almost always wrong in his videos, leading to him getting lambasted every time a video of his gets super popular.
>Uhhhh I was taking a shit
Did he really expect that to work?
He's a Jewish virtue signaling liberal, you retard
I mean it was historical fiction anyways , but I'm sure he's improved in the 2 years since it came out.
So how does this clown have 800k subs?
What was your persona favorite moment in the series?
Uh... Mating with cunny?
Naw he's lying, the comments usually nit pick small errors he makes, and the number of them makes it seem like a bigger deal than it is.
Hiw do you god from writting utter shit to writing the best show of the year then back to writing something called ‘Cowboy Ninja Viking’?
Fuck this shitty show for making nobodies think they are experts. Now people think they can lecture about the facts of Chernobyl solely based on a dramatized tv miniseries. See how dangerous this is? History can be altered this fucking easily
>the comments usually nit pick small errors he makes
Is that true? Poor guy was doomed.
He made a 60-video series complaining about Christfags and YouTube is filled with genuine morons that eat up the same basic bitch content over and over.
I feel like they also dramatisize events solely so idiots who get all their ‘facts’ from TV can immediately get put dowb for being wrong.
The writing for the show wasn't difficult. It's real life, all the hard work was done he just had to find the stories. The real credit should go to the director for building the atmosphere and getting the best out of the actors
Comrade Roose set him straight tho btfo
Literally every moment with Legasov and Scherbina on the screen. That chemistry.
>implying it's history
Do you think Shakespeare's King Henry is a historical primary source? What makes this any different? It's based on real events, but in the end it's a work of fiction.
Why the fuck is he going back to shovelware now? He finally got to do his passion project and it was a huge success, and that's it?
Is this a funding/publishing issue? Some kind of contractual obligation?
What can we do to make sure Chernobyl 2 happens?
>Scherbina's gradual realization of how bad the situation is
>that final talk between them where Legasov tells Scherbina he was the most important person on the team
Whatever. I enjoy most of his content, it's comfy.
Best post all night
Because idiots take it as history and that can become reality
>What can we do to make sure Chernobyl 2 happens?
You live near a power plant?
>Calls actors by their characters names
Idiots will always just be idiots. They'll forget the series ever existed in a few years time. Then it'll take its rightful place as a artfully made dramatization of real events, perhaps leading non-idiots to do research into the real history it's based on.
Based Mazin. What a rascal.
Chernobyl season 2: Dyatlov point of view
>everyone smoking 10 0acks of cigs a day
A lot of the acting was am-dram bad. Half the script was pure cringe. The accent situation was appalling. The random diversion into the army shooting pets was superficial and pathetic.
Apart from that it was pretty good
That's all anybody does in here.
Why doesn’t anyone ever talk about Stallone being in this show?
Or the nigger who took the dosimeter to the plant himself and came back with a reading?
Senseless was quite a funny film when I was 12 years old
What happens if you drop the soap in front of coal miners ?
A 2-4 megaton explosion ?
it's ridiculous but it's apparently what people told them at the time. should they accurately depict the bullshit nonsense that was said at the time or fuck accuracy and say something more sensible?
Since the show has ended, how many more generals will be made?
The thread is just filling with Russian shills now.
Lets save all the memes for the occasional posting and move on.
You could have a later scene with Legasov confronting her about how it was mostly bullshit ans she justify lying to get attention. That could fit nicely in this show theme about lies.
>much Russian shills
You have to go back
Meant for
This scene hands down.
You’re wrong and you should feel wrong.
People will come away with the wrong impression, and Mazin only included the figure because he couldn't find anything more specific.
best ship in a long time.
RT recently put out an interview with the general that was at the roof with the 90 second soldiers, and he said it was pretty accurate, apart from two or so moments where the writers switched Legasov and Sherbina for narrative convinience.
>I apologize
You've just gotten caught up in the hype. It'll soon blow over
why didn't we protect his smile?
>explicit vomit shot on the screen
>everyone goes "ewwwww"
>I sit with a full on poker face
I guess I officially am a grown-up now.
I don't think they lied. I think they gave worst case scenarios as if they would definitively happen. Because to do otherwise would make the response slower and less as effective as what it needed to be.
Remember, in the beginning everyone was quoting the topped out number of the low end geiger counters as if it was fact despite the fact that even if someone didn't know the machines worked saw the needle spiked completely to the top end count figure out that it was off the chart.
If you gave any room for denial it seemed people would immediately take it.
>Charlie's Angels (2019)
Is the helicopter with the sandbags crashing a historical accuracy?
Where my kinda fat, mature man posters at?
the British accent really drives it home.
Do you think she looked at his pennis?
I'm surprised to see so many Chernobyl threads as it's a 5-episodes serie with no mystery or much to discuss here
So I wanted to ask; are you guys mainly zoomers that never heard about Chernobyl or something?
It happened, just not at the time shown in the show. It happeneds months after they started dropping shit
What was left of it anyway...
*Whah Wah*
>with no mystery or much to discuss here
It's a good show. People like talking about things they like. You should watch it before you wag your finger at us.
I’ve rewatched it an obscene amount of times. I’m past the hype. I’m just obsessed.
>See how dangerous this is? History can be altered this fucking easily
Those are the same sheeps that think Gaddafi Hitler, or Kim are bad people, because they read an article online or sae some biased tv show.
No wonder the jews control the media and entertainement, it is such a good tool to control mass opinion and thoughts
this scene.
he cute.
Sometimes I wish I had a friend in my life, too.
I wonder what friendship is like.
I mean, I've played Stalker, /k/ is my home board, so before the show I knew probably as much about it as some ukie schoolboy would have learned in elementary school, but I only really went back to read about it after watching the show.
And yeah, it's a pretty good show. First one in a while I actually had to go back and rewatch.
The crane that it hit wasn’t there during the initial drops. It occurred much later in the cleanup.
By that point I'm pretty sure it was gone. Just some exposed tubes tangled up with some testicles sprawled out on the bed, his scrotum having long since decayed away and left them to just freely hang
>Dat feel
>boris is actually a bald manlet
>they are smiling at each other
Sometimes you need a bunch of guys led by a kinda fat mature supervisor who gives zero fucks.
I like Legasov, can I be in your club?
Come one come all user
Recessposting, in case you didn't figure it out yet.
Legasov looks so happy bros
Why couldn't it have continued?
Boris literally was the tsundere.
My God those threads are such garbage, take it to fuckingReddit or something
I was so happy to see this.
I don't know if it's my favorite, but can't get this scene out of my head.
Anyone else find themselves collecting Soviet memorabilia now?
They should have just jumped into the core IoI
>tfw you witness core-chan's irresistible allure
What was he thinking at this moment?
Same bro, I think it's the fact that they looked at something no other human as ever seen with their naked eye. Quite remarkable.
>there was no toilet paper
never too late
I'm bored as shit in class and wishing Legasov was my prof, bros
So how long does it take to prep for the test? Shouldn't they have just waited until the next day?
It doesn’t take long at all. It was actually partially because they held the reactor at half power for so long before the test started that caused their issues. That’s what allowed the xenon to build up.
>Shouldn't they have just waited until the next day?
They explain why they didn't wait until the next day in that episodes, user.
They managed pictures of it, but being there while it was still hot and roaring is something that probably no one else can say.
IIRC safety tests like this were timed around reactor maintenance which usually happened once a year. It's not an opportunity that presents itself easily.
>watching The Terror
I don't know why I let myself keep hoping that the crew might actually be rescued or make it out alive or that someone will even listen to Crozier, when I already know the ending. Is there a name for this phenomenon?
>And that is, gentlemen, how steam engines explode.
I know that it could not have happened, but I've seen the same number in some documentary about Chernobyl and apparently some Soviet scientsits did actually think it was possible.
Does anyone have a source from which this estimate comes? I've encountered it before, so Mazin didn't just pull it out of his ass, he did base it on something.
What was the next sentence he said after "don't use my name"? It's obscured by Legasov shouting and I am completely unable to decipher it. The script says he shouted "I didn't ask for your opinion" but it doesn't sound like that at all.
I watched all of The Terror and Chernobyl without realising that the captain and Legasov were the same actor. Am I autistic?
I’m watching that episode now, I’ll check to see what the subtitles say. Give me a minute.
>Already the first start-up of this reactor at the first unit of the RBMK at the Leningrad NPP showed, moreover, that such an extensive core area, in the version in which it was made, is rather difficult for the operator. At the very first start-up of the first unit of the Leningrad nuclear power plant, in general, the problem of the instability of neutron fluxes and the difficulty of controlling them arose. I had to change on the go: the degree of enrichment of fuel; a number of other technical measures to do, in order to alleviate the problem of reactor control. And yet, even after these events (and all the specialists in our Soviet Union knew), from the point of view of management, this reactor demanded very much attention from the operator and was always quite complex.
>In addition, the very fact of the appearance of this RBMK device, from the point of view of international and generally normal safety standards, was illegal (the fact of the appearance of such a device). But, besides this, at least three major design miscalculations were made inside this device: The first design miscalculation was that both international standards demanded and how, in general, common sense of emergency protection systems requires at least two. Moreover, one of the emergency protection systems should be based on other physical principles than the first one and, more importantly, from my point of view: one of the two protection systems should work independently of the operator.
>Let's say: the operator must control the emergency system alone: automatically, semi-automatically, manually, it depends on the mode; and the second emergency protection system should operate independently (in any state of the operator) only to exceed the parameters, say: neutron fluxes, power, temperature, etc. and should automatically shut down the reactor. The RBMK reactor was not equipped with such a second, independent of the operator’s actions, not included in the control system, protection.
>Literally who-tuber
>First of all, it should be noted that this is an experiment that should not have been carried out at a nuclear power plant, because the run-down size of a turbine at idle is a thing that should be determined on a special stand built by the turbine designer. Here, I would like it to be emphasized. It was there that this question would have to be experimentally verified.
>He was not checked there. Therefore, it made, seemingly out of good intentions, the station management to conduct this experiment. Time. Secondly, the lack of systemic thinking among station managers involved in this matter. When the first experiments of 82 or 83 years showed that during the run-down time, the turbine does not save the necessary electrical parameters to ensure the station’s own needs, it did not occur to anyone to go and solve this problem from the other side, namely, reducing the commissioning time and output to the desired parameters of the backup diesel generators.
>And we went on the side of increasing the run-down time, although during this time diesel generators with the times of reaching the necessary electrical parameters were two to three times better than those of diesel generators that were installed at the Chernobyl station. The simplest operation would be to replace the diesel generators of the Chernobyl station with those that would make everything normal and that the whole procedure of these tests and inspections would simply become unnecessary. This circumstance should be noted. Now it is necessary to describe in detail how the experiment itself took place, who resolved it there, who did not resolve, how the instructions were violated and how the accident developed.
>And here are the most important criminals. Of course, those who were convicted already in Chernobyl , they are criminals, because they committed incredible actions and they were convicted lawfully. Now the investigation is underway (further investigation) and will probably be judged, I think so (at least from my point of view should be judged), the designers of this type of RBMK reactor who made at least three gross errors in the design of this reactor. The coarsest, and errors. And probably they should bear the same criminal responsibility for this, say, responsibility.
Subtitles were useless. I got my good headphones. From the safe. I think I heard “I didn’t ask for your advice”
>you don't just run out of toilet paper
he sounds like he's trying not to wake up his mom
I hear this as well using my headphones.
Thanks anons.
Just make "Chernobyl 2: Fukushima"
Absolutely. The writing was nothing special. The direction, photography and the poisonous atmosphere were great.
And that's pretty much it, guys.
Cassette Tape #5 is just an interview with Adamavochi but bizarrely Legasov mentions a large chemical accident waiting to happen in Dzerzhinsk in the future and one happened pretty recently there.
The interview confirms that it was Scherbina who gave the order to evacuate Pripyat after much heated debate. The original proposition was made by Viktor Sidorenko and Legasov supported his decision.
And Legasov indeed confirms that operator personnel violated regulations during safety test but he appoints the mainly culprits of the disaster as the designers for not training properly the staff in control of such dangerously unstable reactors, creating safety systems which can be disabled thus allowing the system to depend solely on operators regardless of reactor conditions and lack of containment cap to prevent dissipation of radioactive waste in the event of steam explosion or meltdown.
fuck how did they do character development so right in just five episodes
Can anyone tell me the scientific purpose for the control rods to be tipped with graphite and not just entirely be made of boron.
I know Legasov said it was cheaper, but I don't understand how.
Holy neo-Nazi anti-Semite, Batman!
The graphite was there to displace the water that was in the reactor when the rods were inserted. I assume it was the cheapest solution to that issue.
Nobody wants to look at gooks
They picked a particularly sobering scenario. That was a huge help for character development.
I had a really weird sex dream about Chernobyl last night.
Feel free to tell us
Normally when you pull out the rods it is because you want to increase reactivity. However with the RBMK design what replaces them in the empty space left behind is water, which reduces reactivity. The easiest solution is to just stick graphite on the end.
>believing shitty imperialistic propaganda
yikes-a-roni. No one here even talks about this event, we are all fine and it wasn't that bad.
It'll be a bunch of filipinos playing the japanese
based glorious rising sun poster
>believing the propaganda numbers
If anyone needs evidence that the Soviet era propaganda worked see:
Thanks for the work user
I really wish that they didn't put Legasov in the trial and have him rant on about the truth-- I feel like it cheapened the effect his suicide had on the spread of information through his tapes.
It's hard for people to understand that he was a true believer in the Soviet system as well, and that he came to the realization that things were criminally mismanaged the hard way, rather than HBO's depiction of him as someone who was living outside the ideology, waiting to get out and broadcast the truth to everyone.
These tapes really help ground everything to reality, rather than the HBO "motif of truth", but I guess everything needs to be a sort of morality play.
huntsman was an absolute banger. Only bitter faggots don't agree
Someone should archive all that
Legasov got molested by everyone and everything in the show, including core-chan, culminating in a KGB orgasm denial/CBT session
>It's hard for people to understand that he was a true believer in the Soviet system as well, and that he came to the realization that things were criminally mismanaged the hard way, rather than HBO's depiction of him as someone who was living outside the ideology, waiting to get out and broadcast the truth to everyone.
I guess that's why they had the scene where the KGB first deputy director read his file to him talking about his days as local party secretary and Komsomol leader. "You're one of us, Legasov" and all that. I do think they should have placed indications of this earlier so we can get a better sense of character development, and the writer indicated in the podcast that he was aware of it, but maybe they didn't want his arc to overlap with Boris's too much.
I never actually got the impression that he was living outside the ideology. But maybe that's because I'm a slav and being a believer in the Soviet system is the default for all Soviet characters in my head.
out of curiosity are you from russia or from another slav country?
Russia, haven't lived there in some time though.
Hmm. Interesting. Do you associating yourself with Legasov?
reminds me of myself, a complete failure except for one or two moments of his life
No I was just watching as if it was part of the show.
A lot of the dialogue was socially unrealistic and designed for dumb westerners who need a crash-course in not only nuclear engineering, but also Soviet politics. I did cringe a few times.
Boris is my husbando, but I liked literally half of all men in this show. I'm always here, but mostly read only.
Most westerners don't know shit. As a slav I'm happy with it as it will encourage them to do their own research.
Didn't you realise? Chernobyl was another Scary Movie or Hangover 2, but instead of doing comedy he did exaggerated drama. Sometimes it look absurd but not in a comedy way.
Look at all those instagram influencers flooded chernobyl. That place has never been so crowded since 1985
I despise the term 'influencer'.
yeah shill is way more accurate
she's probably never heard about chernobyl until the series
Why was he crying bros?
>sitting next to 2 girls discussing influencers right fucking now at this moment
I always thought it was some kind of up in the air thing that didn't have any bearing on real life.
Grab their boobs!
pee pee in poo poo
Because all of his teeth fell out.
No problem. Figured since I was going through all text I might as well share some of the passages that caught my eye. Hopefully, now that interest in Chernobyl and the personas involved with the disaster have caught up in the west we might see a lot of translated material in the future.
Although I, too, would prefer a much grounded depiction of Legasov, I'm not sure if Mazin would be qualified to write that kind of character. Russian people - especially those that date back to Soviet Union era - who have conflicted views on their government have very complex personalities and I don't think in the west we understand that well. It takes a great Russian director, who walks a very thin line between keeping true to his beliefs while also adhering to the state's creeds, to depict that properly in the west. That being said, I understand Mazin's decision to portray Legasov that way since it felt all the more familiar to us without entirely botching his persona.
Here you go, user.
>the best show of the year
it helps when its been an incredibly shitty year
This was his moment to shine
The whole last half decade was shitty.
cool stuff comrade
>tfw no Balabanov Chernobyl movie ever
2010s were shit in general, maybe except 10 and 11
this is just what people always say about a decade, in the decade.
no, they don't. no one ever said "dude 2001 was a great year in film/tv."
>first Harry Potter
>first LotR
>Sexy Beast
>Harry Potter
Why is he so wonderful? I just want to cry whenever I see him.
Thank you user
he truly did.
your opinion on whether it's good or bad or not doesn't really matter. All the people that were babbies and tweens in the aughts essentially grew up with Harry Potter shit every year, starting in 2001. It was a huge cultural event that had a big influence on hundreds of millions of people. I haven't seen any of the ones after the third one, I don't really care about them at all, but they were still something that people would argue made 2001 a "good year in film."
the only memorable film you listed was memento.
Sometimes I still think about that nigga that tore his boot on the roof :(
no one cares what literal children have to say about movies.
Dude if your only argument is “lol cultural event” then I guess fucking avengers endgame is a cinematic kinomatic masterpiece
literal children turn into the people that write about and reflect on the history of movies in 10, 20, 30, 50 years and stuff. When people look at the 70s in film, particularly if you asked them about 77 in film, they're going to talk about Star Wars before they talk about Annie Hall.
>Dude if your only argument is “lol cultural event” then I guess fucking avengers endgame is a cinematic kinomatic masterpiece
Yeah pretty much. It's this decade's biggest "cultural event." It will unambiguously be the first thing people talk about in 20 years when they're reflecting on the 2010s. Infinity War and Endgame are going to be seen as being up there with "luke I am your father." This decade has been defined by big capeshit tentpoles and the whole "cinematic universe" concept, and IW and Endgame are going to be seen as kind of the high water mark of that endeavor.
>"Do you taste mercaptane?"
>this post
Holy fuck where do I even begin with telling you how stupid you are
>comparing one of the greatest plot twists in fiction to fucking endgame
Actually fucking kill yourself
Yeah, because avatar is still so fucking popular
If we could quantitize and freely reproduce the delusion that saved this man from the ARS caused death, we could literally leap forward as a stellar race, like colonizing Mars would be a piece of cake since people would only need some water and food to survive. Just think about it.
he didn't die that day because he stayed as far away from the exposed core as he possibly could and kept ordering people to their deaths.
>Holy fuck where do I even begin with telling you how stupid you are
idk why not just try having an argument instead of fleeing to personal attacks for no reason?
>comparing one of the greatest plot twists in fiction to fucking endgame
Yeah the snap was a huge shock to normals and kids and stuff. I get that you're like a cynical """adult""" now but that's just history. Just because you're grumpy doesn't change millions of people's experience of that shit. And the meme culture that came out of IW on fucking reddit was goddamn pervasive as fuck. There hasn't been as big of an event film that had people talking about it for years after like with IW and Endgame this decade. Like Yea Forums has memed a lot about TDKR but that was half-contrarian, and BvS which was super contrarian/so bad it's good or whatever the fuck you want to call it, but as far as "popular culture" goes TDKR was kind of a RotJ disappointment and BvS was edgy trash.
>Actually fucking kill yourself
and like what really is your argument? Looking at the 2010s, what do you think movie historians and retrospectives and "I love the 2010s" type of shows are going to talking about when they talk about "the decade in film?"
Personally I think Mad Max was probably the best action film, but I'd have to check my ratings spreadsheets on all the uppity films to be reminded about half the "prestige pictures" that came out. Good decade for Innaritu. Drive was neat. Generally I think the decade was a big improvement on the VFX shit that kind of ruined a lot of the aughts. But this decade is kind of the beginning of the end of small and mid-budget movies and is mostly marked for the fucking capeshit tentpoles. It'll be impossible to talk about them when you talk about this decade.
Avatar was kind of a zeitgeist thing and it hasn't been a franchise kept afloat in the public consciousness with fucking 3 movies a year for a decade.
Could someone please make a pastebin of the tapes ?
This is your brain on normie opinions
dope argument. What do you think movie history is? As you move farther and farther away from a decade or era or whatever else, all the smaller prestige movies that were "important" at the time generally become less important as everyone that cared about them died and all that's really left was the big tentpoles that everyone remembered.
When people talk about the 1980s in film, they generally are going to jump to all the summer blockbusters first.
I'll ask against since you're a disingenuous nigger: When someone asks you in 20 years to sum up the 2010s in film, what are you going to talk about?
Reminder that Chernobyl is a "good" show, not a "great" show
And that since 2007 introduced the market to systemic mediocrity, anything "good" seems "amazing"
and its only "good" because it had historical fact to fall back upon. the situation is compelling as fuck. They shit on it a bit, but its like wiping a turd on a brick of silver.
You're at a club and this guy slaps your gf's ass. When confronted about it, he says he was on the toilet.
what do?
Agree that I was probably delusional
>That filename
Back to BuzzFeed with you
Why do women feel the need to make these pictures?
>HBO thought they'd have two solid prestige shows to carry them till they could put out more content
>westworld shits the bed
>got shits the bed
>HBO now has a ton of marketers with nothing to market
and this is how chernobyl got all the marketing that would've gone to game of thrones and westworld
Tell him my dick has a graphite tip.
Because we live in a capitalist society.
make a new thread, child molester
>What can we do to make sure Chernobyl 2 happens?
>watch first 10 mins
>get bored
when does it get good
It won't. You'll get more capeshit and star wars tho. I don't know what you like so that might be good news?
What makes you think that I have such a good taste?
Where's all the explosions?
Who sre you to say that the reactor didn't reach prompt criticality and then explode. There's evidence to support this theory. I don't see your evidence just wiki tier nonsense.
>I wonder how many of you know the name of this place. We all call it 4channel, of course. What is it's real name?
>Christopher Moot Poole Yea Forums Image Board.
>Exactly. Christopher Moot Poole... and how proud he would be of you all tonight. Especially you, young user... and the passion you have for the Baneposters. For is that not the sole purpose of the apparatus of the site? Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we fall prey to shills, but our faith in digits and original content will always be rewarded. Now the jannies tell us the situation here is not dangerous. Have faith anons. The mods tell us they want to prevent a panic. Listen well. It's true. When the anons see the capeshit threads they will be afraid, but it is my experience that when the anons ask questions that are not in their own best interest they should simply be told to keep their minds on their memes and leave matters of the site to the site. We seal off the website. No one leaves. And cut the phone lines. Contain the spread of capeshit. That is how we keep the anons from undermining the fruits of their own labor. Yes, anons. We will all be rewarded for what we do here tonight. This is our moment to shitpost.
insist he's delusional and ask the bouncer to take him to the infirmary
It's not hard, user. Just search all posts "Legaslov's Cassete Tape" and copy paste them.
I'd do it but my lazy ass had to be saved last time by another kind soul.
Just remember they are excerpts and not the whole thing - so maybe add a subtitle if you think it's necessary? Here's the order:
(1.2.3) Legaslov's Cassete Tape #1
( Legaslov's Cassete Tape #2
(9.10) Legaslov's Cassete Tape #3
(11.12.13) Legaslov's Cassete Tape #4
By the way, here's an english translated copy of the Chernobyl trial. A lot of interesting tidbits there too.
No shit
This whole show was stupid american propaganda
They deliberately portrayed the entire leadership as retards despite they were somehow one of the greatest countries on Earth that time
t. seething soviets
>i'd blow up another reactor for a caviar and butter sandwich