Just over 24 hours until tv is made great again

Just over 24 hours until tv is made great again.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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There's already a review calling it evil. Hyped as all fuck

What is this?

>What's this?
Nigga. It's too old to die young, it should be drive tier. You're going to have to leave this thread if you didn't like drive

Fuck you, you stupid retard. You have no idea what I thought about Drive. Go fuck yourself, get out this is my thread no.


whatever, its my thread now.

muh neon lights bros... muh synths
have i mentioned los angeles and driving through those canals?
i think it's gonna be kino.

I was excited until I read this post
I hope that's not all it's going to be

looks like this might fill the void that banshee left

>Miles Teller

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Will they be releasing all the episodes at once like usual amazon shows?

There's even something about samurais in the plot description

he's an ugly looking guy meant to play an ugly character

>William Baldwin

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All of them at once. It's going to be a comfy 10 hours

fyi this is my thread

>At one point during filming, co-creator Nicolas Winding Refn told cinematographer Darius Khondji that he wanted to shoot the series on an iPhone, since they were watching playback on their phones. This idea, however, was scrapped due to resolutions problems.

Netflix or Amazon?

Amazon prime


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my thread

Didn't these hacks have a proper monitor?

All the normies are hating it now, but you just now when their sheep senses kick in and it's actually released, they'll be all over it. Screen cap this post as proof that normies are spineless hipsters.

I've been saying this ever since Too Old to Die Young was first revealed. It happened with Twin Peaks, it's going to happen with Refn as well.

True, watch all the bad mouthers of refn love him after the series

they're hating it?

I'm pumped

Nell doesn't even go topless so why bother watching?

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Because it's going to be violence incarnate

You're not off point, schizobro. Last week, and earlier this week, I made a few threads about the show and got no replies, and as we all know Yea Forums is normie central. Surprised this thread even has this many replies...

It's going to be Drive > TOTDY > OGF > TND

>normies are hating it
Do you not see the normies in this thread acting in their /general/ cancerous behavior? It's already happening as you typed that inane post.

I saw a nigga say nothing happens in Drive yesterday

John Hawkes makes it insta kino in my book.
Plus seething roasties walking out at Cannes, means Refn has brought us his finest work to date.

>Nicolas Wingding Refn

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Why isn't anybody allowed to look forward to anything you faggot?


You guys will stream here, r-right?

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>Amazon prime
Into the trash it goes

Probably some youtube normie made a video about it.

That's why they are all flocking to it.

Kill yourself shill.

>he doesn't enjoy Prime for the amazing shipping benefits, with the bonus of amazon video
Nothin' personnel kid

Goliath and homecoming is underrated

At least you are getting something. There's no way any major network would've given Refn any money. Streaming services are good for niche directors.

Wait I thought NTF was supposed to get nude in this wtf

this is the time when europeans (sophisticates) wake up and check Yea Forums as part of their morning routine inbetween having tea and using the bidet. that's why this kino thread has more replies than during poptart macdonalds hours when you posted it.

is it weekly or do all the episodes release at the same time?

There's definitely going to be nudity in it

>nell tiger free
what kind of a retarded name is that, is she some celeb's kid?

Refn knows what the audience wants, all the episodes at once. Yea Forums is going to be quiet


I require Myrcella tits

if i sign up for a free trial of amazon prime can i watch this with it?

You sure can. You will be the first to get it too. I didn't think amazon prime done a free month though?

If you have a .edu email you can get a 6 month free trial

finally something that could be good. this unwatchable algorithm shit is killing me.

I'm pretty sure Yea Forums doesn't even know about this yet but this is kino 2 episodes in user. Got called another breaking bad in a review if that interests you

>Nell is shown topless from behind as she lies in bed in episode 3. In the next episode, Nell has a weird scene in a bra that might be slightly see-through.

Yes, they do free trial prime memberships. Just cancel before the due date of your payment (amazon actually makes it really convenient for you to select this option. but the idea is for you to forget to do it so that they charge you in the end for the next month).
>inb4 shill
I'm not. I've just been using the service for a very long time.

Forgot pic

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based as fuck, just signed up im ready boys

Amazing acting from Miles Teller in that pic

Glad normies are liking it.

Amazon Video also has a pretty kino movie selection included with prime

The boys is coming out next month and that looks good too

based underageb&

So this is a stealth Amazon shill thread

It's better than cap Marvel shill threads anyway

i don't like breaking bad though

is twin peaks season 4 finally coming out?

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Checked and what are all these acronyms holy fuck, give me the names of what to watch

Well the show I recommended is still good so far. City on a hill first episode was good too

>a show that is about to be released and needs all the publicity it can get
>a movie that was released many months ago, that already made back what it cost to make

Do you enjoy being retarded?

after those abominations they made out of american gods and preacher my hype levels are at zero. i'll check out a couple of episodes though (torrented of course)

Too old to die young
Only God forgives
The neon Demon

I forgot already who this guy even is. Was he the dude that called out James on the whole Irate Gamer thing?

>all episodes at once

why is this the standard now, i fucking hate this shit

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Preacher is terrible, no way The boys is as bad as that>If you create a thread about a show you are being paid by Amazon prime

which show, the one in op? i thought it wasn't out yet?

It's so that normies can binge. Fuck water cooler talk or having a life outside of television.


yeah. i just now realized user might be talking about amazon prime shows and preacher was made by amc, for some reason i mixed them up. i still hated american gods anyway, but, hell, i'll give the boys a shot like i said.

Seth Rogan being involved is still dumb but if they're smart they won't let him anywhere near it

oh. how did you know user was talking about that show before he posted the pic? is "unwatchable algorithm" a plot point or something?

>there are no amazon shills yet every thread about Captain Marvel is obviously made by a shill

I ask again, do you enjoy being retarded?

>dude how do you subscribe
>dude it's so easy
>thanks dude, just subscribed
Yep, totally not a shill thread

What are you an about you dickhead? You're whinging about no good tv, I'm just letting you know about a good show

I think you're just misinterpreting a perfectly normal exchange

>Also Hideo Kojima (yep, that one) cuts a debtor’s finger off with a sword


huh? are you okay? out of curiosity i asked you how you knew which show the first user was talking about before he clarified it.

Because I am that user, detective

how did I not know about this

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Why isn't he wearing a shirt?

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oh, sorry. i got the impression you were shitting on the show (and saying too old to die young, the show in op could be good) and then when you praised it i thought you were a different guy. what did you mean by "unwatchable algorithm shit?


It can get confusing but now you're fucking with me because the unwatchable algorithm shit wasn't me

Because you're a normie. Every true Refn fan has known about this since it was first announced, or at the very latest, when the teaser trailer hit, which was in fucking April for fuck's sake.

Watch the film or the documentary about it (which was directed by his wife). It was shot in Thailand and the weather, given the humidity, is very hot there.

Do zoomers really not know who Refn is outside of Kojima memes?

Imagine caring about any of these kikes in ((Hollywood)))

I'm a zoomer and I got into Refn through Kojima retweeting something about The Neon Demon

>zoomers being interested in anything other than fortnite, youtube or capeshit
You are so far out of the loop, it isn't even funny

damn i guess we'll never know who's who now. you must have thought the unwatchable algorithm shit was me.

let's just call it a day

I did. 2 Netflix shills in here trying to hurt refn

You can stop samefagging shizodude.

Go play your video games, shizo.

Since when does tv like drive this place called it shit when it came out

>Miles Teller
Couldn't have picked a worse lead. DOA

>i worship some faggot because he makes moving pictures
Fucking pathetic

Pleb filters confuse people some times. So when did it become beloved?

H.P Guncraft vs Dagon.

He's going to kill it. But I'm also the only person on earth that liked fantastic 4 remake

You're lying. Yea Forums was nothing but drive threads and memes when it came out. Please kill yourself.

You only need to look at the archives to see how full of shit this zoomer queer is.

>he thinks tv archives date that back
And I am the shit?

Yes he's going to kill the series by making it awful. He's not a good actor, he's just some jew that keeps getting roles

Dates back to 2010, Drive was released 2011.

Again, please end your life for the good of mankind.

made you look faggot lmao

Why do people always call him Jewish? His Jewish ancestry was his great grandfather, which makes him non-Jewish.