Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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Well there’s the problem of Aragorn’s tax policy...

So, yeah, it's racist as hell, so no.

the best trilogy of all time, the best fantasy series of all time, loved by critics and the general population, nothing like it will ever be made again
ya I'd say so


everything that wasn't frodo-sam-gollum felt pretty shallow desu

Never understood why movie studios didn't try to copy what worked for this. After these three movies came out there was a huge fantasy push but it was all soulless and bland. Of course the actual work is difficult but why wouldn't studious just spend years pre planning every detail, building miniatures, copying the template exactly of what everyone loved about these? You would end up with something that not only destroys the box office but is a favorite at award shows too and earns you so much money and status.

Nice bait faggot

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first film was 10/10 the rest were ok/mediocre

gimli and legolas were reddit as fuck and the action scenes were mostly cringe. first film had pretty much none of either, only the good aspects.

What made the action scenes in the 2nd and 3rd cringe?

>picture of two girls together

I'll take things that aren't in Lord of the Rings, for $1100.

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>the best trilogy of all time

True, true.

I actually had problem that there wasn’t more females in the original group that set out. Total sausage fest. And the females were mostly just on the side as love interests. Even the Nazgul King scene was just pure luck on her part, anybody could’ve done that.

Not user, but for me everything was obviously a set; it gets to Phantom Menace levels of green screen. Also amidst all the action, all I could ever really recall were people hacking and slashing at each other, there were no real engaging sword fights to speak of. The suspension of disbelief gets a bit odd later on with the dwarf tossing as well, gravity seems to disappear all but for one moment so Aragorn and Gimli can have a hack and slash battle against an even more insurmountable number of orcs on screen then shown just moments before.


shit like this. i cant remember every scene off the top of my head but almost every time its some stupid marvel tier garbage with legolas and gimli quipping killstreaks at each other. even amon hen scene in fellowship was kind of dumb with them killing 100 uruk hai but at least there was no starwars tier fight choreography and it showed they werent completely invincible.

Ambitious, but I felt like it would have been a better trilogy overall if they changed less of the story.
>tfw they left out this moment of pure kino

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>What made the action scenes cringey
And your answer is... action. Yikes. Leave the kino to the professionals, kid. Stay away from Jackie Chan kinos if cool stunts trigger you.

>he didn’t watch the extended edition

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Tolkien was the magic that made these movies what they are made real by the passion of all those who worked on it.
Besides, movie studios found a money making formula in capeshit. Who cares if it's soulless or bland when each movie is 1bil guaranteed

just watch bollywood or marvel if youre too stupid to differentiate between a good and a bad action sequence


Decent movies but they really fucked up Faramir and the battles were pretty bad

Liv Tyler can get it

they left out Tom, I am a nigger so fuck you all. I wanted my Tom to suck me off with his Godly powers.

It’s my favorite trilogy and favorite movies. I own the extended edition box set dvd (not Blu-ray) and I watch them at least once a year. No meme I tear up every time the dark tower falls. I don’t even give a fuck. It’s an all day event for me whether it’s alone or with others I plan it out and by the end like 15 hours later I got tears in my eyes. It’s very therapeutic.

>tevee hates capeshit
>loves this movie when it's also capeshit with just more dialogue
Either it's redditors or Yea Forumsfags


Yes it was

You’re a fucking faggot. Kill yourself for even pretending the two are the same you fucking cunt.

1 POWER GAP>First 75% of 3>2> POWER GAP last 25% of 3

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I always enjoyed the whole traveling aspect and seeing new places. I didn't care for the action. Like Easy rider set in a fantasy universe.

No, only the first one.
This board is reddit tier for thinking these are the only great or best blockbusters.
Cringe and reddit

they literally join forces together at the end to beat the evil guy like avengers. You probably think Hobbit isn't capeshit

Hello babbydoor, there's capeshit galore in jackson's lotr, full with shitty humor and quipping and forced cliche drama in moments. You're far up your own ass.

>no chimps, spics, gooks, towelheads, or poos
>women at a minimum
>celebrates the glory and the power of the white man
LotR was the last of the great kinos.

You're a fucking redditor pleb, damn the word kino is only used by actual retards now who have pretentiously shit taste and think lotr was actually masterpiece tier

good taste

the last fight at the gates of morder was horrible and nearly ruined the last movie. if you watch the appendices you can tell they had absolutely no idea what the fuck they were doing at that point.

Who the fuck was Vik Tohree?

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They are flicks with some kino in fellowship. Anyone saying otherwise is wrong.

Based user. The landscape shots of them running through fields were some of the best parts.