Is it possible to make Dragon Ball work in live action?

Is it possible to make Dragon Ball work in live action?

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sure, brainlets will see anything if there's enough quips and epic cg


Delete this before Netflix sees it

Man of Steel and Endgame show that yes, with a big enough budget and enough known actors that it could work if you squint your eyes.

If the only real problem adapting it is the weird character designs, then I suppose so.

all the Dragon Ball movies suck, even the animated ones. It's not a 1.5-2 hour experience, part of the charm is that it takes an entire episode to charge up for five minutes

There's a lot of animated/comic adaptations to live that could work, but unfortunately DBZ is so tied to Toriyama's artstyle that it simply isn't really DBZ without it.

it would have to be an original story made for wider consumption that will almost certainly piss off the fans.

Michael Bay really should direct a Dragon Ball movie its the right kinda autistic for him.

no but it might work with photorealistic CGI like the picture you posted

Oh god ... because of all the cape kino we're going to get retards wanting shitty anime material to be adapted to live action ... can we just purge the weebos?

Detective Pikachu got made so anything's possible

No, it wouldn't. Not in a million fucking goddamn shit eating cock sucking years now stop being a faggot.

No. Character designs look silly in live action.

Personally I'd be down for a Vampire Hunter D live action movie or show.

You fags consider a movie with a single joke to be "quippy"
>Could it be done
Sure. But fucking why


the era of capeshit is over, 2020's belongs to live action animeshit


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Because they are not human nor humanoid characters

so why wouldn't a live-action Dragonball work?

Someone hasn't seen Broly. I agree all the DBZ movies before broly were meh, but broly was fucking yes!

Wait, so Facerigging someone like Frieza, Cell, or Beerus would be a lot easier to rig than Pikachu.

I don't save wojak pics but the soiboi edit was the first thing that came to mind when reading this

Avatar last air bender first pls

>Goku quips in every sentence
>Bulma is played by Melissa McCarthy
>Krillin is a small chinese-american boy
>Piccolo is black
>Chi-Chi is also black
>Gohan is played by jaden smith
>Yamcha and Roshi only exists to get told off for being a white male
>Tien doesn't exist, director praised for "brave decision"
>Frezia's motivation is to rule the galaxy because on his home planet they didn't listen to his speech on global warming and all died
>Goku goes super saiyan after seeing Hillary Clinton lose to Trump

Im gonna so not at all

they could do a story in the DB universe in live action, just keep the main characters out of it. maybe do a capeshit type film about the pride troopers or something

Yes it could
First trilogy
>first film
>red ribbon army, master Roshi, krillin, Yamcha, tien, world tournament, piccolo arc all condensed into one
>film 2
>film 3
Trilogy 2
>Namek 3 part
It could work

>"Three years from now, 2 androids will appear 9 miles off the coast of south City."
>"None of you survive."

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I gotchu bruv

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>>first film
>>red ribbon army, master Roshi, krillin, Yamcha, tien, world tournament, piccolo arc all condensed into one
So you want to put all that into one film but have Raditz, who lasted a handful of chapters, a full movie? This is one of the worst pitches I have ever heard


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>"Your too late Z warriors, once Goku is defeated, my androids will make the red ribbon army great again!"

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Yes. The battle on Titan in Infinity War is literally shit ripped straight outa weeb shit. Comics book action is not that dynamic.

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Are you a movie producer?

They already did.

Evolution is a fantastic dumb B movie. If you're looking for an OMG SO EPIC martial arts movie, it's not happening. But if you're looking for something campy as shit that captures the energy of the early series, Evolution is great. Chow Yun Fat just fucking devours every scene he's in and it's a joy to watch him. Chatwin does an okay Goku. The dialogue could use a little tweaking but it's a kid's movie and they never try hard with those.

Broly and the dragon movie are pretty good

Yes and it will be a joint project with Russo brothers and James Cameron (Alita was a test for anime eyes)

As opposed to deep thinkers who like watching people grunt for 30 minutes then shooting a blast that bounces off the bad guy.

lel, next level contrarianism

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Just want a film about these three's roadtrip in the van. Possibly tapping Gus Van Sant or Lars von Trier to direct. Do not care about anything else in the series.

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Actual Dragon ball? maybe.

let Disney make it

DBZ has no chance

>let Disney make it

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Aladdin wasn't that bad, Disney at least has the money to make Teen Goku Vs King piccolo look alight.

what's the point?

here's your Vegeta bro

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You just need a director, producer, and writing team who actually gives a fuck about the Dragonball franchise. That's it.

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Most of the Z fighters are human or humanoid, so they would go straight into the uncanny valley, and basically look like shit

Then just dont give them bug eyes. I blame Goku's retarded hair for DB being unadaptable

DBS: Broly, Battle of Gods, Fusion Reborn, and The Dead Zone are all complete kino

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It wouldnt be live action. Itd be shitty cgi with a couple actors against a green screen. Why bother

This. Literally all you're doing my making an animated thing live-action is making it less interesting to look at and severely limiting what can be done with the characters, setting, action, etc.
It's pretty much just for idiots who will see anything with a certain brand name attached to it and faggots who refuse to watch anything animated because animation is "for kids" unless the characters say fuck.

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holy fucking shit I think I just jizzed a little
You can't just post that and not give source

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>be a saiyajin, a literal super alien that can cause masive destruction with his bare hands
>carry a sword

I dig that Trunks design. Maybe not the scarf, but the compression shirt with the baggy pants works.

yeah if actual japanese people made it

dragon ball directed by miike or kitano

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the only saga that is worthy

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I need my stepdad to respect the things I watch

That's the worst part of the show, there's nothing that ruins a show for me more than blatant filler, that's why I hate family guy

No. Flashy fist fighting still looks awful and sadly that's what every mutt wants in a DBZ movie.

calling Family Guy filter would first have to imply that there is a plot to be taking seriously, though

Even if there isn't a plot it just makes it obvious that they're doing that to fill up their time slot slot somehow

holy shit this looks kino

It's Bulma's scarf

I can see his mustard yellow asshole

That's just Terminator, user.

Who exactly do you think Android 16 is supposed to be user

>500-or-so episodes worth of arcs segmented into multiple high budget-necessary films
It'd need a very large amount of regular viewers, and either a completely committed cast, or one that frequently swaps out like Bond.
Probably not.

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Fender Tremolo from Cyborg (1989)

Would have been a good cast as Vegeta. Also proves that most Saiyans should be Anglo in appearance. Chris Pratt might be a good Goku.

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You could adapt the original Dragon Ball pretty easily but it would also require cutting a LOT of shit.

>Cut out Grandpa Gohan, have Roshi find and train Goku instead, Krillin eventually joins him as a disciple
>Time passes and they become good enough for Roshi to suggest entering the Budokai, however the entry 'fee' is a Dragonball and he only has the one
>Goku and Krillin duel for it, Goku wins but Krillin secretly switches it out, Goku then meets Bulma, an orphan tech-wizard and saves her from some thugs, in gratitude she lets him use her Dragonball to enter the tournament
>On the way they meet the other contestants; Tien, Yamcha, Chi-Chi and Nam,
>The idea of the tournament is that you need a Dragonball to enter and that he winner gets to use all 7 for a wish, eight contestants total, 6 that need the ball and two former champions (which will of course be Roshi and King Piccolo)
>Plot twist where Piccolo was the former winner and used his wish to become King and seized Capsule Corp's wealth and technology, hence why Bulma is seemingly an orphan

Given that a lot of the origin story of Goku is monomyth/ identical to the Moses/Superman story (exile from a dying world, raised by foster parents, divine powers, flat character arc) and these characters have made it on screen, I don’t see a limitation from this perspective

Also, if Thanos can be on screen DBZ characters can be.

My pitch for first movie would be:
>Prologue - Tien’s Master, Grandpa Gohan and Roshi repel first Piccolo invasion. Tien’s master bitter after Roshi’s school takes all the credit
>Goku escapes Planet Vegeta during Frieza’s Destruction
>Goku found by Gohan, who takes him under his wing to prevent new alien menace. When of age sends him to Roshi
>Meets Krillin
>The pair are training for World Tournament
>Crane school training Tien to assassinate Goku at tourney. Chiaotzu can also be here
>Meanwhile Piccolo spawn on the warpath
>Tourney - tension between Goku and Tien, maybe early round Tien and Yamcha fight, Yamcha eliminated
>Middle of tourney Piccolo shows up proclaiming he will destroy the Earth after defeating its champion
>Goku and Tien fight, Tien loses gracefully and allows Goku the final fight
>Goku beats Piccolo but doesn’t kill him

Now Z Fighters and Frieza set up, can do the Saiyans movie 2 and Frieza movie 3. Tension between Goku and Piccolo major thread in 2

Basically this. It wouldn't be DB though

Why do you retards even want that? It's always going to be less good than animation

Just discussing and shiet, its fun to discuss how it can be made

what a fucking terrible idea

Literally all they have to do is adapt the manga sections of the Saiyan Saga, Frieza Saga, and Cell Saga. It's a really engaging story, especially the Frieza saga and the stuff on Namek. However, to fit everything in, these movies would probably have to be 3+ hours long

My compliments to the artist who created that. He even put effort into the small amulet that he wears on his neckring. Very impressive.