What are some great trilogies in the history of film?

What are some great trilogies in the history of film?

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Hahahahahaha how the fuck is sueing that baker real hahahahaha nigga just walk away from his store like buy your cake somewhere else haha

>Baker won't take your money
>So you spend thousands of dollars on a lawsuit that'll go nowhere because you won't look for someone who will make your cake

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Bake the cake, bigot.

Explain to me how this isnt targeted harassment, and I fucking hate christcucks as much as anyone.

It was settled at the supreme court, move the fuck on snowflakes. I hope he can begin counter suing every parasitic gay organization pushing these ridiculous lawsuits

The lawyer is a trans activist and trans women, this is the second time he sued the bakery.

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Oppressed minorities are so oppressed they spend all of their time and millions of dollars suing a small business owner with the consent and aid of major media conglomerates

why can't faggots bake cakes? I thought they liked doing woman things?

Private business.

Cant do jack shit again that so they're just throwing away money.

Yea Forums - Television & Film

>as much as anyone.
Atheists aren't anyone

It is targeted harassment and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard. These lunatics are specifically seeking out a bakery that they know won't bake a cake for them just so they can try suing them, either after fame, money, or both

Humiliating your enemies is extremely important and forcing them to endorse your sexual and social practices is part of the ritual humiliation

Wrong. This is millions of dollars worth of free advertising.

the faggot governor encouraged people to harass the baker

Its basically like a gay mafia at this point. Stifling your vomit and shutting your mouth aka (((tolerance))) is no longer enough, now you must actively partake in their alternative lifestyle or you will not be allowed in the public sphere

Odds are they hope for it to get enough attention for a gofundme to cover the costs

The baker already lost at the fucking supreme court. Faggots are a PROTECTED CLASS. Learn about the civil rights act you fucking moron. Private business or not you are required to serve protected classes.

>lawsuit that will go nowhere
>he doesn't know

if only you knew how bad things really were

but he won at the supreme court ruling

god i hate polis

It wasn't exactly 'settled' in the supreme court, their ruling was basically that the government overstepped their bounds, and it wasn't really a ruling on the incident itself afaik.

But you are right that these people have literally no reason to be approaching him for their cakes other than to deliberately instigate a conflict, either that or his cakes are so legendary that these people put up with a baker who is antithetical to their beliefs to get one made for them, in which case they shouldn't be surprised he doesn't want to make their tranny cake.

They are intentionally targeting him because of his beliefs. Cake has nothing to do with it. I cannot wait for skinheads to start lawsuits against jewish delis.

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>won't make cakes for faggots and trannies
>faggots and trannies sue him to in an attempt to keep him in business
are they retarded?

It costs a ton of time, energy, money, and mental sanity to fight the legal system, even against frivolous lawsuits.
Their goal is to hurt him, that's all.

>he just implied tolerance is jewish

ah, summer

>It was settled at the supreme court, move the fuck on snowflakes.
Last time around the Supreme Court didn't actually answer the important question. They just noted how the Colorado human rights commission was so obviously anti-christian that they could rule in the baker's favor on those grounds. The fags are going to try again without their friends putting their hatred of Christians in their meeting minutes.

>hurt him
>give him free advertising
like I asked, are they retarded? If they want to hurt him, they should get people to boycott him, not make him a beacon for constitutional rights

He didn’t lose faggot. Why lie?

Jews will always take your money they have no principles.

it's not about baking a cake, it's about sending a message
and that message is "kneel"

shut up bigot

He basically did, though. Technically he "won" because they declared that there was procedural issues.

But they refused to make a ruling in his favour on the actual case. They basically said "we're not going to rule on whether or not you're legally required to make these day cakes, but those guys were dicks so in this case you don't have too"

And look what happened, we're right back where we started. Considering his life is town apart with legal issues how is that a victory. Considering the supreme court did not come out in support of free speech how is that a victory. Considering faggots are still a protected class who have extra rights than the rest of us and are able to do things like this, how was it a victory

this has always been the goal. tolerance is not enough; they want to be celebrated and glorified

These are the same people that say just go and make your own twitter or youtube, yet they can't cope with being refused service even though they celebrate people being deplatformed for having different views.

Who will play him in the tragic biopic made a decade or two from now?

the anti-fascists are the actual fascists


I prefer the spinoff film
>some black college kids attempt to steal from a bakery
>worker tries to stop them
>blacks attack worker, cops get called, blacks get arrested
>college where blacks attend goes full sjw, claims the bakery is racist
>college encourages students to protest them, prints fliers and helps organize protests
>bakery sues college and wins 11mil, probably another 20 mil soon

Ughh how dare him. What a bigot!

That's not losing. That's a draw if I've ever seen one.

I know you're probably 15 but a common argument against tolerance back in the day was that it would never devolve into what we've been seeing in the last few years. You were called crazy and told the slippery slope was a fallacy and all faggots wanted was the ability to not hide who they are.

Now that we've hit the eventual endgame anyone with a functioning brain has foreseen we're just shamed and deplatformed in the same way we were told we did to homosexuals

I wonder if they would make a swastika cake

They won the lawsuit last time, you retarded white incel.

Then you're dumb. The ruling literally establishes the current situation as the correct one. As in, fags are allowed to force him to make gay cakes, just not those two specific fags.

They set precedent. It's literally over.

fuck yeah oberlin

using laws as a bludgeon to bring non-progressives to heel

Well hopefully it goes back to the supreme court while it's still conservative loaded and the faggots get an actual ruling to fuck off. Though I'm sure even if it does someone's family will be threatened and we'll at least get another split decision

Look at this motherfucker’s face. There is no greater determination on this earth than that of an angry old white man who has been mildly inconvenienced. This man will literally fight to the death just to antagonize the people accosting him. He doesn’t give a shit. He does not. Give. A. Shit.

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>The ruling literally establishes the current situation as the correct one. As in, fags are allowed to force him to make gay cakes, just not those two specific fags.


says the white mouth breathing fucktard who was silent when laws bludgeoned gays and blacks and still to this day trans people

Kill yourself fucktard.

>conservatives get banned from online platforms
>man refuses to bake cake

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Go ahead and present some proof then. It'll be hard to beat the supreme court so I'd like to see your attempt.

I mean, we're literally in a thread about how he's being sued again exactly because the supreme court did not defend his free speech. Lol. Like what the fuck are you even arguing about


He is likely to prevail, and have his legal costs covered by the plaintive.

they should do that. every time one of these faggots demands a cake, the baker should make one shaped like an hiv cell, or covered in bible verses or facts about gay degeneracy

>just let us rape your women and children goy!

Dude just make your own bakery. Basedstone Bakery is a private company.

>cannot wait for skinheads to start lawsuits against jewish delis.
wouldn't go anywhere

literal non-sequitur
hope your transition is going well

>who has been mildly inconvenienced
Getting dragged through the American legal system is only mildly inconvenient if you're Disney and have a superstar team of top jew lawyers on retainer. For the average person it's a waking nightmare.

he can refuse service to anyone you faggot


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He literally can't. Gays are a protected class.

It's easier to just wait for you to kill yourselves or die of AIDS

>just let us enslave and lynch blacks, murder gay and transpeople, nigger!

Kill yourself, you disgusting, virgin-for-life, sack of shit retard.

>Christians must serve their homo masters
>Christian can be banned service from Youtube if homos complain enough
land of the freaks and home of the gays.

Endless lawsuits and media harassment are a mild inconvenience? You seem retarded and are more than likely part of the 40%

>he can refuse service to anyone you faggot
Not protected classes.

based Jiren

you should probably cool it on using literally on literally every post.

And he's there again because he wasn't forced to bake cakes for faggots and trannies, not because he was and refused to.

Political affiliation is not a protected class.

That’s a fine straw man Dorothy

It could be a lifetime of constant battle and it would not matter. This look is pure hatred. This is not the face of a man who makes cakes for anyone let alone big crybaby faggots. This is the face of a motherfucking Spartan warrior.

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The central issue was never resolved


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So does this apply to ((art)) or just food.

And he will lose again and I will laugh at him.
t. doesn't know what a straw man is

>tiny cakeshop refusing to bake HIV themed cake can be sued.
>silicon valley companies are somehow beyond reproach despite being monopolies, influencing elections and taking government money constantly.
land of the free

Go back to wherever you came from.

And Skinheads have no money because they're welfare queens with no jobs

If he won against the gays and the buttcake or whatever it was he will win against the tranny.

For the proud white cake maker it is. This guy gets up every day and battles the gay hordes between baking wholesome cakes for normal people and fucking his wife. They targeted the wrong old white man.

It's starting to look like ostracizing these freaks was the correct move, if only we used actual bludgeoning. Keep it up, though...

>and then one day, for no reason at all, the people vote Hitler

Laugh at america, everyone

no, my country isn't any better, but at least we're not stupid enough to think we are like the americans.

Bake my fag cake

Nobody is publicly advocating for the enslavement or murder of anyone. You have a hard on for being a victim.

That he didn't make the cake?

>go to business
>ask them to bake cake for your mutilation party
>they refuse due to personal beliefs
>allowed to sue them
would this happen to a muslim?

>This look is pure hatred.
No it isn't. It's not even steely resolve. That's bog standard quiet determination.

A committee is being formed to pay Hiro for your post history and data/IP which will be used to dox you.

It's the Jews killing jesus all over again

There was a reason that's how it was done in literally every fucking society of the past hundred thousand fucking years. It's literally an evolutionary response, just like how garbage disgusts you.

>you are required to serve protected classes

Lol, weak cunts.

if skinheads don't have jobs who is it refusing to bake all these poz cakes.

We need to remove the status of protective classes, nobody should be coerced by the government into a private business deal

Jokes on you I keep my wifi public so anyone could be posting with my IP

You won't do shit, you're a beta incel who's never been in a fight. Talk big on your Yea Forums hugbox though, we will eventually uncover your identity.

>It's starting to look like ostracizing these freaks was the correct move
Aberrant behavior always needs to be checked for the good of society as a whole. Everyone across the world understands this, the west is just currently in hard decline and said checks are failing.

If someone did this to a Muslim small business owner the media would destroy their lives as Islamophobic hate mongers who hate beautiful people of color. This only works if the target is a white Christian

>Skinheads have no money
>welfare queens

Move to a red state, sweeties.

Someone literally made a video where they go into muslim shops demanding homosexual cakes, and they all verbally abuse him and one literally attacks him

Guess what? No one gave a shit.

Muslims are higher on the progressive stack than faggots (white males typically)

it is in DC

I hope this is an elaborate marketing stunt because it sounds so dumb.

Just wait till you hear about the transgender 'woman' who called up 20 different beauty salons and asked them to wax her balls, when 15 refused she reported all 15 of them to the Canadian human rights council, at which point the government came down on them.

I wouldn't even care, if it progresses to the point that I can't even anonymously vent about garbage such as this cake case then I don't want to pubicly contribute to this society anymore anyway.

right that's why the greeks and romans accepted homosexuality and drag queens have been a thing in every society all across the world.

it's hilarious when white trash edgy polweenies try to pretend they know anything about history

>Next level shit posting

link to video?


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more like raze denver with napalm

Nope the left has gone too far. They need to be crushed into a fine paste by a right wing nationalist government.

yeah i'm sure there are tons of muslim cake stores in america.

stupid fuck.