What the fuck was Raimi thinking?
What the fuck was Raimi thinking?
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That comics are silly.
New inventive ways to make kino.
emos n shit
Ahead of the curve.
This. Only plebbit faggots that parrot the opinions of their favorite YouTubers think SM3 was bad.
>"109 countries, Peter...."
It was funny
I don't think it's bad (besides Venom) but man the Emo Peter just feel so out of place.
It’s far from perfect, but the themes, visuals, and character dynamics are unironically very profound for capeshit. Emo Peter makes more sense if you can sympathize with the depression state after being held in a limelight.
i liked it. it was fun and goofy, fitting the subject matter.
>Fuck you Avi
>If I don't do something drastic right now, comic book adaptations will plague us for decades. Hopefully, this will do the trick.
I really wish Sony didn't force him to shoehorn Venom into the movie, like the symbiote was fine but they should have focused on Peter and Harry's conflict with Sandman as Harry's accomplice.
Also they should have given Harry a better costume.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Rami's Evil Dead and Spider-man trilogies mirror each other.
Evil Dead1/Spider-man 1 = Rough but takes itself seriously and is solid.
Evil Dead 2/Spider-man 2 = Raimi unleashes his fullest potential and creates a masterpiece.
Army of Darkness/Spider-man 3 = Working with his brother on the screenplay, Raimi turns everything into a fucking clown show.
Back when capeshit was actually good and could make fun of it self,nowadays they take it too seriously for a kid movie
they should have canned Rami and planned the symbiote/Venom arch over two movies. Peter uses the symbiote in 3 but it ruins his relationship with MJ. In 4 Venom is the main bag guy and peter hooks up with Gwen. 5 should have been Harry taking up his fathers mantle and killing Gwen!!!FACT!!!
>tfw Raimi willingly sacrificed his career to try stopping Capeshit before it overran Hollywood
Jesus Raimi.
I'm glad we got more of her in this movie, he should have dumped MJ got good.
You never danced after getting a complete makeover, honey?
Wow, Raimi had the greatest character arch all along
>all the girls giving him the stink eye down the street
Kills my sides every time
*listens to My Chemical Romance once*
Agreed, symbiote feels like it should have been removed at the very end and expanded with Venom as the only villain in 4.
I wish we could get one more Raimi Spider-Man film even if it's just him fighting Bruce Campbell as Mysterio, just a better sendoff than 3.
>Find us some shade
>Peter, we need to secure a future for white children
Little on the nose there, Raimi.
It's sad that we never got this kino, every Spider-Man movie made after 3 has sucked ass. Tom Holland just doesn't sell me in the role at all.
The finale feels like it just comes out of nowhere, I don't really get why Sandman was even in the plot when it could have just been Venom and Gobby Jr teaming up to get revenge on Spidey.
>tfw the pie is so good
We still can, if we destroy Disney somehow
That it would be funny, and it is. Raimi understands that comic movies should be comical
I really hate how many properties they control and ruin now, shit's so annoying.
tragic but also kino
this. glad others appreciate beanstalk slavs
peter parker is such a socially inept nerd deep down that this was actually what he precieved "cool" to be like, and the venom goo brought that all out of him.
ive learned to appreciate that scene a little more after some user here pointing that out one time
I want to see Sam Raimi make a movie where Walt Disney has to escape from hell
Why isn't Tobey MacGuire in leading roles anymore?
I really want him to come back for one last film as an older Spider-Man (kind of like that animated one last year), seems kind of sad that we'll just be stuck with Twinkman and Soi Marvel for years to come.
Either way,it felt very puerile and cringe
Yeah honestly on a rewatch I like it a bit more, the jazz club scene is a little much but it's fun watching him trying to act cool after being such a dweeb.
may he rise again, amen
im gonna guess peter wasnt the hero in that scene
It's supposed to be cringy. Just look how everyone react when he's walking down the street dancing
>It's supposed to be cringy
Lame ass excuse
It's like covering myself with shit and claiming that I'm supposed to stink
fuck its like talking about camp with zoomers now
if your goal is to stink and you cover yourself in shit to stink you have succeded
it's an iconic scene you have to give it that
>Why isn't Tobey MacGuire in leading roles anymore?
He's an asshole IRL and makes enough money off poker.
I didn't like venom too much or eddy brock's story in the film but I thought the casting for him was spot on
Her reaction in that scene says it all
Can you read faces?
>Can you read faces?
He probably quite literally can't user, where do you think you are?
>The movie sucks because it was supposed to
That's how I'm perceiving this argument
>Agreed, symbiote feels like it should have been removed at the very end and expanded with Venom as the only villain in 4.I wish we could get one more Raimi Spider-Man film even if it's just him fighting Bruce Campbell as Mysterio, just a better sendoff than 3.
Mysterio could have been great for 3's main villain!!!FACT!!!
>Why isn't Tobey MacGuire in leading roles anymore?
Because he's a shit actor and got lucky with Spider-man!!!FACT!!!
Mysterio is a lame villain
Isn't Eddy more built in the comics?
Not that I think Topher Grace was bad in the role though they should have made him much bigger in the Venom form.
I have to say out of all the insults Ive gotten that dont phase me, for some reason this one hurt just a little bit
>He cute
That's weird, every woman looks at me like this. What does it mean?
everyone is jacked in the comics and 90s cartoon.
He’s a big guy
The real problem of this movie is the venom and symbiote plot. Sandman is an awesome villain and his side story is touching as fuck.
Means you need to have sex
you've been really unbased lately, man.
Think I might filter you.
man I hope the new Mysterio is rusing about being from another universe and having alien tech, I like him grounded and more into mindfuckery than being involved with demons and aliens and shit
He hates classic films, that's enough to filter him
Both wrong. Watch the scene again, there's other girls that actually like the way Pete is acting.
Spider Man 3 wasn't raimis fault. Blame Pascal for mandating Venom in a movie where he wasn't originally supposed to show up. Raimi didn't understand Venom or how they Symbiote worked as he grew up with the 60's-70's Spider man not the 80's-90's Spiderman. Basically this was him just having some fun with a bad situation.
idgaf what anyone says that scene was based as a motherfucker
Why aren't they giving it to me then?
quads always right
I would argue otherwise but your quads have proven me wrong friend.
The new Mysterio is supposed to be a hero though right? He's like the Iron Man from his universe! I could see him becoming an Avenger.
Best girl.
I feel like there's nothing at stake in the new movies since he just has the Avengers to back him up.
The entire emo-Peter arc is kino and pleb-filter. Given all the coming of age allegories, it's natural to show edgy teenager phase, which is emo-Peter arc. Peter dresses and acts like any edgy teenager would think is cool, but what audience see is how it actually looks. So there is clear juxtaposition between expectations and reality, where reality is the audience reaction.
are you under the impression that this is deep or meaningful
wow, so blessed there's fellow /emo/ posters
No. Fuck you. Sm3 is objectively trash. The scene in the OP is bad, no matter how big ofa fan of schlock you are, this remains true.
Who tf?
>He hates classic films, that's enough to filter him
What "classic" films do I hate?!?FACT!!!
Amy Pascal, she greenlit Ghostbusters 2016.
Is this sarcasm?
>t. Rebbit zoomie
Check out your YouTube subscriptions bro! Make sure to watch all the ads too goy.
>he didn't read the Sony Email Leaks
there golden
>Tell me it was a white spider Peter.
Jesus christ raimi
It's kinda cheesy but it embraces it, it's a Sam Raimi after all and I found it funny, which was the intention.
It was supposed to be awkward
Threadly reminder to filter every namefag
Goddamn dude did you even see the reactions he got for acting like that?
I've always loved seeing her pelvic bones in this outfit.
That's an awful way of perceiving things
>I only perceive what I want to perceive!
Huh? If I remember right they loved him when he was walking down the street pointing and waving at them.
Eddie being a scrawny guy kinda adds to his character, though the Venom should have been much bigger, like pic related (test model of SM3 Venom)
She's just pained she can't cheat on her man and fuck Petey.
Only a couple did, mostly they just looked away awkwardly.
I don't understand this
how was it supposed to be funny?
how did raimi get away with so much? I thought the studio execs would have stopped him.
>He's an asshole IRL
what did he do?
>fuck was Raimi thinking
He was thinking
>Fuck you Sony
He didn't want to do it, but had contractual obligations in order to get another project greenlit. Can't remember what it was at the moment.
By Peter trying to look cool but obviously failing, because that's just not him and it looks awkward.
Studio pressure on raimi to include a third villain. If he was given full artistic license it would have been a masterpiece.
movies can evoke feelings other than "LOOK AT DAH PRETTY SPLOSIONS" you marvel chugging brainlet
It was a metaphor about how accepting black culture makes you feel powerful but eventually corrupts you inside.
he intentionally shat the movie up because studio execs where being faggots about it
I don't get why people get butthurt about it. I thought it was funny yet somewhat believable while also advancing the plot.
How funny it would be. It's hilarious in retrospect and proves how Peter Parker being evil is laughable. Spider-Man 3 isn't as good as the other 2 but it's good.
Holy fuck
Venom gives you boost in ego and confidence. Problem si, Peter has no fucking clue what it means to be cool. The audience shouldnt think "yeah, black suit spiderman is cool" but by contrast cringe at it. Venom is a drug and bad for Peter.
that seems to make sense too
just as I suddenly try to recall the entirety of the three Evil Dead movies together
if it is true
lmao it was fucking hilarious
>we all know this character is a total dork so let's take it to logical conclusion and poke fun at him being dorky even after obtaining magical hyper-confidence by otherwordly means
>superhero fans will surely appreciate the element of poking fun at power fantasies like this being a thing of huge nerds, they aren't THAT lacking in self awareness
He vastly overestimated capeshitters.
He pulled a Terrence Howard on Sony before spider-man 2 so they fired him and was gonna replace him with Jake Gyllenhaal. He was banging one the investors daughter so they had to bring him back. Besides that people say hes a real douchebag so he really is like emo Petter when the cameras are off.
>It was a metaphor about how accepting black culture makes you feel powerful but eventually corrupts you inside.
I know what it feels like. It feels good. The power. Being better at basketball. Having a huge dick. Everything. But you'll lose yourself. You'll be late on child support payments. You'll rob liquor stores. You'll be weak to fried chicken. It'll destroy you. Let it go.
That the effect of the music. Because he’s loving it, you don’t notice the girls aren’t.
he was blacklisted after he divorced a jew producer's daughter