Based Keanu

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wow that's very cool and also kind of weird of him but hey who am I to judge?!


based keanu

>who am I to judge?!
well you are very special person

>man is good guy

>human being makes post

I like Keanu overall, but why is he being shilled so hard right now? Not as in the OP image, but what the OP image is making fun of. Its a bit unsettling, I'm sure he's not very fond of being treated differently either

christ what a decent guy

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he's a millionaire, so my sympathy immediately goes to zero. you cannot be a millionaire in the 10s and be a good person, it just does not work like that on this earth. so fuck the uncle keanu act, hope some nigger in LA public transport stabs him to death (no homo)

wow, such a down to earth guy

imagine actually being poor and heartless

you jealous little clown

no one is making fun of him they're making fun of the cum guzzling idiots at reddit like you

Woooah Keanu Reaves? OH MY GOD AAAAAAAAA its Keanu Reaves QUICK let me take a picture of him for my reddit upshucks aaaaaaaa its Keanue Reaves
K as in krazy E as in every one loves Keanue A as in aaaaaaa i love Keanue N as in No way its Keanu U as in unbelievable its Keanu Reaves! R as in Reddit loves Keanud E as in Everyone loves Keanu Reaves A as in Aaaaaaaa i saw him, he, the man known as keanue Reaves V as in my vagina needs to be fucked by keanu reaves E as in Everyone wants to be Keanu Reaves S as in suck keanu reaves dick

biopic when? keanu could pull it off

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1 like=1 prayer

>Maga hat

Somebody stop me

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This is a reddit joke.

Expensive Gucci loafers
And seed
U: 4 of them

Elephants foot wasn't in chernoble
And it was formerly CHUCKS
V is a shit board
Ending: iron man died

it’s a joke in good spirit. harden the fuck up


If I ever met a celebrity in real life I would just want to shake their hand and thank them for the content. Taking a picture with them is so stupid

>new movie
>new game
Anyone with two brain cells could piece this together. Please, cease any plans to procreate, and kill yourself, you useless fucking waste of flesh.

He is a chill dude that plays non-chill action roles of enigmatic characters that aren’t overtly chauvinistic while also having shirtless scenes so femcels dig him in addition to plebbitcels

Because it's a big year for him right now. John Wick 3, and Cyberpunk 2077 (which is a pretty hyped up video game). I don't personally give a shit until he releases Bill & Ted 3


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This, but I wouldn't want to bother Keanu. He's a good guy and I'd rather let him enjoy himself then be the hundredth person to interrupt him that day.

*shakes your hand* Thank you

Poor people are actually more likely to be assholes

Having met celebrities in real life it's disgusting. People swarm you. Fuck that

t. poor fag

hah yeah i hope nice people are punished for their good deeds >:)


t. commie scum


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Are they even the same blood type?

Wow he's just like us

Lol, I fucking hate Keanu too. What a fake, lame ass guy. Reminds me of that dad who tries hard to be cool but comes off as gay and lame in a really tragic way. guy deserves to be taken down a peg imo

The guy who said that to him is a cocksucking faggot that can't get over it.

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When did Keanu become so reddit and cringy?

Imagine being an xbox fan in 2019

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And CDPR offered him a free collector's edition and then he turned it around on them and shamed them for not giving to charity.

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why do redditfags constantly post the name of their website in greentext all the time? I see it a lot.

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exactly, like I said, he's a cocksucking faggot.

>When did Keanu become so reddit and cringy?
he was actually likeable when he was depressed, kept to himself and didn't give a fuck. he's probably on some new-age hippy shit where you're not allowed to think sad thoughts

>shirtless scenes
He's said in the past he doesn't do shirtless scenes.Only thing I can think of is Matrix Reloaded

now this is a post of epic proportions

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>attended E3
>cocksucking faggot
goes without saying.

>i hate him because because well because i guess well I guess because he's not depressed
You should be shot

>shout out shit during a panel like a faggot
>it's only slightly redeemed when Keanu chuckles and yells it back
>his life means so little that he's building his whole personality around Keanu responding to his fanboyism
>CDPR offers to give him a free collectors edition of the game, which costs them nothing besides shipping since they're making the ip
Honestly CDPR should have just stopped responding to him instead of donating like he said

Obviously they’re compensating. You see this in anything.

Why the heck would they try reward him for that? You're just asking for more retards to copy what he did in the hopes they can get their 5 minutes of fame, too.

Bethesda should have rewarded that guy who yelled out "RAPE HER" during a Skyrim presentation that one time.

if you are retiring and you aren't a millionaire you have failed at life. some people might get there a little sooner but that doesn't mean they are heartless

What a faggot. He won’t shut up. Ruined that moment for me.

Jesus first I've heard of this part. What a fucking faggot. Scumbags who put their hands in other people's wallets make my blood boil.

>*looks at it*
>"hate to say this, but that's not a kidney. that's your heart"

Fuck off, he's based.

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b-breath taking

>breaking news
More like breathtaking news

I kind of agree with you but a lot of poor people deserve to be poor because they literally can't have money without wasting it in stupid shit.

Being offered a gift and then asking for something more expensive is insanely rude. Retarded how it's seen as 'noble' since he's asking for them to donate to charity

holy fuck, he was breathtaking

The hype backlash has started.