And then I woke up

>And then I woke up.

Attached: I woke up.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pure, absolute, unadulterated, kino

Tommy Lee Jones is a national treasure

>DUDE RANDOM VIOLENCE (or is it truly random????????? x-files theme.mp3) LMAO

>He told me there's no way that it could've happened. 6 million? Wooden doors? No way. Then I woke up.

And then I walked out. That's where the movie lost me completely. Didn't even stick to see how the story got resolved

I showed my friend this movie and he just didn't care for it. What gives? I think this movie is incredible.

It doesn't get resolved. That's the whole point you monkey

>And then I walked out.

This was the movies final scene so....yeah...we pretty much ALL walked out after that.

"If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

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its filled with a bunch of anachronisms but it doesn't matter because it's kino I do a yearly rewatch

>We want the not quite Reddit, but not quite complete asocial losers crowd

Not me, I'm still here.

Your post absolutely screams you take it up the ass


Obvious troll is obvious

So, everything was a dream?



took me a few watches to 'get it,' problem is the movie was branded like a thriller but it's more of a character study

That kino silence

life is a dream that everyone will forget eventually

He was perfectly cast in this movie. I'm pretty sure he has Texan ancestry going way back.

fuckin zoomer pleb

perfect ending

No. Everything you see in the movie happened. His dream was just a dream.

>Coenkino adaptation of McCarthy's best novel

is this movie the ultimate pleb filter? I literally can't imagine an intelligent person not liking this film.

What is the movie, bros? source me

no country for old men, friendo

Sandstorm Of Darude

Yeah suck it boomer

>And then I drank his milkshake
I don't get it.

>main character dies offscreen


Is this the most reddit cohen flick?

Have sex

Pure, absolute, unadulterated, nihilism. That ending ain't for pussies. Great movie.

>main character
>implying its not Chadgur

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>Looks into camera
>And then I realized...
>...this truely was...
>...No Country for old Men

what did he mean by this?

If he had busted Chigur and said a cool one liner like Untouchables, it would have been kino. Instead it's pretentious and disingenuous.

>tfw the movie was all about the time he tried to be brave

>McCarthy's best novel
I love this movie but No Country isn't even close to be his best novel.

The ending isn't nihilistic. On the contrary, it insists on hope and moral realism.

i appreciate the nihilism

Can someone explain this ending? What was the message?

Unironic good question. That it's no country for Old men, but the old man survived? And the dream is about his dad and fire etc

are you a roadpleb or a bloodmeredditor?

I think it means old men can't keep up. He mentioned that all his ancestors been sheriffs and in the past sheriffs don't even have to wear a gun because of how quiet things are. He's comparing it to his time where he can't almost take all the violence.

only saw lke 3/4of movie, what happened to this guy.

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The point is that Tommy Lee Jones was living in a world more fucked up that he could handle. His dad was leading the way out of the world (death)

raped and murdered by le vacuum man

>y'know I've counted the floors of this building from the street
>there's one missing
Was it autism?

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Its similar in themes to white men cant jump, also staring woody Harrison.

his dad died young in the prime of his life unlike him who's time has passed. it literally is no country for old men. the darkness is death. his dad carrying fire in his dream represents his father's soul going out into the unknown afterlife, carrying a glimmer of hope with him for some kind of salvation. but he wakes up because the dream is just a dream and there is no heaven waiting for him. he's just an old man lost in a world he has no place or purpose in with no belief in anything beyond.

He was living in the transition period to clown world, something his forefathers did not have to experience

thanks to his dad Viggo Mortensen the kid in The Road has a lot to say about the importance of "carrying the fire" and people transferring it one to the other to preserve it. Ed's in the same position

He's telling the bossman indirectly that he's not at the top. Then Chigur comes and kills him.

why was the dialogue in this movie so different than any of the brother's work? the dialogue in this was kino and so memorable unlike their other films.

it's about that times change and never stay the same

it's about criminals can be unpredictable and cynical

it's about life ain't no John Wayne's kind of justice being served

it's a shame his cute wifexs mom got josh brolin killed


>gets BTFO by faceless schmuck and limps off without the money

i dont care if its intentional or not but this is the only flaw i have with the movie

That, unless you die young, everyone reaches the stage of boomerdom where the world has left you behind.

Oh, right. It was from a book. Totally forgot about that.

Cities of the plain is the most heart-wrenching novel written by an american author in the last 50 years

the fuck this scene represents?

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>it was all a dream
Really ruined the movie for me

The kid was god

>build up to a big final showdown between moss and anton
>instead moss dies off screen to a bunch of nameless, faceless mugs
>anton just goes home
How to blueball your audience 101

Main character is Bell, stupid.

That the kids even fought over money

He wasn't the personification of evil, he wasn't the best, he wasn't the unstoppable force, he was just a man

in the end who got the fucking money?
was it cartel?

>got a screwgee?
What kind of killer talks like that?

That Anton isn't the force of nature/agent of fate that he likes to believe he is. He's as beholden to fate/random chance as everyone else.

Meant he's delusional. He wanted to be something more of a symbol but in the end, he got into an accident kek

>>build up to a big final showdown between moss and anton
based capeshit retard


He's old and is going to die. He most probably will live what is left of his life as a comfortable old man with his wife but he knows there are no rules and people like Chigur are out there. There's no justice in this world. You can be a good man and still get brutally murdered. The dream is about him finding hope in the idea of his father waiting for him in an afterlife. The world is a long dark night but his father is waiting for him with a campfire.

For his silly talks and speeches he ended up just being another random prick that can get hit by a car like anyone else.

>And then I woke up
Has there ever been more nihilistic words spoken in a film?

And then I woke up *crickets*

No one is immune to the Randomness of the universe

Fun Fact:
>Buildings often skip the number "13" when numbering floors in a building since it is widely considered unlucky.

a lack of southern music for the elderly

It's neither a rejection or an acceptance of superstition/religion/prophecy. It's a pragmatic view. He woke up. He can't dwell on what his dream means, if it means anything at all.

I prefer The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada for Tommy Lee Jones neo-western kino. Am I pleb?

This was a perfect way to conclude his character. He spoke about dreams he had which basically outlined his regret and disillusion for the world at large. He wasn't a hero dying for the right thing like his father was, in a time when men did bad things and were punished for it. This world is different. Everyone's hands is dirty even the ones who don't do a thing because you can argue that doing nothing in itself is just as bad as committing the crime. He was in the position to do something and he didn't. He didn't understand what he was up against.

The dreams tied up the entirety of the films themes and his personal journey. What awaits him is a life of looking back and waiting to die filled with regret.

The best scene.

Great movie

I watched this in theaters when I just turned 17 and thought it was stupid for the longest time.

Of course you walked out
This is the last line of dialogue from the last scene of the movie lmao

What is being a brainlet like?

>it was all a dream
>im actually crazy and imagined it
>time travel
the definition of hack plot writing

We all make mistakes, user



Yea, like when your mother didn't douche your dad's spunk out of her snatch. Big mistake.

Or when you didn’t kill yourself at any point during your miserable, pointless, and meaningless life. Bigger mistake. Hopefully you fix it

I think it's more that young men act with courage and recklessness, but old men have lived so long that they're afraid to die. A strong man will go out and face a violent world, but once he gets old becomes a miser with his life. Even though theoretically a man's life is worth more when he's young than when he's old.
Like, didn't Tommy Lee Jones's character talk about how his dad's time was violent too?

Why you mad bro?

Disappointed, user. As in, I’m disappointed you haven’t went ahead and killed yourself yet.

Nolan really shouldn't have let Raimi edit the Inception script.

>have went

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>Every good person dies
>bad guy survives
>no end to any story arc
>violence is bad.jpg

Wow what a shit movie.

in the book chigurh returns the money to the man who hired him to retrieve it

>What you got aint nothin new

Ah yes, the emotion your father felt when you popped out of his wife's cooter. A ten pound piece of shit destined to be a brainlet and a disappointment. I'm glad you fulfilled his expectations user!

>user's first Tarantino rip-off script


How to fix No Country for Old Men

>instead of dyng off screen, Moss gets into a 15 minute bloody shoot-off with Chigurh
>It has explosions, machine guns, and a car chase
>Shoot off ends with a hand-to-hand fight scene with Moss and Chigurh at a meat packing plant
>Chigurh dies by falling in a giant meat grinder
>before Chigurh falls in, Moss says "It's time to MEAT your maker, bitch!"
>Moss runs away with his bitch and lives happier after ever
>as they walk away, a bloody hand rises from the grinder and cuts to "The End?" plastered across the screen which is written in blood of course.
>No ending scene with the sheriff with his nonsensical pretentious dream


much better

And then user woke up

The bizarre father disappointment complex you keep bringing up is just pathetic user. Daddy leave before you met him? Maybe if you finally kys you might finally meet him? Give it a shot, ok?

>They hated him because he told them the truth
Too based for Yea Forums

Chigur is a literal pseud magnet, even worse than Heath Ledger’s joker. And any movies that seriously brings up dreams is just overwrought bullshit. Kino my ass

Boomers of No Nation

I'm sure edgelords love Chigur (although not as much as edgelord love Ledger's Joker). But the dream is about how nobody is coming to save you, nobody will be there waiting for you, there is nobody there to "keep the fire" (morality) alive.

He did but he mentioned in the very beginning how the world has become violent in a way he can't explain. Like he's never seen.

>mfw i live my life according to chigurh's code

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based and kinopilled

>le randumb xDDDD

Go back to Yea Forums, retards.

Do you think Chigur being in a car accident wasn't random? The guy's whole schtick is that he is merely The Fate awaiting every person he kills, that all their choices in life led them to him. When Chigur is hit by a car, maybe he'd think that too was fate. Or bad shit happens to people for no reason whatsoever, & anyone can become a victim of random violence, you fucking moron.

it means you can't get away with anything, moron
le carma and shit
yeah Cohen brothers are jews

Why do Americans say wake up instead of just wake? It's not like you can wake down too or anything like that.

NCFOM is't McCartgy's best novel by a longshot, in fact it's ove of the most derivative. Almost every theme and major plot point comes from some previous novel.

>whole movie was actually a dream
And people actually praise this shit. It even won an oscar.

This is how you recognize a brainlet who only watches capeshit and fotm shows.

I had a dream last night that I was eating sand and then I had to sell sand to other people to eat. I tried to give them ranch and BBQ sauce too but no one wanted the sand

What is at all about?

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Oh you think the Coen brothers think a car accident was divine punishment against Chigur? Yeah, no. Jews don't believe in karma. They watched the Holocaust happen. Watch A Serious Man, also by the Coen brothers. It's a retelling of the story of Job, where bad shit happens to someone for no reason, & there is no justice. And like the end of NCFOM, anyone who believes that the bad guys will eventually be punished in this world, eventually wakes up.

t. blood-meredditor

>They watched the holocaust happen

This guy's got it.

He was mistaken in the beginning.

he ended up serving drinks at a beach cocktail bar

there isn't one. sad truth is the world has no meaning or message to give. people live, people die, people get old. world just keeps turning

the removed air vent grate suggests sugar got it back

>cringy buzzword "banter"
Let me guess you enjoy capeshit

It *insists* upon itself


so... WHY did moss go back to the shootout scene to give some random greaseball water?

Summer fig


today you will remind them you're retarded?

I was waiting for a post credits sequel tease

Spaniards can't drive for shit.

>Watch A Serious Man
based and seriousmanpilled

no country for old men

Died offscreen.

Pretty much everybody else got it right. The point of the movie is he’s not the personification of death, he’s just another random fuck who is a frail meatbag who is dying slowly too. He got outfoxed by the Mexicans.

He’s probably 10-20 years himself away from looking at the new gangsters and not being able to keep up with the brutality of the violence

the mexican had seen him and could have ratted him out if other cartel guys showed up. moss went back to make sure he was dead.

post modernism is fucking trash
I just read a 1300 page book with random ass information that lead to nothing, and the entire point was real life isn't connected by events but random and chaotic. fuck this gay earth

That epilogue with old man Billy was trippy as fuck the man was definitely death though right?

>Watching the movie for the first time a few months back
>Main Character is idle at the pool with bimbo
>This is the last time I see him
>Shoot-out occurs, I assume MC was involved
>Only bodies there are from the mexicans
>Old man says MC dead, I am confused
>Start thinking Old man is hiding the fact MC is still alive so MC can make a sneak attack on Coin Man and finally conclude the story
>Film continues on.
>"And then I woke up"
>Look up how MC died
>He was the dead mexican on the ground

Another classic ruined by myself, just like when I unknowingly downloaded an edited Pulp Fiction torrent that was in chronological order.

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>I unknowingly downloaded an edited Pulp Fiction torrent that was in chronological order.

>moss went back to make sure he was dead.
why did he bring water

for himself. Why did he bring a gun?

This scene always reminds me of when I was a boy, and my dad told me that he was going to go before me, and make a place for us in heaven. I don’t believe any of that stuff but I want to. He’s not a religious guy I don’t know why he said those things, but it made me feel so much better. I could’ve been much older than six or seven and I still remember it. Hope to see you there dad.

Brolin possessed the car

Dad here, turns out the Jews were right all along. I'm in hell now.

There was no reason for that

just banter lad

I know, all I had to do was trust the Jews, but I just wouldn't do it. I played myself.

I don’t know what you mean. I live in Oklahoma there aren’t any jews here. I just became infatuated with her when she was 17, and I married her when she was 18, and I put a roof over her head and gave her a good lifestyle. She just kinda got fucked up I guess. Or I did somehow.
The things that made her so cute to me eventually made me despise her, and the idea of having a child being raised with her became a bad idea to me.

Wrong poster, friend. I'm that other user's dad, stuck in hell now because of my misplaced faith in the charlatan Rabbi Yeshua. I still have wifi however.

based and redpilled

>>He was the dead mexican on the ground
Holy fucking kek

>just like when I unknowingly downloaded an edited Pulp Fiction torrent that was in chronological order
You lead a very cursed existence, user.

that's the opposite of what it is. It's a study of what is happening to America itself. That's what the dream means - there is no one to guide America any more, because it has lost the humility to follow its fathers (which includes Jesus and the Apostles).

also too many mexicans

A Field For Young Blokes, director's cut

>Down in the sickness plays
>Roll credits

Stand right there user

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what's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss, Yea Forums?

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>where bad shit happens to someone for no reason, & there is no justice
MC's ancestor helped an undead and so he as a descendant suffers a family curse. Don't belive Coens' jew lies when they say the intro has nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Serious Man is an existential story wrapped around mystical folk tale. Kinda like what Aronofsky did with kabala and CS in Pi.

did you try not being a zoomer?

Nigur was just le psychotic edgy the move could of been redeemed if they both mortally wounded each other and neither could use the money

Did you even watch the movie you fucking unironic pleb? His father wasn’t a hero he was a fat old chump just like him. It’s vanity to say otherwise.

stick to Stoner, kid.

Let me guess, and the movie should end with a cut to black followed by a gunshot sound

>No John Wick appearance

Eating Sand means that someone will make you very angry in the coming days.


>I’m a pleb who didn’t stay in his seat for an hour to contemplate the kino he just witnessed