I watch Twilight Saga every year because it reminds me of my first love that I lost

I watch Twilight Saga every year because it reminds me of my first love that I lost.
What is your guilty pleasure film?

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The Pest
It's so stupid yet I love it.

how do you lose a love? wtf go find it

I usually charge my old razr phone and watch my 16 year old penis fucking some teen pussy

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she's dead, Jimmy.

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Lol cuck


Watch the first film of the saga once a year. 8/10 film.

yesterday was the 20th anniversary of McCoys death

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Ready to Rumble

I watch these 3 films every year

The 13th Warrior

I watch Fifth Element every year because Bruce Willis is great and it reminds me of childhood. I also absolutely love the OST.

White chicks. I find it both amusing and nostalgic.
Also titanic

>tfw no smol vampire gf

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Parent trap. Get a weird sense of nostalgia




Underworld series. Same reason, reminds me of a better time.

What the fuck, are you me?

That’s some hair kino right there

Subspecies, the exact opposite of Twilight. I binged watched a lot of Full Moon when my dad was caught cheating on my mom. I didn’t want to have anything to do with either because they’re both highly dysfunctional and both were in the wrong. PuppetMaster, and Subspecies helped take my mind off of things.

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>but were related!
>only by blood.


I don't know if I'd define anything I like as 'guilty pleasure' because I can justify it all usually from several angles. Was just making an argument to a less-advanced acquaintance recently for the Fast & Furious franchise and he still has that simplistic aversion to it. Whereas meanwhile he's super enthusiastic about fedoracore basic nerd shit like that upcoming Joker movie.