Shaun? more like cope
Shaun? more like cope
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Nice trips
breadtube is fucking cringe and it really speaks volumes that they refuse to debate the alt-right.
lol hes a cuck
why did he drop "And Jen"
Smarmy whiteoid *Nglo radlib who's job it is to sway the Revolutionary masses away from their nascent class consciousness towards liberal milquetoast reformism and bourgeois identity politics.
Wouldn't be surprised he's an MI5 asset.
hello fellow stupidpol poster
>muh debate
lol kys fag
>Revolutionary masses
where? it aint 1930 anymore, retard.
Duuuuuuude I'm one of the coooool leftists. I say f*ggot sometimes when I go on my incredibly lame rants about how we live in freaking hellworld. LOL gay with my dad, Nick Mullen is le DSA president. Hey have you seen this cool twitter account dril?
>constantly talk about alt-right
>not even familiar with their arguments
embarrassing. nobody outside of your trannysphere takes you seriously.
How do we defeat them?
Breadtube is to leftism what YMS is to movie criticism
Literally whom?
The only reason Cum Town is associated with leftists is because Nick was roommates with a couple of Chapo hosts. All the Cum boys barely know shit about politics, Adam is genuinely transphobic, Nick is genuinely racist towards Indian people and Stav fakes being woke for pussy. Leftists stretch the association because they want to be seen as cooler than they really are because Cum Town, unlike Chapo, is actually funny.
>Revolutionary masses
Antifa is made up of mercenary rubes who don't believe in anything tangible. They're chaos and dissent for hire just for the purpose of political theater under the whims of the buyers.
The fringes of the Left are the loudest AND feebs like you who claim to be "moderate" have let them run their stupid mouths too long. They're now the face of the party and the portion of the political spectrum you share with them.
By not quashing the idiots from your own ranks or at least trying to isolate yourselves from their influence and control, you've lost the opportunity to do so in hindsight. We and many others warned you of the slippery slope you were going down, but you insisted that the chafing and burning sensation you were experiencing in the process wasn't all that bad or that no motion was taking place at all.
You and your current company have nobody to blame but yourselves. I no longer feel pity for you, but instead feel contempt at your stubborn piety.
This. As pathetic as Sargon is, at least he had the balls to debate Richard Spencer.
All Chaposhit deserves the rope.
Destiny is not a leftist though, he is very capitalist and shits on communist chapocels all the time.
Most of his fans are mindless sycophants who barely understand the subjects he covers and unthinkingly smash the like button no matter what half baked opinion is being spewed out.
probably the only one on this image that actually have influence power
who cares? Bishop Sheen is where its at!
Why have debates become so popular in this last decade? No one gave a shit before then and now suddenly it's like everyone has to a debate club member to have their opinions matter. These debates aren't even about the actual ideas it's about whoever can roast the other better. They might as well have rap battles.
literally every semi successful youtuber
me on the right
he's also the most insufferable and least likable
Hasan is really attractive. Put next to all these other freaks it really stands out.
Nick and Dasha are attractive too
If you aren't a race realist in 2019, with all the available studies and information right there in font of you, you are just not worth saving. That's where all of your political views should stem from, biology.
It seems to me that most of their content is about disseminating talking points and patting themselves on the back. I really don't see the appeal.
I'm only a race realist against kikes and trannies
>a cuckold, a tranny, a faggot and a guy with the 'tism
No idea who the guys in the middle are.
probably one of the more entertaining comment sections on yootoob
>muh arguments
>muh debates
You nerds are pathetic.
Dweebs on both the left and right taking the internet too seriously. "Debate" sounds more scholarly and less pathetic than reeeing at a each other on the internet.
make it happen, Yea Forums
Red Scare is a really fun listen even if I disagree with the girls about some stuff. Am I the only one that thinks Dasha is like a hard 6, soft 7? I mean, she’s definitely cute, but I feel like I see prettier girls all day long.
With airhorn sirens
Where's the irony in that statement?
They're all manlets so just put them somewhere up high or some shit.
If you claim to be a political movement, but refuse to engage with outsiders, you're a joke. what's even funnier is that they claim to be socialists, but they run to multi-billion dollar corporations and ask them to deplatform right wingers and they comply and they don't see irony in that.
>being this defensive
>that gif
Christ. People who watch political shit on YouTube really are just the fucking dumbest people on the planet.
I heard he got cucked by Jen lmao
The guys from Cum Town are classic "berniecrats". They support the exact same shit. The only difference between them from Chapo, as you point out, is where they diverge socially. Politically they're some level of Yes Men, but they also have their own "woke" moments. They've talked about how being white is literally a get out of jail free card given the stuff they have done/did do when they were younger. They also think that you should be allowed to call anyone you want a retard, but clearly the guys on Chapo would never agree with this. In any case, Cum Town isn't a political podcast but when it becomes one you can see how much they overlap.
>they claim to be socialists, but they run to multi-billion dollar corporations
>ask them to deplatform right wingers and they comply and they don't see irony in that.
Killing off your competition is a perfectly practical.
just say fag you fucking pussy
They are nerds and dweebs in the sense that they are anti-social outcasts who basically grew up on the internet and are too weak to say any of this shit in real life.
>This ENTIRE thread of alt right COPE
the internet is the modern public space, if you're not on it you're retarded
I like Hbomberguy the most. Only time I didn't like him was Dark Souls 2.
I listened to their post zizek peterson debate podcast and they just bitched about nobody twitter leftists for an hour.
I don't know who "Shaun" is. Is he a multi-billion dollar corporation?
wow what a fucking loser. If you care about Youtubers like this dude or Sargon or fucking Molynigger, please kill yourself.
hbomber is such a snarky smug faggot that anything he says I just instinctively dismiss.
Destiny and Hasan can be smug fags too but they're willing to debate which automatically makes them more respectable than every other leftist.
that's not really accurate. they aren't woke twitter retards but they are genuinely left in the american political context, having supported bernie.
nick's even said his political beliefs are "everyone should have free healthcare and you shouldn't be genuinely racist."
red scare episodes are wildly hit or miss. it’s part of the appeal. you really never know what you’re going to get. most of the time it’s inane post-ironic contrarian word vomit but occasionally anna will strike gold with some genuinely incisive commentary. dasha is pretty funny too
I thought it was kinda comfy and fun, and I appreciate that they freely admit that they are stupid women and barely know what they are talking about. It’s a nice break to listen to instead of my usual podcasts about how shitty and degenerate everything is.
what a meme word
who is AFRAID of gay people?
will these guys stop the leftist menace in youtube?
have sex, incel
she finally moved in with her bull jamal
you are
>He doesn't believe in social determinism
>m-muh debates
leftists dont debate. they dont even debate amongst themselves. you'd have to be absolutely fucking retarded to try and debate them. the closest you can get is probably progressive liberals. despite all this, who actually listens to gives a fuck about debates? lmfao, just use your fists. the sword is mightier than the pen
>he doesn't believe in sociobiological determinsim
big cringe, pal.... big cringe.
what’s this?
CS nerd vs pedophile lit major
children, and rightfully so
and who won?
Lol, true
I'm still waiting for the reveal that matt is actually sam hyde and went through minor surgery to hide his identity so he could infiltrate the left.