She killed billions

She killed billions...

Attached: Screen-Shot-2018-07-23-at-11.19.24-AM.jpg (3360x1384, 269K)

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So that this movie wouldn't make billions

To set up a sequel with gorillians

Oy vey remember the 6 trillions

I don't understand, why does Hollywood even need to involve humans in Godzilla. is it because the budget would be too high to make a complete CGI movie?

To save millions

If Kong parents are dead and there's no female Kong, will this Kong be last of his generation. Also is Godzilla immortal?

should have been: the terrorists kidnap Billy Bobby Brown and hold her hostage so the mother has to use the Monster Talkback Machine to wake them up.

She's not even on that show.

the titans seem immortal except for kong who basically has a normal life cycle.
(I guess mothra lays eggs but that could be assexual)