Now that the dust has settled, how bad was it really?

Now that the dust has settled, how bad was it really?

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Other urls found in this thread:

cutest roll

Cute and dangerous

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Based rollposter

what are these from?

Terminator filming I believe

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she cute

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To explain the recent Clarke spam, some little autists saw a picture of an actress sitting alone in a scripted show. This triggered flashbacks of them being unlikeable faggots in highschool and they projected their inadequacies onto an aging 6/10 celebrity

poast pic pls

She never fails to make me smile

Attached: dany.jpg (772x942, 101K)


she's super cute with brown hair

Nice projection

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this is me fag!

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Me on the left

thanks senpai. how have i not seen this one before

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Imagine being squeezed inside there with her.

>emilia clarke is a 6/10

what kind of faggot is you?

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imagine licking her pusy haha

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hahah sounds horrible to me haha

She really is very cute.

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is that capoeira

What the fuck is this wholesome shit doing in my catalog

Now that the dust settled, it was miscast?



Attached: IM SO HORNY AND LONELY.jpg (600x350, 23K)

it's our curse fren

How can anyone not love her?

She is a midge



She absolutely was miscast. I love Emilia but she doesn't belong in overblown summer blockbuster action flicks.

She's really good in those romcom type roles but I'd like to see her do some drama type roles. Maybe in a mystery/crime film.

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Man, she’s cute


The movie would have been shit regardless of who they cast though.

Guys, there's already a Solo thread in the catalog

yes. Linda Hamilton was a rugged hard living 19 year old who looked 35(she was 28). Clarke was just too cute for the role for my taste. She looked like a 15 yr old trying to look 20+

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Seasons 7 & 8 get a lot of hate, and for good reason. They’re rushed. Theirs no real narrative flow. Characters make stupid decisions. Contrivances abound everywhere.

But, there were still some pretty decent scenes mixed in there around all the bullshit.

Two that come to mind for me. Jon and Dany meeting for the first time. Something book readers and show watchers alike have been waiting for for ages, and for the most part, it lived up to expectation.

Secondly, Jamie knighting Brienne.

I honestly can't think of any others. Post yours.

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Also we got some masterpieces from Ramin Djawadi

Yes, and? You're on a website dedicated to losers and you're deluded if you think you are not one yourself

She's not even british hot..

and thats a good thing

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>that smile at the end

Jesus Christ

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not a good scene but great shot

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She looks like she is 4 feet tall

shes so smol

This episode could be kino if had not been so retarded. The dothraki charge was kino, but retarded, the dragon fight was kino, but retarded, Jon chasing night king was kino, but retarded, Theon charge was kino, but retarded

>could be kino if had not been so retarded

Could say that about the entire second half of the show.

Agree with everything but Theon, I thought his end was great. People say "bran let him die" but obviously we've established bran altering events has terrible consequences (hodor) so he believes he must not interfere at all to get to the end. (unfortunately this means the show is pointless and time is a circle etc)

how can anyone stay so happy

imagine her giving you that kick but just meeting your immovable wall of muscle mass and bouncing right back to the ground and you pick her up and laugh together haha

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>be millionaire
>be voted most beautiful woman in the world
>be loved by millions for TV character
>survive 2 life threatening aneurysms

I could see how her outlook on life is very positive these days.

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That's a big hat

For her

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stop I'm trying to hate emilia for no reason

Do you have this in higher quality?

Does anyone have a clip off her saying the line "Cum with me if you want to live!"?

good god those feet are tiny

very smole and cute

>Not even my own wife does this goofy stuff and be fun
>Nothing is a joke to her ever
>Even if we make it life is still suffering

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Not him, but here you go my nigger!

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>Not pretending to get hurt
Weak game bro

>Not even my own wife does this goofy stuff and be fun
>Nothing is a joke to her ever
>Even if we make it life is still suffering

Why is she unhappy? Is the sex non existent?

Seems like she is a normal adult and you are looking for some adhd girl

She has a high stress job. Sex happens, usually weekly or biweekly depending on work loads.

You should be able to play around a be a goofy person once and a while not a Nazi frowning any time someone has a tiny bit of fun.

Do you get her off when you have sex? When was the last time you did something romantic with her?

Why does she look like a 14 year old in these but look old in the movie?


she doesnt look old in the movie. What are you smoking?

did she died

I thought it was a legit artistic crime but I've never liked the series much in general

fuck you're right. My displays of strength should be directed at other people or things.

I wouldn't fit :^(

make up makes her look mature

no she surived

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I like the end.

*steps on her hand*
pssh nothin personnel

its not fair bros

Attached: SadPoorDany.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

>implying arnie wouldn't block you

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Make up, clothes and camera angles

I put on blackface so if he stopped me he would be racist

Thanks now im sad


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