Times you acted like Rust Cohle

Times you acted like Rust Cohle

>whole family is over for thanksgiving
>mom spent the entire day preparing dinner
>everyone gathers around to eat
>"How's the food user"
>"Got a bad taste in my mouth out here. Aluminum. Ash"
>tears well up in her eyes
>"I spent all day working on it..."
>I look her straight in the eye and pull out a cigarette
>"This dinner is like someone's memory of a meal, and that memory is fading. It's like there was never anything here but an old recipe."
>she runs upstairs sobbing
>"I don't eat. I just dream."

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'd like some more of these, please

shit, just like the show

begone baiter

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ok bye, love you

>listening to Tool
>smoked a bunch of pcp
>start flogging myself in order to contemplate Christ on the cross
>sister walks in and starts calling me a freak
>I tell her time is a flat circle
>she says she can't wait for mom to commit me
>I told her mom is just a pilgrim on my journey
>she says I'm an idiot
>I tell her that she's flat chested
>she hits me

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It's Master Baiter for you, Tarkin.

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>fuck my friend's wife up the ass

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I’m a acholic does that count?

You're christian no?

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i fucked my friends wife. don’t recommend it desu more trouble than it was worth fun fact for you virgins is that 90% of pussy feels the same

>The wife tells you you need to invite Rust to a family dinner
what do you tell him to bring?

>tried to fuck my buddy's wife
>ended up mowing their lawn

The more I watch the show, the more of a nihilistic, edgelord narcissist cunt Rust becomes to me and the more I see why the losers here worship him. Not that Marty was any better, but every time Rust spoke I had to tune it out

Bacon wrapped shrimp

>fucking my redhead gf missionary style
>she's screaming, don't know if in pleasure or pain, or both
>I go even more aggressive
>I start cumming
>headbutt her with all my force

>friend and his wife have me over for dinner
>trying to bullshit me with small talk
>cut right to the chase:
>"everyone dies, Mary. You, your husband. Your kids. Especially your kids. Having kids is the most selfish thing a person could do"
>"but what about the human race"
>"you aren't even real. Time is a flat circle. This has all happened before. I'm going to go mow the lawn now"

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What about the other 10%?

Made me exhale

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Time is a flat circle

>Time is a flat pizza

when does he actually say that time is a flat circle


Isn't it clear by the end of the season that Rust and his philosophy was completely wrong. It's like the people who idolize Tony Montana, they all entirely missed the point.

The meth cook says it before woody harrelson blows his head off

I think it’s time we officially settled this

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there is more variation within a given pussy's states of arousal than between different pussies
Lewontin's rule of pussy

You can understand it and still not have any interest in or personal connection to the ultimate conclusion of a work of fiction.

yeah but it was a bit of a cope. Im not saying im exactly on board with Rust's nihilism but he doesn't really address most of his earlier points when he has his change of heart.

>"heeheehee she stuck her dingus in my anus LOL"
>"god doesn't real you fucking retard"
>*storms away*

>he thinks that was assfucking
have sex

I think he repeats it later as well, maybe when he's talking to the detectives and cutting up the beer cans

yeah some maybe people don't understand that you aren't meant to idolise Cohle or treat him as a prophet. Woody calls him out on his bullshit from the beginning

He also mentions the black star because he's based and redpilled on esoteric and satanic nazism.

what was he supposed to do? go back to Marty with a transcript of all his lines and state how he's changed?

He's supposed to know better than to do a 360 walkaway on everything he believes based on a near death experience and an emotional ordeal that ultimately was meaningless since they just got the retarded sisterfucking lackey. Like the other user said, for someone like rust it was just a cope and would probably wear off in a year tops. Though the nihilism was a bit of a cope too, to be fair.

>He's supposed to know better than to do a 360 walkaway on everything he believes
but he didn't lol. What are you even trying to say, do you know what cope means?

I find it believable the way he responded, because what Rust really wanted was some kind of human connection, since that's what he had lost when his daughter died and his wife and he became estranged.

But his earlier points about humans being puppets without agency or identity, and the senseless misery that so many innocent people live through, maybe over and over eternally, and whatnot, was all kind of handwaved with the 'well at least there is some light' line about the stars.

>Stop saying that shit in my house or I'm sending you to the Marines.

that's the kinda the point
rust is not supposed to be someone to look up to

Just finished season 1 and enjoyed it. Do I watch 2 and 3 as well?

>spend 10 years in a rented storage unit watching child snuff porn

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People like to shit on S2, but I liked it more than S3. Yes, watch them, but don't expect them to live up to S1.

>see something you disapprove of

was it autism?

That's not all he did, he also got drunk every afternoon.

he was in Alaska

Anytime I think of TD season 1, I only remember comfy atmosphere vibes. How did they do it?

that's literally the point though, the ending is a complete backflip. He keeps implying he only wants to find the killer so he can justify killing himself, but the experience completely shakes his life
And the scene being short and made up of a few lines is what makes it so kino and poignant. Rather than the bullshit philosophising throughout the movie where he's reinforcing his views to himself he makes a final leap of faith, and the show fittingly ends there

season two discussion here


I like the scene m8, I like the whole season. I just mean that it's not really a resolution to the philosophical issues brought up, which is fine because the issues were themselves not the point anyway, they were just part of his characterization really, the season's central themes were less explicitly stated. And yeah if it's a religious leap of faith from a near death experience well then yes there's no arguing there, you either have the experience or not.


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>I just mean that it's not really a resolution to the philosophical issues brought up
But Cohle's views weren't a proxy for the show, they were his own.
And the whole point of a leap of faith is that it doesn't satisfy all the nitpicked details

nigga did you even finish reading my post

I started typing it out before I did lol

>sitting at a bad my myself
>been drinking all day so I look like shit
>sit in the corner alone, light up a darb
>girl sits next to me
>Hey, are you ok?
>'I think human consciousness is a tragic mistep in evolution..
>Umm ok bye

what is the resolution supposed to be? I don't know enough about philosophy to say what the counter-argument is in real life. Maybe the fact that rust is satisfied in catching one guy means his faith in society is restored, and it validates all the arguments of social cohesion that people like Marty made earlier

rust isn't a nihilist. he's an anti-natalist, who believes having children into this shitty evil world is a sin. he's not an edgelord, he's not a narcissist. he says life on earth is a thresher, and that the parents who throw children into that thresher are the narcissistic egomaniacs, full of pride and hubris.

rust's philosophy is completely right.
this world is full of monsters.
parents create victims for those monsters.
tony montana was a monster.
if you don't have kids, monsters like tony montana can't victimize them.

rust isn't a nihilist. he's a realist, a pessimist. this world is shitty and evil and there is no justice in it. the nihilistic thing to do is drag more innocent children into that, when they never asked for it.

>Though the nihilism was a bit of a cope too, to be fair.
why do you talk like a 12-year-old?

>rust isn't a nihilist
he is. He says early on he believes he should kill himself but lacks the capacity for it or something

caspere knew this

So what is the best philosophy to live by ?

Are you retarded?

if you find yourself in hell, don't drag anyone else down with you.

no. are you? the character rust cohle is literally based on the philosophy of antinatalism:

>Pizzolatto listed several influences on the show's first season: philosophy books such as Thomas Ligotti's The Conspiracy Against the Human Race, Eugene Thacker's In The Dust of This Planet, Ray Brassier's Nihil Unbound, Jim Crawford's Confessions of an Antinatalist, and David Benatar's Better Never to Have Been.

sure, rust cohle is also a determinist who doubts that free will exists, that "identity" is basically an illusion, a story we tell ourselves.

to normies, antinatalism (anti-birth) seems like a nihilistic philosophy. but given the fact that rust's daughter sophia dies after being hit a car, he realizes that becoming a father is a sin because this planet is a "thresher." this world is full of monsters, monsters who victimize the innocent. it is parents whose selfish fucking sends innocent victims marching into the maw of this world's monsters. what's more nihilistic than that?

pizza didnt fucking read Nihil unbound

think he's referring to
>the nihilistic thing to do is drag more innocent children into that, when they never asked for it.
which is wrong and stupid

no, it's morally right.
if you don't have kids, those kids can never get kidnapped.
if you don't have kids, those kids can't never be raped.
if you don't have kids, those kids can never be run over by a car & die in agony.
if you have kids, every bad evil thing that could happen to them on earth, can happen to them.

Rust Cohle: "I think about my daughter now, and what she was spared. Sometimes I feel grateful. The doctor said she didn't feel a thing, went straight into a coma. Then, somewhere in that blackness, she slipped off into another, deeper kind. Isn't that a beautiful way to go out, painlessly as a happy child? Trouble with dying later is you've already grown up. The damage is done. It's too late. You got kids? I think of the hubris it must take, to yank a sole out of nonexistence into this meat; a force of life into this thresher. As to my daughter, she spared me the sin of being a father."

compare that to an actual antinatalist quote:

Emil Cioran: "It is not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late."

you're overthinking it mate. nihilism implies that life is meaningless which lends itself to the antinatalist argument that there's no point bringing a kid into the world. they aren't opposing ideas

if life is meaningless, then it doesn't matter how many children parents make & how many lambs they throw to the slaughter. Rust says "I think of the hubris it must take, to yank a sole out of nonexistence into this meat; a force of life into this thresher." if life is meaningless, then it doesn't matter how many children parents throw into "this thresher."

normies think antinatalism is nihilistic because they think a planet with no humans on it is nihilistic (because they are merely obeying their genetic programming). without realizizing that what's actually nihilistic is the parents who keep throwing dead bodies onto the heap of humanity this planet has left behind.

Rust said "I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware." Rust said "I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction. One last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."

>no point bringing a kid into the world
that's not the antinatalist argument.
the antinatalist argument is that it's evil, wicked, bad, morally wrong, immoral to bring kids into this world, this "meat", this "thresher."

if human suffering didn't matter (like nihilists would believe), then it wouldn't matter how many children parents throw onto the fire.

you're just taking a very narrow interpretation of nihilism

nobody is a pure nihilist just like there's no pure capitalism or communism
I'm not saying Cohle would be indifferent to throwing kids onto a fire

>lying in bed meditating upon the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
>mum walks in and tells me to stop sleeping, I'm late for school
>patiently remind her that I don't sleep, I just dream
>she abruptly opens the curtains and walks out
>light up a cigarette and walk slowly to my R.E. lesson
>slide into my seat at the back of the class
>they are discussing the afterlife
>I loudly announce that they're all racing to a red light
>teacher asks if I can understand how the belief in an afterlife is a solace to some people
>I tell him that fairytales aren't good for anybody
>he asks why I begrudge people the right to their own personal beliefs
>"they gotta get together and tell each other stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamned day?"
>"what's that say about their reality?" I ask
>"you haven't answered the question, user"
>"then start asking the right fucking questions"
>tired of his low IQ, I take a beer out of my bag and crack it open
>"what are you doing!" he demands
>"it's Thursday and it's past noon. On Thursdays I start drinking at noon. You don't get to interrupt that"
>he tries to confiscate my beer but I capture him in an arm lock
>he becomes vexed and slaps me around the back of my head
>I look him straight in the eye and tell him that prison is very very hard on people who hurt kids
>"if you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself"
>silently walk out of class, pausing briefly at the door to give God the finger

generally speaking, nihilism holds that life is meaningless, without value or purpose. if rust was a nihilist, he wouldn't be a detective trying to solve crimes & look for justice for victims. he wouldn't think a victim's life had value. he wouldn't think justice has value. yet he looks at the photos of crime victims & sees in their eyes a relief from the suffering of life.

antinatalism (anti-birth) holds that life is suffering, and suffering is bad, therefore parents should not impose life (and therefore death) on anyone else.

when rust says "the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction", that seems nihilistic to natalists (pro-birth) because it goes against their genetic programming to make more humans (who will suffer). antinatalists believe haven't humans suffered enough already?

>time is basically a boneless pizza

you dont fuck my wife, I like fucking my wife

>>I look him straight in the eye and tell him that prison is very very hard on people who hurt kids

kek, good one

a big smile!

>I tell her that she's flat chested

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does that mean it's impossible to have a nihilist detective because anyone who cares about solving violent crime isn't really a nihilist?

See, I think Rust was never against society. He had a weird upbringing life but managed a wife and child, as well as going through the ranks to become detective. He even had a long-term relationship after meth guy was killed.

He was just aware of the violent power structures in the world. And he was edgy as fuck about it. But he was always pragmatic and driven.

By the end he doesn't get anything back, so he stops looking outward into the void he believes exists, and embraces the love he had (father and daughter) while he can.

It's not really a rebuttal to the philosophy, but a stance that maybe it's just not that important.

if you don’t have kids, whites go extinct, if whites go extinct realities such as these would never be contemplated let alone confronted. If whites go extinct, the world goes with them

again you're interpreting it very narrowly. If he is an antinatalist as you say (which I don't disagree with, I'm saying he's nihilist and antinatalist) why isn't he lacing the water supply with abortion drugs and shooting up the maternity ward of hospitals?

I think Rust's nihilism isn't that everything is pointless, but everything has the same worth which is zero. From there you can assign worth outside of social norms.

It's why he says the stuff about anti-natalism which is taboo (because he has himself assigned a worth) but will be kind to the hookers, have a nice truck and try to develop a relationship with Marty's family, because he is choosing and not relying on societal pressures.

Because his anti-natalism is rooted in trauma.

He doesn't believe we shouldn't breed because he hates kids, but because he doesn't think it's moral acceptable to bring a child to life just to suffer. I can't remember the quote but he says something along those lines ("plucked into existence" or something).

if by "nihilist" someone means "reckless" or "self-destructive", sure you could have a nihilist detective. for example, in the movie bad lieutenant: port of call new orleans, nicolas cage plays lieutenant mcdonagh (arguably a nihilist detective). but he still does (some) of his job, and gets promoted to captain.

rust cohle is a man obsessed with solving one case. as rust drinks more, as rust becomes more disillusioned you could argue he became more nihilistic. but early on rust says "I'd consider myself a realist, alright? But in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist."

Humans will go extinct in the next century or so anyway due to climate change. Would you rather innocent white children die by the billions in heatwaves, or some other race? If you love white children, you wouldn't sentence them to live on an uninhabitable planet. This world is on fire. Throwing white children into a burning building isn't an act of love, it isn't an act of survival. It's an act of carelessness, negligence, even hatred.

Corporations won't stop in their pursuit of profiting off fossil fuels. So it's not even a matter of surviving climate change now, because nobody will survive. However, with artificial wombs humans may still be able to create de-extinction machines so robots can bring humans back on a habitable planet after humans inevitably go extinct.

antinatalism is a moral viewpoint that making children is immoral (because life is suffering, and all lives end in death, and dying is a tragedy). that doesn't necessarily lead to forcing abortions on others, or murdering mothers. because if you believe dying is an unnecessary tragedy, then killing people is the opposite of that. antinatalism is a moral condemnation of procreation, of parents. not necessarily a belief that one would be morally justified to stop parents by any means necessary. if one thinks human suffering is a bad thing, how could an antinatalist morally justify inflicting suffering on others? if one thinks dying is an avoidable tragedy, how could an antinatalist morally justify triggering dying in others?


i don't know if rust thinks everyone has the same worth. but he thinks every "self" is a dream.

Rust Cohle: "Fourteen straight hours of staring at DB's, these are the things ya think of. You ever done that? You look in their eyes, even in a picture, doesn't matter if they're dead or alive, you can still read 'em. You know what you see? They welcomed it... not at first, but... right there in the last instant. It's an unmistakable relief. See, cause they were afraid, and now they saw for the very first time how easy it was to just... let go. Yeah they saw, in that last nanosecond, they saw... what they were. You, yourself, this whole big drama, it was never more than a jerry-rig of presumption and dumb will, and you could just let go. To finally know that you didn't have to hold on so tight. To realize that all your life--you know, all your love, all your hate, all your memories, all your pain--it was all the same thing. It was all the same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a person. And like a lot of dreams, there's a monster at the end of it."

and since this world is full of monsters, since this world is full of unspeakable evil, that's why rust thinks "the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction." because otherwise, if you make children, then you put innocent children at the mercy of the monsters of the world. but if you stop reproducing, you don't give the monsters of this world that satisfaction of harming them. not only do you spare a child from suffering and dying, you also deprive the monsters of the world their sadistic pleasure of hurting them.

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pic related is you

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>at my Grandmothers funeral
>turn to my grieving mother and say "what do you think the average IQ of this room is?"
>"please son, not now, I can't listen to you call me an idiot all day. I just want to mourn the loss of my mother"
>"If the only thing making you grieve is the expectation of divine reward then you are a piece of shit"
>she starts to cry
>"What's to say about life? Huh? You gotta get together, tell yourself stories that violate every law in the universe just to be sad over a dead body? Nah"
>my father becomes angry
>he tries to pick me up but I weigh 230lbs
>instead he drags me out of the church by my cape and tells me not to come back in until I grow up
>It becomes clear that religion rewrote pathways in his brain and dulled his critical thinking.
*drags cigarette*
People. They're so goddamn frail they'd rather put a coin in a wishing well than buy dinner.

>but because he doesn't think it's moral acceptable to bring a child to life just to suffer.
so why doesn't he just kill kids early to spare their suffering like his daughter?
Again I'm not saying he isn't antinatalist, but trying to say that just because he holds some morals it doesn't rule him out for being nihilist
>if one thinks human suffering is a bad thing, how could an antinatalist morally justify inflicting suffering on others? if one thinks dying is an avoidable tragedy, how could an antinatalist morally justify triggering dying in others?
he literally tries to justify his daughter's early death as saying it limited her later suffering. The idea of antinatalism is that people brought into the world are forced to suffer, so a premature ending would limit that

>drags me out of the church by my cape

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Also I should add, why do you think he tells that mother that killed her children to kill herself? That's not an antinatalist view but a nihilist one


Needs a woody Harrelson deepfake

I mean, he isn't a child murder. Unfortunately I guess I can't break it down further.

He isn't a robot, and he isn't bound to his ideals.

For what it's worth, I personally think Rust is a critique of Nihilism and surrounding philosophy, because he demonstrates that they're not sustainable ideals.

But that point is just my analysis.

Yeah I agree with that idea. I feel that maybe his ideas and what he verbalises in the first few episodes are not completely what he believes, but a mantra he repeats in different ways to protect himself.

I mentioned this in another reply below, but my take is that Rust as a character is a critique of Nihilism and similar ideals, and a comment on the unsustainability when given form.

>For what it's worth, I personally think Rust is a critique of Nihilism and surrounding philosophy,
think you're overcomplicating it
all these things are a spectrum, nihilism included. Cohle has elements of the philosphy but he doesn't represent it and the show isn't trying to make a critique on philosophy in general. It's just a handy shorthand to describe his ideals, he is his own character with a distinct set of beliefs that can't be distilled down to one word
>because he demonstrates that they're not sustainable ideals.
no shit, he literally plans to kill himself when he's thinking that way. Nobody needs a critique saying "nihilism is unsustainable don't you know lol", that's just plain to everyone

you're confusing anti-natalism (anti-birth) with pro-mortalism (pro-death). antinalists believe it's immoral to make new life. promortalists would believe it's therefore moral to kill anyone and everyone (but then why not kill themselves first?). a person can believe it's immoral to make new people, and also believe it's immoral to murder people. in both cases, someone is harming someone else.

rust's daughter died in an accident, being run over by a car. that accident may have spared her future suffering. but at no point does rust think that it's morally justifiable to murder children to prevent their future suffering. i don't think he worships whoever killed her. he didn't then get into a car, looking to mow down every child, giving them the same tragic fate his daugther had. he lived that trauma & grief firsthand, why give it to someone else? but the tragic incident itself made him realize that being a father is a sin.

one of the reasons antinatalists think life is bad, is that people can be murdered. so they say parents should not make children (who can be murdered). i don't think many antinatalists go around saying murderers act morally by ending lives. murder is one of the worst case scenarios of life. and if rust thought murder was moral, he wouldn't try to solve cases & find murderers.

mowing another man's lawn is the same as fucking his wife

Rust Cohle: The newspapers are gonna be tough on you. And prison is very, very hard on people who hurt kids. If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself.

That's not nihilistic. Antinatalists are opposed to hurting kids. But if that lady (who hurt kids) would like to spare herself the harm she will suffer in prison (because prison is hard on people who hurt kids), then she should kill herself. It was also Rust's condemnation of what kind of person she was. "You should kill yourself" is never a compliment. He was saying people who hurt kids (and that includes all parents) are pieces of shit.

climate change is retarded

>but at no point does rust think that it's morally justifiable to murder children to prevent their future suffering
not to murder children but he does try to justify her death to himself and the detectives
>murder is one of the worst case scenarios of life. and if rust thought murder was moral, he wouldn't try to solve cases & find murderers.
you're completely missing the point of my post. I'm not saying if he was antinatalist he should do those things, but that something like antinatalism isn't a singular ideology. I think there have been real life cases of doctors forcibly aborting women who would claim to be antinatalists. You're trying to argue what I'm saying is not antinatalist but it's such a stupid ideology that of course there are different branches with different motives to try justifying it

Nice one

>basedboy the post
Jesus Christ how did you even get here, you the most pathetic peace of nushit that ever come out from a hairy woman's ass?

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What temperature is it right now where you are? Do you think it's going to be that temperature forever? Do you think you could survive 120 F? For how long? When do you think 120 F will arrive where you are? Wanna bet your life on that? If you're right, you live. If you're wrong, you die. Why gamble with your life? Why gamble with 7 billion lives?

I'm more of a Marty guy myself

shut the fuck up about antinatalism jesus, do you think Cohle wakes up every day thinking "I am an antinatalist and NOTHING ELSE"
That example I used might involve children but it has nothing to do with antinatalism, my point is he sees her life as useless and she should do away with it ASAP to spare her suffering. That's a pretty clear example of nihilism
>It was also Rust's condemnation of what kind of person she was. "You should kill yourself" is never a compliment. He was saying people who hurt kids (and that includes all parents) are pieces of shit.
Yeah fair it's meant to harm her but he pretends to present it in a matter of fact way

I meant not sustainable as a belief system. When he is pushed he is more pragmatic than anyone else, which do not align with what he says.

Also, I never thought he'd actually kill himself. Throughout the show it's shown that he understands the importance of suffering and even if he gets the big bad, I think he likes living even if it's a shitty life.

>Topic of Thread: Make satirical posts as if you were Rust from True Detective
>Actually ITT: Retards debating nihilism

best one in a while

>I meant not sustainable as a belief system.
yeah, nobody is pretending it's sustainable. It's literally unsustainable: the philosophy
>When he is pushed he is more pragmatic than anyone else, which do not align with what he says.
almost like he borrows some elements of nihilism and antinatalism into a broader character with many different elements like I've been saying all along... woah funny that
>Also, I never thought he'd actually kill himself.
the whole point of his approaching Marty to help apprehend the real killer is because he feels obligated to do so before he kills himself. They hint at this several times in the last few episodes
>I think he likes living even if it's a shitty life.
don't ever @ me again you imbecile

I was at home painting my miniatures and my best friend's (who I hate) wife came over and fucked me silly and then left saying thanks and that should definitely end the marriage and now I'm just here trying to figure out which hue to use next and I'm still hard boys. Bitches be crazy in this cesspool of a state.

"Alright, alright, alright." What did he mean by this?

Normie chad scum detected, OUT OUT OUT

go mow his lawn to assert your dominance

>dad watching news
>"it sure is sad what happened to those people, dont you think user?"
>"yeah sure"
>"why dont you go on your laptop and find out who did 9/11"
>"i dont want to"
>"whats wrong with you? its important we learn as much as possible about the world"
>"why should i live in history huh? fuck i dont wanna know anything anymore. This is a world where nothing is solved. Someone once told me time is a flat circle.
>everything weve ever done or will do well do over and over again. Those jews being burned in the furnace will be in burning again and again.... and again.... forever"
>mom tells me to get out

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his daughter died a horrible death. yes rust tries to rationalize that death after the fact. but rust doesn't believe "the guy who ran over my daughter did the right thing." or that's what should happen to innocent children. he said "Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction."

i'm explaining what antinatalism is, which is the basis for rust's character, as written by nic pizzolatto (& i've read some of the books he got inspiration from).

if you believe harming others without consent is immoral, then murder is immoral, running over kids with cars is immoral, making children is immoral. a nihilist wouldn't think anything is immoral, since they think life has no meaning, that everything that happens is meaningless, that it doesn't matter what you do.

antinatalism may sound stupid to you, but if you're here now, i can tell you don't have 12 kids you have to raise. you probably don't have any kids to raise. an antinatalist would say that's moral, don't reproduce, don't create more victims. while stupid breeders would try to shame you for not having kids, for not having sex, for being a virgin, because they are slaves to their genetic programming. they're just acting like animals. any cockroach can have 12 offspring. do you think cockroaches are smarter than you?

antinatalism is a belief on the immorality of procreation, derived from logic & reason. if you avoid suffering, then suffering is bad. if suffering is bad, then it's bad to make others suffer. if it's bad to make others suffer, then it's bad to make children. procreation itself is merely an instinct that people rationalize after the fact, while they drag innocent children to the hellscape called earth. think of every horrible thing that's ever happened to any human. it happened here on this planet. antinatalism is a condemnation of procreation, a condemnation of the hubris of parents who just want a "mini me" who looks like them (for selfish instinctual urges).

I don't know, I think the consensus is that he is a broody guy until he has a near death experience. A lot of people seem to side with that unironically.

Yeah I'll agree I was simplifying some points and you did cover them.

But I'll stand by that Rust sees purpose in living and never had any intention on suicide. He had a few times in his life where suicide made sense but he never took them. But you've got to agree that Rust sees himself as a necessary evil in the world and would continue to exist .

So you're betting that humans won't go extinct due to climate change? And you're willing to bet the lives of 7 billion humans on that? What if you're wrong? Oh? We'll all be dead? Because you're a moron? Sorry, you don't have the right to allow humanity to go extinct just because you're a retard in denial. Now I know why the Nazis gassed retards. You're within your right to let your own stupidity be the end of you, but you have no right to let your stupidity be the end of everyone else, fucking crab-mentality piece of shit. Go suck on an exhaust pipe if you think that's so good for you.


Sorry you walked into a thread not knowing that True Detective Season 1 is heavy on antinatalism, or that Rust is an antinatalist, based on actual books written by antinatalists. He believes life on Earth is like being in a meat prison.

And telling people who hurt kids to kill themself isn't nihilistic, it's moral. As in, if you hurt others, you should face consequences.

Oh, you thought fa/tv/irgins were here because they're such good comedy writers?

>So you're betting that humans won't go extinct
They didn't extinct during Ice age what makes you think it happens now?
>7 billion humans
I think this statistic figure are very exaggerated. In reality its much less.
>you don't have the right to allow humanity to go extinct
so its up for hysterical paranoid retards like you? to spread panic?
do you know how much people dies not because of the actual accident but from the rush that panicing crowd creates?
I literally live in one of the most polluted city in the world, near radioactive Mayak's accident place, meteor onced has fallen on this city, I have lung sarcoidosis, stfu, you fucking insecure cry baby.

>It's literally unsustainable: the philosophy
you can't kill an idea. sure, breeders transmit ideologies to their offspring (religion, etc), but have you ever learned anything not from your parents?
>almost like he borrows some elements of nihilism and antinatalism into a broader character with many different elements like I've been saying all along...
you seem to equate suicide with nihilism. while suicide is destructive (self-destructive), what would motivate a nihilist (who believes in nothing) to kill themself?

The Pleistocene epoch (aka Ice Age) lasted 2.588MYA-11.7KYA. Earth now has CO2 levels not seen in 3MY, when the sea level was 65ft higher. The Holocene epoch began ~11.7KYA after climage changes linked with the Younger Dryas, & those changes are believed to have forced humans to develop farming (the Natufian period from 12K BC-10.2K BC). But climate change since the Industrial Revolution (when humans released ancient carbon back into Earth's atmosphere in a relatively short but dramatic 3 centuries) will lead to humid heatwaves that will kill even healthy people.

>the “wet bulb” temperature (WBT). Once this reaches 35C, the human body cannot cool itself by sweating and even fit people sitting in the shade will die within six hours.

Global warming will decimate farming. Do you consume any fruits, vegetables, or grains, or animals that consume those, or any products derived from them?

By the year 2100, 75% of people will die in heatwaves.

All because some morons refuse to upgrade their technology. Did you type your reply on a 1953 Strela using vacuum tubes & punched cards? No? You upgraded? All we ask is that the morons of the world upgrade from fossil fuels so we don't all fucking die.

1.2MYA there were

So humanity should go extinct because Vladimir doesn't export anything but Russian hookers & oil & gas & the Russian Jew Mafia, & he wants a few new shipping lanes open? Go drink yourself to death, you fucking piece of shit.

If I'm right, we'll all be dead. If you're wrong, we'll all be dead. If I'm wrong, you can continue to live in the one of the most polluted cities in the world, you Russian piece of shit. If I'm wrong, you can still enjoy your lung sarcoidosis, you fucking piece of shit.

You think when the Siberian permafrost melts, that I'LL be the crybaby? There won't be be any bread for your fucking breadlines, komrade.

view your life as an anime

His intention to commit suicide is pretty obvious, maybe it's been too long since you've watched it (I watched it for the first time last week) but it's brought up (albeit subtly) a few times after Rust and Marty start working on the case again
He tells Marty he only came back from Alaska because of their "debt"
when that black maid starts rambling he says he hopes she was wrong about death being the end
and there's some other thing I can't remember where he implies he just wants to solve the case so he can end it all, he says it to Marty at some point
He's not really suicidal throughout the show, just when he's got the
>But I'll stand by that Rust sees purpose in living
Mate in literally the first monologue he gives to Marty in the the first episode he says he would kill himself but lacks the constitution for it
>Hart: So, what’s the point of getting out of bed in the morning?
>Cohle: I tell myself I bear witness, but the real answer is that it’s obviously my programming. And I lack the constitution for suicide.
genuinely think you're a fucking idiot for not understanding some of the most basic points of this show
feel like certain people in this thread wouldn't pick this as a joke

>what would motivate a nihilist (who believes in nothing) to kill themself?
you've reached peak stupidity

>All we ask is that the morons of the world upgrade from fossil fuels

Attached: 1560174036807.jpg (533x400, 45K)

Just found the quote I'm thinking of, Marty finishes telling Cohle about the microwaved baby that made him quit and asks him why he's back from Alaska
>This. Something I had to see to... before getting on with something else. My life's been a circle of violence and degradation as long as I can remember. I'm ready to tie it off
It is such a crucial part of the story and is what makes the final scene so important where he decides to see something in life again, if you didn't grasp that you're an idiot



top kek

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, even though you don't deserve it, please translate this into Chinese & Hindi as China & India produce the vast majority of the world's carbon emissions & pollution. The western world, including the US, has been very successfully policing itself and drastically reducing these things for decades.

A bouquet.

His whole arc by the end of the show is him being proven wrong of his nihilistic, godless world view.

>hookers & oil & gas
>Jew Mafia
nice assblust
you forget bout GULAG, bears and balalayka you literal cliche of a braindead amerimutt


best one. lmao