Would rather live in 1950 than in contemporary America

What did the Russo brothers mean by this? The 50s and 60s were the dark ages, the segregation was still on, the nuclear family prevailed, no feminism, no homosexual rights...Why woud Cap want to go back?

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>no internet, so basic info is hard to find and your opportunities are extremely limited since internet gave rise to mass autodidactism
>surgeries, orthodontics, etc. were shit so I would still have fucked teeth, have to wear glasses, bad facial symmetry, etc. which dooms me to shit status

fuck that, the 50s were gay. I'd rather rule in nu-hell than be a slave in the based white 50s

Cap realized that the USA he fought for no longer existed and that he had been on the wrong side of history which is why he choose not to stay in the present and fight a worthless battle and would rather live out his life with Peggy the Milk Truck and watch the world burn!!!FACT!!!

Cringe retard zoomer. People were a lot healthier and wealthier in the 50s by every fucking possible measure.

thats the message. no doubt about it.

the russos were so based that one of them did a faggot at the begining of the movie to have plausible deniability.

based and redpill.

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>People were a lot healthier and wealthier in the 50s by every fucking possible measure.

[citation needed]

why didn't he save JFK and martin luther king

The 1950's was a post-war golden era. You have no idea!!!FACT!!!

>why didn't he save JFK and martin luther king

They were both Hydra!!!FACT!!!

google dot com

>I just can't live in a world where I can't say niggers freely

Raimi wtf?

sure, boomers had the good life, my point was more about my own life for the reasons I posted. it's good if you're a white picket fence family, but being redneck stock like me back then was fucking shit. not everybody was leave it to beaver back then buddy, the ideal life is a meme now and it was a meme then.

Well for starters it was when the love of his life was still around
You’d understand if you were less of a virgin

Segregation and pre-civil rights for baboons was definitely good. Niggers knew their place and didn't commit as much crime.

Not him, but have you looked at a picture of Americans from then vs. a picture of Americans now? Back then, Americans were viewed as an ideal that people from all nations admired and looked up to. But now they are a laughing stock that no one wants to emulate, but rather distance themselves from. Why do you think that is?

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They had dental braces in the 50s

>less prevalence of sugar in food so obesity is seen as a rarity and not an everyday occurrence
>less sugar also means your teeth would have been less fucked up to begin with
>stronger unions where one man could provide for his whole family
Only downside is everything probably smelled like cigarette smoke.

>what Japan thinks of Americans back then

- Guile

>what Japan thinks ofAmericans now

- Rufus and Bob

Even rednecks were a lot less fat and retarded back then. Also, they were able to separate themselves from blacks without the federal government interfering.

>less likely for woman in wokforce and no pajeet to outsource to meant better wages and more security

You would have had better opportunities back then. I'm a welder and I hear about all the trade jobs and work in factories that gets exported or simply doesn't exist anymore.

The west was booming back then but it became a race to the bottom. Companies got around wage laws and those that didn't play dirty cease to exist.

my teeth were not fixable pre-70s for certain reasons, and as for the job shit, the point is there were PLENTY of losers back then too, and I would be one because no internet access to many things. for every person like based darger who worked as a janitor and made his loli fantasy world at home and got meme'd later, there were 10,000 guys who just ate shit in prison or on the streets or in shelters/hospitals/whatever. it was hard times as always, there was never muh good old days. I'll give you that less niggers is always good, but the 50s come with plenty of their own other problems. if you could go back to live then with a time machine right now, you would instantly get salty at the problems you receive in return for the 2019 problems you traded away

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Women and niggers were kept in check and faggots hadn't killed sex with their plague. I wish I could have grown up in that era!!!FACT!!!

>there were PLENTY of losers back then too
Pretty sure we're at peak loserdom.

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>why would cap want to go back?
You know exactly why.

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Seems a bit crass for an organization founded by a rapist to make fun of people for not getting laid.

>it became a race to the bottom

>mfw hearing my local used to work 7 hour days with three breaks

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