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If I ever have to work customer service again I'll probably just kill myself.
You guys know how some countries force their citizens to join the military for a few years when they turn 18? We should force people to work customer service so they understand what a horrible existence it is.
How hasn't the US collapsed yet?
Glad I've never had a customer-facing job and you can't make me get one.
Mostly due to enormous military, economic and technological power
Can't they refuse to do this?
Richest country in the world,
Most powerful country in the world,
Most diverse country in the world.
This is not a coincidence.
Because everywhere else sucks even worse in one way or another.
I refuse to shop at Walmart until they stop doing this. Its inhumane.
So, this is Queen
The most powerful mass propaganda machine the world has ever witnessed
Richest country in the world,
Still has massive amounts of poverty, murders, suicides,
Most diverse country in the world.
This is not a coincidence
that's kinda hot
rent free
a lot of the dumb people who work there unironically enjoy that kind of stupid shit.
Yes. It's called "having dignity" and not accepting employment in a company with such condescending management.
Based /pol/cel
I'm a Walmart team member, you're allowed to opt out of doing it but you get a verbal warning and the chances of you getting promoted or a raise goes to 0.
>tfw Walmart won't even hire me
Workers at Walmart actually get promotions/raises?
Keep telling yourself that. 1 more recession and the US is done.
>Most diverse country in the world.
we were over 90% white until 1960
Our shit has been collapsing ever since
Jews knew what they were doing when they started using brown people as a weapon.
Americunts do the exact same shit
and YOU must be Freddie Mercury
you get a raise like 6 months after you get hired, then every year after that.
wagie kino thread is always good
what's wrong with you?
I make $19/hr and i've only worked there for three years.
do you do the dance?
my bad meant to reply to OP disregard i suck cocks
I lead the dance. It's a real morale booster for the long term employees. Believe it or not but most of them love doing it.
kek, do you wear dad jeans like guy in op?
jews are trying their best to keep it alive
>he forgets the diet Dr kelp
jews are the ones destroying it
holy fuck wagies are literally not human
Where's My Drink?
do you ever wonder if the chants are to keep the retards placated with their terrible work environments and terrible pay or do the people that implement them do it to boost the moral of their very intelligent employees who would somehow need a chant and dance to realize their work is real real goodlike
No, I wear khakis.
no, they all have dual citizenship with Israel.
Asymmetrical distribution of returns. Same shit that happens in the dating world. What you're basically asking is
>how is it that women haven't gone absolutely crazy from the lack of sex?!
It's not that America is poor or broken or anything along those lines, it's enormously wealthy. It's just that wealth is concentrating into fewer and fewer hands.
A mass shooting every once in a while because of some disenfranchised incel or disgruntled worker losing all hope at bettering their lot in life is an infinitesimally small price to pay to continue to concentrate the wealth because 1) the guns are 100% of the time aimed at the wrong people (peasants killing peasants basically) and 2) it actually helps promote disarmament which would drop the probability to zero of the guns every getting a chance to be pointed at the right people.
The U.S. isn't in danger of collapsing in the slightest. The people are just in danger of achieving levels of suffering and misery that are almost profoundly incomprehensible. Though I suspect long before the misery peaks, we'll simply have a situation where an enormous amount of the population is eradicated or at the very least neutralized as threats or agents of unfavorable change.
This guy would get a promotion before you because he's got work ethic.
>This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.
good job checking your links before you copy and paste them
Walmart wagie, dance and sing
Walmart wagie, do your thing
Shuck and jive down every aisle
Don't forget you have to smile
White trash, beaner, friz haired nig
They all must dance the wagie jig
get pumped up for daily labor
dance to entertain your slaver
put your vest on, stomp and clap
smart ones sneak away for nap
your fruitbowl boss wants facebook likes
so dance for your short wagie life
cashiers, stockers, crippled greeters
drop your duties, please your leader
Entertain the walmart sharters
cut a rug, you craven marters.
Why do ppl think that just because other people are getting richer that they aren't better off as well? Do ppl not understand how a free market isn't a zero sum game?
And bohemian rhapsody? ashaboze, dashovdatable as well?
A real pledger thats for sure
These posts were made by /pol/ users. Just a heads up.
roasties BTFO
I imagine that Walmart's upper management people are watching these videos like Mr. Burns and chuckling at how the peasants are being compelled to debase themselves.
>"We are, we are Walmart"
>No, I'm not Walmart. I own no stock in this company, so I am not a part of it. I just work here for a tad over minimum wage. Please... just let me sweep the floor and collect my rent and food money... there is dignity in all work, but there is no dignity in this...
>The people are just in danger of achieving levels of suffering and misery that are almost profoundly incomprehensible
Riiiight, I'm sure all those starving and dying in third world countries are just having a blast and laughing at Americans.
>free market
as a worthless, dumb, socially retarded, old skilless, talentless NEET that sadly has to get a job soon, walmart, fast food, or suicide are my only options
>The U.S. isn't in danger of collapsing in the slightest.
>less than 20 years from becoming majority nonwhite and majority net financial negative
Oy geyvalt, really!? Say it ain't so.
How is there no pepe/wojak edit of this?
This post was made by a retarded faggot. Heads up.
Holy fuck so glad I don’t work retail anymore
kek, yeah from 8 bucks an hour to 8.79 an hour
you better get that customer their pizza wagie, don't matter about the blizzard. don't care about your car being out of commission
It will come to America before the end. Make no mistake. And unlike some parts of the 3rd world, we will have to deal with chimpouts.
Get a CDL. It isn't hard.
If you're arguing that the US needs to reduce/eliminate its socialist programs then I agree.
suicide is probably the best option desu
oh noes,. not /pol/ what will we do now?
hold me im scared
Its inevitable at this point, but then again China was able to turn its population into literal ants so who knows.
Fast food. If you have to pick, go with McDonald's. You can climb the ranks quick as hell if you're not fucking retarded and be salaried within a year or two if lucky and you have even the most basic social skills.
He'll be telling that to you in a few years after your parents die from the boss's office.
They just have people immigrate to replace the people that hate their life
I was wondering if they were based or not. Thanks for confirming.
I can't drive because I'm legally blind.
i was looking at that. im terrified of backing
if thats true you can get NEETbux
This post was made by a basketball American heads up
>he doesn't understand purchasing power or
Takes you half as many hours to earn enough to buy a washing machine as it did in the 70s. Same with most other goods.
Says the guy who's best option was pizza delivery
working at walmart isn't nearly as bad as these autists are making it sound. fast food is one hundred times worse desu
haha it's funny because you can pin point the exact day this dumb actual newfag found this video
Ok now do homes, food, medical insurance, cars
Gotta start somewhere. Can't stay in the basement forever.
working at walmart really only sucks if you live in the south or in a big city
Do you believe inflation in that period was 128%? Or is the basket of good wrong?
>started working at Wal-Mart in 2012
>refuse to do the wagie dance
>get my second paycheck
>it's $7.42
>ask manager
>turns out they added fees for my uniform and for using the breakroom
>i'm pissed off but powerless
>my paychecks keep getting deducted for random fees for weeks on end
>finally swallowed my pride and did the dance
>everybody else stopped and looked at me while I awkwardly continued dancing
>manager pulls out phone and starts recording me
>i'm on the verge of crying now but I keep dancing
>humiliated but they stopped taking money out of my paycheck
>still working there to this day
I wish that I didn't drop out of college
You can thank socialist program subsidies for inflating services. Food fluctuates based on gas prices. You want more purchasing power, lower taxes and reduce govt. programs.
can you give me a rhythm?
I refuse to believe this is real.
the last one has a fucking drumline hahaha
Come again?
I don't blame you, I blame (((public education)))
It's basic Econ really. Government intervention often leads to scarcity, devaluation, and inefficiency
no. we don't.
It's a real haiku by Shogetsu
You get used to it. Honestly, the longer the trailer the easier it is. Get all of your endorsements and you can jump jobs like someone who is worth money because you are. Being able to do your own hazmat placards is good. Saving up for a truck is even better. No one owns you. Just keep up your logs and inspections because cops love fucking with truckers who are sloppy.
If you had a point I'd like to hear it.
Office work is melting my brain
The people working in this company are fucking retarded
>i'm pissed off but powerless
Yes you are.
Government intervention also keeps the roads paved, the cops in uniform, a common currency, protects our borders, etc. I was a libertarian in my teenage years. You'll grow out of it.
It'd sail over your pointy head
I'm so fucking glad the store I work at has pretty much done away with the 'walmart cheering' shit, and doesn't even pretend to try until corporate comes around. (which is always warned in advance)
Me and the rest of management has been there so long that none of us really gives a single fuck anymore, and its glorious.
Every new store manager tries to bring in a "fresh perspective" and tries to get everyone pumped for the company, but then he sees all the dead, lifeless eyes around him, staring scornfully or seeing everyone doing it ironically as possible, and eventually stops.
We're on the 6th store manager in 5 years. Trying to pump up those numbers.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
>i-it's basic econ
>it's common sense, I don't have to justify myself
the "US" is an idea. that idea? jewish slaves. wherever warm bodies exist for god's chosen to exploit and abuse, the US lives on.
>protects our borders
It did in 2007.
I get upswt that Americans don't have rights for workers. Then I get upset that Americans actively fight against their own interests so a billionaire can make more money. Then I get upset that America hasn't been nuked into a wasteland.
>working for a megacorporation that takes life insurance policies out on their employees
>It's basic Econ
great. Now learn advanced econ, where all of that is revealed to be a lie predicated on consumerist fantasy and propaganda
jesus fucking christ
Libertarians are just weed smoking fascists. Shut the fuck up. Cops deserve the noose.
I'm fine with the basics. I'm limited government.
I doubt it. I have a rebuttal if your statement was as dumb as I think it was. Goods are cheaper. You get more benefits. The only reason your real wages are stagnant is because services are more expensive (like healthcare and education) thanks to gov. intervention.
It's literally in the first chapter of Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, Phd
basically the government borrows money and prints it in an endless cycle to stay afloat(thats what all those trillions in debt are), and keep inflation going up so a dollar saved in a bank account is worthless, so then with worthless savings you have a large worker base who cant ever quit. I wish you all would understand the giant scheme of american government. and dont get me started on the jews.
Collapsed? Everyone parly depend on it for its own economic growth. May be it Japan between the 1950's to the 1990's, china from the 1990's to today, Latin America since fthe very start of the US, a large chunk of Europe and the middle east. Everyone has stakes in the US and the US has stakes in everyone.
It's in no one's interest to see the US fall now, let's hope Trump keeps on isolating the US so it can fall tomorrow
its kind of overstated in these threads. Vox media just finished negotiating union rights like a week ago. The problem is that less educated places like nebraska are decades behind in general, not just on unions but on everything.
hmmmm is this some of that famed burgerpunk i've heard so much about?
Is there any group in the western world more cucked than working class muricans?
>It's literally in the first chapter of Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell, Phd
A book you haven't read. And if having a PhD means being right, then Ha Joon-Chang, PhD basically says the opposite.
>thomas sowell phd
Working class young Americans. Limited Medicare and SS if at all. Paying for boomers to live the high life. Literal financial cuckery.
>healthcare isn't more expensive due subsidization and overregulation
>minimum wage laws don't cause unemployment
>controlling house pricing doesn't create scarcity
>higher education isn't overpriced and undervalued thanks to excessive subsidizing
Maybe you should retake those Econ courses.
>worked at a Burger King for four years
>worked at a Kmart for two years
>never had to deal with this gay shit
I guess the 2000s were a different era
I own it, I suggest you take a read before openly supporting socialism
Yeah he's based. Nobel Prize winner Friedmans super prodigy
>let's hope Trump keeps on isolating the US so it can fall tomorrow
We have much better relations with the world than we did under Obama. Who told you we were isolated?
>tfw no rich parents
>tfw no nepotism or cronyism
>tfw no NEETbux
Thomas Sowell is a dumb house nigger conservative retard
Not more expensive because of subsidies. You cannot be denied emergency room care. Subsidies allow people to receive cheaper preventative medicine. Its more expensive because of research, increasing technology, electronic medical records, and other things.
>Minimum wage laws cause unemployment
No one could live off $5.75 an hour anyway.
>Controlling house pricing
Houses are kept inflated to protect boomers and the owning class. They also control the zoning bodies and everything else.
>Higher education
A country should want an educated populace.