is the art of stand-up comedy slowly dying?
Is the art of stand-up comedy slowly dying?
>stand up
Ok Joe.
there are a handful of funny standups now same as always
Its definitely being shaped in a weird way.
I have been checking out the local open mics where I live and they have started giving women and gays extra time on stage. Like normal sets you get 5 minutes but if you are one of them you get 7 minutes of stage time.
It's already dead
Are they cancer?
It’s dead jim
Not necessarily, and its an open mic so don't expect the bar to be set too high since its mostly for practicing new material.
The atmosphere just feels odd and there is a lot of talk about not hitting on female performers. Its this weird mix of walking on egg shells but not.
I was actually thinking about this earlier today. There’re no new prospects in stand-up; I know his material aged horribly but there are no new Dane Cook’s. I feel like the main reason is people like Joe Rogan and Kevin Hart who despite being the super popular aren’t remotely funny; and with the advent of youtube and shit it’s easier and cheaper to just find some youtube comedian whose funnier than both of them.
All the funny people just do podcasts now instead.
there can be art to anything.
Stand up is, and always will be fine, it's the idiots shitting up the stages now that's the problem. Instead of making people laugh and forget their problems, morons want to use the stage as a soapbox for their personal pet agendas.
Who is the most famous standup comedian right now? One who is famous solely for standup comedy, not some sitcom actor who shat out a half-assed standup special.
That's just how equality works, sweaty.
Is ded
Have sex sweaty.
Yeah they're all super nice to each other on camera and won't call anyone out for anything
I remember on that Hot Wingz show or whatever Tom Segura and Bert got asked a question about joke thieves and refused to out anyone and said they'd talk about it AFTER the show
like fuck you queers
I seen the follow-up at that venue, they tried to heckle the great Stevie Ray Fromstein off the stage. When he revealed that he, the Holy Atheist, was in fact of the gods, the audience realized their lack of hospitality. An audible gasp marked their destruction by fire, as the enlightened amongst us entwined into a fucking tree.
Chris D’elia is the new Dane Cook
Aziz Ansari is the present of comedy.
Norm MacDonald is the past of comedy.
Sean O'Connor is the future of comedy.
Is it 2015 again?
Nigger his brother is producing some shitty fucking TV show that I was forced to watch the other day
Should drive the final nail in the coffin for that poo and point out that his entire routine used to be worshiping R Kelly since he's such a #MeToo rapist hero of Ansari's.
I've never really liked standup. Any recommendations?
The future will just be variants of Cumtown that will be Cumtown. It’ll start with Dasha sucking the life out of Adam, Nick offing himself, and then Stav eats himself to death while getting pity spots on various podcasts and shitty Brooklyn comedy spots.
Clash of the titans, Gilbert vs. Norm, NML 1x11 + 1x12
Im not even talking about the famous comedians. I can see why they won't talk bad about someone else on a show, because it might start drama they won't end up winning.
I am saying that I occasionally perform and i am involved in the some local comedy communities, and its weird right now. Like heres a post I saw recently.
>Don’t hit on females at an open mic that are there to do the mic. Not during the mic not before the mic and not after the mic. (This is not the same as talking to them about comedy.) Not just because they don’t like it, but also because if you book shows it makes them feel like if they say no or don’t play along, you won’t book them.
>Most females are trying a mic because they want to do comedy, not to find someone to hook up with. It’s no wonder there are so few females in comedy after the stories I have heard. (Ladies if you are going to mics to meet guys to date may I suggest a new hobby, like golf.)
That will never be Cumtown*
Sarah Silverman spread Jewish lies on Norm MacDonald Live. She claimed the word "kike" is just because of the sounds of Hebrew.
It is in fact because the Jewry of Europe refused to make an X at Ellis Island, claiming that their hatred of Christ was such that they must make a "kikel", or circle.
>Aziz Ansari
Wasn't he a SJW cunt, was metoo'd, lost his woke crowd, then started pandering to the other side in a desperate attempt to stay relevant?
It starts with him being an actor and playing a stand-up in a movie who had a catch phrase, then going on stage and doing that catch phrase in real life and since he'd been playing a stand-up in a Judd Apatow movie he was anointed by the Chosen people.
Bill Burr probably, everyone on the Internet loves him
>Aziz Ansari
i'd argue John Mulaney is the top stand up right now. Largely inoffensive but still really funny. The same vein as Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan, Brian Reagan, etc.
The Bill Hicks of our time
In term of quality of material? Maybe. In terms of popularity? He’s not even close. I don’t know if you’re too young to remember but Dane Cook was insanely popular, I remember fucking everyone was laughing about his bk lounge bit for months. Chris D’elia is barley C-tier famous.
Colin Quinn does it better. I don't need to watch no Bill Burr to know that that is True. And I never will.
He is fun to watch during interviews. This is one of my favorite moments. When he asks her who said that and she does not know how to respond.
Comedy sucks now, what's this aborted gold that just showed up on I'm Not Norm. Telling Conan about gypsies. That's gold. But the real gold is what he doesn't say. There aren't any Gypsies anymore, you see. Observe him contemplate this on the couch, in quantum flux, he's vibrating at 60 Hz. If only Andy were a known Holocaust denier he could do something with it. But it's just for him, you see. And for those who can See.
your question aside that standup is outstanding
janice and cheese sandwiches is the funniest goddamn bit ive ever heard
>hey what's in your right hand
>nothin, i'd be coy ya know
>no there's somethin in your right hand
>listen, lady, who knows better what's in my hand, you or m- oh this! it's just a cheese sandwich. why? you like em or somethin? i got a whole fuckin van full of cheese sandwiches right over there
where do you live? I go to mics and have never heard of this. I've seen flyers for shows where only gays or women perform, but not where they get extra time
Shit I'm seeing norm in october. Still my guy.
Well keep listening to Norm on YouTube for 100s of hours and you'll hear him remix it all sorts of ways there on account of he never does it the same twice and you'll find things about other tellings you like even better there.
Rogan is a big influence, so his cabal gets a lot of attention even though they suck, including Rogan himself. But there are still a few legit funny people out there doing it, just like always.
I tell you what, that motherfucker went on for 2 solid hours a few months ago. Afterward everything became funny to me. The world. I had to start guzzling fistfuls of benzodiazepenes. Then for the first time I heard Norm on Maron's podcast. He said when he met the RC cola blind man everything became funny to him and forever after he had to guzzle fistfuls of benzodiazepenes. That's when I needed fistfuls of antipsychotics.
been doin it for ten years my man
New England area. I am not saying every open mic around here does that but I have seen a couple posters that say that.
I love this
Well then it's Nick's Comedy Stop because everyone on the Google pictures from inside is a woman or negro or poo
Motherfucker is a genius.
Him, Louis CK, and Chapelle are really all there is at the top level right now.
>women want to do comedy and not hook up
what's the point listening then? They're not funny and have nothing meaningful to say. That's like going to a casino not to gamble but to eat their food.
>tfw getting to hear Norm's new Louis CK material
Depends on the casino and your budget.
Admit jealous
I saw him a couple months ago and he almost completely ignored the me too stuff. I think ever since he got in trouble for saying that stuff about louis and roseanne in the article.
He was still great, but seemed to have been neutered somewhat
My favorite, that I thought could never get on stage, is the nonbinary nature of Norm's penis. 1996, Stern, it's 6 inches hard and 6 inches soft. NML Season 1, it's 12 inches long but incredibly thin. It becomes bendy, like a snake. In the Stygian blackness of the bedroom is forms an omega, an inchworm. It's rubbed red with scabs from being bad at whackin' off.
And then, there he was. And he reeled and staggered on stage for what seemed like hours, trying to get it out. I knew it was coming. But we were close to the end. He muttered something about how "things get bendy" and fled soon after. Norm's Quantum Penis can only exist in your mind as a joke, 0, 1, both 1 and 0 and neither. Shit will fuck you up though.
John Mulaney
Nigger he opened the show by saying he was a big fan of the Me Too Movement. He made sure to say the word retarded 17 times more than was needed.
It'll get better, it was like something he was laughing about to himself on stage. Louis' famous routine about memorizing the girls' faces so he could wack off to them, but then Norm finding out that Louis was escalating and needing to see the faces in real time, and picturing the faces and stuff.
It was never good.
This, but on a broader scale. Podcasts and radio shows are killing standup. If I wanted to hear 6 months of old jokes boiled down into a special, I'd find a best of video.
Fred Allen vs. Jack Benny: who does Yea Forums side with?
This is like the opposite of Nanette but there still aren't any jokes. Yeah I get what he is doing but it was just too long and boring.
*gets conan appearance cancelled for saying down syndrome on howard stern show*
>dont try to pick up women at bars
What kind of gay ass dystopia do you live in? I live in Columbus, we're liberal as fuck, and the comedy booths around here shit on anyone and everyone with thin skins prior to starting a show.
This, Ansari was on top in the earlier part of the decade but Parks and Rec and Masters of None cemented him more as an actor/writer than comedian.
Listen to Howard Stern Show in 1998 or 1999, Norm got his Conan appearance cancelled then because, in Howard's words, "he's got no backbone. The man's a big pussy." Conan claimed he was bumping Norm for Jason Priestley.
New England
You don't get it.
It's definitely a boomer thing, I'm 30 and never liked it though some of my friends do but none of my younger nieces and nephews like it, they all watch youtubers
Stern is a huge piece of jewish shit, why would anyone believe a word that he said?
What is there to get? He goes to an audience that he knows will get upset just because he is saying facts that he knows they do not want to hear. Am I missing something?
The joke is the audience
>in Howard's words, "he's got no backbone. The man's a big pussy."
it´s true tho, norm´s afraid of the media, he wants to be portrayed as saint, that´s why he pathetically went to the view to apologize because of a joke he made
Yeah like I said he is purposely getting them upset. It just gets boring after a while.
He is just stating facts.
I remember back in the day comedians would perform at universities and college town bars to test out new material. Those times are long gone.
conan has had norm on like fifty times, both before and after 98
Did you even read what I originally wrote?
I mean the reaction is funny too me
It's funny how people react to facts. I originally responded to someone who complained gay people or minorities get extra time for stand up
i don't really see what's weird about that. what are you trying to imply?
yeah I am the one who originally complained. I get that its funny that people are reacting negatively to the actual facts but I am saying I think its too long and drawn out.
I am not even complaining about them getting extra time I just find it weird. Like out of all places where you can truly push for equality and give everyone the same chance some people feel that women and gay people should have more time.
Even though I am not open about it in my stage material I am gay, but I have never taken advantage of how I could get more stage time.
>I think its too long and drawn out.
That's why it's funny. People are still salty even after the set. They tell him he is the worst person to exist
Its boring, if I was in the audience I would had left too, not because of being offended but because it was just someone stating facts.
He is just getting cheap heat, he knows that they do not want to hear this kind of stuff which makes it easy to get a reaction out of them.
You have no sense of humor. If I was in the crowd I would be laughing at the people leaving, giving the finger, heckling, they couldn't stop him and he couldn't back down.
I know why people find it funny but I just find it cheap, yeah it got a chuckle out of me when he told that chick to get into a car crash. But come on, having people expecting to hear jokes and then turning it into him spewing facts is just an easy bait and switch.
If he had actually put together jokes that also stated facts while leaving out the slurs it would had been fantastic.
Did you watch the whole thing? You have no self-awareness
I got about 13 minutes in. I got bored
Yeah I figured. Watch the whole thing
that's one of the best bits of all time. good thing it never got over repeated to make me hate it.
As douche chilling as he is Kevin Hart
I did, I really do not find it as funny as you are making it out to be.
What? You really do have no sense of humor. You complain about minorities getting preference but I think they just shelf you because you are bad
So you don't actually want to have a conversation about comedy?
I'm talking to you. Having a conversation. If you equate that set to Nannete you are lost
What do you think
finally, someone who agrees kevin hart is not funny. i tried to watch the netflix special, its literally unwatchable. its not even stand up, its a weird little guy just saying stuff in a "im black, im black" voice
as the cumtown guys said on one of their podcasts, twitter killed open mike nights, therefore killed stand up.
any stupid joke you wanna test you just post on twitter, not wait til you have 3 of them then do an open mike 5 mins
but they both suck
What's your favorite stand up comedian?
OMG Aziz, nooo!!!
No I said it was the opposite of Nanette. In Nanette she panders to the crowd, Sam does the opposite. The thing that they both have in common is that they barely tell any jokes.
Also if you were just trying to have a conversation why would you try to insult me?
alonzo hambuger jones
Ali Wong even though her feet suck bulgogi curtains
has anyone seen Norm's Netflix show? I'm kind of interested but also kind of skeptical
Stand up is dying due to over saturation. Theres too many fucking comedians now.
I think Norm is at his best when he's making everyone vaguely uncomfortable or telling a joke that would be bad from anyone else but is saved by his delivery
all those faggots will quit just like in the late 80's.
yes, everyone gets the bit sam did, and now the bit you're doing. its transparent as fuck
I'm not doing "a bit" wtf
This will always make me love Norm forever.
ol billy blue balls on the morning shows. what a fuckin fairy.
I forgot about
>he's an ay-rab if that helps
and I almost snorted up my tonsils
They said this shit in the early 90s and it came back by the end of the decade
It will be fine as long as people like funny
yeah but now we have many more entertainment alternatives and stand-up is starting to look antiquated. Memes are the future of comedy
You're on the computer
>Hey Norm you can also access Youtube on your new tablet
>No I don't think that is true, I can only access it on my computer
Do people really use tablets?
comedy is dying
Well censorship is the main problem. If you stifle free speech no matter what is being said you hurt everyone
Leaving us comedy like this
For me, it's Colin Quinn
I don't think it's weird that people are crying for Jesus Christ to walk the Earth again and also crying for the next Hitler
4 minutes in and this is not funny at all
nice 4's