Why the hate?

Was a solid movie.

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Psychotic Albert Einstein

Rob Zombie did it better.

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Only thing I remember is the daughter being a qt

1 was quality but 2 was bullshit

i thought it was fine
the sister had a nice body

better than i figured itd be but still meh. they need to go back to the original tone like they tried to do but keep it in a neighborhood the whole time. really map it out and have the new protag hiding in the dark between houses like part 4 as shes stalked, breaking into places out of sheer panic

You know you want it

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no it was a near shot for shot remake of the first with a shitty Michael backstory that nobody wanted
he should also face the rope for having michael talk and constantly showing his face in 2

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Zombie should’ve just made his own trailer trash slasher movie instead of shoehorning it into a Halloween movie.

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Lots of lefty critics claimed it was right wing pro-gun propaganda.

I thought it was pretty good

1 was bullshit but 2 was quality

Only decent 2

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>best plot
>best protagonist
>best girl
>best poster
>best antagonist
>best ending

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>"he was actually her brother all along and also he gets his power from pagan magic oh and he moves like a robot now"
this one literally ruined the franchise

Redpill me on Myers. Could never appreciate him mostly due to the knife. I don't think it's that creative a weapon nor ever led to any particularly noteworthy kills. If anything it constantly made me wonder why Myers never gouged his own hand open accidentally gripping that slippery bloody blade, or how a small butcher knife could somehow make it's way through an entire chest and plunge itself far enough into the wall to hold it's pinned victim up in the air. I know he's The Shape. I get you're not supposed to "get it" and some shit is unexplainable but I just don't know. Even the schlocky knock off shit aside, Friday The 13th will always be the superior franchise to me

Pagan magic shit was cut in theatrical. Only slowly made its way out through extended editions and subsequent shitty lore snowballing.

>the driving force was the mother in a princess outfit on a unicorn

How the fuck was he not laughed out of show business for that?

He is a primordial force of murder manifest in the form of a human instead of a cat.

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>Michael's first line in the entire franchise is "I'M NOT LISTENING! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

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I just watch 1-5 and disregard the rest.

5 is underrated

Saw the 2018 version a few days ago. Pretty strong entry in the series.
Also "Resurrection" looked like such fucking trash I never bothered seeing it. And I'm a yuge fan of the franchise.

a yuge fan would watch fucking part 8, user. especially since H20 is by far the weakest entry in that series if you don't count zombie's H2. at least watch resurrection for its high level of retardation.

1 and 2018 are the only halloween films worth a damn

First act is 5/10 2nd act is 9/10 3rd act is 3/10
Some autist do the math

oh wow guns help you kill bad guy


The ending was really fucking dumb and underwhelming after all the buildup they did with Laurie going full doom prepper.
She has dozens of guns yet her endgame piece against Michael is blowing up her own house without any way to confirm his death? It's so stupid it blows my mind.

Killing them off so soon was lame

5.666 (that's repeating, of course)/10

I mostly just like the first movie because it's a creepy serial killer flick with some basis in reality, they ruin it in the sequels.

Michael isn't supernatural anymore, locking someone in a cage inside a burning house means they die. Also you're wrong, it was a great ending.


Glad I'm not the only one who likes 4 and 5, 6 was such a step backwards after some solid slasher flicks.

They've got him breathing during the end credits and the director is working on funding a sequel, he's still got supernatural bullshit or something.

I've been told time has been kind to 4.

It's been a while since I've watched it but I remember 4 and 5 actually being pretty spooky and having some decent kills (including at some halloween party in a field or something).
Also now I wanna rewatch Freddy vs Jason.

4 is more ok outside one of the worst Myers masks

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4 is better than 5...though they both basically feel like one continuous movie. Wasn't real keen on introducing the Thorn plot device, but whatever.

Halloween 2018 was too safe, it was the safest calculation and that's why it feels so light and unsatisfying yet difficult to criticise and pinpoint. We've been bludgeoned with two decades of shitty horror, which only makes the original two Halloweens, the first six F13s, and four or five ANOES seem basically Terminator tier now.

Halloween 2018 was an event film, it was released at Halloween which rarely ever fucking happens, yet thry were sure to keep it feeling small to justify its ties to the original. It's really just H20 again, but with a mild tastemaker attitude that places it above it. What it lacks though is the X-factor of the original two movies. Carpenter wasn't concerned about test screenings and demographics and trends. He was inspired by crisp German Gothic stylings. That brilliance of the theme music. He chose the perfect girl in Jamie Lee, whereas 2018 had shitty characters of all ages that were intentionally underdrawn. It felt like the Halloween holiday was finally well presented yet it was too safe feeling. A lot of kids don't even trick-r-treat alone or in neighborhoods, they go to parking lots or big parent meetups.

The movie says "How hard is this to fuck up? All these other sequels sucked though" yet it brings nothing artistically fresh or truly scary to the table. It's like how you rarely see kids in cool handmade costumes now so when you do see one, you give it too much credit. You credit it with paying respect to the better past but can't bother with why it doesn't equal the past, because times change. Halloween 2018 is a passable costume only because America is fizzling. But it introduced Carpenter to Zoomers and didn't start a rapper or Amy Schumer as a reporter. The real challenge will be sequels. Now they have to confront their safety and limitations.

pretty good analysis

Well said user, it feels like the TFA of horror films.
Hopefully they can surpass the safe feeling it had with the next film and make the killings actually spooky.

I was pretty excired for the film honestly. Hill's and McBride's work on Vice Principals really showed they could do tension and violence well.

I was left feeling kinda bored throughout the film. It didnt have the punch I was hoping for. Even Michael killing a kid didnt effect me. Its not like I wanted a gore fest, but most of it felt really tame to me. It just didnt deliver.

That being said I liked the stomping scene.

I remember thinking H20 was better when it came out. Revisiting it again earlier this year, it's really not that good and feels too much like a PG-13 time capsule of that era with that cast. Also the mask changes a few different times in the film, none of which were good. Just a meh entry.

>I was left feeling kinda bored throughout the film. It didnt have the punch I was hoping for.
This was the same for me, I was really hoping we'd get to see more of Laurie hunting him down rather than making really dumb mistakes like facing him up front.
I kind of wish they waited until the end to kill off his psychiatrist, I thought him wanting to be a serial killer was a neat twist and would have been cool to see Michael have a partner in crime.

The Halloween sequels often work as interesting time capsules for what was popular with the genre at the time. H20 was basically just SCREAM 4. The Rob Zombie duology and all their hateful, nihilistic gore was emblematic of the "torture porn" era.

I imagine Halloween 2018 will be remember as the "elevated horror" installment, in that it was made by reputable filmmakers kind of slumming it in the horror genre, but I only saw it once while super drunk and don't really remember it enough to make a cohesive argument.

I think it'll be rembered as a soft reboot installment. Thats a big thing right now tok.

I'd argue the bathroom scene at the gas station was pretty fucking scary. They did a great job of making you feel helpless, claustrophobic and trapped.

the bit with the teeth was the only really memorable thing from the movie

I really liked the scene with the boy and his dad. It's one conversation, but it did a lot to make the characters' deaths feel somewhat meaningful. But I can understand why some people might not care for that in a Halloween movie.

>A lot of kids don't even trick-r-treat alone or in neighborhoods, they go to parking lots or big parent meetups.
wtf source

it was shit

The hype for H20 was as high as the 2018 film, because it was the Dawson Creek/Scream writer who arguably helped bubblegum the genre into the WB channel, which devolved into the disgraceful overlit Platinum Dunes "high test" reboots of Freddy, Jason and Leatherface.

The weird thing is how audiences are magnetically drawn to Michael Myers yet perenially disappointed when the movie is over. Even with H20 it wasn't a barn burner, but the decapitation ending did send people out thinking it was pretty good. You can argue that Myers isn't as scary now, he only has a knife, he's vaguely mortal even when he's not. But this is where the sequels must venture, the goal should be make the scariest fucking stalker movie ever, like Shining tier, plus viral kills. But Carpenter always saw the flaw of dwindling returns in Myers which is why SotW happened. They also need to just come out and address that Myers has traversed into pure unstoppable evil, without any rationalizing exposition. Just like if Ted Bundy kept coming back or Richard Ramirez. I always liked that a cult would begin idolizing Myers, because that happens irl but you can't use the cult for any supernatural shit. And they missed out and not having a few killers on the bus get away in 2018 and create parallel mayhem. Although I bet they use that in a sequel(s) where a copycat arises on Halloween.

>his psychiatrist, I thought him wanting to be a serial killer was a neat twist
Okay in theory but so cheesily executed as winking commentary on quack psychiatry. It was something out of a Hammer film.

Imagine if they did that Halloween/Hellraiser crossover after Resurrection.

>the bathroom scene at the gas station
Except this was taken wholesale from Zombie's movie, which was odd

It had several good moments

Carpenter’s new soundtrack

The nuthouse scene

The bathroom scene

Myers randomly going house to house killing

The fight with Laurie

I heard it was supposed to be two installments which makes sense. They left a lot of things hanging which would’ve been picked up in the second half

Actually Zombie took it from H20


Halloween 2 was better.

Well the original ending was Laurie's granddaughter was revealed to have murdered someone during Michael's melee and that she was a natural born killer. But they totally reshot it due to early screenings tanking. She was supposed to take the mantel, and probably stir up "is it anti feminist" "no she's awesome" bait.

Ive seen it before.

Adults will just go to a parking lot open their trunk with a bucket of candy, and the kids will just walk around the parking lot getting candy from them.

Kek. Reduced to three decades of microwaving.

Yeah, Steve Miner had some odd connections what with FT13 and Dawson's Creek.
I'm old enough to have seen H20 and part 6 in theaters I remember them being hyped up. Still got love for "Curse", but the producers cut was better IMO. Hell I even remember when part 5 was a "new release".

I was wondering about that. One of the biggest disappointments in Halloween 5 is how they swept Jamie going psycho at the end of 4 under the rug

I doubt Carpenter has watched H20 or H2018. Wonder if he even views three new movies a year. What is your ideal and idea for the next sequel?

This is fucking great.

Zombie's Halloween 2 is a shlocky Stephen King-esc b-horror movie kino and most people haven't realized it yet because it strayed so far from the source material that they just sort of blocked it out.

He viewed 2018. He did the whole soundtrack for it

Oh man, ideally the next one would just keep the shit creepy/dark. Don't fuck around too much with kiddo dialog scenes to pad the running time. No rapper cameos. Make the mask look as close to the same as possible. I'm pretty open to whatever ideas they come up with if it isn't comically annoying.

Exactly. And I'm pretty sure you could spin/headcanon Laurie into making the fire trap because she really does believe there's something supernatural about Michael on at least an unconscious level. The phrase "kill it with fire" resonates for a reason.

based theme music

It's far cooler what Zombie did than shit like TCM with Biehl. For some reason The Joker can get alternative iterations but Myers can't? You can argue Zombie just remade the original in part 1, but it's like Lobo meets Creepshow meets HBO's Autopsy vision. Maybe he should have done it as a comic book first. I'd much rather see unique directors do something with Jason or Freddy than try to Xerox the original films, if they're given full creative control. Even if the films are shit they can crack open new ideas about the characters and explore aesthetics. Imagine peak Oliver Stone doing Freddy, or Cary Fukunaga doing Jason. Unfortunately Zombie has really burned himself out, and this Devil's Rejects sequel looks bottom barrel. It sucks that he wouldn't put more time into it. It won't even be theatrical iirc. His reboot of The Blob would have been a perfect match for building upon his style.

His son did most of the soundtrack. Watching scenes to score in a sound room and sitting on a couch or in a theater are different. I doubt he's seen the movie just pieces of it.

>Carpenter’s new soundtrack
>The nuthouse scene
Hammy over-dramatic shit
>The bathroom scene
Looked cheap and it was dogshit
>Myers randomly going house to house killing
>The fight with Laurie
Fuck, you have some shit taste my friend.

most entertaining part of the movie was when the grandma shows up at dinner and has a breakdown. when the mom goes “this is why we don’t reach out!” me and my friends just burst into complete laughter and the whole movie went like that after

Rob Zombie H2, and Halloween 6 are the ultimate pleb filters. Takes a masters in film studies to realize that both of those films are pure masterpieces.

2018 was great. I liked him better when he was more focused and not just doing random killings. It makes him have more predator cunning when he chooses his victims.

1978 is my favourite horror film. I think it's perfect. The sequel is almost as good, needs editing to shorten it and take out some pointless kills. I like the occult stuff. 4 is pretty good until Michael gets too much screen time and it gets a bit boring. Halloween 4 has the greatest ending of any horror film though. 5 is a bit uninteresting.

>>Carpenter’s new soundtrack

The soundtrack was fantastic.

>>The fight with Laurie
>Fuck, you have some shit taste my friend.

Fuck off, the music made the scene


I can't stand the white trash caricature of the Rob Zombie films. Can't watch them.

Wow such interesting and unique observations you have user.

Everything after the word "trash" was unnecessary, user.

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That guitar stab is the best shit.

>hl. For some reason The Joker can get alternative iterations but Myers can't?

If Zombie did The Joker he’d be failed a white trash rodeo clown that beats his wife who’d be played by Zombie’s whore wife