Holy fuck

holy fuck

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I know, it sucked

Tryhard feminist bullshit

It was kino. Only downside was no acid tripping lesbo scene.

i know it was based
/pol/ incels got mad when an all female cast movie is genuinely great

What I learned is that women are incompetent and can't be trusted to do anything

Need more mutant kino

but all the women are deeply flawed and fuck up consistently

it's cancer

heres your (you) now get back to tumblr.

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Agreed, I thought it was amazing.

Shit movie


wasn't the older lady in charge of recruiting soldiers that are supposed to be mentally stable but all the women had mental problems
is this a shamalam film?

lol what a forgettable trash flop

kino soundtrack coming thru


yeah, portman's ass looked big in it

Their flaws were the solution to the entire problem. ha ha. Women are perfect even when they're fuck ups!


I didn't mind it. Though I often like Alex Gardland's stuff.

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Imagine how fucked up you must be if this is the interpretation.

More like she was in charge of recruiting people to go on a suicide mission and assumed even if she found the thing she wasn't coming back herself and even if she did she had cancer so stability and even the odds of success were kind of moot points. She just wanted to see for herself before she died.

They were throwing shit at the wall by that point and all it really cost them was some field gear and dispensable personnel so why not. 4 people with backpacks and rifles is basically a negligible expenditure, not like they flew them in on a stealth bomber or anything.

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you should try liking things

Soundtrack was done by Geoff Barrow and Ben Salisbury from Portishead, so of course it was kino.

>they all die sans natalie portman depending on how you take the ending

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It was cool.

Your kind needs to fucking die.
I already have a hard time trying to dismantle the infiltrated feminism on academia without retards like you fucking it up.

holy fuck it’s a mainstream feminized, actionized, dumbed down rip-off of Stalker

still enjoyed it tho

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RLM talking about the very well developed characters with jay praising the ambulance driver thar tought that the guy on that video was fine...

what a bunch of hack pricks, jesus christ.

this movie is pathetic and the writer of the books - its a trilogy - has the worst agent, because this shit had it all the potential to become the new lost if it was turned into a tv show.

the furnace of creation

i didn't get the twist or the plot much but holy shit were the visuals kino

>dumbed down
It's at least on par thematically. The direction is not Tarkovsky though.

It was a suicide mission to begin with. They didn't care about the soldiers they recruited this time around. They wanted to see it themselves and it costed nothing to allow them and maybe have some sorts of results if they ever succeed (which they kinda did in the end).

> actually trying to change academia
You poor soul. Just scraps whatever you can to make a name of yourself before it eats you. You can't win.

well yes

Great movie

book wise, they had sent thousands of expeditions over the course of decades into the zone with all of them never returning or quickly dying of cancer upon their return (because they were clones).

it was shit, vandermeer is an absolute confirmed literal fucking retard. I swear to god if this was the 19th century I'd challenge him to a duel because his literature offends me so much

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>jew woman cheats on her jew husband with nig

why did hollywood blacklist this movie?

you wouldnt do shit in any time period because youre a little pussy bitch

I really really liked the beer scene

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It was kino. The climactic scenes with the alien being were mysterious and strange, I loved them

niggerman hahha

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Stalker rehash

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climax ruled. Some of the earlier stuff was a little too much with the cgi but overall bretty good heady scifi movie. Not enough of those these days so I'll gladly take what I can get.

I know the books were goddamn disappointing

everything besides the environment and the atmosphere was pretty stupid

Very cool artistically.








It was a trip. I loved it.

>female thor walking to her death

That shit was so surreal

Have sex
Im kidding this movie is fucking terrible
muh visuals

Based and redpilled

this might be my MOTY 2018

Was very medium.

The part where the husband was literally cuckolded into committing suicide honest to god sounds like a Yea Forums copypasta, but it really fucking happened.

It's actually a mix of Stalker, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing and some video games.

>movie full of interracial propaganda
>basically an entire thread going "eh, it was okay"
Worst board on Yea Forums, or the worst board on Yea Forums?

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What do you expect from Netflix?

>Yea Forums

That people at least realize what they're being shown, but seeing from this thread they don't. All fine and dandy with these movies that advocate for cuckoldry and interracial relationships.

It wasn't bad but I all that pushed libcucк meme shit
>muh stronk millitant fems
>dat ugly mutt scientist girl
>main heroine cheats on his husby
>cheats with negro
>husby is weak cuck who ends up being replaced with ayyy Imao

anyway it was entertaining, visually sparking and intriguing
>dat skeleton on the wall
>dat snakes in the stomach
>dat bear scene
>dat lighthouse sequence

although this shit is just a rip off of the Roadside picnic
which adaptation we sadly won't ever see

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>black people make me insecure

Anyone can shit on the movie all they want, since it really wasn't that good, but this whole scene was fucking kino and no one can say otherwise.

Spin in however you want, schlomo, I won't pay to watch your (((propaganda))).

>The Jooooooos
Rent Free.
There are real tangible problems in this world, and a Jewish cable secretly encouraging people of different skin colours to have sex with each other, is not one of them.

It is very much a problem, which leads to many of those "real tangible" problems you mentioned.

>watch movie expecting something close to the faithful Roadside Picnic film I've always wanted
>get a decent adaptation of a shitty ripoff book that ignores everything that makes RP good
Pretty disappointing. I like Garland but you can only polish a turd so far.

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It was really bad, im surprised this didn't end her career.

i actually said this to my friend when we were watching it. i didn't know someone else would make the connection.

It's what happens when you make good female characters and a decent movie.

>>movie full of interracial propaganda
the blacking is shown in bad light

Wassup Rosenstein

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This, her getting blacked was what caused the couple's path down mutual self destruction

>/pol/ incels
really wish they would fuck off and stay off this board.

monster designs were really cool, but the story and characters sucked, the ending especially was really lame

he gonna be okay?

Why leave when we can stay rent free? Keep crying pussy

You are confusing "/pol/ incels" for normal people.

go back to your containment board

That was the basic gestalt on Yea Forums when it was first out

good fucking luck with that dude.Just throw the whole thing out

>faithful Roadside Picnic film
You want alcoholic Russian slice of life?

oh honestly i didn't pay attention to the annihilation threads.

It was good. The only reason anyone hates it is because they perceive it as a feminist work, which it isn't even in the slightest. Having four women at the forefront does not make it a feminist movie.

I put off watching this because everyone on Yea Forums made it seem as if it was the worst try-hard thing ever at the time of its release, but of course, Yea Forums is always wrong. It's a very well made science fiction movie that honors the source material it is based off.

>woman in early 30s
>war veteran but also a teaching academic

Hell yeah.
But seriously, my favorite parts of the novel were how it showed how both mainstream and scientific culture reacts to the presence of a totally alien and unexplainable phenomenon. Tarkovsky's film didn't really do that, and Annihilation ignored it entirely because the "shimmer" (stupid name) was top-secret.

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Its okay. Legit could be there like run of the mill sci fi films with bad CGI from 2000s. It got a good gimmick tho, where all the cast were womens, so it turn more heads in than it should be.

It's obvious to anyone that has watched Stalker.

Writing was absolute fucking garbage.

They're supposed to be a group of scientists, a paramedic and a psychologist, yet they all talk like they're highschoolers in a horror b-movie.

Music and visual design was good though.

Put pee hole in pee hole.

First time watching a movie?

Every once in a while I like to take a while to imagine what would be possible if Stalker had been made with the special effects of Annihilation
Who knows, maybe some day someone will make an actual Roadside Picnic movie

would've been mine if I hadn't of seen Burning

the humanoid clone dance scene was anticlimactic as fuck, source material isn't a masterpiece but at least it manages to communicate a sense of weirdness (as in weird fiction)
also VanderMeer is a hack
t. bookfag

The closest we'll get to a good version of Lovecraft's Colour Out of Space.

The book was fun but the energy ball scene with the sounds was something as well. If there had been more of subtle creepiness like in the book, it wouldve been better. I just rolled my eyes when the black girl just turned a corner into a tree.

Except the women were the only team that succeeded?
>you're a dumb as shit retard

Thinking about it more, i wouldve liked to see her transform into a disgusting art piece like in the pool scene

They're making an adaptation of that with Nicolas Cage

>i didn't know someone else would make the connection.
You mean the most parroted thing on these threads?

I really enjoyed seeing hershlag fuck a black guy :)

>that bear mutant imitating the final screams of that woman as she was mauled to death

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>saving images/gifs/webms of underage girls
expect a knock on the door soon

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BMWF is worse for white women in every meaningful way (poverty, divorce, domestic abuse, etc.) so why is it promoted so heavily by the media? You wouldn't expect them to push smoking so hard, right?

>movie is about self destructiveness
>they defeat the alien by teaching it self destructiveness while before it was the embodiment of evolution
>Portman being blacked is portrayed as self destruction
The movie is incredibly redpilled

>supposed to be mentally stable
Literally the opposite. They all had at least one major fuck up and the idea was to see how they’d handle it


I enjoyed it. It got the feel of lovecraft than most films


Literally Paying the toll for burning the coal the movie.

I loved the bear scene because I could see what a less competent filmmaker would have done with it. We could have easy had the stupid cliche "monster chase through the house", the characters just barely escaping it clutches and having to kill it by dropping a furnace on it or some dumb shit. No. In this movie, the first girl to get free grabs her rifle and blows it brains out. I liked that it didn't waste my time.

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Its time you stop pretending to hate feminism and admit you hate women

name a better fractal horror/abstract performative dancing scene you cant

>doesn't appreciate good aesthetics in film
why even watch a movie? just read a book faggot

haha nice you sound like the man

nothing even remotely feminist about the movie. it was all female cast but it wasn't drawing attention to that. these we're flawed and broken women marching to their doom. no marysues here.

Eh? Is that one with rainbowish field? What so memorable about it?

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why do black guys make you feel so insecure?

Tbf no one wants to fuck black chicks so can you blame them? They put bmwf in shows because literally no one, even black people, wants to see it.

It was fine, I suppose. I didn't really care much for most of the movie. Some of the visuals were pretty good though and the last fifteen minutes or so when Pepsiman shows up were genuinely great. The last bit back at the base felt forced and unnecessary however.

I was also pleasently surprised that the movie understood what makes cosmic horror work well enough to not try and explain what or why things happened.

I would watch quadroon being bleached. Maybe there are some halfs that are decent looking too.

women living rent free

>>they defeat the alien

I mean she defeated the one but there was still Oscar's alien

My thoughts exactly. Sad to see Yea Forums hates it because they have terrible relationships with their mothers.

6/10 movie with a few 8/10 scenes

Because that is the intellectual limit of all women no matter how many paper degrees you hand them.

There was no singular alien. It was more like a disease. Anything that went inside the shimmer or whatever they called it came out as something else, including Portman. She is no longer human. They can't defeat it because there's nothing to defeat.

Not him but why?
I love women but new age feminism is god awful. No one likes it.

Has a couple decent scenes and a whole lot of stupid ones
One of the most average movies ever


>Very first time passing through a mysterious barrier
>Only one person has ever returned and he's fucked in the head
>Getting closer
>Literally steps away
>Maintains speed and casually walks through without so much as looking up.
Is this the power of female filmmaking? Contrast this to Stargate. If I'm approaching that barrier, I'm slowing down, stopping, sticking my hand out or some shit, and looking up at it. Will entering the barrier hurt? Will it feel strange? Maybe I'll throw a rock through it. Cinematically this should be the second biggest moment in the movie behind the finale, but here they are just fucking strolling through with their heads down like they're walking home from school.

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This, we needed at least one lesbian orgy scene that quickly became fucked up as their flesh begins to merge together until it's just one giant amorphous ball of flesh writhing upon itself.

>mixed breeding is not being pushed
nah it actually is, it embodies the entire techne of jewish societal subversion; tikkun olam. Race mixing is exalted as it represents the melding of the two pillars, the black pillar of jachin and the white pillar of boaz, an upward facing triangle and a downward facing one = the star of remphan; saturn IE star of david. Judaism is all about mixing darkness with light to create a twilight material that can be molded to their will. U don’t know shit brainlet, actual powerful people believe this and and expend tremendous resources to make their beliefs reality. Stay simp, brainlet.

this, slow sci-fi is the only sci fi everything else turns into garbage.

damn son

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Plenty of other people had done it before. They would have looked silly.

>mutant alien beer
does it have little deer swimming around in it?

that's a real good point

>benchmarking alien

Also not him, but I’d imagine because he’s got to the point he’s jumping at shadows because it involves women.
Hating something like NuWars because of the pathetically obvious agenda is one thing, but Annihilation is about the self destructive tendencies of the women involved, not an obnoxious political soapbox.

>snakes in the stomach
It wasn't snakes, it was the intestines given a life of their own through evolution.

burning is VERY good id say on par with this. theyre two different movies so hard to judge them equally but yeah. shoplifters was okay but not as good as those 2

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