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>even when under anaesthetic, her only thoughts are of cock

She's an unmarried 32 year old, how did you ever think she was the one?

Why do women even exist for, besides being holes for men to fuck?


white women are digusting and hidious beast who love black men. fuck them. i cannot wait to genocide them so we can have artificial wombs and sex bots while we import our asian waifus who represent our waifus

you're just a cuck who likes women. you're beta. meanwhile guys like me REJECT women and their poison shit because we're the real alphas

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To imede our progress and cause endless suffering

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What an awful existence to live.

Literally all of my unhappiness in this world has come from women

Okay, now this is based

The only shame is in taking pride in it.


The Jew laughs as she murders her unborn child!

>hehe oh me

>autistic whining is based

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>Adam and Eve

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When I had an abortion, I was put under. When I came to, the first thing I remember asking the doctor was when I could have sex again. He told me I'd already fucked him twice. #YouKnowMe

I'm jewish and I don't think that. Quite the opposite, I think having children is the most amoral decision a person can make. What right do you have to make the most important decision of a person's life (whether or not they will exist) by necessity without their consent?

>be retarded whore
> get knocked up
>waste state money to fix your mistake
>come back to
>"when can i get knocked up again?"

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Abortion is fine but the american championing of it is creepy as fuck.

If they were shitskins the human race would have ended right there
back to /r/cuckhold

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>liberals: aborting your child is a very hard decision. Theres no way women will do it every chance they get.

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>70s - 90s
Safe and rare
lol when can i do this again?

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