DCcucks bow down to kiss Marvel's feet. lol sad

DCcucks bow down to kiss Marvel's feet. lol sad

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Are Marvel actors under some slave contract shit or something?

No but my mom is.

>Get a role in one movie
>You are now owned by Disney and can't do roles without asking your master for permission.

Disney is the death of cinema.

Do they even own FOX media yet? I thought the deal doesn’t go through until the end of the year


There's a heavy no compete clause basically, MCU actors, mostly big names are NOT allowed to be in films for any competition, dunno if that include's Sony's gay ass Marvel universe.

Though we lost out on Chris Hemsworth as Superman so I'm not a happy camper.

Why did DC even want to cast this ugly nigger?

that's disgusting. not the slave part but knowing you're black

This. You would think they would have to ask Fox for permission instead.

I've met her. Her hair fucking reeks.

This sounds like bullshit to me

Not necessarily, happened all the time. Fox had to make a trade to Disney to get Nega Sonic Teenage Warhead.

i bet it smells like apple blossums and love

That's for use of the character not the actress

i mean jaimie alexander had to ask permission to audition for wonder woman

who here would zazie her beets if you get what im saying

>Studios still have negros as slaves

Chris would've been a shit Superman regardless. Now Hemsworth as Batman...

he looks like a caveman so no batman

Zazie Beetz would have been cast in Joker before the Fox Merger so I don't see why they would need permission from Marvel

He would be shit at both. He's crap unless he's playing a clown

Contract stuff

Wait is Zazie Beats her actual name? Not a superhero character or something?

OP shoot yourself.


you think you can go up against based marvel? you can't

why can't niggers just have normal hair

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why do niggers insist on having wild hair?

Based DC/WB poaching from Marvel/Disney once again
>Patty Jenkins (left as director of Thor 2, ended up on Wonder Woman)
>Gal Gadot (almost Gamora in GotG)
>Jason Momoa (almost Drax in GotG)
>James Gunn (you know the story)
>Zachary Levi (Fandral in Thor 2 & 3, became CHADZAM!!!)
>tried to get Jaimie (Sif) Alexander to play Wonder Woman
>Ava DuVernay hired as director on New Gods

because to them making them have normal hair that conforms to standards is racist. They literally think having dreadlocks is their "culture".

As the joker hmmmm

>Joaquin Phoenix (almost Doctor Strange)

Why do wh*te "people" shoot up schools?

>Joss Whedon (shitcanned after Avengers 2 underperformed, saved Justice League)

James Gunn is working for both tho, so its not really poaching.

T. dcuck

None of those are poaching, because none of them were attached to Marvel when DC hired them. Jenkins had long been fired, Gadot didn't get the role, Momoa turned his down, Gunn had been fired and is now doing both, Levi's character got killed off, Alexander was the one that wanted to audition and DuVernay got axed after her movie flopped.

Blacks would shoot up schools even more if you niggers ever went to one.

now you know why Tom Holland doesn't go out much outside of Marvel/Sony circle. poor lad, he'll be Birdman at 35 y.o

shut up

This bitch is in Joker? Why? His girlfriend is Harley Quinn, not some negress

Niggers are kind of like women in that they do this gay empowerment shit like they have something to prove. Wearing their hair "natural" is seen as some statement against white beauty standards and white society as a whole. White people (i.e. men) realize that they have nothing to prove to anyone but themselves so they're much less likely to do stupid shit as a statement.

It’s German. Her dad is German.

To be honest black women straighten their hair and try to look like white women. It's the jewish producers of these movies that want blacks who look like they came out of the jungle

You realize wearing their hair natural doesn’t have to be a political statement right? It’s literally just how black hair looks.

they needed a token

It's not natural, it's a hippie thing. White boys started letting their hair grow and niggers did the same. Because not going to the hairdresser is somehow a sign of rebellion againts the establishment.

Is that were she got that rockin jawline?

I want her to murder me with those thighs.

must be some wack ass contract. wasn't domino basically a one off character anyway?

This film seems to have a lot of woke BS. Those white boys who beat the Joker in the subway, seriously it's ridiculous. If they wanted to be credible they would have them beat him in a bar and be sort like bikers or rednecks. Not white boys in suits in the subway.

...it's natural

to kill said nigger