What is it? How do you go about it? And no, doesn't have to have shared universe connections.
You're given an enormous budget to make the movie/series you dream of
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Fuck off Hollywood! Just because you have no ideas, don't think you steal ours
An alt history where the Nazis invade the US in the 1960s, and a special SS task force brutally slaughters the Hollywood Jews. The twist is that the SS were the good guys the whole time.
I'll run away with the money and spend it on myself like a fat fuck
An epic thriller about the black plague
STALKER series.
A Punisher trilogy in the vain of the Nolan Batman movies, basically Frank is the only 'hero' around - there is no Iron Man, no Cap, no Thor, its as realistic a world as possible.
The first movie's villain would be Gnucci crime family, and as a side villain The Russian.
Second would be like Dark Knight but with Jigsaw as the villain.
Third would end with Frank retiring from his vigilante escapades but not before bringing down William Rawlins, a crooked CIA agent whom Frank has a history with - adding people like Bushwhacker and Barracuda as side villains sent by Rawlins to kill Frank.
An actually realistic movie about someone who failed to adapt socially at a young age, but then massive redemption arc with great pacing of character growth as they learn from their mistakes. I would like to have two main characters who only just cross paths with each other and no other connections, and they aren’t super contrasting to each other because I think that’s cheesy, but it could show the many ways people do deal with growing up slower than others. One would get a girl and the other would probably fail by spilling spaghetti, I don’t have an ending yet but with how movies are going into the three hour range I could make it work
HBO mini series adaptation of Armor
>adaptation of pic related