Thanks for taking us to the movies user.
Wanna take us back to your place?
Oh, you live with your parents still...
Thanks for taking us to the movies user.
Wanna take us back to your place?
Oh, you live with your parents still...
imagine being older than 18 and still living with your parents
>being an imagine poster
I know there's gonna be 3 weiners in that bed but man... I'd go for it
i believe you are both dudes
Don't have to imagine it, I'm 32 and never moved out.
fuck will this stop me from getting a gf
No im a security engineer but yet I Iive in squalor and have no bed. We can have sex on some blankets on the floor and eat toasted everything bagels
yep 28 and havent moved out yet and those two are trannies
>tfw retarded thots and traps ruined glasses forever
They used to look so cute on cute grills ;_;
Actually, no. Ive found a place for myself. Its out in the country. Very secluded in fact. Youre both welcome to join me there.
Sorry im not attracted to tranny's
please wait until i leave before you 45% yourself. Would rather not have to answer questions to the police.
Hormone therapy and sex changes can't stop you from having a man face
The dude on the right ever do anything hardcore?
Whose the girl on the right
good goy, break apart your family unit, move out and start paying me rent
have a (you)
I was on my own from 18 to 25 but reached a point where I needed help. Live with my grandpa
Okay, is he cool?
why not just live with your grandparents so they dont have to live alone? i never understood why people dont do this.
The girl on the right looks exactly like the girl I lost my virginity too. This is weird
Have a (Muslim roof party)
even if i didnt know who natalie mars is they still look like men
It’s ok. The dungeon is soundproof.
Red flags on guys >unemployed
>have no real interests except "entertainment" (not only videogames, also tv-series, musig, podcasts, youtube misc)
>doesn't workout regularly
(Seriously, if i can wrap my hand around your arm it's a real turnoff)
>responds immediately on all messages
>can't go 2 weeks without sex/masturbation
>bored without his computer
>plays computer games
>bad relations with his parents
>have strong political oppinions
>live at home after high school
>can't cook food
>can't solve technical problems
>ashamed to admit he watch porn
>unvilling to make more physical contact
>have never been in a relationship with a girl
Seriously this shows that something is not right, especially if you are 20+
>bad hygiene, doesn't shower/brush teeth every day
>unmaintained beard/mustach
>have "cronical depression"
>says feminism is stupid
>spends all his money on computer or car
>or doesn't own anything of value
>is impulsive
>doesn't like being outside
>empty browser history
>never travels
>likes cartoons/comics/manga/2d or something similar
>no friends
>no female acquaintance
>no social media
>uncomfortable around animals/children
>has no drivers license
>has some form of autism
You've been to the Compound, Sue!
>be murican
>move out as soon as you hit 18
>never look back
>throw your parents in a rest house as soon as possible
how can you even defend this shit?
literally all me. what do i win?
Let's ignore all this shitposting for a second and be serious
Almost no one has any interests except entertainment, right?
Also, any qt I've ever known had a nerdy as fuck lanky bf
15 of those are me :)
I mean a lot of us go off to college after high school and live in dorms/apartments. I assume Europe is similar.
Least im an individual!!!
Anthony Cumia
>Almost no one has any interests except entertainment, right?
Feminism is stupid, you role playing faggot.
That's fair I guess
Loads of people though who just do shit like playing soccer once a week though