ITT things capeshit (I guess films in general) can learn from anime

ITT things capeshit (I guess films in general) can learn from anime
I'll start
>memorable soundtracks

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Having a developed arcs instead of a saturday morning villain plots
Infinity war + end game is closest so far

I'm pretty sure disney plan to do that going forward by having three film arcs

You're all fucking retards

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there should be bad character and good ones. then the good ones win

I honestly don't know why western media doesn't abuse soundtracks more often.
It's a cheap tactic, but it works.

Character development, formidable antagonists, no anticlimatic quips during moments of tention

Superman's soundtrack kept the film relevant for decades. I don't know why the MCU music is so bland

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Attactive females

Good fight choreography

naruto was based

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The original naruto series was genuinely an idealized fascist society. One of the very few right wing pierces of media there is, outside things like fist of the north star. Of course shippuden paints everything though a generic modernist lens.

>poorly written childish power fantasy
>idealised fascist society
Seems about right


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very few niggers if any.

Pretty sure it was based on Japanese feudalism

>Pretty sure it was based on Japanese feudalism
which was fascist.

Son, what is your definition of fascism? Does it align with any major English dictionary?

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>Japanese feudalism was fascist
It wasn't even a modern economy yet, how the fuck was it a corporate dictatorship?

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It was feudalistic you dip


Oh, the irony

I'll have you know that my capeshit quips are better than Naruto, okay?

>no anticlimatic quips during moments of tention
this, holy shit just embrace and soak in the tension

The shogunates were corporations.

No, I WON'T believe it!

>Corporations are military dictatorships

Have characters actually grow and learn from their mistakes

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