>*gets a divorce*
Is there no place for religious people in hollywood?
*gets a divorce*
She stopped loving him. Anna is a notorious chubby chaser and he got fit.
There's no place for religious people in this world
Unless you're Jewish, or Muslim or something besides Christian.
Bingo. While I have no idea what he is actually like, Chris doesn't strike me as a cheater. Partially because he's affiliated with so many franchises with children bases it would NOT go well for him. From my understanding Anna couldn't accept the change in dynamic. She couldn't handle that he was elevated to this high of a position and it got to her.
Doesn’t matter. Divorce is a sin. It’s one of those inconvenient ones that shit tier Christians conveniently never follow
Jesus don't real
they're all on the decline ultimately. ISIS was a pathetic last ditch attempt to bring back the old ways. in a lot of ways christfags lowkey admire them for their views on women and their minorities and so on
So is lying and I'm sure he's done that as well like everyone has, Divorce is not an unforgivable sin it's just unfortunate
And divorce is only allowed because we're not allowed to beat our wives anymore
Women are not equal and divorce is only a thing because they want to get paid to act like whores now.
No sin is unforgivable. Marriage is one of the sacraments though. Its fun to larp until it gets inconvenient and real.
I think that user said it in a good way.
organized religion exists to legitimize other power structures. Real spirituality can be found in Taoism, some kinds of Buddhism, and the occult.
>you cant prove a negative
>therefore I win
What about hitler? If he asked for forgiveness would Jesus forgive him for the 6 million?
but the 6 million never happened so sure, he's forgiven
Sure pal, and you are infallible of course
dance off bro
Yeah, Muslims just have their brothers kill their wife when she acts out too much.
marriages mean absolutely nothing anymore. why do we still have them?
What I'm trying to say is that most religious people (not just Christians) today are LARPing and don't truly believe.
Deluded men think they still mean something, and silly women want their fairy tale day in the spotlight.
> is the place for you
>Remarries immediately to another celebrity
Is he a Catholic?
Is the whole "marriage is for life. divorce isn't a thing" a mostly Catholic phenomenon?
That move is fucking embarrassing, and that line in particular. "No one can disprove that the invisible man lives in my house."
no, he's the heretical type of christian
Do you know where I can read up on the occult, user?
I'm catholic. I don't know a single person below 20 that still has faith in God. All the kids in my country are confirmed and shit but they don't really believe in God at all. They are all bombarded with science stuff and fall for the science vs religion dichotomy and stop believing.
Anyone who looks at the state of the modern world and still believes a God that remotely cares exists is a fool. Maybe there's an impartial, practical joker God who doesn't give a fuck rules on high, but not one who put down the 10 commandments. EVERYONE on Earth is going to Hell by those standards. And before you say "speak for yourself," you've already violated His word guaranteed, and are going to Hell by some metric.
Forgiveness for what?
He could have just killed the bitch and not set up future wars
Prove he doesn't exist
Just imagine being THIS American.
Technically, all religions fall under the """occult""" umbrella
I'm Colombian.
>dude there's no God because the world is shit lmao
As an atheist I hate this argument.
>all this autistic shit
why don't they just radiocarbon date another part of the cloth and end the argument already
He is a christian, of course he is an hypocrite.
Even worse
How does it feel to know that not even the Mexicans want you?
Its a valid argument I dare you to refute otherwise
Reading comprehension. I said there might still be a God, but He's completely disinterested at this point, or unable to affect the outcome like an RTS player who already made his turn. These arguments are bread and butter (all-powerful but not all just, or all just but not all powerful).
Because there's plenty of scientific reasoning and quantifiable evidence that there isn't and you pick the option that requires no intellect or education whatsoever. It's just basic nihilism.
>dude I just know lol dude trust me
How do you even have internet? Jesus Christ, tech companies bringing the world wide web to you apes was the biggest mistake since the industrial revolution.
I’ll bet you do
Lol that’s Guatemala dumbass
We don't know what came before the big bang theres no "scientific evidence" for that
What is real is the depths of suffering people are allowed
>an RTS player who already made his turn
fuck you.
Sorry lol, a Civ player then.
I honestly don't care about what mexicans think, I mean they aren't part of my congress or trying to get into my country (only really desperate Venezuelans do that).
Eh I don't live there anymore, but about everyone in the country has internet access through 3.5G mobile internet.
You're overrating the consequences of spics having internet desu, all they do is share cringy old memes. Posting gay propaganda shit and complaining about no having enough niggers on your tv screen on twitter is way worse.
Nope. Hollywood is inherently satanic.
>You're overrating the consequences of spics having internet desu, all they do is share cringy old memes
Outside of Twitter and Facebook, your filthy kind have ruined the internet with your sub-90 IQ ESL bullshit. I hope you all find the bullet your brains were destined for.
In college I minored in anthropology because I did love archeology, we had a very famous archeologist who did alot of ground breaking stuff in the native American area. the guy didnt trust carbon dating at all. He didn't give a shit about dating using years saying that half the time its wrong. I would take carbon dating with a grain of salt and do your own research.
is that where you take your kidnapped tourists and burn them as witches?