Regrets... I've had a few

Regrets... I've had a few.

Attached: i'm still hilarious.jpg (1003x597, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What'd he do to fuck himself over now?

Fuck off. Ant's still as funny as ever. I've never bought in to the bullshit "Oh, he's lost his touch", "Oh, he's a pedo", "Oh, he invited a tranny to his house once", "Oh, he's a racist". It's all bullshit. Who gives a single, sweet fuck if some loser, deadbeat virgins on a Reddit forum keep pissing about how much of a 'bad guy' he is? His shows are hilarious, his guests are great, he runs a great network. Why should anyone care about what these bitter, little virgins have to say? Ant's doing the best out of all of the O&A cast.

r/opieandanthony need to be hunted down and exterminated

t. Two shirt Tony

he unironically needs opie. Opie was the director

Whos this Moroccan rug weaver and why should i care?

He's an old hack who is having trouble competing with Youtubers 1/4 his age.

Opie was a retarded baby who constantly ruined the flow. 3 world class comedians shooting the shit, rolling with something funny and dumbo would make everyone 'hold on' while he took some call from a trucker who would then proceed to spend the next 45 seconds of the call making sure he was on the air and saying hello to each person in the studio individually. Unbelievable!

Also, that power-tripping faggot would make people like Colin and Patrice wait for 30+ minutes before putting them on. They're ready to come on and he'd just make them wait because he could. What a cunt.

There are nopie edits out there; edits of o&a shows where every single thing Opie says are edited out. They are very enjoyable. Do you see any O&A edits where Anthony or Jim have been taken out? Of course not. There would be no show to listen to if someone did that. It'd just be Opie complaining about Stern or Opie complaining about management or Opie complaining about the studio and then talking to some retarded trucker. Enough with this Opie steered the ship bullshit

>Where anthony. . .[has] been taken out?

well actually

opie was Machiavellian. his narcissism created an environment of tension, leading to some of the best "wheel of death" episodes.

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Opie has borderline personality disorder

Ant may be a train wreck but he's still way funnier than almost anybody on the planet

The money won't last forever, Joe...

same difference. he was misunderstood is all im saying

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Theres nothing more reddit army than hating the opiester, if ant and the other goombas are so great, how come theres no memorable moment worth a damn after opie era? no synergy buddy, opiester brought a few negatives but the positives of having him around gave us years of excellent show.

you have 2 choices: fire your unfunny best friend, or bankrupt your company

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That reads "entertainment fuel"

What happened now?

Ever since faggot reddit got rid of the o & a sub I haven't been paying attention



>who cares what bitter lonely virgins have to say

He should. It's the majority of his audience.

absolutely nothing, just liberals camping on Yea Forums(nel) needs you to hate Anthony The Cumia because he represents no no opnions.


Lol his show was shit for years

this the guy that fucked a tranny right?


He’s so isolated from the comedy world that he started hanging out with his fans regularly, everybody else hates him.

and bit a woman's hand


it already got shut down and banned from reddit


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But then again? Too few to mention

Sue lightning. Bought him his fake pair of tits too. The tranny goes by @TheSphereHunter on Twitter now.

I mean if you're going to bang a tranny you could pick worse, like any of the hideous Ben Franklin looking discord faggots swarming around Yea Forums at any given moment.

>t. Brother Joe

>in the studio
>rich vos
>bob kelly
>bill burr
>everyone is telling personal stories about traumatic childhood experiences
>everyone's throwing shit at each other, mood is good
>getting revved up to tell a story about how my mo-

>i watched a bunch of reviews and retrospectives by the tranny ant fucked without knowing

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Explain how im wrong plz. I only saw the pics of the tranny taking a selfie in ant's bathroom.