vax my cock biel1
whe are the anti circumsicion activist in hollywood?
I'd like to vax that ass, if you catch my drift.
so this is why HollyWEIRD refuses to cast her in capeshit
Basedpilled vaccines literally do nothing but harm
Women really fall for every dumb superstitious, mystical, pseudo-scientific nonsense
You start by believing horoscopes and next thing you know, your son is dead because you didn't vacinate him
Can I get a rundown on antivaxx position? Why is it bad? For example, I'm vaxxed against lockjaw because I used to work in a warehouse full of rusty nails n shiet, why was it a bad decision?
>Vaxxed for a good reason
>Legislate that all children get a drug
Some are not against all vaccinations, just against some vaccinations that were poorly made so that there is a high risk of side effects (measles accination) or are hardly effective (like flu vaccine every year)
>Legislate that all children get a drug
Why though? I would agree to disagree and leave it at being a personal choice, but the whole problem with diseases is that people spread them. So, by refusing to vax, you're not just putting yourself at risk, but many others around you.
a tiny group of people think it causes autism, a gigantic group of people shit on those people even though it has no impact on them because they are full of hate and need an easy target
>Can I get a rundown on antivaxx position?
Not on a Cambodian knitting board, no.
It would be like leaving getting a licence as a personal choice for drivers.
vaxxers eat shit, I'm with Jessica
You are a retard that does not know what herd immunity is.
can you at least show the entire chart, schizo
>even though it has no impact on them
wot is herd immunity
It's not bad, that guy is dumb
herd immunity is the reason some of these deadly diseases were pretty much eradicated, being mandated literally saved millions of lives
Vaccines = liquid jew
Antivaxxer are peoplethat fell for a meme.
Andrew Wakefield was a fraud that bullshitted a paper that made the association between vaccines and autism.
Other scientists tried to repeat the results to no avail. When the fraud was exposed, idiot journalists spread the meme. Especially british journalists.
The meme remained up to today in different forms.
I'd agree to join the antivax movement on the condition that Biel sits of my face and lets me tongue-punch her fartbox. Timberlake has to be present in the room and watch it.
basically, the government wants carte blanche to inject kids with whatever the fuck they want. it's some whacky mark of the beast type shit, could easily be abused, nah, WILL be abused, and will result in casualties for sure. the other side of the coin is of course that people avoiding vaccines are often brainlets and there will also be guaranteed outbreaks of measles and shit at public schools if there's no mandatory vaccines.
it's the classic struggles of freeduns vs practicality, pick your poison.
Oy vey, literally shut it the fuck down
the only real disease threat we face is from 3rd world hordes
what i love is that %99 of anti vaxxers are american
Alright, there's no need for that blanket statement
It's safe faggots, just inject children with it, bros.. can we make it illegal to be anti vaxxer?
It all boils down to conspiratards that will never trust the government.
Anti-vaxx people in general come from both the far left and far right of the political spectrum, and follow the same circles of other health-scare conspiracies such as anti-water fluoridation / toothpaste fluoridation, anti-GMO fears, anti-pharmaceuticals, climate change denial, anti-MSG, gluten free, etc.
Anti-vaxx has its roots in some bad science from decades ago that has been widely discredited, essentially stemming from a single study that made claims of links of autism spectrum disorder and the MMR vaccine. If you're interested look up Andrew Wakefield and you should find some more information on that study in particular and why it's very flawed and it's been widely debunked.
The closer you examine any arguments that anti-vaxxers make, the more you realize the entire basis for their arguments is deeply flawed and based on lies and falsehoods, but that doesn't stop them from repeating the same lies over and over again like beating a dead horse. It doesn't matter that these things have been debunked, people continue to ignore that so that their biases can remain confirmed.
Anyways, it's actually quite funny that people on the far left are so similar to people on the far right in terms of these fringe conspiracies. For example, my friend's mother is very deep into far left anti-GMO, anti-vaxx, and anti-water fluoridation conspiracies which are heralded by people on both the far left and right, for example Alex Jones on the far right who has been a proponent for anti-water fluoridation, anti-vaxx and anti-GMO for most of his career. It's funny because when you look at the things that snake oil salesmen like Alex Jones sell, you will often find the same exact substances marketed towards a more left-leaning consumer as well through naturopaths and whatnot.
I knew Yea Forums is full of retards, but I did not suspect antivaxxer-tier retards.
I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I can see how it's logical from their point of view. It's basically just a risk vs reward scenario, and anti-vaxxers believes the risks outweigh the rewards. And a lot of data does back up the increased health risks for the individual, but on a societal level it's beneficial. If you take a vaccine, chances are [slim] that you'll die. But if you don't, you won't infect me and others.
So I can see why people choose not to give them to their kids. They're basically being asked to put their own kids health at risk for the benefit of other kids. But from a pro-vaxx standpoint, if nobody vaccinates their kid, they likelihood of all of them being infected increases.
It's a public health matter. Measles shouldn't kill kids in a moderate era. Mass vaccination keeps diseases from mutating and becoming the next black plague.
Nigger are you seriously letting your fetish for underdogs defend this genuinely dangerous tiny group of people?
so you're butthurt that people call other people out for being retards? Apparently you don't know where you are.
>And a lot of data does back up the increased health risks for the individual
Except that this is not true.
I can prove you hit my car with your moped that you were driving from the liquor store.
You can't prove that because I am unvaccinated that I gave you measles.
Further, even if you are vacccinated, you are not immune per se, and can still be a carrier. See shedding.
>don't want a driver's license
>can choose to not drive
>don't want your child vaccinated
>no recourse
Your analogy doesn't work mate.
dude just let us force you to put chemicals in your body, so we can prevent the next black plague!
>hurr we don't need no vaccinations
>measles is making a comeback
Just a coincidence, guys.
Uh... ok...
*checks to-watch list*
*removes all movies with Jessica Biel in them*
And no harm was done!
Holy SHIT the teacher is a child MOLESTER?
vaccines have probably saved more lives than anything other than antibiotics
>becoming the next black plague.
oh boy, good thing people are railing against vaccines instead of indians, chinks and westerners who abuse antibiotics for every little cold they get.
Vaccines won't help against this shit.
How much can she bench tho?
>They're basically being asked to put their own kids health at risk for the benefit of other kids.
God I hate parents. It's brilliant what they do, fool themselves into thinking they're good people for essentially being selfish and short-sighted about their family's """protection""" at the cost of their community's
it's not calling people out, it's using state violence against them
she has never done a good movie so who gives a fuck. Nothing of value was lost.
yes, you figured it out
I long for the day I can blame my failure of a life on a painless injection I had more than a decade ago
I still enjoy watching her body. Someone can even laugh watching Carry.
Just, very simply, is not the case of listening to retarded, sheltered celebrities concerning politics, health and the such.
Calling a dangerous retard "dangerous retard" is not violence.
>Vaccinations don't cause side effects
Moderate side effects affects something like 15% of those who take the vaccine, but those are to be expected.
But let's take BCG as an example, which is given to most kids. The odds of getting a severe reaction [life threatening, chronic illness] is 1 in a 1000 at worst, and 1 in 10,000 at best.
Like I said, the odds are slim, but I can understand why some parents choose not to point a gun at their kids head even if there's only a 0.1% chance it's loaded.
if the government really cared about the health of its population they would ban alcohol, cigarettes, and fast food joints.
this 'we need to vaccinate because it's good for the population' mantra is garbage
Imagine her fucking your ass with a strap on while she chats on the phone with her girlfriend
most demonic jewish post I've seen in a while, congrats
*unzips tuskegee experiments*
alright kiddo, so when it comes out in the media that the US government was infecting your kids with fucking syphilis, how are you gonna feel? that's the issue. it has been proven many, many times, conspiracy retards aside, that they do shit like this on the regular. it's not even controversial anymore, pharma companies in collusion with the government are saturday morning cartoon villains who routinely fuck people over, illegally, with their mad scientist experiments. it is happening right now as we shitpost to illegal immigrants in captivity, and various unaware citizens across the country. this is SOP for industrialized nations, it's a thing. so when you say, "durr just allow them to slip ur kids the ol' syringe, stop being a luddite rube", it's not that fucking simple.
it's true that anti-vaxxers are mostly idiots, but the argument does not end there and it's dishonest to say it does. there is a legitimate concern, and the truth might be, like the answer to many situations, is that there is no good choice, everything fucking sucks and is grim and terrible, and that you should just send a pipe bomb to people you don't like. I am being a bit hyperbolic but I hope this makes sense, reality is not so cut and dry. contrarians are always reviled, but they are not always wrong.
maybe if you learned to break from your bubble of cognitive biases and be truly skeptical and examine the arguments against anti-vaxx you wouldn't be such a retard, but that's asking too much honestly because people like you will never change. Easier to stay in the safe space of confirmation biases rather than question things you hold dear.
These side effects are not the ones stated by anti-vaxxers, see people ITT. This is a disingenuous argument.
Also this attitude is really me-above-the-group mentality, which is probably a sign of the times I guess.
Remember when you only had to get vaccines when traveling to shithole countries with poor hygiene?
Now (((they))) are flooding the West with people from shithole countries so we all need every vaccine ever created. People who don't want to inject themselves or their children with enormous doses of pharmaceutical poison are scapegoats used to distract us from the real culprit which is the open borders and lax screening.
Where do diseases come from? Unvaccinated people don't spontaneously develop disease.
They are brainwashing the NPC hordes so that every time a previously eradicated disease makes a resurgence they blame unvaccinated people instead of the real source: disease carrying rats and (((whoever))) threw the diseased rats in your well.
vitamin C literally renders vaccinations useless
Red hot opinion: If vaccines came in pill form, nobody would be an anti-vaxxer.
Things banned on social media
>homo phobia
>tranny phobia
>anti semitism
>anti vaxxers
Hmm just a coincidence I bet
You just proved my point. You're completely and utterly ignorant, and just repeating whatever retarded arguments you saw on some shitty youtube video or blog. Congrats bud, you're literally a retard.
We would need those vaccines anyway, it's not due to immigration.
I am not pro-open borders, quite the opposite, but your argument is flawed.
Borders should be controlled mainly for social stability and worker right/status reasons.
people forget huffpo used to be the biggest anti-vaccine publication
It's actually true, read about how vitamin C interacts with the body under stress of infection
Imagine thinking this.
>Remember when you only had to get vaccines when traveling to shithole countries with poor hygiene?
As an adult, yeah
I got vaccinated against all kinds of stuff as a kid though because that's how it works
t. Western European
it's true lol, enjoy your brain damaged kid redditor
Holy Dunning-Kruger
Many newspapers in many countries fought that fight for years because each idiotic journalist wanted to be the next hero against the system.
The damage is immense, and none of those idiots, as always, is accountable of the effect of the shit they write.
I don't give a shit what they state. You claimed that it's not true that vaccinations cause an increased [individual] health risk.
It doesn't matter whether others believe it's because the BCG vaccine causes you to grow horns out of your ass, but disregarding severe side effects alltogether because of it is fucking retarded.
seethe yid
fluorine (fluoride) replaces iodine in the thyroid forcing you to produce toxic hormones instead of proper iodine-bonded hormones
that's the whole point of water fluoridation: it's a (((communist))) plot to make people stupid and complicit. same with bromine in the bread.
Oy vey injecting this in your children is totally normal
you guys are so fucking stupid its unbelievable
how do you even function in the real world
Flu vaccine is effective every year, dumbass. If you got the flu and didn't fucking die, the vaccine did its job.
>getting your information from Yea Forums
You really failed at life.
Oh, I now see what you're attempting to argue, it wasn't made clear. You're basically claiming a typical anti-vaxx argument that vaccines aren't necessary because Vitamin-C is some kind of substitute in the human body, a complete and utter falsehood. Most of that nonsense is promoted by people like Susanne Humphries, a pretty well known anti-vaxxer, and peddles her misinformation in places like natural news, a hivemind for the anti-vaxx and other pseudoscientific ideas.
Making this kind of ""argument""" if you can even call it that shows you little anti-vaxxers like yourself actually understand the mechanism of action of vaccines, maybe if you bothered to take some time to learn you wouldn't be such an ignoramus.
>You claimed that it's not true that vaccinations cause an increased [individual] health risk.
In fact they do not. The risks of adverse are still lower compared to a scenario in which herd immunity goes down.
But please, add more fuel for these retards.
or just take a few grams of vitamin C like all the kikes in the synagogue do
This is what you get if you don't vax your kid and don't send him/her to school!
Dude I understood you are joking but there are people in this very thread that believe it.
It's tragic.
eat shit cunt, we are dismantling your little industrial complex piece by piece
Oh, I now see what you're attempting to argue, it wasn't made clear. You're basically claiming a typical anti-vaxx argument that vaccines aren't necessary because Vitamin-C is some kind of substitute in the human body, a complete and utter falsehood. Most of that nonsense is promoted by people like Susanne Humphries, a pretty well known anti-vaxxer, and peddles her misinformation in places like natural news, a hivemind for the anti-vaxx and other pseudoscientific ideas.
Making this kind of ""argument""" if you can even call it that shows you little anti-vaxxers like yourself actually understand the mechanism of action of vaccines, maybe if you bothered to take some time to learn you wouldn't be such an ignoramus.
Notice how when the retard starts to lose an argument, he moves the goalposts and shifts the topic completely to another field of pseudoscience (water fluoridation). Again, it shows your profound ignorance and lack of understanding of the scientific and biological mechanisms of vaccines and fluoride in water / toothpaste, etc. You're just another brainlet who whines and cries about muh pineal gland and muh thyroid gland because you have no deep understanding of the topic and are basing everything you know on scare-tactics from pseudo-intellectual frauds.
>The risks of adverse are still lower compared to a scenario in which herd immunity goes down.
Please, do provide some proof of that. For me, and especially for the anti-vaxxers to see.
>industry bot posts the same thing twice
>pretty girl is literally retarded