BORDERLANDS Movie Will Have Female Lead

>Although the upcoming project will pull straight from the source material, it will have a different lead character. A legendary thief named Lilith will be the protagonist in a new story...

thoughts Yea Forums?

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Don't see why not... it's not like borderlands is max Payne or dredd.

Lilith is supposed to be a scientist, and the ensemble cast is why anyone gives a fuck, not one character alone could carry it, except Krieg murdering for 131 mins in high def.

Nobody asked for this.

It's a video game movie. It's DOA.

No, this is DOA.

Attached: DOA.jpg (1100x618, 244K)

Borderlands is like Mad Max if everyone was retarded

It's going to have 7 figures viral marketing budget, just like Borderlands the game did

That movie would be too patrician for Hollywood

Mad Moxxi
Mad Moxxi
Mad Moxxi

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>Randy threads on Yea Forums
Yes please

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Didn’t we already have a shitty Tank Girl movie?

More like BONERlands LOL

and also gay


Did they purposely use the ugliest Asians they could find for those extras?


Borderlands is shit

Given how off the entire casting was... Yes.

That's how Asians look without makeup

How are they going to replicate the cell shading

God I hope it's tiny Tina

God I want a psycho cunny movie

>mfw that Fallout 4 mod about her paying you to find cookies

Fallout. DayZ for pussies and console plebs.

Those are regular asians. Your pathetic asian fetish has warped your perception.

Fuggg...who dat white gurl?

borderlands probably has the most female fans so it makes sense, the boys will go see it anyways

Read the article.
It's Lilith with Tina and Krieg.

In actually with Kriegs internal dialogue/struggle with not wanting to kill this movie would actually be badass. It'd be like American psycho meets fight club get drunk with mad max armed with men in black weapons. Also gay... Lots of gay. Everyone on pandora is at least bisexual

Does Borderlands even have that good of a story to make a film?

The story in borderlands has never been important.

of course not, which honestly might make it perfect for a movie. just fill it with shitpost quips and quirky physical comedy and you might not even notice you aren't watching guardians of the avengers 5

Who plays Tina?
