Realistically speaking, did he do anything wrong?

realistically speaking, did he do anything wrong?

Attached: you-imdb.jpg (590x788, 255K)

I could not finish this shit. I didn't care at all for the girl and her stupid problems nor did I care about the guys past with the old fucker. I hated that girl too
>flirtatious professor invites her out to dinner
>arrives looking extremely nice, full makeup and hair done
>acts offended when the professor makes a move when she clearly arrived and treated it like a date

He trusted a woman.

All women are whores

hell no

that chick sucked so bad though, he could've done better

Not raping the lesbo brown girl and not staying with the nigress

YOU should all read the book or even better listen to the audiobook. Joe is a whole lot worse than the TV show.

being adapted in a tv series on netflix plataform

Can I get a (You)?

She was hot though