Is this the worst thing to happen to South Park?

Is this the worst thing to happen to South Park?

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I still don't get "member chewbacca again?"

Something retarded

they look wrinkly

I still don't get this. Is it
>things were not actually better, you just remember them being better
which is untrue and arguably subjective. for example
>remember when south park was actually good
which is true, to me anyway. I just don;t get it.


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Yeah, those are pretty terrible looking grapes.


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plus they already did the same bit a few seasons before that

switching to season long story lines was a successful gimmick though because everyone said it was the best season ever and got me to start watching again, only to drop it because everyone was wrong

Wha a pathetic person you are

for what reason?

Its hard to believe the same guys that wrote the Ben Affleck and JLo tacos and burritos episode and Ben Garrisons sex change episode are writing the show now

why would you enjoy any TV if that's your mentality? it's all jewish propaganda is it not?

Who could be behind this post?
>> 7990
>enjoy TV
Not lately, pal. Been years, in fact.

just because they're jokes doesn't mean they aren't funny jokes

so you just shit up on this board ostensibly centered around something you hate and haven't enjoyed in years and this makes you not pathetic?

Worse thing to happen to South Park was any episode after 2010.

there is still an accumulated glut of valuable film and television to discuss, you fucking retard. sorry that its not all about the popular things you obsess over to feel like less of an irrelevant incel.

but user you're just being suckered in to mind numbing propaganda by empty amusement can't you see

>watching television

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>memba J Lo tacos
>yeeeeah I memba

This is what the episode is about

i analyse shit like this for a hobby, dipshit. i understand that you are too stupid to avoid falling victim, but projecting that stupidity onto others wont make things any better for you.

go to Yea Forums then

the season prior to it is, because it's what caused that to become a thing to begin with. I think south park has gone pretty downhill and it is basically the simpsons now. previously they didn't involve so many current issues and they could do whatever. in the future it will be obvious what will hold over time because references will become irrelevant and the point will be lost. the really early stuff will still hold up though

No, existing is.

>being this angry
user, I enjoy film. I also enjoy informing fellow anons when something is garbage, and why it's garbage, and pic related is exactly why South Park is garbage now.

Wasted potentional.

Nogstalia wankery is like a drug. Its nice to engage in but becomes addictive with whole sites and youtube channels devoted to "remember how great x is". A person can get trapped in it and miss out on new and innovation.

Instead it was just a prop for yet another "if you liked the past then youre a racist, homophobic, whatever" because of this idea that progressiveness means changing everything regardless of the outcome.


Season 20 was great BECAUSE of the 'member berries