What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It didnt make as much overseas


The sad thing is people still think it can catch Avatar and there are people throwing their hard earned money into a black hole so Avengers can hold a rather meaningless record

Flavor of the week tier movie

This does make me smile.

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avatar was marketed for it's 3D technology, not the movie itself. nobody liked the movie because it was boring as shit and badly paced

Why are soiboys so obsessed with dethroning avatar? Will they enjoy their kids movie more if it does?

Nothing. Being 2 on that list is a huge accomplishment.

You need to have watched the previous movie(s) to get the full experience and that's why it won't make it

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Avatar is massively overrated, that's why.

If the movie wasn’t good how’d it make all that money. No way fancy 3D tech was that much a pull, you’re delusional and butthurt

t. onions boy

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from what I gathered marvelfags thought infinity war was much better, thus they got flaccid for endgame sooner than expected.
Glad to see the no 1 spot will be reserved for a film made by an auteur rather than by a committee

>this is what butthurt haters actually believe.

cry more

>If the movie wasn’t good how’d it make all that money.

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What is stopping Disney from buying every ticket left?? Serious question

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So is the entire MCU.

why are capeshitters such bad losers?

If they didn't have the gay therapy scene or the girl power scene it would have cleared 70 mil in additional repeat viewings.

>#2 most sold blu-ray of all time
>2x the home video sales as Avengers (2012), the most sold MCU movie on home video

>infinity war was much better
This, but I never rewatched Endgame or Avatar; the only reason I rewatched IW was because different groups of friends