Pure Kino

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What the fuck was this show about?

If you get it, you get it. If you don't, you don't.

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Now that i've had time to think about it, at first i thought it was good but not Kino. However, my mind has changed. Both main characters elevated the show by a couple of points, kino performances.

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dem keeds

I really think they lost themselves in the production and forgot they were supposed to make a satisfying story. The time skips and memory loss were great, but the whole mystery was never that dire.

They deserved a better story. Imagine a darker, more macabre Ozarks story around the Satanic panic with Roland and Hays.

I felt s3 was pizza subverting all expectations for keks.

The nightmare that is aging.

Remember that his character was supposed to be white but he show up and wanted to play the part, so they had to change it in fears of being called racists by refusing to hire him

Still i think the contrast between him being black and roland being white in that time period played out better than if it was just two white guys. Partially due to mahershala's acting being top tier.

I liked it

It started promising and ended in a snoozefest. I still believe S1>S2>S3

and all the stolen bikes a long the way

And thank goodness for that because of the kino that resulted


>no family
>no old friends
Roland is one of the saddest characters in tv history.

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do you think he was in denial? in the closet?

Doesn't hold a candle to season 1.

No he was just sad.

digits confirm pleb opinions

they should have just stuck to the west memphis 3 story in full

If you ever say season 2 is better than season 3 again, I'm going to come back here and buttfuck your father with your mother's headless corpse on livestream right on this fucking board.

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