How the FUCK did this movie make $2.7 billion?

How the FUCK did this movie make $2.7 billion?

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blu pusy

simple story so you could focus on discovering and exploring the world of Pandora

I only watched the scenes where these blue niggers get napalm'ed to hell

>focus on discovering and exploring the world of Pandora
Too bad Cameron didn't actually do this, and instead focused on his simplistic story the whole time.

Novelty. It was great. Nothing had been done like it before. Humans on a far away interstellar world. It was amazing and completely deserving of the critical acclaim it brought. You are just a retarded autist.

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3D gimmick


It was basically a masturbatory experience for your eyes.

You couldn't get aroused in normal 2D so you willingly pay double the price to feel like James Cameron gave your eyes literal sex.

So yeah, it was because 3D tickets cost like double the price of normal tickets.

Did any of you faggots actually watch the movie? The story was interesting for the time. They combined military themes, tribal exploration, warfare, and scifi into one package.

honestly never seen it

salty capeshitters. your film is even further behind if you adjust for inflation.

>The story was interesting for the time.
No it wasn't, and it was rightfully derided at the time as being "Dances with Wolves in space"

you could already do that in Star Wars Battlefront 2 though

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we'll never know. 2.7 billy though, not even endgame came close to that.

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Stop posting Jim


Hey dont look at me i streamed it


O H A W E S O M E 3 D G L A S S E S


Jim please stop spending money on fursuits

No it wasn’t. It did have great CGI that still holds up, though

was the first real movie made for 3d in cinemas

almost everyone i knew went to watch it

>boundary pushing FX instead of modern low wage shit
>alien planet and creatures

not really

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cute lips

it looked boring and my brother had already seen it so I just watched Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs instead

Yes really

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zoomer shit

yeah it's pretty embarrassing that it was more interesting than Avatar

same energy

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they'd look even cuter on a real person

By being a groundbreaking visual masterpiece. The only thing remotely comparable is The Wizard of Oz.

Fully delusional cameroncuck

it's fucking ugly
look at this fucking thing
what the fuck even is that
fuck you

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3D. It was a thing.

3D craze and the film's demographic having a big strike zone in a time when I don't remember much else to watch. I think it re-released also, but I'm not sure if that's counted as a part of that.
The bigger question is why was 3D such a big deal at the time, but the best I can remember is that it was right when home 3D stuff started to become a thing (other than getting some glasses in a lunchables box to watch a special episode of some cartoon anyway)

A Christmas Carol was a better ride to be honest

digging deep in my Yea Forums folder

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avatar launched the 3D craze, then there were a bunch of capeshit movies with way worse 3D effects that soured the public interest in it

people like blue qts. nothing new.

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who says the left can’t meme (with decade old memes)

>stares out of the window
The only movie to beat avatar will be avatar 2. Can you imagine the butthurt when the box office list has avatar 1 and 2 on top of it?

I don't get it either, easily one of the most boring films I've ever seen.

cool visuals and muh 3D, people didn't mind about the story being basically pocahontas/dance with wolves in space.

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more expensive 3D tickets
like 4x than today

if only the blue people could have been attractive

Its a nice little and fully realized worldbuilding experiment. Just because you fags only feel secure only with "big gunz" and "xplosions" doesn't mean something is bad. Some people clearly enjoy designing stuff from every little plant and weed up, and Cameron clearly had some fun doing that. And some other people appreciate that.

That said, I admit I can't believe it is getting sequels. One little, self-complete experience is fun. 2-3 of them can get tiring.

If the story is that in the 2nd movie, evil Humans come back and in a totally shocking ending win.

So that in movie 3, good big cat people can re-rebel. I am going to kill myself.

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Avatar 2 is like the Half Life 3 of movies except nobody ever wanted Avatar 2

how the fuck do they make aliens that are less fuckable than humans?

>the resistance

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