Looks like 40kino is back on the menu boys

Looks like 40kino is back on the menu boys.

Attached: astartes animation.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck 6+ months for a new episode...

It's like one guy doing this, so it's hardly surprising.

GW should unironically hire that guy tho.


absolute kino

The whole series is brilliant.

Attached: astartes animation firefight scene.webm (720x406, 2.4M)

at long fucking last, but what happened to the others? did dei dieded?


Attached: astartes kino.png (1920x1080, 1.61M)

>shell casings

every time

If I remember correctly, they did, for a Blood Angels flick or something like that

>not knowing bolter lore.
Bolter rounds have cases because the initial firing of the round works like in a regular gun, the gyrojet only kicks in after the bolt exists the firing chamber.

I don't know anything about 40k but this looks alright

No nevermind, its the Helsreach bloke they hired

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Why would that space marine shoot the guy right before he jumped at him?

So are those chaos dudes or

If you dip your toes in you'll find this pool has no bottom.

Who are those guys anyway?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-06-13 00-59-40.png (801x747, 585K)

Psykers, really good psykers with implants

>It's cgi trash

who apparently have not lore whatsoever since as i recall the series is set in M32 during an obscure rebellion purging

What's wrong with their face?

Plasma gun residuals provided a sort of smoke that he used to get close.

Probably Tzeentchian fucks

To weaken his shields perhaps?

It's not, he's using models for the grunt work and sprinkling cgi in for the environment/effects.


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Body modifications, chaos bs, Imperium is still sci fi nation, even if in technological regression

That guy was flanking him, shooting that masked dude only alerted him. But I don't know shit about the lore

pretty sure I read somewhere bolt rounds were caseless

There is no propellent in the case


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why would they have ejection ports, then?

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg (421x295, 25K)

Bolt rounds have a case with propellant that kicks the bolt out of the gun at high velocity. If they didn't have that, they wouldn't be useful at close distances because the gyrojet takes time to speed up the bolts.

The case just covers the rocket motor. It's that simple

How fares a space marine vs a space marine

You're an idiot, if this were true they wouldn't function in space.the bolt gun is like a nail gun, the action removes the case and starts the rocket motor

that sounds dumb and redundant.

Nigger, why the fuck wouldn't they work in space?

He was hoping his heavy pistol would blow a hole in the psychers shield, especially with the the shield already holding back a wave of bolter rounds.

If the motor wasn't covered the bolts would potentially get damaged before firing

Most British nerds have literally zero clue how guns work. Expecting bolters to make sense or be consistent is folly.

I just wish the bolters would for once sound like real massive cannons. The flaccid brrt isn't very enjoyable.

Why not? What else are you gonna do before you get into melee range?

why don't RPGs have casings?

Bolters aren't massive cannons m8. They are rapid fire self propelled grenade launchers basically.

I like water though


Actually incredibly good for a fan production.
Props to whoever made it.

because bongs don't know how their own guns work and they think it looks cool to see cases being ejected.

The whole series is fucking amazing.


because bongs cant into guns

Shouldn't you be in bed dude?

I see
kind of looked like he already had the flank and just gave his position away. after watching it again, looks like right before he shot at them, the masked guys blew the other marines away and weren't distracted anymore

Better question would be why would they send an apothecary to fight two psykers in melee

Probably didn't know they were there maybe, they're just a squad sent for purposes unknown yet.

He WANTED to fight

welcome to 40k. Where everything is made up to make some other made up shit make sense.

Helsreach is based too


Also thoughts on these bois?

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So this is the power of 40k autists?
heh, not bad.

I suppose you can shoot gunpowder in vacuum if the cartridge has it's own oxidizer. Anyway this graphic shows how the system functions. The bolt is "fired" electrically and burns its propellent. Muzzle velocity is basically irrelevant though since the warheads are explosive or shaped charges

Attached: bolter-info.jpg (812x634, 148K)

It’s 2 plasma shots. If the Psyker hadn’t made but those invuln saves it would’ve melted him

Why are they all black
Really good on the paintjob

I should add since there's no explosion from the firing mechanism the bolters should be recoilless

Attached: 5l5kaft0k1d01.jpg (1920x2560, 870K)

Have sex

Mutant scum, presumably

random rogue psyker cult leaders or some such

it looks like shit.

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I'd pay to watch a full length movie that had as great grasp of action as this series has.

Bolters do canonically have ferocious recoil and their penetrative effects even at point blank range would suggest two-stage propulsion, which also fits in with the canonical shell casings.

They also fire four round bursts but this animation shows them being fully automatic. I have it on good authority the "cases" are purely aesthetic

What's wrong with psykers if the Emperor was a psyker?

thats a big ogryn

Prove the bolts are two stage. Also why build a system with pointless recoil? The rocket is automatically traveling at 100% velocity when it leaves the chamber, there no need for secondary acceleration which you've made up in your head canon

>t. Magnus the Red

Canonically normal human trying to fire a bolter is gonna have his/her arms ripped off due to the recoil.


the emperor (in the old lore or whatever) was a psychic weapon/meme/egregore created by a collective of the old wizard incel dudes of terra all combining their souls into one meme or some shit.

the problem with the rogue psykers in the video is that they are simply not part of the imperium/renegades so they must be exterminated.

>The rocket is automatically traveling at 100% velocity
Do you understand how rockets work?

Sanctioned ones?100% no problem

Says who?
Normal humans wouldn't be able to LIFT a bolt gun, yet there are hundreds of models of humans with fucking bolt pistols nigger
>But muh recoil

Attached: Free-Shipping-Painted-Imperial-Guard-Commissar-with-Bolt-Pistol-Painting-Finished-model.jpg_640x640. (380x400, 93K)

guardsmen sergeants and shit can take bolters so they must be able to make man portable ones

That's not a traditional bolt pistol, they're miniaturized and made less powerful so that normal humans can use them. Tabletop overlooks that but they are far less powerful than a regular bolt pistol.

There are different sized bolters for non-spacemarines, Sisters of Battle also use them

Horseshit. They have the same literal in game stats therefore they fire the same ammunition

Attached: WalterSobchak.png (509x468, 299K)

Where is it stated that bolters don't have recoil? Every depiction of them in official vidya and media has them having recoil.

Stats are not fluff canon

The game stats are not accurate to the lore m8.

You can cry about it all you want, this is not me talking, it's the lore section of the Imperial Guard Codex. Cope harder.

One space marine isn't equal to 10,000 Orks or Eldar on the tabletop either.

Apothecaries fight just as often and are just as combat effective as other marines.

If you don't have a Librarian with you the apothecary is as good as anyone.

No. Autoguns are unique in that they are caseless. Plenty of models with bolters show the cases.

Luv that there are only 6 levels of strong you can be and a space marine is 1 more strong than a normal human.

Tabletop rules do not reflect the lore. They're totally separate things.

6+ months to find out how many marines died taking these psykers out

Lasguns and autoguns have the same stats in game as well. But they're definitely not the same thing.

CSM when?

Where's the Apothecary? I'm not seeing any narthecium.

They are unstable and can explode into literal demons if not kept under check.

Because that wasn’t an apothecary

Considering he’s the dude that gives the command to engage (that slight nod) he’s probably the squad sgt

>The rocket is automatically traveling at 100% velocity when it leaves the chamber, there no need for secondary acceleration which you've made up in your head canon
Confirmed for spastic.

Apothecaries wear white armor and have a large geneseed-extracting device on their left arm.

We have threads of /k/ about modern guns in space, they work just fine.

Fuck that, some author's fluff cannon does NOT Trump official game rules.

From Inquisitor, NOTHING about "different sizes" or "different types for humans / sisters of battle (why would battle sisters NEED different guns when they wear power armour anyway?)

NOTE ALSO it clearly says the bolters LAUNCHES the bolt not fires it

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-12-16-53-59-359_com.google.android.apps.docs.png (1080x2160, 1.2M)

Codex lore trumps over ancient rpg lore.

SoB do have different bolters though. They're slightly smaller.

The RPGs have had different stats for human-use and marine-issue boltguns for years.

No at the end you can see all five survived.

Fluff in the rulebooks themselves is not consistent with the rules. It's always has been marine wankery.

They definitely do have recoil. There's a space wolves kit that comes with a 1-handed storm bolter with an arm brace.

At least you can talk...

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I just watched this and it's not as bad as some of you guys said the last thread

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>(why would battle sisters NEED different guns when they wear power armour anyway?)
God, you are dumb. Sisters of battle do not wear the same kind of power armor as space marines do. The arduous process required to wear one essentially coincides with the genetical enhancement program required to make you a space marine. You need to become one if you want to wear a 3+ power armor. Sisters of battle are just /fit/ women with a hardon for burning shit. They're regular fanatics, nothing in their equipment is similar to that of a SM.


/k/fag chiming in.
>From the Deathwatch Core Rulebook
>Boltpistol: 12lbs
>Bolter: 40lbs
>Heavy Bolter: 150lbs
Gyrojet rounds are designed to get the most oomph into a bullet with less recoil. A weapon with more mass suffers less from recoil. That's physics and weapon design. Unless the emperium is using a charge with a shitload more power like C4 in place of gunpowder for that first stage to get the bullet out of the barrel while the gyrojet spins up it doesn't make sense. There's just not enough charge in the rounds to make the kind of recoil to cause human injury. If they are using a much more powerful charge it would explain why along with all the bullshit pomp and circumstance that goes into building one. Lackluster material quality or lousy machining would instantly turn a weapon into an explosive.
Really though, why argue that when even the smallest bolter is 12lbs dry. You ever carried a 12lb weapon? Most noguns hold up a 2lb pistol and think "that's fucking heavy" after a mag or two. A full size AR15 weighs half of a bolter and is held with two hands and the CoG is much closer to the body. They're just really fucking unwieldly, even the miniature ones.

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They're literally ingame identical with literally the same wargear but of course the manchild incels can't stand women having the same "war gear" as their spakkamaryne heros, fuck

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Reddit made up the gyrojet = boltgun story. They ain't two stage ffs

Based retard riling up the 40k lore nerds

>it's all so tiresome

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This scene is fucking beautiful.

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Attached: Warhammer 40K Astartes Part Four 02.png (1356x618, 816K)

>The propellant itself is shaped to control the bolt's direction and speed; however, this method of rocket propulsion would normally warp the barrel due to gas pressure. The Bolter uses an ingenious two-stage method to prevent this.
Are you certain user?

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imagine a chan where people didn't immediately sprint for the larder at the first minimum effort troll post

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I know that weapon mass mitigates recoil however the bolts themselves must be pretty fucking heavy at .75 calibre. Coupled with the fact that the propelled mass is not just a bullet, but the entire package of penetrator, charge, and rocket fuel. That would certainly up the recoil.
And it's probably safe to say they definitely use some kind of future super C4 since these 0.75 bolts are routinely described as blowing humans in half at centre mass.

From the Dark Heresy Core Rulebook, human-issue bolters weight as follows:
>Boltpistol: ~7lbs
>Bolter: ~15lbs
Though they would also fire smaller bolts.

Ripping arms off is probably hyperbole, but a marine-issue bolter is going to be hideously unwieldy at best for a normal human.

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Attached: Warhammer 40K Astartes Part Four 01.png (1366x620, 756K)

>Yep, I see your point now

Bump for this rad shit /pure kino

Attached: Warhammer 40K Astartes Part Four 03.png (1366x618, 1.13M)

They'd send a cease and desist before that

Attached: Warhammer 40K Astartes Part Four 4.png (1366x622, 805K)

>3rd edition Assisant Games Developer
Iain Compton, Andy Kettlewell and Warwick Kinrade

Are you sure? I'm sure this one autist who wrote imperial armour trumps Andy Chambers, Rick Priestly, Jervis Johnson...

Attached: Warwick_Kinrade.jpg (236x290, 10K)

Attached: Warhammer 40 Astartes part four running.png (1366x614, 681K)

This guy has got a great sense for it

Stop posting every fucking frame you autist

Keep posting every fucking frame you autist

Sorry but you're retarded, shell casings are flying out of the breach in thousands of pieces of official art, and the design of the shell clearly shows a casing. Stop offering your retarded opinion on things you know nothing about

When I look on the internet for them I don't find anything about anyone claiming the bolter uses single stage cartridges. Every piece I've found on bolters says the same thing: two-stage firing system. First regular solid propellant, then the gyrojet. You want me to believe otherwise, you're gonna need more than the words of your dad who works at Nintendo.

best part, that transition was sex

Attached: Warhammer 40K Astartes Who would win.jpg (960x540, 190K)

you've only got one source. I've never seen anyone besides this Warwick Kinrade guy make that claim in an official source. This deathwatch blurb is more typical, note it doesn't even mention it.

Attached: bolters.jpg (664x902, 585K)

Did bolters really have that high of a firerate?
I'm looking up patterns and types but can't really seem to find something resembling those. Couldn't find Storm Bolters with that shape either, and nothing about digital ammo counters.
Am I stupid?

no they fucking are not fully automatic they fire four round bursts

they look kind of like the bolters with the mk4 marines. the fire rate did seem a bit high

What makes you think that they can't also fire fully automatically?

There are burst-fire bolter patterns my man.
Here, knock yourself out: 1d4chan.org/wiki/Bolter

Could be a variation where rapid fire can be selected. It looks like one of the marines clicks his boltgun to rapid fire. There are a lot of different boltguns in the lore.

Attached: warhammer 40K mechanicus bolter.jpg (1076x699, 1011K)

>two-stage method
>(Under standard Bolt description) propellant base, main charge
>that's two stages of propellant in each round.
>The bolt undergoes multiple stages when firing; the first employs solid explosive propellant in order to project the round from the barrel
>When firing the standard Bolter shell, the weapon operates more or less like a normal firearm, with the shell casing ejecting, and the kick-charge propelling the shell out of the barrel. Once it leaves the barrel, four micro-rocket ports activate and launch the round, spinning to its target at ever building velocity.
There faggot. 4 different fucking sources proving me right and you've got a screenshot of a page that shows absolutely nothing. Two stage firing method. Deal with it.

Attached: dear conquered peoples.png (940x788, 937K)

anyway, on page 250 of Kinkaid's (2004) Imperial Armour volume two (the only source I have EVER seen actaully describing this) this is what it says. This is the only source I have every seen actaully describing the process so I'd be willing to accept that as canon.

Note though he's STILL not describing a powerful full casing charge but a charge "just enough to force the shell out of the barrel" which still makes no sense since why have a huge case for a tiny two-stage charge? anyway, if this is the only source and the be all end all final word on this fine, but that still seems like a stretch to me.

Attached: bolterswarwick.jpg (522x700, 268K)

Quick rundown on these guys? Are they like swat but in space

Shouldn't these non-descript marines have a librarian for this sort of shit?

their like the SS in space

Ideally yes but most of the time you just have to make do with what you've got.
Especially when the nearest librarian might be 500 light years away.

Implanted with organs that turns a young boy into superhuman warmachine. With luck the boy survives this implant process.

This superhuman is trained and indoctrinated into a Chapter where they learn to kill anyone in the galaxy with every possible method.

The superhuman is clad in a power armour and armed with .75 calibre assault weapon as a default.

Attached: Warhammer 40K Space Marine EmperorsSpears-Jun12-MarineArt5knd.jpg (884x1000, 139K)

Yeah. I noticed in a camera shot he paid specific attention to the trigger being pulled especially far back as in to activate a "fuller-auto" mode?
Who knows maybe I'm just overthinking it.
As other anons have theorized, those might not actually be psychers but electropriests of the dark mechanicum. Also keep in mind they might
not have known they were on board before the assault. Waiting for librarian reinforcements would've taken too long and given the enemy time
to act.

I don’t understand, are they killing the Astartes with physic explosion waves?

>Are they like swat but in space
yeah if you consider everyone else to be a physically and mentally disabled pygmy

You can see the other Astartes walking back into the frame at the very end, but only for a second or so. Some of them might have died but most likely it just stunned them. I guess we'll find out in 6 months.

stop being retarded


>Who knows maybe I'm just overthinking it.

Makes sense they'd carry assault variations in boarding actions. Stalker patterns when in urban or open field warfare.

Attached: wh40k space marine.png (600x767, 579K)

Librarians are borderline heresy

The emperor was the only man alive with the responsibility to be a psyker.

they're copying Kinkiad of course but not citing him.

>As well as the rocket propellant, a small conventional charge is also utilised. This charge is strong enough to force the bolt out of the barrel at a significant muzzle velocity, and simultaneously ignite the bolt's propellant. The rocket-propellant is precisely fused to ignite immediately as the bolt leaves the barrel, alleviating any possibility of pressure build-up. The bolt then accelerates toward the target under its own power.

This also contradicts the argument that the conventional case is to make the shell functional at pointblank range.

he didn't look like an apothecary since no narthecium

/tg/ autism leaking here, fuck off back will you


Then why does every chapter have them? Excepting like the black templars.

their diagram also makes no sense

Attached: what.jpg (878x332, 190K)

Unsanctioned psykers are a problem.
Sanctioned psykers are not a problem, yet.

Attached: Warhammer 40K sisters of battle All so tiresome.jpg (799x799, 186K)

>Note though he's STILL not describing a powerful full casing charge but a charge "just enough to force the shell out of the barrel" which still makes no sense since why have a huge case for a tiny two-stage charge?
This serves two purposes outside of 40k. The first and most important is it protects the weapon and shooter. Rockets would melt the barrel and build enough pressure in it to turn the bolter in a molten metal bomb. If the gyorjet propellant ignites prematurely it gets even worse. That's not even considering the other rounds in the magazine. Gunpowder is not exactly powerful by any modern explosive standard, but it is predictable, consistent, and reliable and gyrojets can't claim any of those traits. This way even if a bolter round is faulty to the point of being dangerous it's already been fired safely from the weapon before it fucks up catastrophically.
The second is recoil reduction, but that's mostly irrelevant to this. You feel the kick from the small charge but not the jet. By the time the gyrojets are going the bullet's left the barrel.

Attached: wh40k f137230208.jpg (720x340, 62K)

there are space marine variants and normal human variants same as with power armor. a normal human trying to fire a space marines bolter usually results in either dislocations or getting your arm torn off

2 IS the shell casing with charge, same with standard bullets. it's just used to propel the bolt

The barrels are fucking adamantium or some shit they ain't melting. you have no idea what you're talking about but you're just repeating the shit you read on some fan wiki and that wiki copied page 250 of Kinkaid's (2004) Imperial Armour volume 2

no two stage though

Have a reply out of pity.

Attached: platinum mad f148518608.jpg (693x948, 88K)

>recoil reduction

FURTHERMORE if we allow that Kinkiad (2004) two-stage is correct, that defeats the recoil argument FFS

This whole board is a shitshow powered by unbathed NEETs, where do you think you are faggot?

Who has a more autistic fanbase: Warhammer 40k or Sonic?

Sonicfags make 40Kfags look like turbochads

Haven't seen fanart of Sanguinus turning into a urinal yet.

It also literally says the explosive charge is in the fucking case explain that


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primer->explosivecharge->bolt round/gyrojet

This is one from games workshop with a little autism thrown in. It makes much more sense.

Attached: bolter diagram.png (998x706, 332K)

makes no sense since the "primer" is 75% of the cartridge and apparently all it does to propel the shell out of the barrel.

adamantium does melt though, like that time nids were invading maccragge they were firing so many rounds nonstop that their weapons were starting to melt

Yes but what's in the vault.
Is it a bigger psyker
I bet it's a bigger psyker

shouldn't happen since the two stage gyrojet design that we're all accepting as canon (even though it come entirely from one page of one book by one guy and contradicts a shit load of other stuff) is designed to have marginal recoil. The ejected cartridge that you see literally only has enough explosive powder in it to move the shell past the muzzle

i mean, okay I can see it if they were firing millions of rounds for days nonstop which I imagine probably was the case.

tell games workshop then and who keeps on saying that bolters have marginal recoil? almost every media both games and written portrays SM bolters as having retarded amounts of recoil

Nah it's a toaster.

yup they burned through months to years worth of munitions in just days, though yes it's true that it's a rather extreme example

they should retcon it so they have a ton of recoil because recoil is manly.

my point is the fluff about the epic recoil 1) is contradicted literally by the fucking models which show normal humans holding bolters 2) apparently GW's own fucking canon about how bolters fire.

As far as I can tell bolters should be recoilless. There's no explanation whatsoever that explains why they would have any but the slightest recoil


The Emperor Protects.

there are human-sized bolters used by the sororitas and IG geezus christ were talking about the space marine ones, why wouldn't they have recoil when they still have a conventional charge to launch the bolts

It makes perfect sense. I said it in an earlier post that gunpowder is used because it's safe and reliable, not powerful or compact. An explosive with the same energy density of C4 could shrink that casing to 1/20 of its length. The gyrojet fuel is so energy dense it can be stored in the tiny space left inside the stabilizer. Gunpowder has got none of that going for it but it will get the bullet out of the barrel in a consistent and predictable way every time time the trigger is pulled. That fact alone is exactly why the EoM still uses it.
In spite of this that's a lot of gunpowder and a very heavy projectile. It will destroy things without the gyrojet. Limp wrist a .44 and you might break a thumb, fire a bolter improperly and you will break bones, keeping the canon consistent.

You know the g11 had an ejection port right? Its in case you get a dud round. Imagine the primer fails and you now have to disassemble your autogun (the bolter has cases, its the autogun thats caseless) to get it out. Also you have all that debris thats going to need to vent somewhere. Maybe think before you claim to have superior knowledge in firearms, the ejection port is the least egregious thing about the bolter.

Attached: tumblr_ofejbtL2rm1sns7veo1_500.gif (500x500, 1.96M)

>human-sized bolters used by the sororitas and IG

They have identical in game stats, they're called bolters, they fire the same calibre bolt.

>geezus christ were talking about the space marine ones, why wouldn't they have recoil when they still have a conventional charge to launch the bolts

ARE YOU FUCKING LISTENING? the "conventional charge" LITERALLY only projects the bolt out of the muzzle (to reduce wear and yes RECOIL), the rocket fires the instant the bolt leaves the barrel.

>"The Space Marines are not the only warriors of the Imperium to carry Boltguns into battle, but the version carried by the Adeptus Astartes, the Mark Vb Godwyn Pattern Boltgun, is by far the largest and most devastating. By comparison, the smaller patterns of boltgun carried by the Adeptus Sororitas or the champions of the Astra Militarum are pale reflections. So large is the Godwyn Pattern that no normal man could heft one, let alone survive its unforgiving recoil. "

>mixing fluff and crunch
fucking christ what a retard

A single Eldar Aspect Warrior should realisticly be able to BTFO several nigger tier favourite faction pick because they are similarly the professional elite, except the Craftworld soys train for several human lifetimes, have better gear and have far better reflexes than any niggermarine to boot. And a single Ork Nob is pretty much on par with muh marines in raw power as well.


and you think that the "conventional charge" has no recoil?

I knew this would be the eventual copout. It's an RPG glued onto a (gunpowder) propellant casing.

Still I'd like to see some source that states this.

[citation needed]


god this pisses me off.

Dude. The conventional charge is a "small conventional power charge" and "just enough to force the bolt out of the barrel"


>some nerd wiki

I can't decide which are worse: /tg/ nerds or /k/ autists

Attached: 1511122233903.png (273x391, 181K)

well enjoy your headcanon then

yes and? it's still a huge ass round you think an irl .50cal has negligible amounts of recoil?

>complains about nerd wiki
>while discussing warhammer 40k

fuck you nigger

fucking eat shit and die you fucking faggot

Attached: fuck.jpg (600x488, 69K)

>Astartes never stops resisting against the force field and immediately kills his objective instead of being the red shirt

Did anybody else was rooting for the psykers? Cause I was.
Also, did they kill the space marines on the catwalk and the one on the hallway or was that just a heavy push back?


The ONLY LEGIT SOURCE that states the bolts uses TWO STAGE PROPELLENT also unequivocally states that bolters have next to no recoil

nigger what?

pay attention faggot

They didn't pledge their loyalty to the Empire

Manageable for Space Marines, humans use lower power ones.


who the hell are you replying to? I didn't say bolters didn't have recoil I was saying the bolter models used by astartes and normal humans were different and you apparently refuse to acknowledge it because "nerd" sources

>in power armour
>muh tiny bolters
fuck off

>They have identical in game stats, they're called bolters, they fire the same calibre bolt.

Actually, there's a whole ton of bolters, many with different calibers. In game stats are an approximation. Humans use significantly less powerful/more compensated boltguns. Sisters wear power armour so can get away with heavier shit, Astartes use the biggest ones.


He got smacked with the rounds they caught. Seeing as the explosive charges went off when they hit the force feild he can walk it off.

They probably just wouldn't use them on full auto for the same reason modern military assault rifles often don't even have full auto settings anymore: at that ROF, a 30 round magazine is expended in something like 2.5 seconds. You want sustained fire for suppression, not a hail of bullets with long pauses for reloading.

That said they could very well have the option it case they need to, say, brute force down a psychic shield in a hurry.

here we go again
in the game the stats for the
>muh tiny bolters
identical to the stats all other "bolters" because in fact there are only "bolters" and the only people claiming there are "tiny" bolters are incels, the same people who think there is recoil, the same people who think recoil matters in power armour, the same people who deny the fucking models and rules of the table top game for some abstract fluff HORSESHIT

What are you even trying to say?

he literally doesn't care because "nerd" sources

>he cites lexicanum again
so tiresome
>muh tiny bolters
fucking kill yourself

Attached: 62643.jpg (4000x3000, 1.08M)

FLUFF and CRUNCH are different you mong

You are very angry, but Games Workshop clearly state that the rules are an approximation, designed with gameplay in mind.

>Boltguns usable by mere "mortals" come in various patterns, though they still follow the same basic design philosophy. Despite the fact that they pale in comparison to their larger cousins, their power is still such that they can easily cut a man in two.
>the fact that they pale in comparison to their larger cousins


Did the psykers sent the space marines to the warp? Because the smoke after they hit them looks like they are teleported instead of exploding or being hit by a concussive force

Lexicanum is the one that exclusively uses official Games Workshop sources, I'm very sorry, but you're totally wrong.

you people have to be trolling. the "crunch" and "fluff" DO contradict eachother, you can't just hand wave that away

To give you an idea of the end result of their modifications. They're huge and immensely strong even without their armor (which they hardly ever take off once they've earned it). Superhuman soldiers in every sense of the world, and they're modified with a host of organs that make them heal rapidly, resistant to injury, capable of surviving hard vacuum for a period of time, neutralizing poisons. that sort of thing. It's what you have to do to humans to sort of level the playing field with the kind of supernatural horrors the galaxy is full of.

The guys they were fighting in the shorts were renegade Imperial Guard, the bulk of human soldiery. They die by the boatload and rely on sheer numbers and weight of firepower to fight off things much larger and more dangerous than a regular human.

Attached: Chad+marines+vs+manlet+human+its+77f+and+990lbs+for_61b45f_6737570.jpg (1200x914, 109K)

Nah, they just slammed them backwards with incredible force and speed. They just walked that shit off because they're Space Marines.

it's called segregation of story and gameplay, I know it's hard for someone with autism to understand.

I've provided you with screenshots of every official source I've used, which is superior to your citations from the fucking wikipedia (protip, they all use the same source. it's page 250 from Kinkaid (2004) imperial armour volume 2 which also states there is no recoil. please jump off a bridge

>game stats
in game stats all space marines should be using the primaris profile and their bolters are different than basic bitch bolters so...

In-game stats are an approximation of the fluff, the fluff is canon. Otherwise, all Imperial Guardsmen would have an identical maximum move distance, as if they were fucking robots.

> They're huge and immensely strong even without their armor (which they hardly ever take off once they've earned it)

>imagine the smell

why would they make tiny bolters? explain that.

>450 Kr / 90Kr
Kr are kilograms, right?

What’s even the point of still fighting for the emperor in 40K? In 30K they actually had hoped and aspirations that could come true. 40K is just a wasteland of nightmares and darkness.

And now we got primus marines

So smaller/weaker people can use them, or so they can be concealed, or so they can be supported by a micro shoulder turret or a mechandrite. You realise they make bigger bolters, too? They are called heavy bolters.

>What’s even the point of still fighting for the emperor in 40K?

Imperium aren't really the good guys in 40k, they are just the human guys. There's a few good places to live in it, though, since the galaxy is so vast.

for anybody that isnt a space marine to use

Smaller bolter more room for more bolters which means more dakka

okay, now, besides being physically smaller, in what way so the "tiny" bolters differ from "adeptus" bolters?

so normal-sized humans can actually use it? never mind the recoil but imagine lugging around a modern-day mk19 grenade launcher while running away from fucking nids not fun isn't it? unless your army is composed of only yao ming clones space marine weapons are bulky for regular sized humans

>What’s even the point of still fighting for the emperor in 40K?
not being a heretic

ya square cube law


I hope to christ you can see where I'm going to go with this

Chad Marines*

>What’s even the point of still fighting for the emperor in 40K?
it's all pretty much indoctrination at this point and also trying to not die horribly to the many many many threats that they're facing

>What’s even the point of still fighting for the emperor in 40K
The current status of the emperor is not known to the imperium as a whole, they think he's still in good health and leading the imperium. Also any idea of rebellion is met with swift purging.

There's a bunch of different ones, but they weight less, they might not have the electronic targeting of an Astartes bolter (or they might have more electronic shit) and they have smaller payloads. It's not a significant enough difference for it to make a difference to the rules, like how assault rifles with different calibres still kill people with the same amount of shots.

Attached: Maxime Corbeil.jpg (1080x1225, 263K)

>Sailing the Seas of Cheese Marines

well according to the tabletop rules (which you were sperging about), they would have less AP and less range.

What's the alternative? Wait to be A) Eaten by an ork, B) Eaten by a 'Nid, C) Eaten/Raped to death/Turned into a sentient toilet seat cover by Chaos, D) Skinned alive then raped to death by a Dark Eldar, E) Exterminated by regular Eldar for lowering property values in their neighborhood, F) Best case scenario you get grabbed up by the Tau and merely reeducated in a labor camp

Humans got to stick together because the galaxy is a meatgrinder and nearly everyone else in it is individually more dangerous than any human. Only our massive numbers, ingenuity, ability to work together and fanatacism keep us from being wiped out in a tide of horrors.

Magnus did nothing wrong!

He did one thing wrong. He should have fucked up the Space Wolf fleet when they were in the warp.

One was made by tech priests and the others are TECH HERESY

>smaller payloads
Are the smaller bolters different calibres?

>well according to the tabletop rules (which you were sperging about), they would have less AP and less range.

for you, can a human wield a space marine scale bolt pistol?

Most of the imperium is either butt fucking stupid or used as soldier exports. Everything hates you and everything is going to kill you.

>It's not a significant enough difference for it to make a difference to the rules
the new rules actually do give space marines different bolters than the basic humans/sisters anyway. if we assume all space marines use primaris rules (which is basically GW realizing that marines needed different rules), then marines do have different/more powerful bolters than basic humans anyway.

Do inquisitors and battle sisters use heretical weapons?

okay, so am I to understand that in current year they've completely changed core rule space marines to make them = fluff marines?

Does a kreigsmen love to die for the emporer?

The reason this matters to me is that I can accept all of this horseshit (and it sounds retarded) literally except Battle Sisters having nerfed bolters which I find offensive

If I still played this shit I would quit at this point if this is true.

Fuck 40k is sick. I wish they'd port the tabletop game directly to PC

>humans need all kinds of special and dangerous operations and implants, and a lifelong commitment to training and love for the Emperor, just to match some bumblefuck Orkz that sit around scratching their butts and getting wasted whenever they arent shooting at things.

Attached: orks waaagh'ing.jpg (826x550, 53K)

yes, but the real reason GW did it was so they could release new big scale space marines and say that they are just "upgraded" space marines so as to force people buy entire new armies of marines. that said, the rules and new bigger scale are more accurate to the lore.
sisters currently do have worse bolters than space marines in tabletop, which makes sense since puny women shouldnt be lugging around the same weapon as an 8ft tall murderman

>Are the smaller bolters different calibres?

The warheads and the firing charge vary way more than the calibre, but yeah, they come in lots of weird shapes and sizes. GW doesn't like mentioning specific numbers, because they end up tripping over them later, but the benchmark for Marines and Sisters is "0.75", with no actual unit of measurement to go with the number. All other bolters, including bolt pistols and heavy bolters, aren't specified.

>can a human wield a space marine scale bolt pistol?

You wouldn't be able to get your hand round the grip. If you gave it a new grip and a stock, so you could use it like a rifle, a human should be able to use a Space Marine bolt pistol.


So whats inside?

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>which makes sense since puny women shouldnt be lugging around the same weapon as an 8ft tall murderman
No, it doesn't make sense, since sisters of battle wear power armour. this is what offends me. also the sexism but that's neither here nor there. I appreciate your answer but I am sad

Sanctus reach is the closest you’ll get. It looks like an early 2000s game but it’s still really fun.

Battle Sisters wear powered armour, I thought their boltguns have the same rules because they are similarly effective. I'm not talking about the Primaris ones, by the way, which have a special name.

Heresy user. Its always full of heresy.

Did one of the space marines have a robotic eye. I thought they were supposed to be humans

Found the heretic that knows things about heresy.

Eh Orks are a biological weapon created by a dead ancient race.

warhammer is the gayest shit on the planet. if you enjoy this children's action figure nonsense just kill yourself

why dont they simply blow up the ship? do they really need to board?

No, the psyker burst his eyeball with magic powers, then the lens filled with his blood.

since lore is that the bolts are made by standard template constructs im going to assume they all fire .75 calibre and vis-a-vis the Kinkaid document, that there is no recoil (also, the image I posted from way back shows a storm bolter schematic where it has explosive gas vertical ejection which I imagine would cover whatever little recoil there would be).

However, the bolt pistols and heavy bolters MUST fire different types of ammunition since they all have different ranges implying different amounts of rocket fuel in the bolts.

The helmets they wear have cameras behind the glass and behind that a screen for each eye.

prime anus marines

cybernetics is very common in 40k, there's even a space marine chapter that embraces a ton of cybernetics and thinks flesh is weak

Answer him faggots
2 stage case CLOSED
Cmon, move the goalposts some more

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Clue about a rumor about the location of a Fallen member 8 millennia ago

isnt that a thunder warrior

they probably really want whatever is in that vault

the two stage issue is only "closed" in so far as you except that bolters have no recoil

Between this and Helsreach it's been great for 40kino the last couple of years.

Attached: gw-heresy-kingofthehill1502143499277.jpg (480x304, 19K)

heavy bolters fire .999/.998 caliber rounds

Cheaper to send marines instead of wasting time shooting it.

>the Beast's invasion of Terra made the Horus Heresy look like a prank/social experiment
Wew, also Gork > Mork

archeotech my dude

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Do they have cybernetic cocks

Since I have no idea what this nu40k primaris shit is I'm just going to imagine it's super gay bullshit which is likely is.

40k has to be the dullest franchise in the history of the world

There is probably something extremely important behind the vault that the psykers were guarding

The wildcard is characters like Rogue Traders and Inquisitors, who use highly customised weapons and ammunition. There's a "bolt carbine" in the fluff that doesn't use standard equipment, and you get executed if you are caught with it.

>since sisters of battle wear power armour.
yes but its human sized power armor, inquisitors wear power armor too and they are humans. a sister of battle is probably like 6ft tall or something, where space marines are so fucked up with surgerys and shit that they are like 8ft tall and 800 lbs naked or some shit. it would make sense that marines would have upscaled bolters. the difference being that theirs only 1000 marines in a chapter whereas theres like 1000's of sisters in a convent or whatever, sisters are about putting out a lot of (worse than space marines but highly equipped) bodies, meanwhile marines are more rare and specialized with all kinds of regulations in place to try to stop them from growing out of control.

they were genetically engineered for warfare so it's hardly a fair comparison

The war of the beast was...confusing

that's fine since they have higher dmg stats, I accept this.


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Slaanesh worshipers probably do

I would be surprised if they DIDN'T have cyber cocks

it is super gay bullshit, but the new rules are better for marines from a lore perspective, and the new upscaled models are scaled better for the lore as well (although most of the new models are faggoty shit)

The only thing I am complaining about here is that they nerfed sisters of battle including, apparently, changing their bolters into less powerful ones. I cannot accept this. It saddens me.

>laughs in black templar


>oh sweet we had this super secret marine project the whole time?
>and we can remake every chapter even the fallen ones?
>sweet beef up all our marines then!
>oh you mean that would most certainly kill the regular marines?
Basically getting ready to squat normal non PLOT ARMOR marines out of the picture in the long run.

Attached: primarch.jpg (1441x639, 176K)

>40k has to be the dullest franchise in the history of the world

That can't be the case, because Harry Potter is the dullest franchise in the history of the world. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

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gws retconned them to being only like 3000 marines or something, its sad really gws been dumping on the templars hard for like a decade.

I never had a problem with the size at all. in fact, I liked it that they embraced it with the art style. How can this guy fit in this pic related armour it makes no sense, but I never had an issue with this. The idea that they've now decided this needed to be "corrected" and in fact modified to rules to uber up space marines and nerf sisters of battle is terrible

Attached: KW-INQUISITOR-HAND-page-8-800x1200.jpg (800x1200, 235K)

did they let mat ward near the lore again? are they still sucking off guilliman? I wish they'd reintroduce a loyalist primarch this time

>they nerfed sisters of battle

I'm also a Sisters of Battle fan. They really didn't. Sisters have, unfortunately, stayed exactly the same, probably since you were last playing. Their bolters are still 0.75, just like Marines, the stats are the same.

These new Primaris are giant, and have giant bolters that are visually distinct from the classic ones - they're the ones with the fancy new statline. Plus, Sisters are finally getting new models and a new codex soon, and they look great.

Attached: sister-of-battle.jpg (571x574, 54K)

technically they nerfed all non 'primaris' marines too, which is how gw is trying to sell new models. but lore wise they all shouldve had that statline. sisters are currently a better army than any loyalist space marine army (besides deathwatch) on tabletop right now so it doesnt matter. sisters can just take units of elites with all special weapons and shit

Their arms dont go all the way to the end and legs etc. They have the black carapace that links them to their armor so they can operate fuk huge suits.

>the stats are the same.
Well that's good (also the only thing that makes sense), but not what that other user said.

>did they let mat ward near the lore again?
no, but hed probably be better than the current retards
>are they still sucking off guilliman?

of course, I assume it's like mecha

Attached: APPLESEED11.jpg (696x379, 150K)

When they get round to introducing another loyalist primarch, it better come with an Imperial Civil War. Imperial armies are almost outnumbering everything else put together, they need a reason to fight.

I think I see what's going on here though. Did they fuck everyone's 28mm scale marines?

Will be volkan need something to balance the grim dark out. Although bruva alpha has been predicting the return of characters spot on.

In a roundabout way, yeah. They wanted Marines to be as big as in the books, the old ones are shorter than Guardsmen. Instead of replacing the range, which would leave people with weird dwarf Marines, they introduced a new, huge kind. The little ones'll be phased out over time.

>Although bruva alpha has been predicting the return of characters spot on.

What's his take?


yes they fucked them hard, old marines are like a full head shorter than the numarines. this is because the old marines were out of scale since their inception, old marines were only like 6.5ft tall in scale compared to guardsmen, etc. also marines have sucked balls on tabletop for a very long time and their rules never really reflected them well anyway.

Attached: scale.png (2271x1161, 1.28M)

Vulkan is fucking boring, though. I'd like to see the Khan or Ferrus Manus's severed head in a Primach Dreadnought.

>Everyone keeps asking me if I'm black
>Yeah, I'm thinking I'm black

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they're effectively admitting their point system for space marines has been wrong for decades. I'm guessing the "primaris" marines cost more, like grey knights or something


I'm fucking dying

Well seeing as he got doused in waaaaa energy he will be more interesting.

Cost more, do everything better, all of that.

The funny thing is that because both Marines and Primaris are elite jack of all trades, they are equally bad in a competitive army, where everything needs to be specialised. Functionally, they wind up being the same.

gunpowder contains, and always has contained, and never will not contain, its own oxidizer. always. that's why it's gunpowder.

>Games Workshop doing anything fun that involves Orks.

>kind of looked like he already had the flank and just gave his position away
Two psykers would absolutely be able to sense where he is without needing to actually see him.

This is terrible
Is there some manlet working at GW with height complex issues

Still not as bad as the...dreadknights

dude let me in I'm not a demon I swear

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>Thunder warrior has an extremely small head
It's funny because they are idiots due to le small brain

They hyper sensitive to the warp, and their abilities make them a prime target for corruption.