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Has Mike ever been actually angry at Jay?

He was pretty mad when he mutilated himself on camera


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Why did Mike cut his hair?

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>well Jay...
>I loved it!
>you're kidding?

*jay laughs*


What did we think of the Foreskin video?

Kind of goofy and amateurish but I liked how relentless it was.

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>turbochad and internet superstar Rich Evans is uncut
It was pretty redpilled if you ask me

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What the hell even was the foreskin video

an ad for a rick and morty spin off or something

Why haven't they come to the defense of their friend Max Landis?


Their last video had them discussing the issues of the characters failing to ask Godzilla what his preferred pronouns were.
Are they secretly redpilled?

didn't want to look like a person who fucks dogs

>Mike says God Bless.
Is Mike a Christian? I swear I've seen dozens of hints at the fact.

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Who was that random guy who wore a hat inside in the last best of the words that had culkin in it?
Culkins bodyguard?

Probably not an atheist. Nominal, deist Christian at best unless he’s super low key

He was angry when Jay was criticizing Jurrasic World.

And he was angry when Jay talked about the Jewish Rabbi that called out Mike’s favorite Ghost Hunters as frauds and tried to lie and say that the Rabbi was taken out of context (he wasn’t).

I've got a feeling he's a low key Christian, and he just doesn't bring up his personal beliefs much about anything in general on RLM, unlike Rich and Jack. THere's that BoTW episode where Rich is doing is typical nugaythesit Fedora routine, and Mike looks at him funny, and Rich says, "What? You're not a fundie." Weird statement to make if someone isn't a type of Christian or Theist.

Jay's boyfriend

I would like to be friends with Mike irl. He seems like the only tolerable one. Jay likes faggy horror shit, rich is a fedora tipper, Jack is AIDS incarnite.
Mike drinks beer and likes schlock.

More like Culkins driver/friend/guardianso that he doesn’t get overdosed on cheap heroine.
Almost all those former kid stars have drug problems

Mike is the only internet personality I can enjoy

;I COULDNT MAKE IT A MINUTE into the godzilla vid
you faggots are going to keep watching these cucks into their 50's/////////////////>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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I like the reviews where they just think the movies are okay

I like when they have a mild, mild disagreement like, Mike's listing things he hated and Jay kinda slips into his list and is like "nah, that was fine." So Mike faux-yells at him "NO IT WASN'T! UGH!"

maybe, but he certainly seems to be pro gay shit, so how christian can he really be?

Mike is the funniest to watch, but I think he'd be a frustrating friend.

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CLASSIC Gilchrist.

any more behind the scenes juicy gossip about this crew? why did mike fire bootsy?

what ever happened to old jay?

Replaced with a clone.

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>this shit is 7 years old, discussing drama that is 10 years older than that
It may be time to movie on, you pathetic faggots

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this is me

He believes in Christian god only so that his belief in ghosts can be justified.

That's right Jay.

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James is a beta loser.
Mike is the creator of "Loco Bandito".
Culkin is a loner.
Bootsy is a manlet.
Kyle Justin is bald.
Kevin Finn is a made-for-TV movie producer.
Silverman calls Subway a "diet".
Slob Zombie browses Yea Forums
Tony listens to Mr. Metokur
April likes niggers.
Erin works at McDonald's.
Douge is an egotist.
Linkara is into trannies.
Spoony gets beaten by April's pet neet
Jesuotaku is now a man.
Lindsay aborted her only child.
Handsome Tom collects unemployment checks.
Jewwario killed himself.
So did Captain S.
Stoklasa is a hack fraud.
Jay is a hair transplant recipient.
Gaming Historian recites wikipedia.
Cannot-be-tamed has breast implants.
Scott the Woz cant bench 50 pounds.
Projared was in a open relationship.
Adam is an alcoholic furry who hates his parents.
Crowder was a voice actor for Arthur.
Shapiro is a neocon.
Rogan is a stoner social democrat.
Peterson is a neolib.
Pewdiepie is a memer.
Nintendrew was fired from his job.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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>Jewish Rabbi

he isn't a fundie so that makes him smarter than about 80% of the world, religiously speaking of course. If you actually believe in jewish magic tricks though you are kind of dumb.

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My "review" of Reddit Letter Media

>posting in a friend simulator thread
>idolizing an aging group of youtube vloggers from Milwaukee
>he gives his real-life "friends" money every month

>an unemployed construction worker, the trick monkey fraud of the group. knows two tricks: forced laughter and becoming violent. brava, rich! brava!

>a failed viral marketer with an ugly wife and children with terrible names ('myson packard?'). he knows he's the least popular cast member and desperately tries to fit in by making fun of reddit on stream

>an over-the-hill "director" weighed down by his talentless friends. only makes "ironically bad" videos because they're immune to criticism. his latest production 'Space Cop' will expose him as a fraud and be a spiritual and economic disaster. he will eventually go the route of orson welles, balloon up to 500 pounds and die at the ripe age of 50.

>the curdling definition of a parasite. ditters on her phone while the men do all the hard work. got caught buying jewelry with actual Patreon money.

>the only cast member showing any self-improvement or growth. still has a long way to go, but has already outgrown RLM.

I like how Reddit Letter Media is a company founded upon criticism, insulting and berating others and their works, but HEAVEN FORBID that anyone criticize them! They'll even ban you from their stream if they catch a whiff of dissatisfaction. It's amazing how creatively lazy the group has become. They were better when they were a starving group. Now they can sit on their fat asses, drink beer and make fart jokes while you throw money at the screen. Amazing.

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shut up faggot

How much does Mike know about Jay's lifestyle?

They were never really friends with Max Landis. Mike was just trying to use Max as a stepping stone to get into Hollywood but it backfired hilariously

Mac co-owns with that guy, i think it’s a parody site(?) but I guess they were on for promotion and did a terrible job

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holy shit fuck off jay

What would happen if Shia Lebeouf visited RLM?

i wish the RLM crew did more podcasts like Macs, it was kinda refreshing, i would be interested in hearing them talk about stuff other than movies

Everything. He's the one making all the gay jokes.

>my FACE when NOT a SINGLE RLM fanboy KEK has EVER succesfully REFUTED this "REVIEW", especially NOT the LAST paragraph

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that was really weird for RLM

He'd make their DREAMS into MEMES! RAR!

his mouth tho