I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

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Other urls found in this thread:


the father of
fuck him.

He saw Nannette and said, hold my beer.


>be the primary news source for 80% of under-30's
>truth? the fuck? it's just a comedy show bro. We don't have to tell the truth. it's not like we're a news network.

Imagine believing this

>Literally be a primary source for 50% of the electorate
>truth? the fuck? Block your ears and eyes and don't believe the media. it's not like presidents can be held accountable

Imagine mutilating your own genitals and expecting not to get called crazy

don't forget how every single interview was edited down from 2 hours into whatever made the Evil White Republicians look bad

trevor was a great replacement desu

Never even said this. So why do you creatures still cry about it?


He is horrible.

Anyone got the video of him owning tucker Carlson? Or the video of Yousef owning Crowder?


The only man who gives a shit about your neverforgetsians.

Jon Leibowitz

>I''m a silly clown TEE HEE
>whoa cutting funding to benefits of 9/11 responders? Here's my opinion on that (but it's totally comedy)

what about this is wrong

Of course, he has stopped his comedy show and is now heavily involved in 9/11 victim compensation organizations....

funny how the guy who found success by shitting on the republicans who wouldn't shut the fuck up about 9/11 now is the one person left who won't shut the fuck up about 9/11

oh seeth

jews did 9/11

>cuckservatives still triggered over Jon

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uh, no?

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This is a tight 2 minutes of comedy fuck why does family guy have to be so inconsistent?

dae 9/11?

Leibowitz shouldn't worry about it too much

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the show was a shell of its former self by the time he quit, also hiding behind being a comedian when called out for his political positions was a weak as fuck move for a guy who sanctimoniously appeared before Congress to discuss healthcare

>what did he lie about?

>buildings collapsing spreading thick cancer-causing dust through the air
>i recklessly run face first into it without wearing any protection
>guvmint owes me money now

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Crowder has not been beaten. Yousef lost.

>Anyone got the video of him owning tucker Carlson?

That halfbreed uppity nigger can fuck off back to South H.I.V.rica

Begone kike

Imagine being a lefty in 2019. Holy shit it hurts.

I love that video because he takes him down with facts but also has good banter. Definitely won the audience over

why do you keep posting the same thread
u gay

Can someone explain why liberals always bring up the Tucker thing? It was almost 20 gears ago.

cause he exposed him for the cuck he still is

Seriously, is this 9/11 thing propaganda? Its bizarre, if you take it at face value, nobody wants to give first responders money? That seems bad.

Then I got a whiff of bad mojo when they told people to remember Jim Jordan didn't go to the 9/11 meeting when I saw him at another meeting the same day for Mueller, so its almost like they set him up to get it so it appears like he doesn't care about 9/11 FPers.

>Jon stewart LIEBOWITZ**

It's all they have.

don't worry i'm sure there's another jew involved in the media who can encourage you to hate yourself and destroy your culture

If you don't get your news from youtube in 2019 you are a mental midget. Who the fuck seriously watches cable television nowadays? 60 year olds? Grow the fuck up god damn.

Crowder got fucking destroyed and had to resort to calling Yusef out on his use of the word autistic, which is the exact kind of PC bullshit he normally attacks liberals for

Jim Jefferies style.

>be the primary news source for 80% of over-60s and magatards
>truth? the fuck? it's just a cult bro. we don't have to post memes. it's not like we have sex.

>It's not your country GOY!!!

>appeal to having sex
Yeah, having sex was definitely the most important thing to understand empirical reality and having non batshit political beliefs.

He's okay. I think he's funny and I enjoy him on QI. I just don't know if he's right for TDS

What was Yusef's point again? That taxes pay for cops or some shit? I'd outdebate that faggot.

I remember that interview. Tucker made some valid arguments and John just avoided the question and made stupid jokes. That actually had an effect on me. I somehow thought John was just an entertaining news man not a completely full of shit comedian pretending to be a news man.

>comedian tells jokes for a living and has opinions when they get off stage

whoa, this is hard to understand

I don't. Dude was such a pleb filter for college normies.

this poster unironically watches destiny and thinks that he hasn't been destroyed by multiple people including fucking martin skhreli

cool story, virgin

I wont bug you since you're so clearly on your way to enlightenment

>Trevor compares US to SA
>Trevor does weird high pitch voice for trump but really says nothing of comedic value
>Trevor tries to mimic monologue Stewart style but blows comedic timing

When Stewart was on I knew what the show was about it was a heavy liberal bias show that sometimes was brave enough to take shots at their party and had genuine decent writers and comedic timing. The current show is just 100% liberal propaganda and relies on people not criticizing Trevor because hes black.The dude just isn't talented enough to be handed that show he hasn't paid any comedy dues.

shoo incel

Everybody look at this little mental midget here. I have a girlfriend and have had sex more times in my life than this poster. He's such a loser that he holds sex in such high regard because it's such a rarity for him that he thinks it the end all be all of everything under the sun at 2019. I think this retard should actually have sex and then not have a sub 120 iq and not be a leftist.

Never said that you dumb incel

same tranny

>have sex
The left cant meme and the left sure as hell cant insult.

Thank you. I still can’t believe they haven’t replaced him yet. They claim he is pulling in the 18-25 audience

That's literally the only insult they have. Since women are 1000 times more likely to be leftists due to their collectivist nature and wanting to fit in, these basedboys who literally don't have sex try and be a proxy for the women they white knight by saying that you don't get any holes. It's literally the most pathetic thing in the world even if done online and even if being ironic.

What's funny is that they are actually projecting their own incel behavior.

double dubs of blowing the fuck out of trannies

You complained about Stewart being too liberal back then, you disingenuous fag.

You're just as bad as Liberals who white wash Bush now that Trump has shown them new depths.

also funny because women are the easiest they have ever been
sex is fucking easy now., no effort.
Even s o y boy lefty fags are getting it these days... sure they have to share with their bull. but still.
Women are such whores now that you have to work to be an incel.


But seriously though, is that the most Jewish last name in existence?

>Remember when Jon Stewart DESTROYED Tucker Carlson’s career!

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I think most of us were on the Jon Leibowitz Stewart side at the time, back when America Invaded Iraq, had very retarded and vocal religious fundies and a conservative party hell bent on banning vidya

The problem is that there has been a shift in retarded ideas to the left, and reasonable people (like trump) have shifted closer to the center right while Jon and the old guard of the libs have gone further and further to the left.

But Jon is pretty based still, 100 times better than current year friend

Colbert Report was better

>”I’ve been found out”

He doesn't care about the event itself and how its used to rile up "patriotism" but rather the compensation of the first responders. Its almost like there's nuance in these situations!

He didn't even say anything about his ideology, he just called him a jackass over and over again.

It was pretty juvenile honestly.

>Has better ratings than CNN and MSNBC combined

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Funny thing is lefty women still fuck right wing chads because they deep down want to be put in their place. Feminism is a world wide shit test. Why do you think these women will cry out for "women's rights" one day and then want you to choke them and call them a slut in bed? They are gaming the system to get even more free shit. Western women are the most privileged people to ever exist and they still want more. I wonder why none of them talk about trying to free women from muslim countries but cry about shit like mansplaining. Leftists are literal certified mentally retarded.

it's fucking sad that people like this think that having sex gives them any worth. tons of us here do have sex, we just don't talk about it all the fucking time because we're not interested in dumb normie shit like that

if it's so easy how come you spend all your time here complaining about inconsequential shit like movies instead of getting laid?

B-but getting laid means I'm an adult now :(

Stewart was the downfall of liberalism. Correctly diagnosed everything that was wrong with the Bush Administration, but then when Obama came around it was just "What do you mean Obamacare won't work?", "What do you mean bombing Libya is short-sighted?", "What do you mean people are sick of immigration and free trade?" in the most smug, arrogant way possible.

I can smell the onions dripping of of this post. Seriously, have sex man, it's not that hard.
Pro tip: defending women online doesn't get you laid.

You complained that there wen't enough dicks in your mouth and ass now that you are riddled with HIV and every STD under the sun you make generalizations about anonymous posters without providing any reasonable argument to their post.

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He's a leftist and/or a tranny. Logic is long past possible for xir type of mental midget.



this is objectively correct opinion

I don't want to have sex. I was born into a fucked up family that is in the Knights Templar (Knights of Columbus) on one side, and Freemasonry on the other side.

Both cults are essentially the same and although they will shill and say it's all for brotherly love or some faggot shit like that, in reality, the cults are just a way to keep the devil(s) alive on earth in new bodies.

The way they collect bodies varies.. They do this through buying souls and killing anyone dumb enough to join the cult - possessing their corpses and living in them indefinitely until they die - stealing a life.

They also use sacrifices to keep their zombies alive longer, and child sacrifices so that a demon can come back and live as a child - sick shit.

Out of a family of five, my father is a devil puppeteered by Satan, and my older sister and mother are devils puppeteered by the antichrist; my younger sister and I are the only people alive in our household.

We were made sure to be raised as atheists growing up, told not to believe, and when I became a Muslim, I was thrown out of the house, and they tried to kill me in a hospital (list actually goes on lol).

These niggas are probably the sole reason why Hell exists.

Trevor is slowly improving but he simply lacks the natural talent Stewart has for hosting, joking and feeling the room. It has hard to describe but Stewart was always in-sync with the show's ebb and flow. In comparison, Trevor is frequently struggling.

He did give him a mean fucking knock out punch though, The Tuck's career didn't recover for a good while.


i liked that the guests he had at the end of episodes were usually authors so he was promoting intellectualism. cant say the same about the south african.

>mfw browsing Yea Forums and i see this thread

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zoomer alert

Downfall? I mean what you said wasn't wrong but that was their plan all along. It was betting that they would just get away with being hypocrites because the majority of the media has a liberal bias. He by no means was the architect of it just another user of their resources hoping the people would never question his "objectivity". It turns out that most people even bias as they are don't like liars. I don't know if this trend will continue with the zoomers who seem to not mind as much a victory via cheating and care more about a win being a win, tainted or not.

>clip of someone saying something that goes against conventional bugman wisdom
>cut to jon stewart making a goofy face
holy shit that’s what I call comedy

This comment is funnier than the entirety of Trevor’s stint on the daily show

You need to cool it on the ownage user. That guy might just join the 40%.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's pulling in the urban liberal and black audience but that's about it.

>>clip of someone saying something that goes against conventional bugman wisdom
>this is how boomers imagine the daily show was like without having ever watched it
keksimus maximus

>people who take risks to save innocent lives should never be shown solidarity
ok user, after the cops shoot the niggers that were about to mug and ass-rape you, be sure to tell them that they don't deserve health care for taking such a risk

>can't detect sarcasm
>can't place things into context
So do you actually believe Crowder thinks using the word autistic is offensive or are you just being a dishonest weasel?

He's a dumb leftist probably shitskin nigger who has a lower iq than yours. He doesn't do white things like "thinking."

What's the jewiest way to not get sued for libel with your political commentary? Call it comedy, who cares if it's funny?

His opinions were on stage every epsiode you fuckwit. Way to prove you didn't watch his show.

The only people I know who watch him are either 40+ year old progressives, or they're black.

Shit, meant for

aka the majority of the population and economic power of the country. also the most educated.

I watch or listen to Tucker every night, but I remember rewatching that YouTube video in the seventh grade and seeing Jon Stewart masterfully own him again and again and again. For like a decade after that appearance Tucker was a walking punchline. It had a serious effect on him and his career, I have to admit. Only after he ditched the bow-tie, the Republican party, and libertarianism did he BEGIN to rebuild a name for himself. The entire time Obama was in office, Tucker was a non-entity, and Jon Stewart was significantly responsible

To this day I still don't think Tucker does well in these one-on-one spur of the moment debates. He's better in monologues and reporting

SJWs would be so triggered if he came back on

Everybody laugh at this stupid faggot who values "education" over IQ. You are such a useful idiot man, like seriously. It's fucking embarrassing how little you know in 2019 with all knowledge just a click away.

Looking back, he wasn't even funny. It was just pure Bush era liberal snark.

People complain that his replacement isn't as good or that Steven Colbert has lost his charm, but in reality they are the exact same thing. It's just that their content is stale.

In the mid to late 2000's Jon could convince you that Washington was insane and that the US, left and right, could find a consensus and remend their differences. Now it just looks like propaganda, since reconciliation is now inconceivable.

literal propagandist

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Remember when Occupy Wall Street was going on and Jon Stewart mocked and downplayed it at every turn? I wonder why he did that? I wonder why Black Lives Matter and the real heavy wave of SJWism really seemed to kick off and sabotage that entire movement as well. It's just all so strange.

>To this day I still don't think Tucker does well in these one-on-one spur of the moment debates
He did well against the fat guy from the young turks

Remember the time that John Liebowitz debated Orly and got exposed as a literal hack and fell back on the
>d-dude its just c-comedy

>urban liberals
lmao. You call the liberal arts and humanities in general to be education? Also saying blacks are educated, holy shit nigger what are you on.
>economic power
Yeah blacks, faggots, and hipsters represent the majority of the economic power right? Fucking idiot.

Picking on mental retards isn't impressive. If you actually agree with cenk on anything you are just a fucking brainlet plain and simple, full stop. A complete fucking paint eater.

He did kind of own tucker you gotta admit. On top of that he had good banter and the audience ate it up.

guessing reading comprehension isn't your strength?

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It's his go to defense.

He resorted to ad hominems while decrying Tucker for doing the same exact shit as he does. He didn't win shit.

Its funny how fast the "I love america!" charade fades from these types of media jews the second things start not going their way

Liebowitz showing up on some other jewish TV network to yell at americans exercising their right to vote will go down as one of the few times in recent history where the chosen people came out from behind the curtain and gave us a glimpse about how they really feel about us

fucking libtards and their benefits for 9/11 responders

this is poor bait

I miss Stewart. Nobody after him comes close to being as good as he was, and none of them even attempt to go after shitty journalists and news networks like he did. All the people after him are afraid to make fun of places link CNN being stupid.

t. non-American

What kind of glasses do you wear?

based and fuck jewish people

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But Jon isn't much better. He relied on the fact that he was a comedian and could get away with just calling people stupid for not agreeing with him and get a hysterical, standing ovation from his audience. He could just make a sarcastic look on his face and do some conservative parody and everyone would considered that being a debate ender because "why would you even take a conservative seriously, they are stupid haha look at them trying to have a serious conversation with that witty comedian how dumb".

That type of snarky bullshit wouldn't go well on a formal debate or even with an audience that isn't friendly to him.

if only there was some sort of giant "rich" progressive city where those first responders worked who could pay them their benefits for doing their job!

stewart was just as bad
Thats why he never went hard on Onigger and even went as far as to give him fluff interviews on the show


Yet incels always chimp out if you name them. Weird....

if you had sex you'd be less obsessive about jews

I don't think we disagree. I was just pointing out that only shitskins and sub 110 iq niglets watch shit like the young turks.

Never even said that. Why are you so butthurt over fake quotes?

>publicans r bad ha ha ha

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this but unironically

>what did he lie about
at this point it's easier to just ask what he didn't lie about.

omg so much this
amirite fellow epic 4channel users?

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he's funny off the show, the writers blow and they don't have stewart to tell them they're shit

>this whole post
why does Yea Forums attract these types of people

Why is your iq lower than mine? Some questions just don't have answers user.

Tucker could take him in a rematch now

This. Regardless of what you think about Colbert now, he is way more naturally talented than Jon Stewart.


>Tucker could take him in a rematch now
Stewart is way quick minded than Tucker, and Tucker still can be pushed to yelling emotionally.

Tucker is in a really good place right now, he'd never accept a talk with Stewart. Why would he?

t. low test soiguzzler who defends women online and literally doesn't have sex as much as me

Rent free

watches contrapoints

I don't watch ContraPoints. I read instead.

If you think gender is real you deserve to hang and don't believe in biology. You should go watch him, he's good for brainlets like you who defend trannies online and never have sex.

>I get all my info from /pol/

>political humor

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>I get my info from vox, buzzfeed, msnbc, cnn, daily beast, and vice
Literally fucking imagine being this stupid in the age of the internet.

that's the quintessential 4channer though
reddit is just normies

i was a teenager during the height of the daily shows popularity during the bush era and i knew it was insufferable bullshit from the get go. although i was no fan of bush or the war at that time either. i dont think ive ever seen a single episode

i also got into Yea Forums heavily at that time and in a way i think that may have steered me away from that kind of bullshit that so many others my age fell for

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The fuck are you going on about

it just means your iq is higher than 110, only retards seriously watch this shit

You literally get your news from cable television. There's nothing that can be done for you, you're lost.

Hey I noticed your comment is incorrect. Only dum dum right wing videos use the term destroyed

who said I get my news from cable television you dumb fuck?

Okay so where do you get it from? Buzzfeed? Where do you usually get your news from brainlet?

Yo I straight up stopped reading this halfway through. You literally know nothing about being a chad. How dare you speak for us.

We don’t represent any political group. We simply represent people between 6 feet and above. Now get lost virgin scum

The United States is in the dangerous position of no longer being a respected super power. He bailed before this happened, securing his place in history as an obnoxious centrist.

reuters and the associated press mostly
npr does some great interviews as well

People will repsect the US and its politics as long as they have to rely on them

>It's all they have.
Really? Just the last two years alone has been a GOP shitshow of the highest autism from a Republican senator using memes to shit on abortion, to Trump talking about wind cancer, to Giuliani literally acting like a fucking cartoon. It's insane.Longstanding conservatives are even embarrassed by all of this.

Nobody forces you to stand in front of a camera and receive money, user.

Yikes at that strawman.
>only /pol/ infomarcos and Buzzfeed exist.

>we have better ratings
Why can't you mentally ill fags just pick a lane and stick with it?

Reminder Jon Leibowitz was roommates and is friends with pedo Anthony Weiner

And this is what is probably driving John Stewart to drink himself unconscious every night. Tucker Carlson rose from the ashes like a Phoenix and replaced him as the big fish of cable news. Meanwhile Stewart gave up his throne right before the lunatic left's biggest fight and if he doesn't hate himself for quitting before the election, all of his SJW friends hate him for bowing out and not being on deck to fight Trump. And HBO told him to fuck off and are basically paying him to do NOTHING because the shows he pitched to them kept getting rejected, even his cartoon furry themed Fox News parody.

>all this shitting on stewart
maybe there is hope after all.

There is literally nothing wrong with the man other than "he made comedy show about politics and me no like wahhh". The man has raised literal millions for all sorts of charities and you were programmed by a politics board to dislike him because of bizarre identity politics.

mutt faggot.

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EPIC, you sure showed me with FACTS and LOGIC there, Ben. I'm sure you won't chickenshit out of your next debate, huh?

That's not an argument, /pol/nigger.

You don’t own patriotism.

>There is literally nothing wrong with the man
Stewart is as intellectually dishonest as they come and only brain dead morons like you eat his shit up. Being that purposely insincere and disingenuous actually does more damage than the bold faced lying the news media does.

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>pedo Anthony Weiner

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I'm not seeing a real argument yet, just a lot of you bitching and moaning because you don't like the politics of a comedian, zoomer.

perfect use of onions face.

>Stewart is as intellectually dishonest as they come

You don't even know what this means.

>I still haven't figured out that literally everyone mocks /pol/niggers on this site

rent free

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>in a bait thread
nobody even mentions discord, trannies, leftypol or even liberals until some muttfaggot like yourself starts crying about them. You do understand that on some level, right? It's virtually always someone easily triggered like you.

the left can't meme

this, retards don't care about any of that though, they don't like anyone who's smarter than them, they're incredibly sensitive about it.

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that kind of claim's meaningless from someone who voluntarily gave their life over to a belief that they're being endlessly conspired against

rent free

cry more

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>acting surprised /pol2/ is shitting on a Jew

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You're a fucking joke to moderates as well, hoss.

But what you said is literally not an argument?

>also funny because women are the easiest they have ever been
>sex is fucking easy now., no effort.
This is just internet boasting. Meanwhile in the real world, there's a sex recession. Teens are having less sex now than they were at any point in the previous 30, maybe 40 years. Fewer people are having sex, and most of the people who do have sex are having less of it.


Maybe if you lived in the real world and not on the internet surrounded by porn and instagram posts from the top 1% of the sexual marketplace you'd know this.

>t. believer in "patriarchy," "racism" and "white supremacy"

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>seeing that Trump tweet calling Jim out by his real last name
>thinking to yourself ‘no fucking way’
>it’s actually real
God damn I love our president.


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I sincerely don't think you understand what "rent free" means. Rent free is needing to tell everyone in every thread about discord, trannies, dilation, the Jews, the blacks, why you dislike a comedian that hasn't been on television in almost half a decade...that's fucking rent free. I'm not going over to some "Trump is a zionist Jew puppet shill" thread over on /pol/ and crying about Correct the Record, you are HERE, unprovoked.

For no reason other than that nobody will offer you any sort of actual debate anywhere on this site that isn't just you being summarily BTFO by anyone with even a GED. Christ, even your Jewish uniform theory takes a google search a toddler can make to debunk.

Go to bed.

the super pissed libshits and basedfaces in this thread are killing me

>all the SEETHING replies to it
god jews hate being exposed

Attached: goose 2.jpg (720x467, 67K)

>racism isn't real
fucking wut?

rent free

What must mental illness feel like? Is it like constant tension?

And? He’s still a pedo you stupid faggot

You doin alright, champ??

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>racism is real!

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Are you honest to shit arguing that people can't be racist?

You blew it.

And no one actually just reads Reuters and AP, no matter how many people say they do. Everyone supplements them with something more obviously partisan, as you do with NPR.

lmao i've never had some many (you)s in such a short period of time. Don't insult the liberal god john stewart hahahah

these are the 3 biggest lies, but there are many more

There's nothing wrong with NPR, faggot.

He is the entire reason news media became entertainment.
I mean he went from making fun of the media to literally creating fake news. He is probably ashamed of himself and cry himself to sleep for creating this mess.

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rent free

His name is Jon Liebowitz and his brother is a Wall Street scumbag.

The powers that be lied to support personnel and told them it was safe. FEMA and local government reps, so yes, they deserve to be sued for not providing respirators with oxygen tanks to volunteers.

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Do you want some rebbit gold now or something?

Give a single example of Stewart creating "muh fake news" and reporting it as truth.

Carlos Maza is a lispy queer

the only way jon stewart could trigger polcels any harder was if he came out as trans

Tucker got shown out by some old fucker on the BBC

>no one actually just reads Reuters and AP, no matter how many people say they do
That dismissal logic is as asinine as saying that "people just choose not to believe in Jesus".

never underestimate just how retardedly contrarian a polnigger can be

Rightfully so, Tucker had a literal bitch fit on air because he wanted scripted questions but they weren't fucking having it and he got all pissy about being flatout wrong about the very thing he went on air to discuss.

The transformation from ironic show making fun of the media for being shit, to a fake news show was so slow nobody even realized it when it became just propaganda.

I think at some point they forgot they were not real journalists.

>Stewart was the downfall of liberalism. Correctly diagnosed everything that was wrong with the Bush Administration, but then when Obama came around it was just "What do you mean Obamacare won't work?", "What do you mean bombing Libya is short-sighted?", "What do you mean people are sick of immigration and free trade?" in the most smug, arrogant way possible.

This is a valid critique.

>Remember when Occupy Wall Street was going on and Jon Stewart mocked and downplayed it at every turn?
His family works on Wall Street, as well as many of his friends from Lawrenceville HS, NJ. He also lied about bartending at City Gardens in Trenton, NJ, total fraud in the end.

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go to bed tucker

>muh propaganda
user, just saying things without evidence doesn't make it magically true because your feefees want it to.

>what did he lie about
I got you bro, but I don't expect you will reply

>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Sessions did nothing
>Pedogate has vanished
>Assange has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>almost fifteen minutes later and nobody has answered this

pol btfo

It's like kicking a retarded kid, there's no effort in doing that.

polcels dont debate, they smear shit every where and run away claiming victory

Um, excuse me sweaty. It's 2019, we don't use the "N" word around here.

you mad bro?
Have some sex.

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Brainlets and social retards love liberal politics.
It lets them cope with all their other failings and allows academic and wannabe artist types to get back at normal people whom they feel are below them. Revenge of the nerds type shit.

People with actual passions in life don't care about this inane trash. Just live your life you fucking losers.

Tell me what constitutes a liberal politic or policy that you dislike? Or is this one of those "I just don't know what words mean" and you're from a theocratic Muslim state?

if he still hosted the daily show drumpf wouldn't be elected.


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It's not hypocritical to call out Republicans for their baseless shibboleths to rally the base when it's voting time and then completely disregard things when they're elected. Stewart's been talking about the "first responders bill" a decade if not longer

You’re on to something here


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Yep, he's a more than decent man who has achieved more and had a greater influence on this planet than any faggot in this thread.

But, of course, everything these days circles back to politics.

>pedogate has vanished
did magapedes actually expect him to do something about pedogate when he fucks he has clearly molested his daughter?

Yeah, fuck him for wanting first responders to actually get proper healthcare. It's almost as if he cares about real human beings

>t. guy who hangs out on a website where people spend their days hating niggers


Trevor Noah is just a fucking disgrace to this show now.

Looks like those clowns in Congress did it again. What a bunch of clowns.


>Crime 'reform' bill

But that was actually one of the few good things he's done.

eww no
What fucking drugs are you on?
He is heavy-handed, doesn't know the meaning of subtlety, and he can barely talk with the left-wing's balls in his mouth
Stewart at least focused on being funny, Noah just straight up wants to suck democrat dick first and entertaining comes second to him.
To be fair I do feel a lot of the problems with the show are the writers, but be that as it may I have stopped watching since Noah's first month.

trash host for a trash show in a trash thread

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I want you faggots to get out of this "if I generalize things, it's an argument" mode. Why don't you explain literally anything you believe? Saying "he is heavy-handed" doesn't mean anything.

It means he lacks subtlety, you idiot.
John Stewart put the joke and being funny first, Trevor Noah is literally Mr. ORANGE MAN BAD LET ME IMITATE HIS VOICE HURR HURR HURRR FUUNNN AY
Do I need to draw you a picture?
Maybe that's why you like Noah, you like your comedians to just hit you in the face with the joke and explain it to you, you don't want to figure it out on your own.

keep making this thread

>Jon Stewart’s (Leibowitz) brother, Lawrence was the CEO of the NYSE.

Posting superior Daily Show host

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>Look at me, I am a comedy intellectual

>It means he lacks subtlety, you idiot.
Again, that's not really SAYING something. That's just some vague platitude without any meaning. I'm asking you to use that aspie brain and explain.

Trump is quite literally a bad President though.

It's okay child, nothing existed before you were born. Keep playing with your pokemons.


He is, cope.

Ok well that's an opinion, good, but don't put that before entertaining and being funny.
Trump does so much dumb shit that it should be a fucking gold mine and still Noah can't make me laugh. Sad!
I always wonder and imagine what Stewart could have done with this material.

Liberal politics, the colloquial use of it in the US. Not classic liberalism you try hard monkey.

>I wonder what Stewart would have done with the material
I'll give you that, Noah isn't as creative. John Oliver is more where the in-depth comedic criticisms are.
>that's an opinion that he's a bad President
The guy doesn't even know what NAFTA is/does.

Trevor noah to me comes off as a school kid making fun of his teacher or the school principal when he talks about Trump.
He's certainly more juvenile than stewart.
Stewart had class.

He was a literal propagandist.
He would go to Washington and be told what to say on his program, often meeting with Obama himself

I noticed you didn't answer my question though.

he is crying because he used to believe his lies were for the greater good. now he just sees them as incompetent crooked fools.

>this is what /pol/tards actually believe

It's a literal fact

Except it isn't.

Well riddle me this.
He's working on the fund to help 9/11 rescue workers, I mean, how the fuck can you even considering saying no to that?
What kind of retarded heartless shithead denies 9/11 responders funding to help pay for medical costs that resulted from putting their lives on the line in 2001?
Pic related. How does anyone vote for this dumbass at all?

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5 more years

Because someone remotely liberal wants to do it. These people are partisans, user. They are ideologically bankrupt. Not consistent.

>This isn't YOUR country anymore white people
what did he mean by this?

It's funny how he literally didn't say that.

>I mean, how the fuck can you even considering saying no to that?
There has to be some lie in what he is saying, some bigger game. He was always an anti-white, anti-christian, anti-american liberal who mocked anyone who cared about 9/11, why the heelturn?
Or maybe he wants to introduce a "Free healthcare for first responders" law that actually legalizes 10 million mexicans or trans rights or some other garbage
>Pic related.
Turtleman is a neocon loser, and nobody likes him, not even other neocons

He knows jews did 9/11 and is trying to distract from it by donating his jewish money

Wow I wonder who could be repeatedly making threads like this every day about a washed out propagandist just before a big election.....

>Turtleman is a neocon loser, and nobody likes him, not even other neocons

Jon literally said, and I quote, “You. Own. Nothing. Goyim.”
If that doesn’t convey to you the exact same attempt to dispossess the heirs of America from the nation their ancestors left them, you might be willfully obstinate

Who cares if Trump wins?
Oh no, the guy legalizing millions of Mexicans, importing millions of bantu Africans and muslims and putting hem in the whitest states like Maine, not building a wall and starting a war with Iran will have a BLUE tie instead of RED! How horrible!

>Changes name so nobody knows hes jewish
>Wants open borders
>"This isn't your country anymore"
what did he mean by all 3 of these?

The election isn’t for a year and a half, wtf

> islam bad

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>There has to be some lie in what he is saying, some bigger game.
Do you know what "working backwards from evidence" means you retard?

Conservatives are literally braindead morons who vote against their best interests. You're on here conversing with them in this very thread. It's plain to see.

>not sucking Islamic dick

Does he really support open borders? I have trouble believing that as only genuine retards (< 70 IQ) think open borders is a good idea, and I’d be surprised if Jon Stewart was clinically retarded

>DUDE vote for the fuck white people party you will make slightly more money each year while they continue to purposely make you a minority

Oh fuck off, you know that wasn't the context of his speech. Why don't you quote it you absolutely stupid cunt?
>I'm owed the achievements of my ancestors
That's literally against every conservative intellectual and American conservative social belief of the last century, how do you not get that you're eating away at your own ideological stances for your special brand of identity politics and /pol/ gibs?

It was the House which is controlled by the dems. Despite their posturing, they're not much interested in doing good things unless they get rewarded for it either.

brown/gay/jewish/nigger/woman identity politics GOOD
white identity politics BAD

>funny how not a single running Democrat has ever said "fuck whites" in any meaningful way
Let me guess, is it a white genocide too?

Case in point. They're completely beyond the realm of having normal conversations, having fried their brain obsessing daily about weird internet memes.

The House literally proposed an extension. Why are you people completely devoid of the truth?


Well shit, serves me right for not paying attention. Don't blame /pol/ for my dumbass, though. I'm a reluctant dem.

The house is expected to pass the bill. Mitch on the other hand is barely interested in passing anything in the senate unless it's life time appointments of barely competent people hard right ideologue judges.

user, I've never even heard of this fucker. Why is it that every single Trump tweet gets to be "a joke" but some literal who is some evidence of an anti-white, anti-male coalition to destroy you if he makes an off the cuff joke?

that was a CNN show tho

>say stupid and factually wrong thing
>probably posts it constantly to "own the libs"
>doesn't look it up
>"uhhh well I don't pay attention"
It's called being misinformed. Which you are.

We need to kill all wypipo because I'm a fat balding socialist that hates themselves and their dad

These are so odd strawmen, nobody has probably ever said this to you, anywhere.

its not a strawman its literally all socialists

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This is the post of a defeated shitposter. Notice the poster count didn't go up, either.

I mean, it literally is a strawman. I can say that and not defend socialists you know, user. I'm not sure you know what a strawman is. It's like me thinking all conservatives are retarded, fat and fucking their cousin.

Yea I get it you hate white people and yourself I don't so I'm not voting for the fuck white people party sorry tranny

lmao sad

>everyone who criticizes me is a tranny
the "muh tranny" posting is really a zoomer hallmark, truly. I bet you think they "raid" Yea Forums too.

Steven colbert now gets double the ratings than tucker Carlson. It's the new propaganda disguised as comedy.

>a lukewarm late night comedy show gets more ratings than some Fox talking head that nobody has ever really fucking liked
Yeah, truly propeeegander there.

run away tranny you wont turn Yea Forums into another leftoid tranny den

>he thinks anybody here cares about his vote
Haha $20 this neet loser isn't even registered.

... It was absolutely context of his diatribe. Did you watch it? I did, and your distortion holds no water
>>I'm owed the achievements of my ancestors
>That's literally against every conservative intellectual and American conservative social belief of the last century
I have no idea what you’re talking about, but inheritance is a key component of every single advanced society in the entire world, so yes, we completely and unambiguously recognize a distinct claim that people have a right to pass the fruits of their labor on to their heirs. I don’t know how to even converse with you about the most foundational elements of politics if you can’t recognize this basic, inescapable fact

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>Doesn't know about the Daily Show selective editing.
Are being obtuse on purpose?. They admit that they edit the interviews and answers of their guests. Jim Jeffries didn't invent that shit.

This is by the way his response to being accused of lying. "No, you lie more than me bro but i can beat you in lying though"


>all those /r9k/ tier buzzwords
he definitely mad

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the "fruits of labor" aren't tangential because of your skin color, for fuck's sake, that's the entire mantra you people make against affirmative action.

Are you baiting me?

you literally invented a url, Jesus Christ you fucking sperg.

>I didn't get the joke about the "lie off"
Are /pol/niggers unironically this low IQ? Nobody is seriously this bafflingly stupid, right?

>This will never be a white country again
I didn't get this joke

>still no single example of him creating "fake news"
It's been hours now, I'm going to chalk it up to that there aren't any examples.

>the "fruits of labor" aren't tangential because of your skin color, for fuck's sake
This not only doesn’t relate remotely to what I said, it’s not even coherent. Are you having trouble using multi-syllable words correctly?
Anyway, the sentiment is not about skin color, it’s about culture and societal contributions. I would rather have a pitch black Nigerian Igbo immigrant with a doctorate who believes in America’s values than a white Mexican borderhopper who doesn’t speak English and whose family will be a net drain on our treasury for a half-dozen generations
Wake up, punchy

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>This not only doesn’t relate remotely to what I said, it’s not even coherent.
Is English not your first language or something? Do you need me to explain what "tangential" means? Your fruits of labor, that you achieve, is not in any way/shape/form tangential to your race...positive or negative, that's what your ideologues literally think and feel about it. I'm not sure what's difficult for you to fucking grasp. Are you on opiates?
>the sentiment is not about skin color, it’s about culture and societal contributions.
Who gives a shit? What have YOU personally contributed? You aren't owed someone else's success you contradictory /pol/faggot.

Go back to your hypocritical swamp where gibs only matter if you benefit from them or kill yourself for not understanding basic logic. Disgusting subhuman mutt.

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>cries about "muh culture"
>while actively either destroys it or does nothing
based retard.

Tangential means: relating to or along a tangent.
Your fruits of labor are not relating to your race. Which again, is something your camp literally believes.

Are you unironically on the spectrum?

I literally have no idea what you’re inarticulate ass is trying to say
>What have YOU personally contributed?
I’m an attorney who pays close to $20K per year in federal income tax. I have a vested interest in keeping out uneducated dregs who will beget generations of welfare leeches and be net drains on the society essentially in perpetuity

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>I literally have no idea what you’re inarticulate ass is trying to say
Because you're illiterate? I don't know. Nothing in anything I have written to you has been grammatically incorrect. I think you're high.
>I’m an attorney who pays close to $20K per year in federal income tax.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what does that translate to? in reality-vision? Do you frequent a lawyer AMA subreddit?

>he doesn't know that the highest net drain on resources, are native citizens in Red districts with lax regulation on welfare acceptance

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link to where he said that? you own nothing goyim etc

He doesn't say "goyim" at the end, if memory serves.

Congratulations, you not only don’t know what ‘tangential’ means, you’re also apparently quite mentally ill
>AHAHAHA what does that translate to? in reality-vision?
Not all of us are as useless as you, user. Stay rekt

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>you don't know what "tangential" means
What in the literal fucking shit is wrong with your brain? I said your fruits of labor are NOT TANGENTIAL to your race, because that is quite literally, verbatim what conservatives have been preaching for over a century. My fucking lord, how retarded are you?

Also, we've seen pic related before, with the dates changed. It's not an old meme, it doesn't check out.

>of, relating to, or of the nature of a tangent

> i knew it was insufferable bullshit from the get go.
> i dont think ive ever seen a single episode

>the "fruits of labor" aren't tangential because of your skin color, for fuck's sake
This is what you said and it is inarguably gibberish. To this very moment, I have no idea what you’re talking about
>we've seen pic related before, with the dates changed
Are you literally accusing me of photoshopping this right now? LMAO

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user, anyone can just get a google image of a bar exam...

It’s time stamped, doofus

>a five year old couldn't shop that
a handful of /pol/nigger crossposters do this whole "I'm an attorney" shtick everytime the thread is going to end.

>imagine being an attorney who goes onto Yea Forums to complain about the death of the white race and act like a spergy /pol/tard because he stumbled into a Jon Stewart thread

II'll always hate Stewart for spawning this shit

>success does not have a "slight or indirect connection" to race
Why was this hard for you to understand? I'm genuinely asking.